Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641678-Final-Fantasy-Chronicle-of-Ultima-CH6
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1641678
part Six, my favorite prt. Stuff changes a lot at this part, but it also answers things.
-Chapter Six-

Ominously the thoughts that carried her through the dark were not of anything she has ever heard before. The darkness and its insane panorama forced her to blackout and recede into the farthest nether-regions of her mind, into her twilight. She couldn’t feel for what felt like hours, she couldn’t see anything for a long while, the taste of blood made her cringe and the smell of rotting flesh consumed her. She grimly looked up, the position she was in was excruciatingly painful. Her eyes slightly opened in the strange realm of white. She peered forth into the lights that surrounded her, around her were white roses and petals that all over the place, she was about to try to stand when she realized she was already, or was she? She peered at her arms empty mindedly; they were bounded to the wall by powerful thorny vines of a larger rose that lay not to far from the rosy patch, she started to become more awake and her vision cleared even more. She looked forward again. Moreover, nearly hoped out her pants when she suddenly came face to face with her reflection on a mirror, it was worn and faded into the roses. She stared dazed at the figure in the mirror, she couldn’t quite place it but something was wrong with the image in the mirror . . . it was herself but . . .
She did not take the time to take it in, instead she tried to free herself, she wriggled around and pushed herself forward, just then realizing her feet was bound, and she started to panic instantly. She tried to pull an arm free but her face wrenched in pain as a thorn sliced her wrist open. She marveled at the blood, literally dripping like a leaky faucet; it stopped but the liquid was absorbed into the wall or stone behind her. She lifted her head back and stared forward, her face meeting the face of her reflection, it took a second but then it registered. Her reflection was much more of a dark Xjrn than she was. The black hair, the blacked out eyes with the red slits. The tan skin and the black nails. Nevertheless, it was her, there was no doubt about it. The features were too identical. Then a thought passed by, where was she? Although she was missing the scales… Xjrn observed herself. Wait what happened to her scales?

What was this place?

“Where am I?” Her thoughts echoed loudly enough to hurt her head, and then there was some strange voice in the background. As soon as her thoughts echoed away, it vanished with it as well. However, she couldn’t make it out no matter how hard she tried.

“Hello?” she called out, there was an echo, and that voice again. “Is anybody there?” as if a singer of a song and a choir repeating the words, the echoes and voices came and then slowly vanished.

She looked forward and thought, the loud echoes following and then the sudden voice. “Why am I . . . here.” she looked into her reflection. “What’s with my reflection? Do I really look so tainted? How can something that cold be me?”

Suddenly there was no voice, but the echo came, then there was an elapse of sound and then the voice came late, What’s with my reflection? Do I really look so joyous? How can something that warm be myself? Xjrn’s eyes widened she looked back at the Mirror after hearing this. “No . . . you can’t be me, I’m not evil, I am kind, I am generous, I am a good person! I would never hurt anyone! And . . .” quickly it was followed with No. . . This can’t be me, I am of chaos, I am destruction, I am merciless, I am tainted. I would kill them all if I could . . .”
“No!” Xjrn screamed and tried to free herself. She thrashed about trying to free herself from the binds that held her. She looked up at her reflection nearly ready to scream at it, curse it for all it is worth . . . but her reflection wasn’t looking back at her. She stared with confusion and fright as the figure in the mirror slowly lifted her head, those dark black eyes and the red slits told Xjrn to run, “In the pleasure of the dark, I am the true heir, the daughter of the Lusrenda. How are you . . . Sister?” suddenly said the figure. Xjrn’s face grew paler and her eyes widened in despair she let out scream of insanity as her pupils suddenly ravaged with light and she threw all her strength forward. The vines snapped on her left arm she fell forward, not hitting the ground but hanging, she threw all her force one way and then ripped her other arm out there binds. She knew what was going to happen, but didn’t know that it would lead to this; as gravity took effect she fell into the floor as if it had become soft liquid she fought to be released from the dark water, until she heard something.


Suddenly the young girl threw herself out of bed, Kilik grabbed her and studied her face, “By the . . . Are you okay? You were screaming and kicking and I thought something had attacked you.” Xjrn wasn’t fully there. Her mind still daunting on what had just occurred. The precocious emblems of lights caused dizziness, made her lean over, and cover her face with her hands. “Xjrn?” Kilik said. “Are you okay, what happened?” A monster of herself had just told her she was the absolute darkness, that’s what happened. “I can’t say,” she said trembling, “My mind is being ripped apart. The heir, the pain . . .” Kilik bit her lip, what happened to Xjrn? “Let me go find a nurse and get you some water.” She said turning, Xjrn felt her heart burst and she quickly rotated, grabbing Kilik by the waist and clinging onto her, “No! Please! You mustn’t leave me, please Kilik don’t leave!” Kilik’s eyes widened in fear, for Xjrn of course. Xjrn was not just scared, she was traumatized. Shivered and reached out, “Xjrn. I will be right back! I’ll go get the doctor, don’t worry everything’s alright!” Xjrn grabbed her head in sudden paranoia, “No, it’s not alright! You don’t understand! I can’t be alone!” Kilik stood and ran to the door, hearing Xjrn screaming for her to stay. Even as she slammed the door behind her, the sound of clawing at the walls soon followed. She had to find the doctor, something was indeed wrong with Xjrn’s head. She happened to turn the corner when suddenly a sight forced her to stop and gawk straight ahead, the black clouds had spread far over Rubanutre, and shards of lightning rained down on the city, catching a house on fire, and one hitting a person. Kilik took a step forward, then it happened, suddenly thousands of strange metal crafts rained from the clouds, flaming spheres and explosions rocked the castle itself, then the sudden tremble of the sky sent an echo as a large Airship slowly descended to the ground. Knights came running, and people panicked. She grabbed her sword and looked on.
Xjrn was hoping it was still the dream. She sat on the bed now, curled up in her covers staring out the window as explosions rocked the castle and Aircrafts rained from the sky and onto the city.

“You can’t escape me . . . “

Said a voice, her eyes widened, and she looked around slowly, she peered back and forth. She then rested on the mirror of the dresser, her eyes studied her reflection for a second, then it hit her, there were no covers on the girl sitting by the bed, and she was back facing the bed, not sitting in it. Then the women slowly turned and smiled malevolently. Xjrn screamed and hopped out her bed and ran to the door, the lock; the damn fools locked it. She scratched at it and tried to scream for someone, anyone. Then she heard it, it sounded like a heartbeat. She looked back at the mirror slowly and pressed the reverse surface, it expelled like water. Xjrn cringed and looked around; she grabbed her sword and raised it to the figure as she ripped herself from the realm beyond the mirror.
The being slowly stood, bare, her bluish skin gleaming in the light. “Ah, it feels good to be born into the realm of the Light.” She said coyly. She looked over to Xjrn. Then with a snap of a finger, dark armor appeared around the dark clone of hers’. “Well, well, well, this place is too small for a battle.” she said then suddenly with a flip of her hair the entire area blurred and they appeared in the quiet center of the grand hall. Xjrn looked around, what just happened? Is she controlling reality . . . or just her and Xjrn in general.

Who are you?” Xjrn said in fear. “What do you want? Leave me alone!”

“Me?” Started the girl, “I Am Nrjx.” she smiled wickedly, “The Advent of the Lusrenda.” there was a long pause of silence, as the two stared at each other. One with a wicked grin and the other in speechless awe. Standing before her right now, was the leader of all chaos, the one to toss down the rest of Ivandel to the Empire. She could sense the intensions of this malevolence; she braved, steeled her soul and raised her blade. “I cannot let you live!” her voice trembled with the pulse of adrenaline.
“Ah, so you wish to kill me now? Begotten what you seek, you will never be able to conquer what is high above you.” She smiled and placed a hand on her hip sidestepping to face the shielded arm at the girl, the blade arched perfectly to the side. A well suited stance for combat, if not one of the best this world could offer. However, Xjrn was unable to understand how skillful this dark knight may be at fighting; to her it was a ruse. She planted herself firmly.
“You will kill many if I don’t stop you!” she muttered.
“I will, won’t I?” the dark one countered.

Kilik traveled the halls in search of something, or someone. Xjrn needed her help. She wasn’t to give in soon. Not yet, she must fight for her friend if she must. She descended flights of stairs, it felt almost unending. The people screamed and ran past her; she almost tripped as she pushed past most of them.
Suddenly something happened that tossed Shockwave throughout the entire Fortress, a large Bomb or Projectile of some form smashed directly in front of her, the entire stairwell started to shake, the people who could not keep their balance simply fell. Some of course to their deaths. Kilik gripped the stair’s railings as the side of the palace Stairs started to crash through the glass; it spun snapping off its hinges, ranking thousands of shards into the air. From afar, it looks like a long rope unraveling from a spinning top or a cotton feeder on a Cotton spinner. Kilik hanged on for dear life as it began to crash into the ground, the impact so strong it tossed her into the air and sent her falling into the trees. She fell until a branch caught her. She shook to wear off the sudden daze, peering forward to see men fighting in armor and uniforms.
Unable to tell friend from foe she fell from the tree, hitting the ground and quickly rolling to small-secluded corner. She looked back and forth, “What to do, Xjrn needs my help and I’m--” She paused as a large bird-like creature flew above; it was an Avion, not just any Avion. It was Elliot. “Elliot!” She yelled kicking off the ground and into the open, a mindless move, but the Avion shot its head back dipping down, a mount of solders fighting had to dive out the way as suddenly the Avion smashed through them and grabbed the young girl and carried her up to the sky. “Kay.” she started, “I know I can’t hear you but we have to find Vrekscha!” Elliot Nodded and rotated, the thought of Xjrn passing his mind, but he had no recollection of it.

The two circled each other in a dance of shining metal. Xjrn gritting her teeth with seething adrenaline and hatred for the person in front of her. She stopped and lunged; swinging her blade with a ragged vertical fall. It was parried as Nrjx raised her shield and knocked it away, swung her sword a delicate swipe, slitting Xjrn’s cheek. She giggled as precious red wine soon emptied afterward. “You must hasten yourself.” she said tauntingly. Xjrn flushed with annoyance, pulling back to wipe the blood from her cheek and swinging a much faster but messier attack, it missed as Nrjx stepped back and watched the blade fly by then stepped forward and kicked the young girl hard in the side, Xjrn doubled over, and tumbled back and onto her feet. “Pathetic, this forestay my Light?” the girl said mocking Xjrn’s poor tactical skills in combat. This brought even more anger, and then soon Nrjx found herself being Slashed at not once, not twice, but four times. The first a crashing vertical smash, then a rising, then oblique which then entered a spin to a Horizontal. None of which were flashy or well pulled off.
There was an echo of laughter as Nrjx simply raised her shield; parrying one, spinning to avoid the other, then a delicate step to a evade the third, another parry, and then a quick rotation. Xjrn found a large shield flying toward her face and then it slammed into her so hard it lifted her off the ground and sent her flying back. She landed on her feet but then felt her stomach crunch inward as the dark one slammed her foot into her gut. Then quickly, there was a rapid motion as she threw all her momentum into that foot and jacked a fast flip that sent a fast kick at Xjrn’s face, which knocked her into a flip herself. The girl landed on her feet while Xjrn slammed into the floor and rolled a couple of times. “My, you are dull with fighting, be it the fact you can’t even swing a sword correctly.” she walked up, “Come,” she said her eyes widening with insanity, “Show me your power, girl.” Xjrn slowly started to lift herself up. She felt the hatred; she knew she could gain power now. She needed to prove herself, to show her that she was the envied power, not her. She kicked off the floor spinning like a top, she spun past the girl, sending a whirl of slashes, and she knew the blow would not miss. Or so she thought. Suddenly the girl burst into an episode of after images, and then suddenly she appeared right behind Xjrn. “How!” she screamed, jumping back, “You call that power!” She yelled, “More.” She taunted. “Stop pushing me!” Xjrn screamed. Suddenly the air started to condense as something started to shred from them. There stood Xjrn glowing with pure mightiness, “I will destroy you!” she screamed!
“Yes, the Mist . . .” Nrjx muttered, the air was separating from the Mist. A strange substance containing massive amounts of energy. Some of it condensed inside Xjrn’s blade, Excalibur manifested and grew in light. As she charged its power the ruins of light became a beacon of stars and darkness, then she instantly burst toward the dark one. There was a beam of radiance as she shot into the air. “Braver!” she yelled, and then slammed the blade down on the smiling Nrjx. There was a large burst of force that rattled the castle walls, enough to cause a large chunk to let loose and fall to the earth. The quake ended in chaos as houses and towers were crushed.

She opened her eyes from the bright light her sword gave off, and then she froze stunned, in utter disbelief. She survived. Nrjx had her shield raised quite high for the manner and it had blocked every bit of energy the girl had thrown at her. “Yes. That is power. That’s what I wanted.” she said then suddenly there was another quick after image when Xjrn suddenly found a foot in her gut shooting her to the floor. “But . . . Its time, your eyes may feast on real power now.” she said reappearing on the far side of the hall. She drew in a massive amount of energy. Runes of light appearing around her, which swiftly changed to dark cloud like glyphs. The Dark Emblems spread to the floor and around Xjrn, who was too tired to move. The lights started to climb as more and more runes began to appear until the floor was like a giant canvas of them, the room enveloping a circle. Then a ring of light shot around the rim of the scribes, as large mirrors slammed into the air. All perfectly angle to the center, sixteen to be exact.
“UltimaSlash.” said a voice, as suddenly dark figures walked from the mirrors; these creatures who looked like herself but instead bore dark bodies and no actual skin, just shadows. They all drew their blades. And then . . . they zipped past her, one at a time flying past dealing a powerful blow, it came with a first hit then a second then the eighth, then twelfth, eighteenth, fiftieth, Xjrn wanted to fall but the blows came so fast she couldn’t do anything about them. They gained in speed, some knocking her into the air; she climbed a steep mountain of blows before finally she felt herself suspended in mid air by some form of magic, the blows counted at ninety-nine now. “Now Fall!” Suddenly the dark one descended from the sky and slammed down her blade. There was an impact and the tower literally exploded. Well, the top half at least. It burst into crystals, which floated in the now burning mist. Suspended by the distorted gravity in the air. A sphere of immense energy now raked in the amidst, it burst fire and Mist in every direction, destroying everything.

Kilik looked back after seeing a huge light and a sphere of energy. Suddenly Elliot cried out in pain. “Elliot?” she said looking at the Avion. ‘Something is Wrong, my body is burning.’ he found himself turning around, that’s when Kilik saw it. Xjrn falling from the sky. “Elliot she’s falling!” He peered up to see his falling master. Then, burst forward to catch her on his back. He felt the pain start up again. Xjrn lay motionless. Blood tattered clothing and pale dazed eyes. She wasn’t dead but was close to it. Kilik shook her, and then peered around as strange lights began to manifest around her and Xjrn, and then suddenly heard a loud roar as Elliot screamed. His body started to mystify as it was suddenly absorbed into Xjrn’s shield. The two entered free fall, but then were caught by another dragon, driven by not only Vrekscha, but on the back kneeled Fletz. Kilik Held the dragon’s wing, Xjrn perched on its stomach. “Heal her!” Vrekscha yelled, Fletz already to work casting Cura repeatedly. The wounds Healed a little a time, but the grave ones still flustered. “These wounds are very grave. She is lucky to even be alive right now. These spells should keep her going a day or two, any more and she will be dead.” Kilik almost broke into tears.

Suddenly something broke out of the clouds, three airships dove down shooting shells at the dragon, they were sleek and long, black with silver ends. The front holding two cockpits while the back was powered forward by three powerful Air Engines. Vrekscha dodged back and forth weaving past their cross hairs. Kilik hanging on for her life, while Fletz held Xjrn. Suddenly as he pulled up, one broke from the clouds and smashed into the dragon, an almost deadly impact, Kilik almost ripped its feathers out, as it flew sideways, and caught its balance, but Fletz almost fell off hanging by one hand and holding Xjrn by another.

Then it happened.

The belt from which he held her from snapped. She entered free fall. Vrekscha unable to turn around as the Airships followed. Kilik screamed for her as she watched her fall. Moreover, Fletz cursing every moment he could.

She fell, the air almost feeling like nothing as she felt her body go numb; she was conscious but unaware of her surroundings. She suddenly slammed through the godly trees of Bakreald Woods. Crashing into sticks and twigs, which slowed her down, causing little or no injury. Well, until her head smashed into a rock. It hit so hard it forced her to flip forward. It was a strong enough blow to almost break her neck, and she felt herself enter a deep sleep, maybe a coma as her eyes rolled back and she fell into the darkness.

Small footsteps could be heard, metal against wood. A Creature, humanoid, but also very different walked into the open day, then sitting to start her daily meditating. the creature was of dark skin, eyes that gave a red blood like flow, body of beautiful curves and large ears which resembled that of a hares sticking a foot and a half into a the air. A Viera, creatures of The Wood. She wore elegantly silky clothing, which was giving to the eyes, much more skin then other people of these areas. The headband armor wore signified she was a Wood Warden. Meaning she kept this place safe.

Her name is Mlyn.

As she sat, she opened her ears to the wind and took a deep breath; entering a calm relaxation. She opened her eyes and looked forward, peering into the openness. All was Silent.
Until, suddenly a girl came falling down from the sky; she fell past the trees and into the darkness. Mlyn jumped, “Heed me, what was-” she said her voice soft and weak. She ran to the edge and looked over, seeing the blank glint of light as the girl fell.

Xjrn suddenly hit something, in her incapacitated state, she started to feel (and maybe awake) as she was caught by whatever it was, it was incredibly sticky, and when her hand hanged and barely grazed its edge. The sticky, vile, string stuck to her hand. She could not grasp the feeling right away, but she felt as if she was touching a spider web. She tried to open her eyes. However, they mustered only twitches and darkness. Yet after a careful amount of effort, they dazed as she opened them appearing almost dead, or undead.
Then she saw it, something was coming toward her. It was large; big enough to be the size of a small dragon, but it had eight legs, and was fanged with eight eyes. She could not scream move or do anything but stare at this fiend.

It slowly neared her, and she felt something cold run down her cheek, a small tear. Suddenly there was a blare, yet her eyes could not focus.

Mlyn suddenly came falling from the sky, she was doing an incredible amount of flipping, her movements far beyond that of a Hume’s. Then she slammed her heel into its head, the creature fell forward and shrieked as she kicked off and landed on its abdomen, beating it savagely with her fist, enough to break its outer layer of its hard shell. She kicked forward as it tried to turn and bite her, and then gave it a spinning kick that slammed it against the wall. She jumped back, grabbed the incapacitated Xjrn, and kicked to the sky and off the trees. The large Arachnid following quickly after. She jumped off a tree and then onto the platform she stood on not a while ago, quickly laying down the young girl. She looked back to see the spider raise itself up, it’s purple and black body now illuminated by light, its head almost humanoid and its body almost seeming to have a humanoid chest, female of the matter. She readied to fight, but then watched as a falling sword impaled its abdomen, Excalibur and then the shield, both knocking it down into the depths of darkness.

She exhaled and then looked back over at the girl. There was a massive amount of blood on the ground. However, something was troubling her, she sniffed the air a couple times and then her head tilted. She must not speak of it now, this girl needed help. “Hello? Hear my words?” she said, she looked over to see Xjrn’s finger twitch. She sensed no immediate danger. So, she raised her hands and began to mutter strange words. Suddenly a powerful healing spell also known as Curaga suddenly started to form, a green light swaying around the body and entering wounds. But even that spell was not enough to heal her completely, she was still in horrible shape, the green lights almost made her eyes seem alive again, and Mlyn felt the need to say something. “What happened to you, cast away your bravery and you end in this painful state?” she said. “I can’t see how you thought to survive a fall like that.” She smiled with warmth in her heart. “Very dangerous, The Wood is not for ones of mad intentions.” She said.

“Mlyn!” a voice suddenly shouted from behind. She kicked off her feet and looked forward to see almost half the village had come. “I smelt your blood and . . .” the other Viera stopped and looked forward. This Viera known as Zilyt the leader of the village. She stared at the bloodied girl, the other Armored Viera staring with confused looks. “Mlyn . . . you didn’t?” Mlyn jumped, “No, no I didn’t do anything. You see, I had come in pleasure of meditation, but then I happened to see this girl suddenly fall from the very skies! She fell into the dark Wood.” She argued. “Arch-Archanidite tried to attack her; I felt it in my heart to save her.”
Zilyt sneered, “She is a Hume.” She turned, “Toss her quick, so Arch-Archanidite may get her fill.” Mlyn ran forth. “No, she is in pain, we can help her!”
“We do not affair with Humes Mlyn. You now that.”
“But surely you must sense it too!”
“I sense nothing!”
“You lie; you sensed I was in danger! I was bleeding!” yelled Mlyn.
“And you are, maybe you just don’t realize it yet.” Countered Zilyt.
The young Viera quickly checked herself. “I have not bled at all! You sensed my blood.”
“I sense nothing but a pathetic Hume who fell a little too far into the Wood.”
“No, I smell in her blood the Viera!” countered Mlyn. “You did too, didn’t you? I have not bled a single drop. Yet she has. You made-wise her blood for mine!”
“Silence!” roared Zilyt, some of the other Viera stepping back, not use to such anger. Mlyn almost fearful. “You hear the Green Word. She is not from our forest. She is a Hume. Nothing more.”
“Surely you can see she is more than that my sister. She is Hume, and Viera!”
“A Half breed.” she said with a smile, “A mutt.” Another bluntly stated. Walking forth was Renjrn. “This creature is a dishonor to our village, she evokes everything the green word goes against,” She said walking to the girl.
“Be she is a Hume and Viera she is still of the Viera descent, another thing from this forest.” She continued, “She holds in her honor and if that she holds in her the Mothers Grace.”
“Our mother would not allow it!”
“Then you speak with her, and ask of which this being must be!” yelled Mlyn.
Renjrn envied her words and turned, “Something to be tossed away. . .”
“No! She is not. She was born outside the forest, but not once did she hear the meanings of the Green Word.”
“So, you insist we teach her? A thousand years of lecture?” Said Renjrn.
“If we asked, she may surely wish to follow, even our mother, the Wood, would accept this strange daughter of hers. She deserves a chance to be a daughter of the Wood, not of the Humes.” Zilyt’s eyes widened as those words dawned on her, yet something else dawned on her, a connecting from the past that told her something was amiss here and Renjrn noticed.
“You mustn’t Zilyt! Think of it, a Hume amongst us. Dishonorable.” she shook her head.
“She is more than Hume.” She looked at the girl, as she walked over and bent down. “What is your name?”

Xjrn did not react right away. She was having trouble remembering what her name was. A memory floated by. Her sitting in a chair, being rocked by someone. She felt so small. Small enough to fit in some ones arms. “Xjrn?”

“My name . . .” she garbled, and blood left her mouth. “My name is Xjrn.” She passed out, while the group all stared at each other in disbelief. “That name is . . . Viera.” Mlyn muttered.
“Send her to the healers.” Zilyt ordered.

She looked back, her eyes wide in disbelief . . . “Ceyu . . . it can’t be . . .”
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