Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641645-Genesis---Eerste-and-Tweede
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1641645
A story I wrote for my english coursework two years ago, want feedback to improve it.
It’s the year 1007 and a new child is born into a poor family in the province of South-east Asia, the exact location is unknown. The mother died at childbirth and the father is found with his head severed from his body the next day, the child is found feeding on his fathers arm, with an unnatural grin on its face and with blood red eyes.
The year is now 2007 and the child has now been around for 1000 years and only looks like he is in his teenager years. He is in Africa, destroying what is left of the carnage that took place there. There are fifteen children like him, well almost like him, helping to clear it up. They’re all part of an experiment to create the ultimate soldier, in which the soldier is trained from the moment they are born, they’re also implanted with special technology that helps improve there statistics and keep them under the control of their creators. They also have very high tech armour that can withstand anything.
About three hours after sunset that night, the child named Segami rose from his state of inactivity and awoke the other children and proceeded outside of their camp. When they arrived they immediately noticed almost thirteen powerful Demons of various sizes ranging from the size of an adult to almost the size of a skyscraper. Amongst the children was Genesis the name given to the original child of the experiment he was also the leader of the whole group, so, along with him went Segami and the child named Death, to the demons and demanded a reason as to why they were there, in response the Demon at the front fired something from his forearm and hit Genesis so hard that he was blasted into the sky from were he fell into the southern ocean. By the time that Genesis had got out of the sea and flitted across to the scene where the Demons where, the Demons had already killed nine of the children and Genesis seen them kill one more with such ease it was almost impossible to think what their power could reach to.
While Genesis watched the slaughter he decided on something that he had never done in his life, and that was to retreat, something that was dishonourable in his eyes. So he flitted over to the remaining children and grabbed them all in one swoop and flew high into the sky and flew towards Antarctica where their central base was. Before the blast doors of the base where open Genesis had flown them all in and was running to report in to the command HQ.
Within the next twenty-four hours the Demons had pillaged most of Eastern Europe and was moving into western Asia. At the central base everyone was working to death and there was a constant buzz about the place as everyone was trying to find out what happened and how. Meanwhile the children were being treated for their wounds and being implanted with upgrades into their hardware system, but Genesis refused to accept treatment. After the upgrades were complete, the children were sent to the armoury to collect their custom weapons, each child had a different assortment of weapons to suit their personality and ability, for Genesis who possessed such immense power he had two desert eagles on his person. The first he named Demon, was black with red highlights whilst the second Angel was white with gold highlights. Both had very powerful fire-power beyond the normal power of magnums. Another uniqueness was the fact that they left no gun residue whatsoever. He was also given two Chokuto’s named Frostbite and Bloodlust. Frostbite being an ice blue coloured blade with a green handle and ribbons, Bloodlust being a pure red blade with a black handle and ribbons. The boss in charge of security came and said to Genesis “You have to come quick there are some of those demons coming towards us and we need your help we can’t hold them off, quickly, come on” Accompanied by the boss, Genesis went and found the other children, and told them; “Come on everyone haul your asses we got incoming demons now move.” When they all reached the blast doors the boss took Genesis off to the side and asked; “ I was thinking, um … just in case you can’t stop the demons we were … uh thinking do you want us to use the turrets to like hold them off and help you.” The boss shrunk off as he said all of this as if he was going to be hit, but genesis just glared at him and told him; “Such a thing will only get in the way of us doing our jobs so no I do not want any help, nor will I ever want help from the likes off you now go and alert the rest of the base, but do not worry we shall defeat these demons as we have defeated all that have stood before our power.” The boss merely nodded and ran to alert the base on a code red.
When the children were outside they went to defensive positions in where there were three on top of the base and three on the ground in front. Beside Genesis on his left side stood Segami who had strapped to his back, two Master-key machine guns, his helmet covered all off his head and his armour was a smooth sleek black colour, he had extensive training in martial arts and weapons training, apart from Genesis he was the best at hand-to-hand combat. On genesis right side stood Death, who was so named because of her infamous death touch that could only be controlled as long as she wore the armour built for her, she had two long knives; one was very broad while the other one had a curved blade. On the left side of the roof stood Frost, who had a single sword by her side, and Miasma who held two swords tipped in poison and a Benelli M4 shotgun stood in the middle. To the left side stood Blaze who had QBU-88 sniper rifle and a Reizstoffwerfer 99 flame-thrower, she also carries two knives on each leg. Of all of them despite the differencing powers Genesis was the strongest and would probably always be.
Suddenly there was an earthquake, so strong it started breaking the ice around the children’s feet and shook the base itself, and a message came over the transmitter; “Get ready Genesis they’ve landed, and they’re pretty darn big, this one will be tough even for you.”
The boss’s voice crackled over the line. For about five minutes the ice was breaking even worse than before until with the children’s exceptionally superior eyesight, the Demons were within sight and it would only take them about half a minute to reach the base. So all at once the children started running towards the Demons, all except Genesis who stayed perfectly still as was his duty, he was to stay back and observe the enemy while the group charged ahead of him. It was something he had adapted a long time ago which had saved the children’s lives.
The first Demon was limited to ground assault as it didn’t have any wings or swimming abilities, it was probably safe to assume that the second Demon had given him a ride here. He more resembled a giant troll than anything else. He was great in size with a great fire sword in one hand and a club in another; he had spikes coming from his spine from the top of its head to its backside. The demons decaying body was covered in squirming maggots and worms. The second Demon was airborne with five great demon wings and a stump was were the sixth should have been, it had two big gaping mouths filled with ugly looking teeth, which almost matched its ugly body. It also had seven very oddly placed eyes, which were all a very dark blue colour. The Demon also had three very long rat-like tails.
Once Genesis had completed his observation he flew up into the air and faster than lightning sped towards the two Demons, all the while taking out his two swords and slashed at the Demons, he hit the airborne one across the belly and sliced the ground Demons neck almost in half. The other children had engaged with the ground Demon so it was now up to Genesis to take out the second Demon. He twisted around and went in for a second swipe at the Demon but it somehow evaded him, so he took out Angel at the same time as putting Bloodlust away. He let rip a hail of bullets towards the Demon and went for a third swing and landed a perfect hit cutting off the Demons entire left set if wings. While the Demon took time to try and recover from the blow, Genesis sped towards it and landed on top of its head and proceeded to rapidly stab it in the head and fire a whole clip from Angel into the areas where it was bleeding. When the Demon was finally dead, it started to fall towards the broken ice but just before it hit the ice Genesis jumped off and landed behind the other Demon.
The children were in bad shape, but then again so was the Demon so at least it was evened out. The children had blood all over themselves and Segami was even in pain and that was a trait he had never shown before. Genesis ran up and kicked the first Demon in the back of the head, knocking it off balance for a moment, but it quickly got its footing back and swung its fire blade at Genesis, who it caught off guard as he was only getting his footing back and smacked him against the ground and then went to hit him with the club, but Genesis wasn’t that slow and he back flipped out of the way and then ran up the Demons club and jumped onto the Demons head and elbowed it in the forehead knocking it backwards and causing it to trip over and embedded it’s spikes into the ice. It rolled and roared in frustration trying to get out while Genesis walked up behind it and lifted its club and brought it firmly down on the troll-Demons head, crushing it.
The other children were tired and bleeding and their resources exhausted, Segami took charge and led the other children into the blast doors and waited for Genesis to come in side, Genesis was feeling a bit weird as if what happened was only least of their troubles right now, he knew of course that they were now going to fight the other Demons out in the open sooner rather than later now they knew were he was. But that wasn’t what he was thinking off, it was something worse and it was coming for them.
He decided to just leave it until he was inside rather than worry out here in the open, so he walked inside the blast doors not realising how close the threat he sensed was to him and all the time getting closer,
he was not aware how that this threat would change him on so many levels,
and he was not aware that a Nuclear Missile had been launched from China and was heading straight for him,
and that it was already to late to run from it. What he was aware of was that when it hit him no one in the base would survive...possibly not even him...

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