Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641598-Final-Fantasy-Chronicle-of-Ultima-CH5
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1641598
The bad stuff is starting! This is leads to Ch.6 where things start to get really freaky!
-Chapter Five-

The day seemed to be clear as the purest waters, trees rustled in a glorious wind, birds chirped happily amongst one another, the sky was a blue that could boast the beauty of the ocean itself, and the flowers now began to blossom in the spring eve and then summer glory. In a house not to far away; two slept happily, it was none other than Xjrn and Kilik. The two had somehow ended up in Kilik’s house, and not only that, Kilik’s room. Kilik lay on her bed head against the pillow and seemed completely worn out. Her hand hanging off the edge of the bed, her shield strapped still, and her blade rested sheathed on her back. Strange how there was no sheath when she obtained it. Her blonde hair streaked across the pillow and she lay in a very unnatural position.
It seemed a little uncomfortable. However, beside her, lying on her belly was Xjrn. She too in what seemed like a deep slumber. Her body positioned almost as strangely as Kilik’s, as if just tossed into the bed. Her blade sheathed as well and lay lazily on her stomach, her shield actually over her face. The silver hair actually hanged out the open window, as if she somehow crawled through.
This room was quite nice, very nice indeed. With large bookshelves of golden texture, small chairs and a small table for sitting and gaming, this room was quite the welcome sight. The bed large, with a couple pillows, arty golden-fleeced covers with rural design, and many sheets attaining warmth for the sleeper. Pictures and paintings hanged on the walls and an oil lantern kept it bright.
Xjrn’s ears slightly twitched as a cold breezed rushed through the window. The breeze felt so good she actually felt the urge to sleep more, but before her comfort was unconfined, the memories of what happened dawned on her and she threw herself up, her shield fell into her stomach and her blade rolled with it in a dance of shining steel. She looked around, her eyes wider than usual and she seemed in a daze. Where were they? She peered around for something, and then saw Kilik beside her. She stood walked to the side of the bed. “Did someone save us?” she said to herself. She looked around with a cautious appeal. Then saw a picture on the wall, it grabbed her attention because . . . it looked like Kilik? Except it was a portrait, so of course she was wearing even nicer clothing and was wearing her hair in a much more dazzling style. It was amazing. Xjrn couldn’t understand how it was so . . . alluring . . .
She turned away with a red face, finding it awkward she was so intone with that picture. She walked over to Kilik and was about to wake her up when she saw a glint on her ear. Now if Xjrn had never seen that glint before this other reason shouldn’t have came up, she wouldn’t care. But that glint was too familiar, and as she bent over and stared closer at the source, as soon as it hit her, she remembered what it was; scales. Kilik’s ears were covered in scales. Just like her own. Xjrn was shocked, and she instantly felt the urge to investigate this. She grabbed the rim of Kilik’s shirt and opened it to expose the young women’s chest. It was like Xjrn’s Scales, those that crept between the breast and across the navel, her scales were gold and a heavy larger look was to them as well. She was about to re-close her shirt when Kilik suddenly opened her eyes. She leaned up in surprised and both found each other looking into one another’s Eyes.
Kilik stared into deep silver glaze, like polished mirrors or a silver platter, little blue lightening frails pressed from the center of a slit that led to the dark inner most of the eye. Each one was like vein that vanished into the grey silver, the slit opened like a door as the clouds took the suns rays from the room.
Xjrn stared into something that definitely wasn’t there before, gold, but unlike a glaze, it was shadowed and murky, lost in a void of colors, crystals of almost shiny red enveloped around the slit that centered on an even darker one. The eye was lubricated so in the light it shined in one place and then darkened in another.

“What the hell are you doing?” Kilik suddenly said, as soon as she said that Xjrn suddenly said with a red face, “Your eyes, and your flesh, scales. You’re like me!” Kilik shook her head and pushed Xjrn off and onto the floor. There was a large thump as Xjrn hit bottom first on the wooden floor and slid back. “Ow!” she screamed as she rubbed and stared up as Kilik stood and walk over to the right. “What were you just trying to do?” Kilik said looking over to the girl with a spiteful look. Xjrn looked at how angry Kilik looked, suddenly Kilik bent over and looked the girl in the eyes examining her red face. “You weren’t about to . . .”
“No!” Xjrn continued. “You’ve changed! You’re like me now!”
Kilik raised a brow, what did she mean by like me? She recalled the whole eyes and flesh and scales thing, but threw that away to consider the girl was trying to cover up something, “I don’t believe you!”
“Kilik look in the mirror!” she demanded, as she pointed to the mirror to make her point. Kilik was hesitant but finally turned and looked through at her eyes. They widened as they made contact with each other. After a pause, she walked over to the mirror slowly and removed her shirt to stare empty eyed at the scales that littered her body; Xjrn leaned over with an ‘I told you so’ look and said. “Ha, I didn’t lie!”
Kilik’s head fell a little as she slightly turned to look the girl in the eyes; she gave a look that boasted madness, or hatred. “What . . . what did you do to me!” she said leaning over Xjrn; who, after seeing the look in her eyes was frozen with fear. “I, I didn’t do anything!” she protested. Kilik sneered and grabbed the girl by her neck, then without a moment to spare slammed her against the wood floor. Xjrn struggled to breath, “Please Kilik I didn’t do it!” she gagged out. Nevertheless, Kilik seemed too crazed at the moment. “You led me there didn’t you? You were planning this from the beginning!” she said, her grip on the girl’s neck came even harder.
Xjrn tried to roll away or something, but the girl had her pinned, “It wasn’t me! It was the Avion, or the nymph! Please Kilik I can’t breathe!”
“I don’t believe you!” she screamed as she gripped her neck by both hands and squeezed as hard as she could. Xjrn choked and kicked, she lost her breath. She started to cry however, the pain, the realization hat her friend was accusing her of this, everything was making her cry. And as tears ran down her red face, Kilik’s eyes widened and she loosened her grip. Her friend fell back, coughing and gagging. “I . . . I’m so sorry Xjrn . . .” she said leaning over to make sure the girl was dying. “I’m so sorry! Please Xjrn forgive me!” she pulled a handkerchief from her dress and wiped off the tears and the small bits of dribble on her mouth. Xjrn struggled to breath, but somehow she wasn’t angry at Kilik. She realized that Kilik was just in a moment where everything seemed wrong. Sort of like her self, when she found out.

If anything, she probably would have done the same if she had been in the situation . . .

Suddenly the door flew open and Xjrn and Kilik both looked back to see the Kilik’s mother staring down at both of them with a bemused look. “What are you . . .” her mother started, gawking at her half-naked daughter on another girl wasn’t actually a prospect to call normal, and all the same, it was very awkward. Kilik looked down frightfully, and stood off Xjrn with a tense smile. “This isn’t what it looks like!” she said standing and waving her arm and shaking her head. Xjrn stood and looked away.
Kilik’s mother examined Xjrn’s red face, and then looking over to see Kilik closing her shirt. Failing to see the scales on her body. “I heard a commotion and decided to check on you . . .” she looked at Xjrn, who bowed her head respectfully. Then back to Kilik who smiled. “Oh mother! That’s Xjrn! Xjrn this is my mother.” Xjrn looked up and smiled, “Hello Mrs. Elvya.” Kilik Daven Elvya. Definitely Elvin. Kilik’s mothers head slightly tilted forward, “You . . . are Xjrn?” she said with almost a bemused tone, Kilik stared with a worried look.
“Yes Ma’am.” She noted.
Kilik’s mother eyed her conspicuously; “I . . . see . . .” she started. Kilik walked up, “You know mother . . .” Kilik said with an angered look, “The Twilight Avion Mage.” She finished, with a tone that sounded as if though she was persuading her with fear. Xjrn took a step back, what a strange family. “Yes, her . . . I’ll be sure to treat her humanely while she’s here.”

When the two left the town and ventured into the forest. A town meeting was held deep in the night, it was a meeting about Xjrn . . . and a meeting about Kilik. Lady Gaosa was the starter of this conference, and many came. “I have a message that was sent from the War Gods themselves, the Avion gods have showed me a very troubling sign, one that implies darkness that will spread amongst our city.” The people started to talk in low voices. The town square was a void of voices now. “Listen well, people of Rubanutre. The Avion Mage of the Twilight Avion has awakened.” A person stood forth and asked a question. It was Fletz. “It is Xjrn isn’t it . . .” he said walking forth and turning to look at the people. “We have foreseen in our time that she was to be the next Twilight Avion Mage. I as a former Avion Mage should know of these things.” Another person stood forward. “So she is not . . . The Child of the Lusrenda?” the voices became frightened and misplaced. “This is a lie. The Prophets have purposely misled you. Xjrn is, and was always, the Avion Divinity.” The people all began to talk in cluttered voices. “All hail the Avion mages!” some screamed.

“Xjrn’s awakening was not to be foreseen for another three years, when she was at least eighteen. But she has awakened earlier, this brings something into amiss. This is a very dire omen.” The people became quite. And then someone yelled. “And what of my daughter!?” It was Kilik’s mother pushing forward even as Kresh tried to stop her. “It cannot be true. My daughter! The daughter of The Light Avion? It isn’t possible. I didn’t ask for this.” Lady Gaosa looked over, “I was going to explain her, another Avion mage has awakened in our city. Kilik, Mage of the Light Avion, Elura, you cannot choose this sort of destiny for your child. This was given to Kilik and Kilik alone, for it must roll forward in hopes of our City itself.” Elura made hateful look and turned away to cry. “Our daughter is Elvenborn; Elves don’t have Avion blood, Humes! We are of sacred folk.”

“Then she is a special Elf.” A strong voice noted young and finesse, as a man walked from the shadows. He wore slick white armor, its armor plates flying back to hold the gallant cape he had in the back, and had blackish blue hair that fell to his neck. “It is Vrekscha . . .” one said. He is literally the greatest warrior in the world, killed millions of Lusrenda in his older days with his Avion, Brevinard. For he is a Avion Mage himself. Vrekscha Artemis Mage of the Blazing Avion.

“I have come to speak with Xjrn.” He said. All stared in complete incredulity. Gaosa reckoned, “You have come . . . To train her?” he smiled and nodded, then looked over at Kresh and Elura. “And Kilik.” Elura became enraged. “You aren’t taking my daughter!” she said picking up rock and flinging it at the man. He didn’t even look up as his hand shifted fast and caught the rock. “You will see your daughter again.” he noted. “She is a strong hearted girl, only a being of light can be as heavy held as herself.” He sighed.
He was about to mention about Elliot, where his ears caught foot steps in the distance, he rotated fast to see figures walked from the shadows of the night.

“She may be the Twilight Mage . . . But she will pay for what she has done to my son.” Said a man as he stepped forward with a cane. “I am Leonardus Men` Rev. I am the one who owns this town, and everything inside-”
“We know who you are . . .” muttered Vrekscha. He hated rich noblemen like him, believing their kind was above others, it is preposterous.
Leonardus stared with an annoyed look. “I see . . . Well. I have come to challenge Xjrn in a duel to the death.” Vrekscha spit in disgust and stared at the man. Gaosa gave a spiteful look. “Why would you shed such hatred toward her?” she noted. He pointed to Grum, and the other boys, all of them were there, still injured and in many ways handicapped. Yet not all was there, Smerf, he hasn’t awoken from the attack yet. Three other men stood forth. “I challenge her as well. As a Nobleman, “I will not allow this girl to hurt children like this!” Smerf’s father and Jek’s father stood back, with hateful eyes looking to the floor as they thought of their sons.

“Must I intone what your sons have been doing to Xjrn?” said Vrekscha. “I keep better watch on her than you think.” Fletz walked forward. “I inform him of what happens with Xjrn.” He said, “Your sons have been insulting her, hurting her and torturing her mentally for several years now.”

“That’s what children do.” Said Leonardus.
“Then it is in the nature of child to fight back.” Countered Vrekscha. “The day of the attack was told to me by a couple of people. It just so happened your sons were tossing rocks at Xjrn, rocks sharp and heavy enough to cause physical damage in itself.” The two fathers who were sobbing in the back looked at each other in surprise. Unaware that their own children have been acting so cruelly towards other’s. The father of Jek looking back at him and giving him a scolding look.
“Xjrn is a Avion mage. When young their rage is raw, it is a spilling hatred of force that is not to be reckoned with. Your sons were asking for it when they attacked her. It triggered all the hate, all the anger, all the sadness, of these last years to come forth in an insane rage.” He shook his head, “I am sorry for your sons.” He frowned, “but this is only payback.” Leonardus’s face became fierce. “I care not of what my children have done or not done, in the end there must be payback for the injuries that my son has received!” he turned away, “She will pay, with limbs or death!” he and the Noblemen turned and walked away. The other two fathers bowed respectful, one apologizing for what his son has done. Vrekscha looked at Lady Gaosa, taking steps and bowing his head. “Where are they?” Lady Gaosa shook her head. “We do not know.” She looked to Xjrn’s home, “They vanished early on, I noticed the egg had hatched. However Xjrn, and Kilik, are nowhere to be found.”
Vrekscha looked to the people, and shook his head, he’d have to find them fast. “With this prophecy, darkness is only to arrive. We call Lusrenda darkness and nothing more. Only remember that darkness isn’t unscrupulous. It will always be in our lives. With it we end this assembly. Return to your homes and live your lives.” He turned with a flip of his cape and walked away. With that the meeting ended. He had to find them . . .

The time was ticking . . .

Xjrn stared at Kilik’s mother with a confused look as the woman suddenly turned and slammed the door behind her. Kilik sighed and looked at Xjrn with a cheerless face. “My mother isn’t fond of you . . ." she noted. Xjrn shook her head. “It’s all right.”
“She thought you were the child of the Lusrenda, the Chaos.”
“Why?” Xjrn said.
“I have no Idea . . . “
Her eyes suddenly became confused, something wasn’t right, and then it hit her. “Where’s Elliot?” the two’s eyes widened and they suddenly ran around the room looking in drawers and under tables, behind the plants under the bed. “Oh no, Kilik; no, I lost Elliot . . . Oh twilights what have I done!” she said panicking and screaming. Kilik grabbed her, “Hush we’ll find him Xjrn! You just have to calm down!” suddenly there was a scream downstairs. The two looked at each other, “Elliot!” and then Kilik ran to the door and threw it open, Xjrn followed as the two ran down the stairway and into the living room. Kilik saw her father running into the dinning room from the corner of her eye and she two hurried to follow. As soon as they turned the corner, their eyes caught a man in a Noblemen’s suit holding Elliot by the neck, behind him was Leonardus himself. “So . . . this is the lizard it seems.” Xjrn looked at how he was holding Elliot and she freaked out mentally, like a mother she lifted a finger to the man, and growled, “You put him down!” the Noblemen laughed, “I’ll do what I want with this pathetic thing.” Xjrn reached for her sword, but realized she left it upstairs. She turned to see Kilik running back.
It wouldn’t be long.
“Who are you?” she muttered, “What do you want?”
“I am Nobleman Triton Cin. Father of the boy you injured. I have come to gain payment for what you did to my son.” He said raising his blade.” Leonardus smiled, “Or we could just kill this petty Avion and call it a day.” Xjrn’s sneered, “You bastard . . .” she muttered. “You speak so powerfully for a little girl.” Said the noblemen. Suddenly Kresh stepped up. “Leave my house! And release the Avion!” Leonardus laughed, “Your house, I own everything here! This is my house too you know?” Everything about this guy was pissing Xjrn off, his smart accent as if he was just trying to sound accomplished or something, his stance and structure. The more she stared the more sick she became.

Xjrn had to do something or they would kill Elliot, she didn’t have her blade, so she couldn’t challenge him. She looked at Elliot and smiled, “Elliot! Attack!” Elliot gave her a strange look, “Attack boy! Fire!” Elliot’s head slightly lowered to her. The nobleman laughed and shook the Avion and then pointed its head toward him with a grin. “This pathetic thing attack me?” he said, Elliot’s eyes became a little more heated and he hissed, suddenly they glowed a small blue and then boom! A minute blast of fire came from his mouth and singed the man's face. He fell back dropping the Avion, who ran up and outside. “Elliot!” she screamed, and tried to follow, Leonardus suddenly ran out the building and went to follow the Avion. Xjrn following behind him. Kilik turning the corner holding Xjrn’s sword and her own hanging at her side. She ran and noticed that the Nobleman had fell over. She jumped over him and ran, he too running out the door to follow.
Xjrn ran top speed as he watched the Avion jump back and forth between people, Kilik following right behind her. She snarled at the man as Elliot hopped over a barrel as the man tried to slam his thin blade on him. Kilik stopped to look around; she couldn’t see Xjrn, and then the Nobleman suddenly blitzed and tackled her from the side, knocking her over, laughing as he went. She wasn’t letting him get away with that. “bastard.” She said standing slowly and then kicking into a run to follow.
She ran after him, Xjrn and Leonardus after Elliot as Elliot hopped into a cloths store window, the woman shrieked as he knocked over jewels and necklaces and jumped off the desk and into some cloths. Leonardus suddenly ran inside and looked back to see Xjrn, the Nobleman just turning the corner with Kilik right behind him. He swung his blade at her head, which was definitely a close one. She dodged back and ran under him as he swung again.
He was fencer it seemed, he preferred range, if only Xjrn knew. Elliot suddenly poked his head from behind him in a hanger stool of clothes and cooed, he turned and swung at him, but the Avion dodged quickly enough to escape. He started swinging randomly at the clothing, missing every one, and then turned as Xjrn tried to knock him with a powerful right. He barely dodged it, the man stabbed at her and she shifted to avoid it but loosing her point of attack. There was quick sway as she flew back from another swing falling behind a hanger of clothes. He decided to take advantage of it and started stabbing through the mess of clothing, Xjrn fidgeting back and forth to avoid attacks then ducked a last that would have impale her forehead. She then slapped his blade aside so he would fly off balance, a nice move for someone who barely knows how to fight. She stepped up and he instantly rotated to try to take her head off. She ducked luckily enough, and his sword was caught in the wood. He struggled to rip it out and then found himself stuck, she suddenly laughed and then ran over to kick the man who fell back as his blade unhooked and flew right into the entrance. Suddenly as the noblemen ran inside, he fell and tripped over Leonardus, Kilik running right over them and to Xjrn. “I see you got this under control!” Kilik yelled, throwing Xjrn the sword and shield, “This isn’t even hard!” she said panting, hooking it and hanging her blade on her back. Kilik crouched and held the blade toward them; it was still too heavy for the girl. The Nobleman laughed as he stood.
“Ha, ha, ha look at this pathetic wretch! She can barely hold a Light Zweihandler!” he said lifting his long blade, her’s better by far since it was heavier. Her head tilted, “Zweihandler?” she noted and then suddenly the sword widened, each shard edge pushed out evenly to make the blade become a foot wider, it was now the form of heavy Zweihandler with light properties. She lifted it with all her strength and examined it. “What in the world just happened . . .” the man stared in awe, “What kind of blade is that?” he said straightening in poise. Kilik smiled, “It doesn’t matter! I’m going to win with it anyways!” she boasted. “Lucky fool, you are going to die!” he charged and she raised her shield and sword to block the oncoming attack.
Xjrn watched worried enough as it is, she knew for a fact her and Kilik weren’t trained warriors, it would take some kind of luck for them to win.
Then suddenly she noticed Leonardus had ran up and attacked but was repelled by her shield. She chose to retaliate fast and she swung back, and he laughed at her informality in combat, he parried her swing and threw her off balance. Playing with her as he fought. Tapping her on the head with the blunt of his blade, making her fall over, she quickly got up however and started to swing at him in an angered fashion, he dodged over and over again, evading each move like its nothing. Then he parried once more then countered with a kick to the stomach. She flew back and hit a wall, staggering for a moment and then he saw the opening.
Kilik was in a bad situation herself, he was slamming his sword against her blade over and over again, she needed more offenses, she needed to have something else, he did another hard swing and knocked her blade away, it was just too heavy to keep up.
He smiled victoriously, “I have you!” He lifted it and slammed it down and she raised her shield to parry the blow. Suddenly it exploded into raves of gears and armor, emulating from the circled shield. It transformed it into a long horizontal Tower Shield that was long enough to cover half of her and another person. As soon as his blade hit, it snapped like a twig. “No!” he screamed and fell back as she dropped down, the weight to much for her. She looked up. “Improvise!” she said fast, before he could stand she lifted the shirld with all her strength and slammed it on his head. It was an instant knock out. Only cursing the fact this thing had so much weight.
She looked over to Xjrn as she heard, “Your mine!” from Leonardus, Xjrn had been knocked back by a blow to the stomach, suddenly he drew his sword back and Kilik yelled, “No!” as she watched the blade close in on Xjrn’s chest. It only collided with her did nothing more. Well, it hurt really badly, but it didn’t impale her like a normal blade would. She looked down with a closed eye, her face twisted in pain. He stopped, “What!?” he yelled, he suddenly got the blade and started to jam it at her over and over again, it would hit, hurt a lot and do nothing to harm her, it was her scales, the blade couldn’t seem to penetrate them. She suddenly screamed, “Bastard cut it out!” she screamed and then swatted the blade away to plow her shield arm into his face, it was a bad move really; she could have killed him by striking with her blade. He fell back and her eyes caught something, Elliot running out the door. “Elliot!” she screamed and chased after him.
Kilik tried to fix her Shield and instead dragged it behind her as she tried to leave. She grunted as she tried to pull it behind her. What does she do to make it go back? She muttered, “What the hell is with this thing?” she yelled, she suddenly muttered, “Stupid Zweihandler.” Suddenly her blade returned to normal, and then her shield started to clasp back together. “What the?” she noted, was that some kind of secret word . . . she lifted her head and darted out the door.

Xjrn ran and ran, it was tiring but she didn’t care. She watched Elliot dodge carts, plows, and many other dangerous things that could crush the poor thing. Funny, it seemed Elliot was running home, the little Avion was sprinting into the countryside. She ran close after him. She looked back to see Kilik following . . . and then something a little more frightening, a couple knights on horse back and Leonardus following behind closely. She went even faster. Turning to see Elliot run into the hay fields. She ran into it herself, ignoring the annoying splits of sharp grass and razor leaves. She wouldn’t leave him behind, not now, not ever. Kilik knocked through the brush herself, hearing horseshoes battering behind her, the men slammed through it as if though it wasn’t there. Horses knocking it down with little ease, but slowing them down as well.
She lost Elliot in the brush, she tried to follow the remainders of his trial, but those quickly vanished as well. She sprinted even faster, her body was reaching its limit, but she didn’t care, nor did it seem she noticed. She stopped with a skid as she looked across small river that stood between her and the other side. Her head darted back and forth and she just so happened to catch Elliot hopping across a couple rocks and to the outlining plains ahead. Geryled Plains it seemed. She looked around and then ran to scale the river, looking for stepping stones or anything to get across. All the sudden Kilik ran in front of her, screamed a little and then looked to the right as Horses exploded out the side of the brush not to far from them. A knight raising a bow and pulled back the string. Both took off running, Xjrn looked back as the horsemen started up to follow them then suddenly saw a small glint fly into the air. Xjrn eyes widened as it neared, and then grabbed Kilik and shoved her to the sides an arrow nearly hit her in the back. “Ah!” Kilik shouted as she followed Xjrn looking back to dodge another arrow. Xjrn looked to the right and saw a couple Stones sticking out the surface, she shifted fast, Kilik right behind her, watching as Xjrn hopped across stones, she too landing on the slippery placid feeling stones as the current pushed bellow them. Xjrn hopped to the other side, and Kilik just made it as in arrow struck the stone she left.
They didn’t care to look back, Xjrn tried to run again but felt a deep nag in her body, her energy was dying out on her; she fell limp as she took only two steps, Kilik running for a second and then turning to see Xjrn trying to stand. She flailed her arms as she took off and back, to grab Xjrn and lift the young woman, “No giving up!” Xjrn looked up. “My body isn’t letting me go any further . . .” she said with slurs. “C’mon!” she said lifting Xjrn up and dragging her forward.

The horses wouldn’t move into the rivers current, in fear of drowning in it, it seemed. “Damn that wretch! Come, we kill them know.” Leonardus hopped from the large charger and lifted his blade as he hopped across to the opposite edge, five other knights, paid it seemed; dismounted and landed on the floor making iron rattling sounds as they went. The other ones following suit, one nearly falling however.
Kilik looked up to see Leonardus dismount his horse, and hop across the stones. She looked at Xjrn.
“Xjrn, they’re going to kill us if we don’t get out of here!”
“I’m sorry-” Xjrn was cut off, it seemed Kilik was purposely trying to anger Xjrn.
“They are going to try to Kill Elliot! They’re going to take his life with their blades.”
Xjrn started to shake, “No . . .” she said fearfully.
“Are you going to let them smite your child while he’s still young?”
Xjrn whimpered, “Kilik please . . . I can’t . . .”
“Are you going to let them kill your friend, your child, all your happiness? Everything that has brought you to this day Xjrn! Fight it! Fight them all! Fight against those who hate you! Don’t let them take your destiny!” she encouraged, with every word Xjrn started to shake, “No!” she screamed and then shot off the floor, her eyes were glowing and she was filled with that same inhuman power she had before, speed which seemed inhuman, strength enough to tear the floor. Kilik smiled; “Right . . .” she took off and tried to follow. Turning to see the knights and the Noblemen following.
She snarled and kept running.
Xjrn filled with some strange anger shot like bullet through grass, dirt and hay. She had to find him, She wouldn’t let him die. She turned her head when Elliot ran from the brush and cried for his mother. Xjrn looked over and shouted in glee, “Elliot!” she ran toward him and at that exact moment she felt so happy . . . her eyes stopped glowing, and she collapsed. Her body gave up. She couldn’t move no matter what she did. She struggled and shivered with exhaustion, her body literally shut down.
She looked up with tired eyes smiling at her little Avion friend, “Elliot . . . Elliot.” The Avion cried and reached forward, even as Kilik started to close in. Behind her of course, the Knights. “Fly away . . . Fly away Elliot . . .” she said encouragingly, as much as those words killed her inside, the Avion cooed and nuzzled its cheek against her. Kilik ran to stop and fall beside Xjrn
“Xjrn! Get up! They’re coming!” Xjrn struggled to talk, “I can’t go on anymore.”

“There’s no point to . . .” said Leonardus. He smiled with the five other Knights. “You are about to die anyway.” Kilik who was at her limit as well, lifted up on her feet and drew her blade, it however fell to the floor; her shield no bit better, her arm drooping to her side. “Fight me . . .” she muttered tiredly, “Fight me!” she growled mercilessly. Leonardus smiled deviously, “I admire your compassion, but,” he raised his blade, “You are all going to die!”
Elliot looked up with an angry face, he roared with more fierceness compared then usual. Xjrn’s eyes carried up to see Elliot hop up and down flapping his wings into suddenly he started to keep him in the air. The knights all stepped back as the Avion started to carry himself up, and then suddenly shot up and toward the sky, Kilik stared with amazement, and Leonardus stared with a an empathetic stare. Xjrn suddenly started crying, “He’s gone . . .” she muttered. Kilik looked at Xjrn and tried to calm her, “He’s . . . He’s safe now . . .” she said with a smile.
“And you aren’t.” muttered Leonardus. Kilik looked back and raised her shield. “I will fight till the end.” She garbled.

As Elliot flew through the clouds, a voice came to him that all Avions hear in the dawn of there younger days, a voice that told him it was time. Elliot nodded and closed his eyes as he flew high past the clouds, the sun suddenly shined bright atop him and his body started to glow with lights of bluish glares and spiraling silvers. The sky suddenly became of Explosion of lights as the large cocoon of lights recreated the being into a vast dragon like model. It was time for him to return to his mother . . .

Kilik had parried another blade as the nobleman laughed at her. He spun to kick her in the side and knock her over. She fell and hit hard, but immediately started standing again. Xjrn tried to lift herself, “Kilik . . . Run.” Kilik looked at Xjrn almost hurt she would even say that. “No!”
Xjrn struggled to stand at the response, and then she heard a voice, ‘I would never leave you behind . . . Ultima.’ she looked up, “What!” she shouted. Suddenly there was a deep droning noise in the air, everyone heard it was so loud, loud enough to be heard in Rubanutre. The Knights looked around staring at what that sound could be. ‘I would never leave the Grand Mother behind . . .’ she looked up, her eyes widened in disbelief . . . “Elliot?” Suddenly the clouds exploded into a circle of force in the sky above them, parting as something with unimaginable speed struck through them. The silver figure of an Avion fell from the sky and then dipped down into the plains, the people of Rubanutre beckoning at the large hole in the clouds.

Suddenly the knights looked up to see a large shadow among them dashing back and forth, one screamed, “Avion!” it was a long warning call to the others, suddenly the creature delve down fast and flew right past Xjrn and Kilik. Dust blew up like fierce wave of earth and they all covered their eyes in response. As it lifted Leonardus looked up to see something astonishing, “No, they are gone!” they were gone, both Kilik and Xjrn. He looked at the Avion as it circle and flew toward Rubanutre.

Xjrn and Kilik screamed at the top of their lungs as they were only hanging by the powerful claws of Elliot ‘XIII,’ “Put me down!” Kilik screamed bashing her hands against his scaly claws, Xjrn kicking her legs as she stared down at the fields. ‘Tell her to cut that out . . .’ Xjrn stopped and looked up at the Avion’s head; she could recognize its furry mane and silver eyes. “Elliot?” she said to him. ‘Yes’ he said. She looked at Kilik, “Kilik, this is . . . this Avion is Elliot!” Elliot’s eye twitched.
That’s not what he asked.
Kilik stopped and her eyes broadened at the thought that this was the same Elliot, “This is Elliot!” her eyes became confused, “Wait wasn’t he just a baby!” she screamed, in the amidst of all the wind and pressure. “Elliot! How did you?” Xjrn questioned.
‘It was simply my time for awakening.’ He said to her. Kilik, studied Xjrn how silent she was, Xjrn continued.
“Your awakening?” she said.
Kilik raised a brow as she heard Xjrn speak, oblivious to Elliot’s words. “What?”

‘Ready yourselves!’ Elliot suddenly said. Xjrn looked up to his head, “For what?” Suddenly the young girl felt the manacled bony, talons release her body. She felt herself enter free fall and suddenly she felt the wind battering against her body as both her and Kilik were drop.
Kilik let out a scream as she pushed herself over and grabbed Xjrn, Xjrn was sick with a pale frightened face and eyes that proved the dire phobia of the falling skies. Quickly enough however they suddenly landed on Elliot’s back. It was quite rough and Xjrn held his main hard enough to make her knuckles turn white, tears spilling down her face as she noted the fact she was alive. Kilik however was actually very heated, other than being scared. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I, I, I don’t want to be in the air anymore.” Xjrn said, her stomach churning by the moments of shifted wind. “Look what you did you stupid thing, be more careful! You scared Xjrn!” Elliot looked back, ‘My apologize Ultima. I felt your grip slipping in my talons. ’I didn’t want to drop you or anything, you see. Forgive me.’ Elliot said respectfully. Xjrn looked up and nodded; dismissing the fact he called her Ultima for a moment, still feeling sick but reassured at the least. “It’s alright Elliot. It was out of safety. And Why did you all me Ultima?”

Kilik looked over and lifted a brow again, “Wait what?”
Xjrn looked over. “It’s exactly what he said, he didn’t mean to frighten us, he was only letting us stay on his back . . . and he called me Ultima.”
Kilik looked back and then looked forward at Xjrn with a confused look, “I didn’t hear him say that, he hasn’t said anything ever since we’ve seen him.”
“Wait . . . What?”
Kilik rolled her eyes, “Xjrn, Elliot hasn’t spoken at all.”
“Yes, Yes he has. I know you’re a little bit dumb Ms. Kilik but deaf is a new one.”
‘That is because she cannot hear me.’ Elliot suddenly mentioned.
Xjrn looked at him as Kilik’s face had just gone from somewhat annoyed to very angry. “So she can’t hear you?” Kilik was about to impend a rather hurtful and painful attack on Xjrn, however paused after hearing those words.
‘No, it should be relevant to know that you should already know this, but, you and any other Avion Mage can hear me. One who is not a Avion Mage cannot.’
But isn’t Kilik a Avion Mage? Yes, she is, however; Kilik’s Avion has not awoken yet. Therefore, she can’t communicate with Avions.

Kilik studied Xjrn, pondering the silence that she wishes she exempt Kilik couldn’t hear him. “It seems you can’t hear him Kilik.” She said bluntly but with sympathy nonetheless. “Why?” Kilik said. Starting to feel a little left out. Xjrn bit her lip and looked. “Because . . . I guess you’re not a Avion Mage . . .” Xjrn said. Kilik’s eyes flashed and she looked down numb-heartedly. “Oh . . . I see.” She muttered that feeling of, ‘being left out’ becoming a severe loneliness.

Xjrn frowned despairingly; hoping to change the subject as quickly as possible. She quickly drew a question. “But Elliot, it is obvious that Kilik has Avion blood. How is it she cannot hear us?” Elliot knew of Kilik’s blood, but he had no answer that could fully explain her situation. Kilik peered up in the peered up into the silent atmosphere, feeling some self-pity. ‘Well, that is something I am not to sure of. Any person with Avion blood as strong as her own should be a Avion Mage. Maybe it is the fact that her Avion has not fully awakened and in the end her blood hasn’t truly awakened either.’ Xjrn smiled intrepidly; “Kilik, it seems your Avion blood hasn’t awakened, because your Avion hasn’t awakened.” Kilik thought hard, “Then where is my Avion?” Suddenly Elliot’s eyes widened a flood of emotion came on him as he looked to the skies. ‘By the Twilights,’ Kilik had already seen, Xjrn watched Kilik’s eyes widen to a fearful forewarning. A site that told her if she turned to look she would be stuck in the fear she so deafly wished to avoid, her head slowly cocked to the large dark clouds that slowly came toward majesty of their crystal tower. The clouds blocked all light that crossed from the sun and to the ground and maddening crackles of violent lightning rang across the sky and wretch fires into the farther forest.
Xjrn leaned over to stare at it; the billows were so darkly malevolent it was instantly a thought that they were something of darkness. “What is that?” Kilik suddenly muttered in awe.

It is . . . Calamity. The Madness of the tolls that you wrought, it is in your madness; the Twilight has came and now you must give what must be taken.

Xjrn grabbed her ears a voiced echoed through her ears, the placid sound of a voice slowly but surely drowned her ears with sound, and from a soft sultry accent echoed a screech that hurt her head more than anything she has ever felt.

In the end, it will all fall the same. The hatred of our ancestors brought in the heart of a child, in your dimness. The Light sheds the hate, and it is the Lusrenda.

She grabbed her head as she felt something seep out her mouth, the iron taste of blood tickled her lip, and her vision became hazy. ’Ultima?’ Elliot said, Kilik grabbed her and looked the girl in the eyes as blood started to pour from them. “Elliot the Hospital!” Kilik scream.

Enter our realm of torture, the Godsire, the Ultima, The Round; enter the Summoners Call and seek the mantle of the finesse, call for your Darkness and prepare to be Immaculate of all sin to this world . . .

She felt everything enter a putrid black as her voice left her own body and drifted to her dreams. Kilik screamed to keep her awake but felt nothing, not even a trickle of sweat. Just coldness. However, Xjrn was breathing. But it seemed as If her soul itself had been torn away by something. Elliot made a face, fanged angered flustered and dived, Kilik holding onto Xjrn as the Avion descended at a nominal speed, and was heading straight for the castle. His eyes deepened, they had the best hospital, and he knew for sure that he was there, Vrekscha. The Avion descended even faster, he would get Vrekscha’s attention the easy way it seemed, the Avion aimed well, looked back and then covered both himself and the girls, Kilik screamed as she was covered, unsure of what was happening she grabbed his mane and Xjrn with a death grip. The Avion readied himself and then the gargantuan explosion that followed later echoed as he smashed right through the shelled glass of Crystal tower. Now this was the middle floor, and the crystal tower had many; but this floor was chosen well. The middle held a room the size of a coliseum, a place where people around the world meet to converse about war, ethics and world economy. Now they were in terrible frenzy as a thousand pound Avion caring two young girls suddenly slammed through the glass and rolled into the middle of the room. Vrekscha, among many of them jumped off and drew his sword, wondering if Elliot had gone insane or something. However, as he saw him unfold Xjrn and Kilik, and saw Xjrn’s pale body he instantly knew something was wrong, “Elliot, what happened to Xjrn!” Elliot looked over as Kilik dropped down holding Xjrn, feeling some of the fear of what just happened go to her legs. She slowly wobbled on her knees and looked around pale-faced and confused. ‘Those clouds outside of Rubanutre,’ he started, ‘As soon as Xjrn looked at them, her soul was instantly put to rest by what ever darkness lay amongst them.’ Vrek looked over and stared at them. “I know what those clouds are, and you do too Elliot. That’s why this meeting is being held.” He noted. He walked over to Kilik. She hadn’t noticed anyone at the point because she was busy examining Xjrn for wounds. Vrekscha kneeled over and examined Xjrn, Kilik looked up in surprise, and then with a slightly red face she looked away. “This is no normal coldness, Xjrn’s mind in locked inside her; she must be in a spirit dream of some form. We must get her to the healer, come!” he stood taking Xjrn from Kilik’s arms; she stood fast, “Wait, what about me!” He looked back, “You can stay with her, Kilik,” he noted, “She will be in need of some form of protection . . . other than that of swords weapons or magic.” Kilik stopped walking, “You know my name . . .” she said. “Of course. Mage of the Golden Avion.” He smiled and walked forward.

“What Avion . . .” Kilik muttered.
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