Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1639746-stalker
by Snej
Rated: · Other · Horror/Scary · #1639746
he has no face (unfinished version)
“I, I was just coming back from my friend’s house sir…and…and” she began so sob again. Uncontrollably.
“Miss…Miss! Can you please calm down and tell me what happened”
“I was just on my way home…and I saw a man standing in the far corner, watching me…I saw him watch me before…but tonight he…” her bottom lip trembled and the tears found their way out yet again.
“Miss, did he touch you?”
“I was just walking, watching him watching me, but then he started walking towards me…faster and faster…”
“MISS! Did he or did he not touch you?!” an elderly policeman looked at the crying girl shivering in her white summer dress. She looked at him pleadingly, big brown eyes full of shock and fear.
“No” he could smell the alcohol on her breath.
“Then what is the matter?” he was getting rather annoyed, he could hear it in his voice. “Miss could you at least describe him to me?”
“He had no face sir. He had no face”
“What do u mean he had no face!” this was getting stupid, the girl is obviously drunk and probably made it all up.
“No eyes, no lips. Nothing” there was definitely terror in her slurred speech.
“He curved something into my leg. I could feel the cold blade penetrating my skin. But he didn’t come any closer than 2 meters. He didn’t touch me.” She leaned over to reveal the cut. The policeman held his breath fearing what he might see. Smooth white skin. Not a single cut. The girl was drunk. There was nothing else to it.
“Miss there is no cut”
“No. No, no, no, no, no, no I could feel him do that to me. I COULD FEEL IT!” she was in hysterics.
“Miss you should go home.”
“Sir you have to believe me! I am not lying! If it wasn’t for that old lady…”
“Miss please…”
“NO…what if that happens again!”
“Miss you had too much to drink…you should go home”

“Is it on? Is it…Good morning, it’s channel 5 news with Elizabeth Anderson. A body of a teenage girl was found in the river just out of town. The body of Alice Shaw was brutally cut, strange symbols curved into her body. Her mouth was stuffed with white flowers. The experts say this might be a human sacrifice.”
“Jeez. I heard she was a student in our school.”
“Shush. Jerry turn it up”
“There is absolutely no trace of anyone touching the body. It looks like the murderer didn’t even come close to the body- before or after death. The local policeman claims that the girl was stalked.”
“What is the matter with people these days…”
“I heard she was going insane. Like if someone was stalking her but no one has actually ever seen him”
“Haha maybe she was on drugs, who knows”
“You kidding right. That girl was like a saint, never did anything wrong”
“Oh well as long as we don’t start imagining stalkers we are fine haha”
“Lisa, make sure you give your brother his lunch money, I don’t want him complaining!”
“Yes dad! Come on girls lets go, we gonna be late for school”

“Hey baby” A tall young man approached the three girls, spotting his girlfriend in the middle. “How come you didn’t return my phone calls?” his handsome face adopted a worried expression, black silky hair blowing over his green eyes.
“Sorry, I was busy. Hey look I have to go, girls and I have something to do, talk to you later, bye!” he didn’t even have a chance to give her a kiss. All he could do is watch her hurry away with her giggling girlfriends. Something was wrong. He thought she was ok with what happened in the past. Well now it is clearly obvious that she wasn’t. And he had to do something about it.
“Liz, why are you so harsh on him? He is so cute!”
“How am I harsh?”
“Well u left the poor boy just standing there, no kiss, no hello, you don’t return phone calls, what is the matter?”
“Hey look, who’s that?” girls looked in the pointed direction. On the front steps of the school reception sat a young man, studying his hands. He glanced at Lisa with making her feel uneasy. He run his big strong hand through messy hair-stylish messy. Then pulled on a charming smile, melting them to the ground.
“I don’t know but I sure really like him”
“Lisa? Lisa are you ok?” Samantha noticed that her friend was still making an eye contact with the handsome stranger.
“Oi you slut, lets go, and return that call to your boyfriend!”
“Huh?” she said still spaced out.
“Never mind, lets go, or we’ll be late to class”

It was already past noon but she couldn’t get him out of her mind. There was something about him. Something unusual that made her feel different from the rest. As if he was pulling her in. There was something about that glance he gave her.
“Lisa? Stop daydreaming and return to the class” awoken from her memories by a posh English accent she looked around the class, everyone were staring at her, giggling and whispering to each other. How long was she like this for?
Embarrassment made her return to the reality. She realized that she was staring at someone in the left corner of the room. In the place where her boyfriend used to sit until he got moved classes. Her vision blurred and the only thing she saw was that person staring back at her. Rubbing her eyes she focused on the figure. It was that stranger who made her feel weird in the morning. She quickly looked away hiding her blushed face.
“Hey this is for you” a Goth girl to her right winked then slipped a white sheet of torn paper with something written on it. Lisa stared at it for a while unsure what to do with it. But the curiosity took over. She flipped over the paper.
“Meet me under the bridge” was written in black ink. She could feel her heart stop. Suddenly short of breath sinking into the chair she wondered what should she do. There was big part of her wanting to go and meet that stranger but there was also a small part of her telling her that it is wrong and that she should go and make it up with her boyfriend.

“Im going to see him tonight”
“Are you mad!? That’s mad. Andy, our friend has gone mad”
“Can I go instead of you?”
“No, don’t you encourage her Andy. She has a wonderful boyfriend who cares about her and loves her, and she shouldn’t go and meet strangers under bridges. Lisa, Lisa do you hear me, don’t do it.”
“ Samantha, I just want to go and see what this is all about. That’s all.”
“Yeah right, I know what this is all about. Look Lisa this is dangerous”
“Tell me how it went” her friend gave her a playful look.
“I sure will Andy, if you see Luke tell him I’m not feeling well or something. I don’t want him worrying about me, because he can get rather jealous and I don’t want that”
“Consider it done”
“Lisa please be careful”

The clouds lay low and heavy over the small town, promising a gloomy cold evening. It was already getting dark and the streets were almost empty. In few minutes she would be completely alone. Kicking leaves she walked towards the bridge, which arched over the river. Thoughts of the stranger filled her mind and the possibilities of today’s evening. The bridge was already in sight, reflecting off the pitch-black water. There was no one waiting for her there. Of course he wouldn’t come up. Why would he? She is just an ordinary girl who he probably wanted to make fun of. Perhaps it was her boyfriend’s job, him being jealous again. It didn’t matter now; it was a bad idea in the first place. There was a feeling of floating for a split second, which followed by a painful, hit on the head. A mouthful of icy water, her eyes were loosing focus. Something or someone had attacked her and she was going to drown.

It felt like the voice was war away from her, as if she was under the water and the voice was above it. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Someone was holding her in his arms, someone strong, someone with a very good taste in perfume. Second after second her vision came back to normal and she could recognize her savior. It was that stranger who invited her there in the first place. She lay there in his arms for a second without moving, enjoying the weird feeling of excitement.
“Hi” she whispered staring at his handsome face. But he just smiled his perfect smile glaring with those hypnotizing eyes. “What happened to me?” there was still no answer, just a heart melting smile. A small feeling of guilt and worry appeared but the moment was too good for those feelings to interrupt so she forced them away. He interrupted the silence.
“You tripped and fell into the river. You hit your head off the rock and passed out, I saw you fall and got you out. You’ve been unconscious for an hour.”
“AN HOUR?” those feelings came back and this time there was a good reason not to push them away.
“I’m Daniel. I saw you watching me today at school.” Blood rushed to her cheeks and both of them noticed it.
“I…I…no I saw you watching me…” there was no way she could just get up and run away from this. She tried getting up but he held her really tight, which made her struggle to get up.
“Emm, could you let me go please” but his grip remained the same.
“You have a concussion, I will take you home” he smiled shyly at her “If you don’t mind of course”. She didn’t mind, he was too cute to say no to. Under the force of his sunny smile she remained still in his arms.

The moon was blocked by the heavy autumn clouds, few street lamps where the only source of light. Further down the street a faulty lamp kept on blinking, spitting out ghostly white light. His step was slow and steady; his focus was on the road. Occasionally he would glance to the side, where the field was. But she didn’t notice that, or if she did, she didn’t care, her boyfriend never did anything like that for her and this was new, made her feel special in a way. Finally she detached her stare from his face and looked around.
“That’s not the road I told you to take, this is no where near where I live…” there were notes of panic in her voice. It was now late and she had no idea where he was taking her. This road seemed familiar. They showed it on the news. The road to the river where that body was found.
“Where are you taking me?” but he remained silent, his focus was still on the road “I’m serious I have to get home, where are you TAKING ME??”
“Shh, let me show you” he turned off the road, taking a big step into the tall, field grass slowly making his way through it. It was all like an orchestra, it started off with the beat of her heart, getting faster and faster until there was a feeling it would jump out any second now, there was also the sound of his breathing, so calm and rhythmical, there was a sound of twigs under his manly feet and there was another sound, a sound which she couldn’t understand for a while. It was a sound of a stream. Well, a stream at first, as they came closer the sound grew bigger and bigger. Now she knew- he was taking her to the river.

“Here we are” he laid her down on the grass so close to the running water, perhaps too close.
“Why did u bring me here Daniel?” she asked her voice trembling, she was having a panic attack. What if he was the murderer? Then God makes some really good-looking ones. The mixed emotions prevented her from thinking. At the moment she was brain dead. He looked down at her with those crazy eyes and there was some kind of passion in his eyes. Frightening passion.
“When I was a small boy my father took me here once. He took me at night. And told me that one day I must share this magic with someone special. And I chose you Lisa”
“How do you know my name?” she was sure she didn’t mention it to him earlier.
“School remember?” of course! They go to the same school together, he would of found out from someone by now. And how could she possibly think he is some kind of murderer! He was just being sweet! But then the thought of what kind of magic was he talking about made her worry again.
“Oh yes of course”
“Now its getting rather late and I just wanted to show you what had brought you here for You looked like you needed something to lighten you up.” She held her breath as he turned away, leaning to pick something up. It didn’t look safe but she couldn’t run. Where would she go? She never has seen this place before. Running away would have been the worst of her moves. Daniel turned around clutching something in his hands. His hands seemed to be glowing.
“Wow” she gasped as he revealed a fairy tale from his palm. A whole bunch of fireflies took off and landed on her sweater. He was right- this really was magical.
He caressed the grass and more came out. This time there were small black butterflies too silently swaying over their heads. “Wow…I’ve never seen anything like this before” she stared at those wonders fascinated.
“I knew that would cheer you up” he smiled.
“What do u mean, I wasn’t upset or anything, but this is really nice, thank you”
“Lisa, you’re wonderful, really you are, and I saw you today, how that bastard is putting you down, you’re unhappy with him, I could see that”
“Are you on about Luke?” she was amazed of his conclusions.
“Yes, he doesn’t deserve you”
“And who does?” this was getting interesting, she hoped for the answer which never came.
“Someone who could take care of you and make you smile and treat you like a queen”
“Wow Daniel you’re a real gentleman I must say, I’m impressed”
“No I mean it Lisa” he moved in closer to her. Their eyes met. Now she could feel his breath on her lips, and she wanted him to kiss her, to kiss her long, like no one ever did before, like they do in romance movies. But instead he moved away with words “I’ll be back” he left her sitting there still holding onto that moment.

Tall spiky grass clutched her dress like a thousand skinny fingers, making her escape almost impossible. She ran. She tried to hide but wherever the shadows lay he was there. Watching her. Mocking her. Towering trees surrounded her. Closing in on her. Looking down on her. Like giant heartless guards. Something was saying there was no escape.

Chilled wind got to the bones, and slowly this place was closing in on her. Surrounded by tall leafless trees, in front of a fast flowing river she kept on imagining a floating dead body of that girl who died literally few days ago in that river that she stared into. The thought was horrifying. Daniel was gone almost an hour now and she was getting rather worried, she didn’t know her way back. In the corner of her eye she noticed a tall figure creeping up behind her, like a predator creeping up to his prey. With her fingers she found a rock under her feet and clutched it in her hand as tight as possible, carefully turning around to see who the creeping man was. She couldn’t breathe, completely horror paralyzed she stared into the darkness. No one was behind her. “Daniel? Daniel is that you?” She turned back to the river to find out that Daniel was right in front of her face.
“Daniel!” She screamed, and gave him a good, strong slap. “YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??” she couldn’t control her shock-anger cocktail. Grabbing onto his neck as if this was her only chance for survival she knocked him over, immediately regretting it.
“Sorry, I was just getting you something” she looked down at what he was holding. It was a heap of white flowers.
“Aww Daniel, I’m sorry I just got really scared, that is so sweet”
“Ermm yeah I should take you home” it would have been better if she was murdered that night than made a fool of her self like that.

“Thanks for taking me home, I really liked what you’ve done for me tonight”
“My pleasure…ermm sorry I scared you tonight, I know that whole thing with murder and I left you alone for a while…I shouldn’t of done that”
“It’s alright…” her voice changed into a whisper, as his face slowly closed up to hers.
She could already feel his mint breath on her lips…
“Lisa?” a voice came from behind them, interrupting their moment yet again.
“Lisa is that you?” oh no. The figure behind them was Luke. He had a heap of red roses in his arms and he looked rather tiered and worried.
“Lisa what’s this?”
“I’m, i… I just…” she looked behind her to find support in Daniel but he had vanished in the shadows. As if he was never there in the first place. She looked puzzled at Luke who stood there terrified.
“Baby, what happened to you? Do you know what time it is? And what it that…what is wrong with your head? Are you hurt?” he run to her examining a bloody mark on her forehead. Her emotions now were pure guilt. But in a way she felt good, he really did deserve it.
“Oh thank God!” an old man hurried out of the house to meet his daughter. What was this all about, she had come home late before and this was one of the times.
“Lisa, Lisa my girl are you alright? Where the hell have you been??”
“Lisa where the…”
“Shut up Jerry, Lisa you’re not to go out this late at night at all now. Jerry went out to look for you where have you been? Haven’t you heard the news? A girl went missing tonight! Another one! We were so worried about you!” her father captured her in his arms as if he was never going to see her again. The pressure was so strong that she dropped her given; white flowers onto the cement, making Luke notice them.

For the first time in few days, the sun managed to break its way through the thick blanket of clouds. A faint ray shone onto the steps of the school reception. Three girls lay on the green, freshly cut grass by the ancient oak tree, studying those enchanted steps.
“Where do you think he is?”
“I don’t know, but he was amazing last night…” there was a sad sigh and a mouthful of pasta.
“So you say he took you to that river and gave you a bunch of white flowers?”
“And did that whole thing with fireflies?” two of them where fascinated.
“What about Luke?”
“What about him?”
“Well…you said that he was away to kiss you and it didn’t look like you resisted much so what’s up?”
Another mouth full. “No don’t you avoid that question. Are you guys alright?”
“Yeah, we are just fine.” She remembered the look on his face when he saw those white flowers.
“You know he has been staring at you the whole day?”
“Yes, I’ve noticed.”
“Yet he didn’t come up. There is definitely something up”
A sigh. “We’ll see…”

Almost everyone had already left the school, there were only few students clearing up and packing away. In the far corner of the school library, still busy sat Lisa, deeply involved in her book. She hasn’t noticed that a tall, skinny man had approached her and was waiting patiently by her side.
“Miss Kimberly?”
“Huh…Oh, Oh Mr. Freezen, hello.” She smiled at him.
“What is that you’re reading?”
“Oh its just a romance book”
“You like romance? Hmm…” he pulled on a thoughtful expression. “Well if you want I could give you some books, I have great romance books up in my room”
“Ermm, I don’t know…I should be going now…”
“Oh don’t you worry darling it would only take up few minutes and then I can lock up and we can leave together. Maybe I could give you a lift home.”
“Oh…” she thought about it for a second. “I guess so, ok, thanks. That would be nice.”
“Alright darling, follow me.”

The classroom was cold and damp, with three small windows and few bare, yellow lamps. In the corner of the room stood a small, gray desk with piles of documents and a dried up white flower in a glass vase. It was hard to image someone working in these conditions but somehow this old teacher had managed all these years. He let Lisa in closing a heavy door behind her, with a glass window in the middle of it. There was a click as the key span in the lock; old man silently put it away into his pocket. The books are in the bottom of the desk darling. The girl bent over giving him an eyeful of her thong. “Where about sir?”
“Lower darling, lower.” As Lisa bend over even more searching for her promised novels, he took out a photo camera, a very old fashioned one, and captured her rear end.
“What was that?” she noticed her science teacher put something into his pocket. It looked like a photograph.
“Oh nothing, darling I was just looking for something” turning around he pretended to fiddle with the paperwork. Bending over once more Lisa searched through the mess on the floor, which consisted of diaries and old books. She accidentally dropped one of the diaries and few photos fell to the floor. Looking at the teacher, to check if he was still busy with his papers, she glanced back at the photos. On the photos they’re two female students. One of them was murdered this week, and one went missing. Every female on the photo was bending over in some way, looking for something on the floor. Then it came to her that the teacher must have done the same with her. And she feared what he might still do.
“Are you alright darling?” Mr. Freezen was looking straight down at her.
“Oh yes, i… I am just fine. I should get going. It really is late.”
“I found the novels, here they are” he handed over some red books with ripped edges.
“Thanks.” He came from behind her and sniffed her hair, admiring the scent.
“You are a very beautiful young woman Lisa” he came up closer and put his hands on her waist.
“Mr. FREESEN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” she jumped away from him terrified, staring at the old pervert.
“You were always my favorite student Miss Kimberly, darling” he made a step closer to her.
“Stop right there! Don’t move! I’ll tell the police! I will get you fired!” she was threatening him hopelessly. Rushing to the door to find out that it is locked she frantically looked for a way out. But there was none. She knew that he had the key. But there wasn’t much she could do. He was the one in charge now.
“You can’t get out darling, favor for a favor. That’s how it works”
“Get AWAY FROM ME!” she was now screaming. Not a single sound came though the heavy door. Only the gray hallway walls witnessed the unclear figures of the struggling student and her forceful teacher.

She felt dirty, weak, ruined. Legs were barely dragging her home. Vicious wind pulled her hair in every direction and stung the tear washed face. Mascara was all over the cheeks, lipstick smudged. She could see someone watching her in the shadows, watching her every single footstep, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t face the world anymore. She knew she had to remain silent about this.

The next day at school Daniel didn’t show up again. This was worrying. Had she done something that night that had made him avoid her? Is he in some kind o trouble? She didn’t know but she was certain that it wasn’t a good sign. She could barely walk, her body hurt all over. She had to wear a scarf and a turtle neck sweater to hide the purple bruises from the night before. She was ashamed but didn’t want to show it. It was to traumatizing.

Not wanting to go home soon enough, the road past the bridge was chosen. Looking at the muddy ground she made her way to the murky waters. Was it her imagination or did she really see a male figure in its reflection. She looked up. There he was. Sitting on the rock, feet just above the water, studying his hands like the first time when she saw him. He looked up.
“Hi…” she had lost the ability to speak. “Where have you been? I didn’t see you at school…” she made her way to him.
“Yeh, I had some things to take care off…”
“Oh” she sat on the rock next to him, also looking at her hands. She glanced at him with the corner of her eye, noticing that something bad happened in the period of those two days he was missing. He had scratches all over his face and hands. His jacket torn.
“Is everything alright?” she whispered.
“Yeh, don’t worry about me” he looked over at her, who had trouble sitting down. He looked at her with concern. She stared at him trying to hold back tears, but they just started to flow, down her cheeks.
He held her close to his chest. “Hush…its alright…its alright…” he held her away to brush hair off her pale face. “You can tell me anything you know that.”

It felt very secure being in his arms, she loved the way he cared, but something had interrupted that feeling. She looked over his shoulder. There they were. Hand in hand. Smiling at each other. And it broke her heart to see it. Andy and Luke were walking together; she was holding roses, the roses that were meant for Lisa, she was holding her roses. Daniel caught her stare, and pulled her face towards his. This time it was Luke’s turn to stare. It was like they write in romance books. The whole thing with butterflies in your stomach. He pulled back leaving her dazed, letting the feeling linger. They remained there for few seconds: fingertips touching, staring in each other’s eyes. There was definitely a spark between them and everyone saw it.

“Jerry turn that TV up”
“No, they keep on showing the same thing over and over…”
“Its just about that missing girl honey, they found her body, the death and girls were very similar. They think it’s a serial killer or something along those lines” a picture of both young women came up on the TV screen.
“Wow, those two look so much like mom!”
“No they don’t!” jerry complained.
“Yes they do! Look at them!” all three of them looked at the TV.
“You’re right honey those do look like your mother.”
Lisa looked at the chair where her brother was crouching in. His eyes filled with hot tears, which he couldn’t hide.
“I’m sorry Jerry, I didn’t mean to upset you”
“Whatever” he stormed out of the room.

“So Andy, you have anything to say to me?”
“About what?” her friend pulled puppy-eyes look.
“I think you know what I am talking about…you dirty bitch…”
“Woah, woah Lisa! Language! What’s this all about?” Samantha decided to join the conversation.
“Lisa what the hell…” there was a loud slapping noise and Andy’s cheek turned maroon colour.
Samantha looked at Andy in dismay, then at Lisa, and back at Andy.
“I…I…you were with that Daniel guy anyways, why do you care!”
“HMM, I don’t know maybe cause he’s my boyfriend?” she replied sarcastically.
“More like EX BOYFRIEND!” she shouted, “It’s not my fault you go off with the 1st stranger ditching your boyfriend to be. You think he doesn’t know where you two went? He SAW YOU! He saw everything you slut! No wonder he is so mad at you!”
A crystal tear rolled down Lisa’s cheek. She didn’t know what to do. Andy was right. She did kind of cheat on her boyfriend, but that didn’t give them the right to do that to her. She looked for words but they wouldn’t come to her, storming off was her other option.

She run, pushing through the crowd, to find a quiet place to hide and calm down, but instead she run into a girl who then fell to the floor, her books going all over the place. Some people laughed at them, most stared and whispered to each other, giving them self something to talk about. Opening her eyes Lisa found a redhead lying next to her, rubbing her forehead. Slowly both of them got up, quickly proceeding to picking up the books.
“I am so sorry.” She sobbed quietly. “I was just having a bad day… I am so sorry”
“It’s alright, don’t you worry about it. I am Angela, you?”
“I’m Lisa, nice to meet you. Oh shit, you ripped your tights. Shit. Can I make it up to you?”
The redhead just smiled back “I told you, didn’t I? Don’t worry about it!”
Lisa pulled a puzzled look “You want to have a drink with me and my friends tonight?…I mean to make it up to you in some way…”
“Sure that’ll be great. Where about?”
“Well how about the park at 9?”
“Deal” she smiled as she walked away. Leaving Lisa all alone in the middle.

“Hey!” a white figure appeared from the shadows of the evening, closing up to a small group of her new friends. “Sorry I am a little late, I had some things to do.”
Lisa stood up to welcome her; she had a plastic gift bag in her hand. “It’s alright, here this is for you.”
“Tights” she smiled.
“This is Samantha and this is my brother Jerry” young man resting on the bench looked up.
“So we heard our stupid friend nearly killed you today” Samantha broke the intimate silence, when Angela and Jerry made their eye contact for a second too long.
Awoken she pulled out a cigarette from her mini bag and lit it “No, she was just having a bad day, it happens.” She breathed out a big ring of smoke. There was giggling not far away from them and a familiar voice. Everyone turned their heads to se Andy with Luke- making out.
“I’m sorry Lisa” her friend put her hand on her shoulder, “Here, have this” she handed her a bottle of vodka. Angela noticed the fierce look in jerry’s eyes. To that Samantha whispered “Jerry used to date Andy, and that handsome guy next to her is the reason why you got new tights today.”
“Ohh” She looked at Jerry who immediately got up and stormed off in the other direction.
“Sorry, he is like that sometimes. He is very…sensitive?” both girls giggled at that. Luke looked over at Lisa and winked.
“Did that asshole just wink at me?”
“Yeh, yeh I think he did”
“YOU…” she could finish her sentence when big strong hands pulled her bag into the darkness.
“Lisa?” both girls looked around. Their friend who stood right behind them was now missing.
“Lisa?” There was heavy breathing. “LISA!”
Someone was standing right behind them in the darkness.
“Lisa this is not funny anymore” more heavy breathing.
“Lisa come out right now, I am not joking! LISA!” a thud.
They watched in suspense. In complete silence. A bottle rolled behind them but they didn’t dare to turn around. Every single hair on their arms was up. Something was closing in on them in darkness. Another thud, this time from the back. A tall figure of a man slowly moved out of the dark. Both girls froze. That was it. They were going to die.
“AAAH WHAT THE… LISA! YOU BITCH” the male figure started to laugh, both girls are in shock on the floor, behind them Lisa holding onto her stomach struggling to breathe.
“You should have seen your faces! Daniel come here.” The male figure stepped out to the light laughing like mad.
“That wasn’t funny you know…” Samantha was still in shock lying on the stone cold ground.
“Get up you or you’ll get a cold.” She advised giving her a hand to grab onto. “How about we all go to mine and have some drinks there, it’s much warmer and dad should be out of the house for ages.”
“Yeh, now that I had a heart attack I don’t want to run into the real murderer…”

“Your house is huge!” Angela whispered looking at the massive living room. “This living room is the size of my house!”
“Yeah when mom was still with us she…” there was a door slam. “Jerry? Dad? Is anyone home?” but there was no reply. “Meh, probably the wind…”
“Is your brother always like that?”
“Like what?”
“Well you know, quiet and stormy?”
“Oh no, he was alright, but when Jerry was small our mom met a complete stranger…” she glanced at Daniel, who glanced back in return “And left us. Since then Jerry hated his mother. He also had some mental issues. We took him to the doctors but they said he was absolutely fine. But dad and I could see that at times, he could move things.” She caught Samantha staring at her.
“What do you mean move things?”
“Well, without touching them you know. I don’t remember what that talent is called”
“Really? That’s amazing!”
“Not really…he can’t control it”
“Oh…” there was another door slam, coming from the hallway, where Jerry’s room was.
“Jerry? Are you home? Look I’m sorry about today…Jerry?”
The door to the room was swung open, so was the bedroom window. Jerry was not there. Daniel caught something with the corner of his eye. There was something sticking out form under Jerry’s bed.
“Lisa what’s that?…Lisa?” but Lisa had vanished from the spot where she stood a second ago. Daniel looked back at the square object- it looked like a chest. It looked like someone tried hiding it very fast and didn’t manage very well.

The heavy sky was spiting out bits of rain, making the road very slippery to run on. In fact, it was almost impossible to run without constantly falling over. The figure that she saw running away from the window was now disappearing in the tall field grass.
“God damn it, STOP!” it froze. But it wasn’t facing her. It was facing the forest, which hid away the river. “WHO ARE YOU?” still no reaction, the figure seemed to be glued to the spot. Paralyzed. “WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MY HOUSE YOU BASTARD?” slowly the figure turned its head. To her dismay there was nothing to look at. There was no face.

“Daniel I don’t think we should touch it…” Samantha was paranoid about touching the chest, but truly the curiosity was killing her too. “Ok well if you do open it do it fast…”
“Don’t worry like that, I just want to have a look.”
“Come on, don’t take ages!”
“I’m trying! It has a lock…wait it isn’t closed properly!” he tried lifting up the lid but managed to make a small gap. Finally the lock gave up and Daniel lifted up the lid.
“What’s all this?” the chest was full of white flowers.

“I SAID WHO ARE YOU?” she couldn’t tell if it’s the alcohol or the figure didn’t actually have a face. Suddenly there was a rush of pain in her leg. As if someone was cutting it with a blade. She looked down. Her black dress was soaked with something. There was this terrible smell of metal, the smell you get from blood. She looked confused at the expressionless face of the figure. He made a step closer.

“Daniel look through the flowers, this cant be just a chest full of flowers!” he dug his hand into the pile and fished out a picture. There was a young woman on it.
“Who’s this?” he looked up.
“That’s Lisa’s mother. Look what else is there” he dug in his hand again.
“It feels like there are more photographs!” there was a set of photographs this time. There were pictures of two women who looked very similar to Lisa’s mom,.
“Hey, hey those are the pictures of those murdered girls!”
“But those are snap shots, like if those women didn’t know if those pictures were taken!”
“Why would Jerry have those?” Daniel looked at the other photograph. It was Luke and Andy, sitting together by the river. “What’s all this about??” all three of them leaned over to examine the photograph.
“Did Jerry make those?” Daniel dug in his hand again, this time pulling out an empty blade case. He looked at Samantha, who in her turn looked at frightened Angela. He dug in his hand again feeling something soft in his hand. Almost like human skin.
“Girls, this one doesn’t feel right.” he began to extract something from the chest. Everyone held their breath. Three. Two. One.
“A mask?”
“But it doesn’t have anything on it, I mean look at it, its just plain skin colored mask!”
“Wait, something isn’t right…” he pulled out the last photograph. This one had a big red cross over it.

The tall spiky grass was grabbing onto her dress, trying to keep her still. It was like a thousand skinny fingers all trying to stop her from escaping. She snatched the dress away from them but they attached again and again. Another invisible push. She was being pushed into the forest. Push. Her legs gave up and shuddered under her, she fell to the floor. There was some kind of rotting smell coming from her right. She desperately wanted to look and see what the source of it was but he head wouldn’t move. She seemed to be paralyzed. Something was crying. It was a very familiar cry. It sounded like…Andy?
“Liz, I am so sorry…” someone whispered so close to her ear. It was definitely Andy, and from the sound of it she was hurt as much as she was herself.
“Andy?” she whispered back.
“Andy is that you?” thud. Dead silence. Lisa tried moving her head but the pain was too great. Slowly she managed to turn it so she could see slightly to her right. Her eyes filled with tears, burning they rolled down her cheeks. Next to her face there was her dead friend. A stream of blood gushed from her mouth.
“Andy” she began to cry. “Andy wake up…please…” the tears were flowing now, blurring her vision to the max. There was still no reply. she could hear something being dragged on the floor through the crunchy leaves. She cleared her eyes to see that the young woman who was lying next to her was now gone. There was a faint splash of water, then…dead silence.
Sobbing, she forced her self off the floor, and began to crawl towards the grass. She could hear someone walking right behind her, but it was too terrifying to look back.
Some kind of force pushed her to the ground. Invisible force. Then another familiar voice.

The voice was sobbing, childish, and so incredibly familiar. But there was a new note in it. There was nothing human left in it.
“ALL OF YOU…” it sobbed “I GAVE YOU ALL A CHANCE! BUT YOU DIDN’T TAKE IT!!” so familiar it was unreal.
“BUT I WILL TEACH YOU ALL A LESSON!” there was sharp pain in her hand- she examined it. Slowly her skin was being sliced open to carve in initials. Those too looked so familiar. They looked like their…
“NOW YOU THINK OF ME… YOU DIRTY WHORE…” he began to sob again.
“Are you talking about Daniel?”
“What is wrong with your face?”
“This is what represents what I do.” He slowly began to pull it off. “I am the male figure, I have no face, I represent everyone. And it is your fault you’re going to die tonight. Because YOU DID WHAT SHE DID” the skin on her legs began to split, carving in the two letters.
“Jerry please, stop! You know I would never leave you!” her little brother began to laugh psychotically.
“THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID…THEY BOTH DID…” he glanced at the river.
Skin began to split on her chest. Blood began to run from her nose.
“Jerry…please…” her eyes slowly began to loose focus.
“Jerry please” he mimicked her. Now she could no longer see, she was passing out. She glanced at the animal face for the last time but it was all out of focus. Time was running out. Thud.

“Shh…don’t you worry…I am here” someone was stroking her hair “…darling”

© Copyright 2010 Snej (snej at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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