Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1637761-THE-STATE-OF-OUR-nation
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1637761
Written long ago by a disillusioned girl.
I have written such before, now I begin anew
what exactly do you think is society’s glue?
Violence, some say, or fear of unknowns
perhaps we just don’t want to be alone
flocking instinctively, a bunch of sheep
or is it something more meaningful, deep?

with all the hatred we show each other
why do we still flock together?
we could just leave, live separately
segregate ourselves and our families
maybe then all this killing would end
shooting and stabbing and maiming our 'friends'

although I admit, its sure fun to see
a person hit with a chainsaw, cut off at the knee
someone shot with a crossbow, right in the eye
set right on fire, smoke fills the sky
hit by a car, shot with a gun
it all just seems like so much fun
as long as it doesn’t happen to you
this world can continue to be a damn zoo

kinda gives us something to watch
something to do besides grabbing our crotch
hey, it’s just TV, we got nothing to lose
neighborhood goes bad? Just pick up n move.
don’t fix anything or stop all the crime
that wouldn’t be a good use of time
you might miss your favorite show on TV
living through others, vicariously
why try to make the world someplace new?
when the world is so busy pandering to you

we love all this violence, this hurting and pain
that’s why we want it never to change!
why we live together in the cities we hate
why we have murder and bigotry and rape
what would you read in your daily paper
if that nine year old girl had no one to take her?
If she was safely at home, getting ready for her day
and nobody kidnapped her and took her away?

What would you watch on your zombie box
if we didn’t have channels with violence like fox?
If we had no pedophiles, nobody to hate?
would you ever bother to stay up late??
You watch the news and buy into this shit
look! An innocent exploded in a botched mob hit!
how exciting, how tragic, how morbidly fun
whenever you tune in the corporations have won

I don’t watch TV, nor hear the radio
if someone starts to gossip I get up and go
I don’t need to hear about the baby starved at home
her mother wouldn’t feed her and nobody had known
too busy buying herself clothes they say
to give her daughter food each day
she was only two, and isn’t this great
nobody cared until it was too late
she was two months gone before relatives knew
how long would it have been if the relative were you?
When’s the last time you called family?
When’s the last time it was for them and not "me"?
Has a newspaper article ever made you cry?
Did that baby dying bring a tear to your eye?
Did it even make you sad?
Or are you now just starting to feel bad?

Think about this next time you’re watching
what if it’s you hit while road-crossing?
Would you be ok if all near just stared?
Nobody helped you while you bled there?
Nobody thought to call the police
they just sat there and watched, a morbid eyes feast?
How would you feel if someone stabbed you
and all over the news your face was issued
for the entire world to judge and to see
not feeling a thing, no hint of mercy?

How do you feel when you see the homeless?
Do you know how close they are to losing their wits?
Nobody helps them, but they aren’t all bad
you never know what troubles they had
you judge them so quickly because of a few
what would you think if the homeless were you?
If you got laid off and had nowhere to go
were forced by the fates to live in the snow?
To ask people, strangers, for change, or just steal
to live in a dumpster, and scrounge for each meal?
To worry each day where you'd go for the night?
to be on your own and be forced to fight
the system and stereotypes for all that you need
to have nowhere to go when your fingers bleed
in below freezing weather your skin simply cracks
and its hard to find shelter, cops follow your tracks
you hide in a hallway just to be warm
because outside there’s a blistering storm
a stranger happens by, finds you harming nothing
but they scream and holler, till your ears ring
then you gotta leave, and go brave the storm
find some other unsafe, temporary home
are you beginning to put yourself in their shoes?
Or are you still sitting there watching the news?

And what about the kid who joins in a gang?
Forget about him, him we should hang!
he didn’t have a fucked up life
feeling no hope in this constant strife
joining a bunch of assholes he probably never wanted
just so he'd avoid getting beat up and taunted
maybe he joined so he wouldn’t feel so alone
families these days don’t make you feel at home
what if you were him, having to kill to be cool?
To rape a girl you liked behind the middle school?
And if you told your boys to go to hell
they'd shoot you in the chest and laugh as you fell.
nobody tells you joining up is for life
you do as they do of you end up knifed
you see it happen to someone else each day
and after awhile all you want is away
but you can't, so now you’re in this gang for good
never gonna get your ass out of the hood.

please people for the love of god get your head out of your ass
or I swear to god I’m going to come around and shoot up your class
cuz I’m that freak Goth kid at school
who everyone thinks that they have fooled
till one day I can take no more
and fill the hallways up with gore
because nobody will understand
that I just need a helping hand
constantly picked on, everyone’s cruel
so damn sick of going to school
but forced to anyways, and nothings ok
until I let the bullets spray
that will make it all seem fine
making the world population decline

picture the wife all alone, beaten by her man
she knew what would happen when he asked for her hand
she could just leave, couldn’t she? nobody would stop her
except you don’t know all the facts, he would fucking drop her
she'll never ever get away, not while they both live
every day he beats her bloody no matter what she did
she didn’t cook dinner because she's bedridden with the flu?
Well daddy’s got a pleasant little surprise for you!
How about he holds a hot iron to your spine?
Next time, bitch, make sure dinner's on time!
Couldn’t do the dishes cuz he fuckin broke your arm?
He brings you flowers helps you out and lays on the charm.
but it’s been years of the same old thing and you see through his shit
it’ll only be a day till again you get hit...
now put yourself in her shoes, what the fuck would you do?
Kill that mother fucker or continue to be abused?
cuz anyone who’s been there already understands
so it turns out that you realize its either you or him
and you stab him in the night before the screaming starts again.

all these thing have happened every single day
all over our country in many different ways
and you just sit there safely inside your happy home
waiting in your living room for the daily news to come
sitting there unaffected by all you see and read...
well I say fuck this bullshit, this shit isn’t for me
I refuse to read a paper or watch the news at five
fuck all of this useless shit killing off our minds
people are getting hardened against such horrible acts
everybody accepting violence and coldness as just the facts
well I refuse to be a part of such universal uncaring
ill get off my ass and live, now isn’t that just daring?
My life might be boring, repetitive and slow
but at least I have some substance, and still have room to grow.

I give a damn about the homeless
I was sad for the girl
I cried for the baby and wanted to hurl
I care about the gang kid
and I care for the wife
it's depressing that they will never have a life
I hate this fucking violence
I hate the fucking world
I hate not being able to change it
because I am just one girl.

No matter what everyone says
one person can't end this taint
mother Theresa lived and died, and she is now a saint...
but the world continues to get worse and worse
no matter what she did or said
because us humans are a fucking curse
and never use our fucking heads.

nothing is getting better, things just spiral down
we see nature changing, and she’s wearing a frown
she'll kill us off with weather, brought to its extremes
wipe us off the planet, and make everything clean
she's tired of these humans and their selfish, stupid ways
and soon enough my fellows, we'll see the end of days...

© Copyright 2010 IrishLuv (hmlandry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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