Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1637301-Dragonball-ZThe-Unknown-Saiyan-Part-Two
by Kayate
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1637301
The second part of my DBZ fanfic
"Yeah, I saved dad from being killed by...um, Uncle Raditz, I helped defeat Vegeta when he was evil, I killed Cell, one of the most powerful enemies we've faced, when I was only 11, and I killed a monster called Bojack!" Gohan recalled all the times he saved the earth from destruction explsining his journeys to his grandfather
"Wow, and I never saved a planet once, only destroyed them... I tried to save our entire race, but Frieza was far too strong," Bardock 's expression showed great disapointment. Vegeta's voice started to cackle through Goku's watch.
"Kakarot! Come here! There's trouble in the main building! I think they're spies,"
"Alright Vegeta, be right there," Goku then left his family, again, to see Vegeta at Capsule Corp, who was hiding behind a tree, concealing his powerlevel.
"Supress your powerlevel, now, look up there. That window to the left," Vegeta whispered to Goku.
"No your other left you idiot!" Vegeta whispered in a harshed tone as Goku looked to the right.
"Hey, is that Nappa?" Goku whispered as he hid in the tree directly in front of Vegeta's.
"Yes, it seems he's ready to make the place explode when he sees one of us, see? He's got his index and middle finger up,"
"Oh, ok, so...why am I here?"
"I need you to help me, he might see me charging him or my Galick Gun and have time to kill everyone in the city,"
"So use your Instant Transmission! Knock him out cold and we'll take him for... lets just say, interagation,"
"Ohhhh, I get it. Be right back!" Goku then transported to behind Nappa, "Hi, remember me?"
"What?" Nappa turned around, letting his guard down, "Who are you!"
"Aw... you don't remember me? Thats a shame, lemme jog your memory." Goku said as he used his Kaioken, "Wow, been a while since I've used this."
"Gah! Its you!"
"Yep! I knew you'd remember!" Goku then flicked Nappa in the forehead and Nappa flew into the wall opposite. "How's that Vegeta!"
"Perfect! But don't you think you could've ended killing the people in the building with a flick like that?"
"Oops, I guess so, I figured Nappa had been training in HFIL where a flick would just knock him out," Goku sweatdropped, "At least that didn't destroy him,"
"True, well lets take him in small room, somewhere dark, with a lamp, and a chair," Vegeta said, wanting to do a classic interrogation.
Meanwhile Goten and Trunks were back training, this time deep in the woods.
"Hey Trunks!" Goten had a brilliant idea, well brilliant to him anyways.
"What Goten?" Trunks had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind, he had the word "dragon", and "help".
"Lets get the spare 'Dragon'" there it went Trunks thought, "radar in my room and 'help'" Oh dear Shenron... "my dad and Vegeta!"
"Oh no...why am I always right?" Trunks said, then he thought of something himself, 'Hm, I am the Prince of Saiyans now, maybe I should help keep my race alive...' "Ok Goten! Lets go!" The two soon barged into Goten's home.
"Hi mom!" The two went into Goten's room and grabbed a Dragonradar on his dresser. "Love ya Mom bye!"
"Wait Goten! Its cold! Puton a... Why do I even bother..." Chi-Chi tried to protect her son from the cold, but failed as an overly protective mother, but failed. As Goten and Trunks were flying low searching for a Dragonball detected on their radar, when they noticed someone on top of a boulder, training their balance in the same place Goku and Vegeta fought on their first encounter.
"Hey! Its Majubb!" Trunks yelled to Buu's reincarnation.
"Hey guys!" Uub yelled to the two as he jumped down from the rock and Trunks and Goten landed.
"What are you doing out here Majuub?" Goten asked.
"Nothing, just training, what about you guys,?"
"Well we're looking for the Dragonballs," Trunks explained.
"Wait, weren't Goku and Vegeta supposed to be doing that?" Majuub asked.
"Well... yes, but we're helping out," Goten said, hoping Majuub didn't try to do anything.
"Oh, ok!"
Dende's attacker, also the leader of the villains, was in the distance spying on the three. His figure is finally seen, without being hidden in darkness. He has Elite Saiyan Armor, blood red eyes, and has black hair,long down the back reaching down to his waist and spiky in the front, similar to Goku's, with slight muscle build. "Hmm, seems its time to unleash this one. I don't like bringing out my strongest against these two, but it'll be fun to watch them writhe in pain..." The strange villain reached out his hand toward Majuub. "Come out, unleash your past self,".
"Well ya know, when I merged with Buu I gained the ability to change ordinary things into food, and other stuff, so now i can live anywhere!" Majuub was explaining his powers his obtained when he merged with Majin Buu, "And somet-... gah!" Majuub suddenly double-overed in pain, his pupils disapearing, leaving them pure white. They were then turned pitch black with a red circle as pupils. His Mohawk turned pink and his vest was absorbed into his skin.
"Majuub! Whats happening!" Goten and Trunks were stricken with fear for their friend.
"Gah...I... Don't k-know..." Majuub's mohawk then slendered into an antenna on his head. His pants gained a belt with the Majin "M" in the buckle. His body was then littered with small whole across his arms and around the antenna.
"What in the?" Goten was astonished at what was happening.
"No! Is he doing what I think!?" Trunks was afraid of what would happen in a couple of seconds, he feared the thing that destroyed the whole earth would return. Majuub's skin then turned pink, to match his antenna, his teeth sharpened.
"Gwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!" Majuub had completely transformed to his incarnation, Kid Buu.
"N-No! Trunks! What now!" Goten happened to catch a glimpse of the Dragonradar, "Hey, the Dragonball is right wher Buu is,"
"But its not imbedded in his body!" Trunks exclaimed.
"Maybe its candy inside his body!"
"If its candy, that would mean it wouldn't give him a power boost, right?" Trunks said with a smirk.
"I guess so..." Goten was confused at what his friend had in mind. Trunks then held out his arms and looked at Goten, "Alright! Time for Gotenks' return!"
"Fuuu...Sion! HA!" the two preformed the Fusion Dance and transformed into Gotenks! Gotenks's new hairstyle is just Goten's with Trunks' purple streaking down the side.
"Hi Buu, remember me?!" Gotenks asked the monstrocity
"Lets go!" Gotenks transformed into a Super Saiyan Three "Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack!" Gotenks preformed his signature move, spitting out ghosts identical to him, "Go ghost!"
"I don't wanna!" the ghost rebelled against his creator.
"Go now! Do you want explode for no apparent reason?!" the ghost then flew toward Buu at full speed. A pink beam came out of Buu's antenna , turning the ghost into a Fireball jawbreaker.
"No! My ghost! Buu then proceeded to eat the ghost. "Fine! Take this! Galactic Donut!" Gotenks raised his index finger into the air and made a ring of energy. He thrust his finger forward which caused the ring to fly to Buu.
"Stop!" Gotenks held his fists out and the ring stopped. He brought his fists down which made the ring come down around Buu.
"Gah?" Buu looked around inspecting the ring of energy. Gotenks then pushe his fists together causing the ring to close around Buu.
"Hah! Get ready!" Gotenks flew above Buu. "Kamehame Buster!" Gotenks fused the Buster Cannon and Kamehameha wave together to obliterate Buu. "Is he dead? Gotenks asked himself as he seperated Goten and Trunks. The two flew down to where Buu was and found that Majuub was there instead.
"He's ok Goten, just unconcious, lets put him somewhere safe," Trunks said as he picked up Majuub.
"Over there," Goten suggested, pointing to a large plateou.(however its spelled)
"Ok, go find the Dragonball Goten,"
"Alright," Goten flew off to where Buu was and found the Six-Star Dragonball. Meanwhile...
"Who are you working for!?" Goku yelled at Nappa, who was tied to a chair in a dark room lit by a single lamp.
"I can't tell you!" Nappa yelled back.
"Tell me!" Vegeta yelled, holding an energy ball to Nappa's face.
"I can't tell you!"
"Fine! Then wheres the rest of the Dragonballs!" Goku asked.
"Your friend Majuub has one! Our leader is going to turn him back into Buu! But I sense he's already been defeated!"
"Hmph, Trunks and Goten no doubt," Vegeta said.
"Who else has them?" Goku asked.
"'Cough' um...I do..." Nappa said emberassed.
"Heh, three Dragonballs didn't give you enough power to take a flick?" Vegeta scophed in his face.
"Well... he used Kaioken..." Nappa said.
"Well, we'll need those, so good bye Nappa," Vegeta let go of his energy ball which blasted Nappa in the face, leaving nothing but three Dragonballs in his place.
"Well, thats three," Goku said, picking them up.
"We've got all seven now Kakarot, lets take them to the Lookout,"
"Ok". Trunks and Goten had went to the Lookout to give Dende their ball as well. Hey Goten, hey Trunks!" Goku greeted the two when he and Vegeta arrived.
"Hi everyone," Dende had flew back to the Lookout after he recovered at Goku's home, "You've got all the Dragonballs already? Good work!" Dende took the balls and placed them on a pedestal. "I've been sensing things happening on earth. Someone's been following some of you around, he caused Majuub to transform, he brought your dads to earth and got Babidi to control them, and he's the same one who attacked me."
"The leader..." Goku muttered. Suddenly someone flew up in front of the Lookout with Krillin and Yamcha, unconcious, it was the leader.
"Hey! He's a Saiyan!" Vegeta yelled, "He's got Saiyan Armor!"
"Yes, I am a Saiyan, my name is Blaster. I was sent to HFIL at birth because of my power. I wasn't even killed to be sent there. They used scientists to try to open a portal between the two worlds, and just threw me in there.But now... now I have escaped, I'm here for my revenge against the Royal Family for my sentence! Long story short, I must kill, then destroy,Vegeta! With that victory acheived, I will rule the universe as king!" Blaster, the new Saiyan threat of the earth. then threw Krillin in the air and blasted him with his free hand, completely destroying his body.
"No! Krillin!" Goku witnessed his friends death for the third, and last time.
"Wait Kakarot, don't do anything he's got your other friend as well," Vegeta warned. Blaster then threw Yamcha at Goku, noticing his distrought at the others death, and with a snap of his finger Yamcha was envoloped in red energy, as his body burned as if on fire.
"No! Yamcha!" Goku had lost two of his best friends in a blink of an eye, "No... Don't worry Yamcha, Krillin," Goku clenched his fists together, "I will avenge you!" Goku rushed Blaster and transformed into Super Saiyan Four.
"Hmph, you think your pitiful power can take me out!?" Blaster kneed Goku in the stomach as he approached, placed his fists together, and brought them on Goku's head, causing him to plummet to Earth.
"No! Dad!" Goten yelled going Super Saiyan and doing the exact same action as his father, charging Blaster, except from behind.
"Goten! Don't try! You'll end like Goku! Maybe worse!" Trunks tried to warn his friend but Goten was too busy trying to kill Blaster to hear.
"Take this!" Goten proceeded to punch and kick Blaster's back, with no effect.
"Puny boy. Take this!" Blaster elbowed Goten in the face and he just fell from the sky with one devestating hit.
"Grr," Trunks unsheathed his sword and charged Blaster, widly swinging. Blaster just kicked the sword and it broke in two. "No!"
"Trunks! Run! Now!" Vegeta knew if Kakarot, Goten, and Trunks could be knocked out in one or two hits he would have the same result. Trunks tried to fly downward but Blaster was to quick, he flashed right below and blast him in the face, sending Trunks flying through the air and falling helplessly to the ground.
"Well Vegeta, are you ready? I'll give you a week to train, meet me... heh, in the canyon, where Capsule Corp should be!" Blaster raised his hand behind him and shot a small energy ball spraling to West City far in the distance.
"No! Bulma!" Vegeta was amazed at how powerful this man was, a single blast, as small as that one, could destroy all of West City, or so he says. Then a huge explosion appeared behind Blaster.
"Well, there goes West City, and pretty much every other city in that direction. Remember Vegeta, one week, about... this time, don't be late!" Blaster left the Lookout, and faded into the distance, his red aura flaring.
"V-Vegeta..." Dende tried to comfort him but was uncomfortable with Vegeta.
"Shut up! I'm going to get Kakarot, Goten, and Trunks. You heal them, and I will train with Kakarot in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and then the boys will train." With that, Vegeta left. Later he came back carrying the three, all unconcious. "Here heal them, quickly," Vegeta laid all three on the ground.
"Ok Vegeta," Dende placed his hands over Goku first, knowing Vegeta would become impatient to train.
"D-Dende, whered he go?" Goku asked Dende as he came too.
"He left, he said he'll give us a week to train, you need to train with Vegeta, then Trunks and Goten will train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Dende explained.
"Ok!" Goku jumped up and ran to the Time Chamber door and Vegeta was waiting there, "Hey Vegeta,"
"Here Kakarot put this on" Vegeta threw Goku a blue jumpsuit and special Saiyan Armor similar to the one they wore when training in the Cell Saga.
"Alright," Goku left to change into his suit and when he returned Vegeta was dressed in his own armor.
"Alright, c'mon Kakarot," Vegeta opened the door and walked inside, Goku followed.
"Ok Vegeta, lets get far away from the door so we don't destroy it and get stuck in here," Goku warned.
"Fine," Goku and Vegeta flew about three miles away from the entrance and started training.
"KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!!!" Goku and Vegeta's signature moves clashed and commensed in an Energy Struggle.
"GRAH!" Goku transformed into Super Saiyan Four, causing him to start winning.
"RAH!" Vegeta did the same, resulting in both of their attacks to become stronger. Kamehameha became 10x Kamehameha, Final Flash became Final Shine Attack.
"Can't believe I'm doing this" Goku whispered to himself, "The strain on my body might kill me, but here goes! KAIOKEN x20!" Goku's body was turned faintly red and his Kamehameha powered up and overpowered Vegeta.
"GAH!" Vegeta fell to the ground, reverting to his normal state. It had already been one day and a half inside the Chamber.
"We'de better get out of here soon Vegeta, you can only stay in for two days," as he reverted to his normal state as well
"Alright Kakarot," Vegeta said, "But one more thing before we do, I wanna try out our fusion, to test our strength,"
"Lets go Super Saiyan Four,"
"Well, alright,"
"HAAAAAAAAAH!!" the two went Super Saiyan Four once again. "Fuuu...Sion! HA!" Gogeta had been reborn.
"Hmph, my power is incredible! This should be more than enough to kill Blaster!" Gogeta then left the Chamber, confident with his power, and seperated from his two creators.
"Goten! Trunks! Your turn!" Vegeta yelled to the boys to get started with their training.
"Lets go Trunks!" The boys walked into the Chamber with their own armor on, and commensed training.
"Well Vegeta, I think we should go and tell everyone what's gonna happen," Goku suggested.
"Good plan Kakarot, I'll tell...'sniff'" Vegeta suddenly realized his wife has been killed.
"Vegeta, what happened to Bulma?"
"Blaster killed her, and everyone else in West City, and almost every city after that,"
"V...Vegeta...I'm sorry, we'll kill him, we'll wish them back with the Namekian Dragonballs!"
"Kakarot... We'll kill him all right, and afterwards I'll throw his ashes into the wind!"
"Thats right Vegeta! We'll avenge everyone he's killed! Bulma, Yamcha, Krillin, and so many others..." Goku then left to go to his home and Master Roshi's to warn them of the danger. Upon the arrival of Roshi's home, he noticed something strange. "Hey...Master Roshi's island...its...gone...MASTER ROSHI!!! NUMBER 18!!! MARRON!!!" Goku knew what had happened, Blaster had been here...he knew these were Goku's friends. Something inside of Goku just reacted. "CHI-CHI! VIDEL! PAN! GOHAN!!" Goku flew as fast as he could to reach his home. "No......n...no...NO! YOU'VE KILLED MASTER ROSHI, 18, MARRON, KRILLIN, YAMCHA, CHI-CHI, VIDEL, PAN, MY FATHER, AND GOHA...Gohan? I sense... his Ki its very far from here, maybe he wasn't home when it happened," Goku flew to Gohan's Powerlevel.
"Dad?" Gohan was flying above the ocean, far from their home.
"Gohan! Your alive!" Goku flew right in front of his son.
"Yeah, I am, I can't say the same for everyone else though, I think the human race would be extinct if it wasn't for me, Trunks, and Goten, being half-human,"
"Hey...Gohan, your tail's back!" Goku noticed that Gohan's tail had grown back and was waving in the wind behind him.
"Yeah, I guess it's because of such a powerful Saiyan Ki has arrived, I'm not really sure why,"
"Hey it's getting dark, we'de better get out of here, tonight's a full moon,"
"Hey, does the new Saiyan have a tail?" Gohan asked, eyes full of fear.
"No, he doesn't, it must've been cut when he was born,"
"Really why?" Goku repeated what Blaster had said on the Lookout
"Wow, he must be really strong..."
Vegeta was in the crater where his home used to be.
"No...Bulma," Vegeta had grains of dirt in his fist.
"Gah!" Vegeta let the dirt flow in the wind, "Trunks! Dende! Even Kakarot's son! Their Ki completely disapeared! And Blaster's is still there" Vegeta said to himself, eyes wide with fear. He flew to the Lookout , but there was nothing there. "No! TRUNKS!"
"Gohan!" Goku and Gohan were on their way to the Lookout, "Goten's, Dende's, and Trunks's Ki just disapeared!"
"They've been killed!" Gohan's anger swelled and he became a Super Saiyan.
"Gohan, calm down, its ok, we'll defeat Blaster and wish everyone back with the Namekian Dragonballs!"
"No Dad! I'm tired of this! All of our friends and family dying! All the pain!" Gohan yelled at Goku but noticed something, the moon was visible right above Goku's head.
"Son whats wrong?!" Goku noticed Gohan's face become blank.
"Grgh, n-no...grah GRAAAAH!!!" Gohan transformed into a Golden Great Ape, which occurs when a Super Saiyan looks at a full moon with a tail.
"Gohan! No!"
"Gohan! Please, remember me, your father! Goten your brother! Chi-Chi your mother! Remember Videl and Pan! Bardock your grandfather! Please! Come to your senses or them!
"Grgh, gah...RAH!" Gohan turned back to normal, but as something only two in the universe are capable of. Super Saiyan Four! "D-Dad...I'm a...Super Saiyan Four,"
"Gohan! Good job! Now your the third Super Saiyan Four!"
"Alright dad, lets go!" Gohan reverted to normal
as the two flew to the Lookout, now to check on Goten, Dende, and Trunks. When they arrived, they saw Vegeta, but no Lookout.
"Kakarot... look at this, the last person I cared about has been killed,"
"Vegeta I know how you feel... But we've only got three days left,"
"Yes Kakarot, your right, we'll take these last few days to train and rest,"
"Alright Vegeta nothing but training, and resting!" Gohan exclaimed. After three days of training, Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta, arrived at West City Crater.
"Well, well, well. Your actually here," Blaster came out and taunted the universe's last hopes.
"Thats right Blaster!" Gohan exclaimed.
"We're to defeat you!" Goku yelled.
"And throw you into the wind!" Vegeta promised
"So you rehearsed?" Blaster mocked.
"No!" Gohan said
"Why would we?" Goku asked.
"We're not idiots!" Vegeta exclaimed
"Who will go first then?" Blaster asked stepping forward.
"I will," Gohan said, stepping forward.
"Gohan are you sure?!" Goku asked.
"Its ok Kakarot, let him test his new power to the fullest," Vegeta said.
"HAH!" Gohan transformed into the Super Saiyan Four. "Take this!" Gohan rushed forward charging an energy beam in the palm of his hand.
"Hmph, you think you can touch me? Blaster simply grabbed Gohan's hand and pushed Gohan's own energy blast into his own hand.
"Your weak boy, HAH!" Blaster thrust Gohan into a boulder.
"Vegeta, lets fuse," Goku suggested.
"Fine, I don't think we'll be able to beat him alone anyway,"
"Fuuu...Sion! HA!" Gogeta returned as a Super Saiyan Four.
"Well Blaster, you ready for this!?" Gogeta yelled.
"Hmph, well come on!" Blaster called.
"HAH!" Gogeta teleported behind Blaster and punched him in the back as hard as he could.
"Gah! Well, your... strong" Blaster may have finally met his match!
"Your finished!" Gogeta rose into the air, and placed his hands together. "100x Big Bang Ka...Me...Ha...Me...Ha!!!"
"NO! I never thought i'de have to resort to this..." Blaster yelled as the beam came toward him.
"Alright!!" Gogeta celebrated along with Gohan as the explosion behind them cleared.
"You didn't think you finish me off that easily? Did you!?" Blaster was alive, and a Super Saiyan Four!
"Oh no!" Gohan exclaimed as Gogeta's fusion wore off.
"Uh oh..." Goku and Vegeta said.
"It can't end like this! No! Chi-Chi! Krillin! Roshi! Yamcha! Videl! Pan! 18! Goten! Dad! Marron! Dende! Bulma! Trunks!" Goku couldn't die like this, as he thought about that he let all of his friends and family down, something inside of him clicked!
"Grgh...HAAAAAH!" Goku was enveloped in aura and when it cleared, he had gained the ability for Super Saiyan Five!
"D...Dad!?" Gohan was surprised at what his father just transformed into.
"Kak-Kakarot?" Vegeta was more jealous than surprised. "Bulma...Trunks... I can't avenge you...It always has to be HIM doesn't it! Kakarot! Your always one step ahead of me! I will never be as strong as you! WHY!? Why? I am King of Saiyans! Born from the Royal Family! Born as an Elite Saiyan! HAAAH! GRAH!" Vegeta was surrounded by an aura also, when it cleared, he was also a Super Saiyan Five!
"Hmph, Kakarot, I'll take him out!" Vegeta rushed at Blaster, confident in his new ability.
"You think being one level over me can help you!?" Blaster charged an energy blast and fired it just as Vegeta swang his fist.
"Gaaah!" Vegeta fell to the ground.
"Vegeta!" Goku ran to his friend and found he was still concious. Vegeta then got up.
"Grr, he's still too strong!"
"Alright Vegeta, lets fuse, one more time! Goku suggested.
"Kakarot, I think it may work this time!"
"Fuuu...Sion! HA!" the two Super Saiyan Fives merged together, Gogeta has become a Super Saiyan Five!
"Hmph... GRAH!" Blaster enveloped himself in a bright light and stepped out as a Super Saiyan Five as well! "I'm too strong for you! I'm the final Super Saiyan form! Just like you! And I'm stronger than you two combined!" Blaster yelled.
"Oh yeah, take this head-on if your so confident! Big Bang Kamehameha x100!!!"
"Fine," Blaster stood firm and was barely scratched at all.
"What!?!?" Gohan was surprised at his half-father's poor attempt to defeat Blaster.
"No!" He's too strong!!" Gogeta dropped down on his hand and knees and dropped his head. "WAIT! I brought Potara Earrings just in case this kind of thing happened!!" Gogeta exclaimed. "Gohan! Catch this! Go to your normal state!" Gogehan reverted to his never-before-seen normal state. "Put it on your left ear!" as he Gogeta placed the other earring on his right ear.
"Left ear, right dad?" Gohan asked as he placed his earring on his left ear.
"W-Woah!" Gohan and Gogeta were pulled together by the fusion of the earrings.
"Hmph... perfect." Gogeta smirked.
"Well, whats going on here?!" Blaster exclaimed.
A bright flash of light appeared when Gogeta and Gohan touched, when the light faded, a new being appeared.
"I am, Gogeta, and Gohan... what shall my name be...? Gogehan sounds nice!" the new fusion between three saiyans thought of his new name.
"Hmph, I don't care how many people you fuse with! You'll never be able to defeat me!" Blaster yelled at the newly appeared Super Saiyan Five.
"Fine, shall I show you my power?"
"Bring it on!"
"Big Bang Masenkamehameha!" Gogehan unleashed his mixture of Big Bang, Kamehameha, and Gohan's Masenko.
"RAH!!" Blaster unleashed a powerful beam at Gogehan. The energy struggle resulting was catastrophic! The struggle created a crater almost leading to the Earth's core.
"Grgh!" Gogehan was unleashing only part of his power which brought out a massive explosion, destroying the earth!
"Well, then, your pretty strong," Blaster said, badly damaged.
"Hmph, your pretty good yourself," Gogehan was damaged as well, because of his own power's explosion, "Would you like to see my true power?"
"What!? You were holding back?"
"I used about 95% of my power, would you like to see 100%?"
"Fine! Give everything you've got!" Blaster said holding out both of his hands, "Your grave will be the endless vacoom of space!"
"I think your confusing me with you! Final Kamehame Bomb!" A mixture of Final Flash, Kamehameha, and Spirit Bomb.
"TAKE THIS!" The two unleashed their strongest attacks at each other.Gogehan's was easily overpowering Blaster's
"No! No! I won't die like this! I wasn't training in HFIL all my life for nothing! I will win!!!!" Blaster yelled into space.
"Getting desperate? DIE!" Gogehan unleashed every bit of his power and his attack pushed closer to Blaster every second until it finally contacted.
"NO! N-NOOO! I...AM...THE ULTIMATE SAIYAN!!!!!!" nothing was left of Blaster except for small pieces of Saiyan armor.
"Hmph, well that was easy. Better get to Namek now..." once Gogehan arrived at Elder Moori's home via Instant Transmission. The Namekians immediatley knew who he was.
"Ah...Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan! I'm guessing you need the Dragonballs?" Elder Moori asked.
"Thats right," Gogehan said. Moori and other Nameks got the seven Namek balls out and placed them on the ground.
"Eternal Dragon, as I call your name, I summon you forth! PORUNGA!" Moori chanted the words needed to bring out the dragon from the balls.
"I shall grant you three wishes, what is your first wish?" Porunga, the Namekian dragon asked.
"What first Gogehan?"
"Wish the Earth and all of its people back to life."
"I wish that the earth and all its residents were back to life!" Moori wished in the Namekian ancient language.
"Your wish has been granted. What is your second wish." Porunga asked.
"For Gogeta and Gohan to be seperated, because the Potara earring fusion can't be seperated,"
"I wish Gogeta and Gohan would seperate from Gogehan!"
"Your wish has been granted," Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan, seperated from each other because the Gogeta fusion wore off.
"And the last wish?"
"Ummm," Goku was stumped for the last wish.
"How about...We wish for our father's to come back? Vegeta asked.
"That wish can't be granted, their not dead, they have ceased to exist, Blaster destroyed them," Moori explained
"Oh..." Goku and Vegeta were disapointed with the news.
"Just save the wish for another time I guess..." Goku said.
"Alright," Moori sighed, That is all Eternal Dragon!"
"Yes, remember, you can wish for your last wish in four months!" with that, Porunga left, scattering the Dragonballs.
"Well, guess we're leaving," Goku said. "Grab on Gohan, Vegeta,"
"Goodbye Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta!" Moori said. Goku Instant Transmissioned to Earth, taking Vegeta to Capsule Corp, and then stopping at his own home.
"Chi-Chi! Goten! Videl! Pan!" Goku greeted his family has he arrived.
"Dad, Grandpa!" Pan ran up to them both.
"Gohan!" Videl ran to Gohan.
"Oh Gohan, Goku, why am I not surprised that the earth's blown up, and you've saved it...?" Chi-Chi asked.
"Hahaha, but before that, theres something very serious I have to ask you," Goku said seriously.
"Whats that dear?" Chi-Chi asked.
"Whens dinner?"

The End (finally <.<)
© Copyright 2010 Kayate (goku548 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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