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This is meant to be in a manga form. This is only chapter 1 and 2 of Volume 1 |
Chapter 1 This is me, I am considered the most beautiful boy in Koji High school. To the people in this school all I am is a mysterious boy with a pretty face. Actually, that isn’t even true. I am boring, uncreative, shy and was born in a whole other world. I am a girl. Yes its true; I was born a girl. Don’t let my chest fool you; its called tape ladies and gentlemen. I guess I should explain, right? Well it all started when my mother was giving birth to me. Actually right after I was born she died. My father, being the superstitious lug he was, thought I was a demon child who would be a great trouble. He only believed this because I was a girl, and I was the heir to the family fortune and the land which my closest relatives lived on. I guess for a wealthy man the birth of a girl is bad luck. So from my birth to now my life was lived through the eyes of a girl but in the body of a boy. I even had a private teacher to show me how to be a boy… and also tutor me. I was home schooled and was seen as a brilliant child, well that is, if anyone saw me. I was basically locked in my room for sixteen years. No friends. No company. Nothing. 1 5 years after my birth my father became sick, which was obviously my fault, so he quickly married a family friend who he thought he could trust. This woman looked sickly herself, and not too right in the head, if you know what I mean. Just this last winter my father died of heart failure. This happened ten days before my sixteenth birthday. Yeah, bummer. After his death I was expecting to get rid of my boy clothes and be done with the matter, but my step-mother refused. She did not want to anger my father’s ghost, so she made it quite clear that I would stay as I was, but she made the stupid decision to let me go to a normal high school. As a boy. See the mistake? Now that your caught up, we can begin with the story. Ahem. Get me out of- “-Here!”2 “Shush demon, you have nothing to complain about.” “Demon”, that’s what my family calls me, well basically the ones that know I’m a girl. My deceased father, my crazy step-mother, the doctor who delivered me and his son, who is the only friend I have. They call me demon because my father would run around the house calling out “Demon!” whenever something bad happened, and from then on it just stuck. I personally hate it, my so-called friend knows that I hate it and only says it to annoy me. 3 “I have every right to complain! And don’t tell me to shush!” “At least you’re getting out of the house.” “Yeah and now I’ll have three hundred or more people starring at me all day. You know, since I’m their only new student for a whole three years! I’ll have so much attention I won’t be able to keep up with it. Oh yeah, and I almost forgot, I’m dressed as a boy!!” “Why are you yelling? Shut that gaping hole in your face or I‘ll shut it for you!” My friend was never the funny, laughy, enjoy life kind of guy. He’s harsh, rude, and has a bad temper most days. I know he means well but sometimes I could really care less. I’m such a great friend.4 “Look, there’s your next prison coming up ahead.” I could hear him snickering. I hate it when he does that. He thinks he’s so funny. He calls it a prison, to me its more like a crazy asylum, since that’s what I’ll be; crazy. I give it a week. Actually, just for this situation I came prepared. I brought a hat! Yes, just a normal hat. My father used to say I had such healthy, beautiful hair. I used to think, “well then why do you make me get it cut? If its so luscious and beautiful let me grow it out damn it!” But I never wanted to provoke him, since he thought I had a demonic mood and would curse us all. 5 “You know, they’re not going to let you wear that.” “I can at least try!” I look kinda more like a guy with a hat on. Hopefully I’ll be more convincing wearing a hat. “You look stupid with that on.”7 He has that stupid smug look on his face again. “Well you look stupid 24/7!” “Fine, princess, be like that then.”8 Its funny, even though he’s angry with me he’ll still go out of his way for me. For example getting out, going around the vehicle and opening the door for me. Which he is doing right now. Silly boys. “Have a good day.” He could have said that on a sunnier day. It would have been more believable. “Yeah, thanks.”9 “I’ll be here around four o’clock. Don’t be late DEMON!” Ignore. Ignore the dumb ass. Ignore.10 Jeez, just as I expected. Everyone’s looking. Don’t they know staring is rude. At least no ones stopping me. “Sorry, no hats indoors.”11 “Oh sorry. I didn’t know.” “Oh, I’m sorry Mr. King-san I didn’t realize it was you! Here take you’re hat. Just make sure not to wear it inside, yes?” Is this guy for real? “Thanks.”12 “Here, I’ll take you to the office so you can find you’re classes.” “No that’s okay, you don’t need to go out of your way for me. I’ll be fine on my own.” “Of course! If you ever need something you can always find me out here or in my classroom 216b.”13 Seriously, he seems like an old pedophile. Hopefully I never see this guy again. Oh crap, groupies! Better get the heck outta here! 10 minutes later… “I’m lost!” This school is like a friggin maze! I feel like a mouse for god sakes. 14 “Hi there.” “Eep!” “A-are you okay?” “Y-yeah, you just scared me a little.” This bitch scared the crap outta me!15 “You seem lost… need some help?” “Y-yes please. I need to get to the office.” I just got a cold chill… “What’s in it for me?” The same smug look as my stupid friend! She was planning this!16 “If you do something for me, I’ll show you where the office is and give you my school map!” Is SHE for real? What’s with the people here?17 “U-umm… okay… what do you want?” “You’re the new student aren’t you?” “… Yes?” “And I know right off the bat you’ll be a popular student. If you promise to have lunch with me I’ll give you the directions.” Whaaat? Me? Popular?! Never!18 “Umm… sure?” “Great! Follow me!” I wonder… did my driver actually drop me off at a crazy asylum?!19 2 minutes later… “Here you go. You actually passed it… a couple times… I was watching from inside.” Chapter 2 Damn, it’s the first day and I’m already late. “Well I’m glad you made it, Mr. King.” This teacher already seems like a bitch. “Sorr-” “Class this is our new TARDY student.” Yep. She’s a bitch. “Would you like to talk a little about yourself, Mr. King?” “U-umm… sure…” This is absolutely nerve racking. Look at these kids, they look like friggin zombies! “Umm… well. Hi. My name is Ichiro King. I like spicy food, and this is my first year in a real school…” Oh and by the way, I’m a girl. Doesn’t anyone see that I am clearly a girl? Are they blind?! “That’s great now go sit down.” “Oh, thanks.” Great there’s a seat in the back. “Excuse me.” Wow, she’s totally adorable. “If you sit too far from the board you won’t be able to see Sensei’s writing. She kind of writes small.” “Oh… thanks.” “You can sit beside me if you want.” Wow, and she’s nice. “Okay.” What seems like forever… When is this class going to eeeeeend!! I’m already done the work she gave out, so now what am I supposed to do… just sit here? Wait? No way! It’ll drive me nuts! “Psst.” “Oh, hi.” “Are you already done?” “Yup.” “Really??” “I was already shown how to do this from my private tutor.” “Wow. I’m totally stumped on Question 25. What was your answer?” “I’m not telling you. Figure it out yourself. If you don’t you’ll never learn.” “That’s true.” Why is she sulking? She should be happy I refused. “If you need help with one of your steps I’ll give you some pointers but I won’t let you cheat.” “Okay!” “Shhh!” “Sorry!” She’s dumb. But cute. 10 minutes of hard labour…. Finally the bell has rung at least we get a break to get up and stretch. “Hi Ichiro-san.” “Hey Ichiro-kun!” “So what is it like to get home schooled?” “Why are you just going to school now?” “Why are you just going to school now?” “Where do you live?” “Do you like sports?” Why are there so many people crowding me? And why are they asking me so many questions? My head is spinning! “So?” “Huh?” “Aren’t you going to answer us?” “U-umm…” “I don’t think he wants to talk to giddy little girls like you bunch.” She’s right. “What?” “That’s not true!” “You don’t mind us asking questions right Ichiro-san?” “U-umm…” They’re all staring at me… this place is nuts. “I think you’re all bothering him actually.” The cute girl just said what I was thinking. She’s so cool. “Shut up Mai, no one asked you.”. “U-umm… actually I don’t mind if she says things for me.” “What do you mean Ichiro-san?” “I mean I don’t want to be bothered right now. I’d rather have a conversation with her than all of you.” “Well that’s rude!” I don’t really care what I sound like. “I don’t really care…” Oops, I just said what I was thinking out loud again. “Fine.” “What a meanie.” “Terrible attitude.” “Who does he think he is?” Oh man… what a friggin morning. At least I know one person who won’t bother me. And now that I know her name I won’t have to refer her as the cute girl who sits beside me in home room. “So Ichiro-san, what are you doing for lunch?” Ugh, lunch. “I was tricked by a witch.” “Oh so you’ve already met Kimiko then.” “Is that her name? She never mentioned it.” I’m so happy I’m sitting beside Mai-san right now! “She’s like that, she thinks she’s so popular that everyone, even the new guy, should already know her name. I personally think she’s pathetic.” Wow! She thinks the same way I do! “You may want to watch out for her Ichiro-san. She’ll most likely try to trick you again.” “Thanks.” |