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Rated: · Letter/Memo · Family · #1634661
A mother's thoughts for her sons as she thinks about her life, and their growth.
Thoughts for my Sons....

I don’t fear death…in fact, at times I’ve called for it.
I fear knowing, as I lay at the portal,
That I may never see you both again…
This is my only roadblock as far as leaving this earth….
Overall, I have walked my path, fell on the way once, twice
Or a hundred times….it seemed
Through it all, however, I have felt blessed
And I began to truly live,
On the Days you both were Born.

Remember, though
You’ve become men of the world in your own way…
no longer needing A parent to advise you or stay by your side.
Though the times will be sorrowful, somehow the survivors make it through….
God willing every parent is kept somewhere inside...whether it be in one's heart or mind
as I have kept my parents, their memories, in mine these many, many years…

You can make your own futures Bright—
Know your goals, & your limitations,
always speak the truth, for then no one
will ever throw your words back at you.

Brave, but never arrogant - my boys
Both of them courageous, never knowing how admirable they handled life,
No complaint or angry words were thrown -- though times grew so very hard
---so very often,
Always trying to help me through another difficult time….

Keep your friends, & family,
Remembering that “things” are only that
They will not keep you warm
When the world turns away,
Nor will the “things” you buy
Ever be able to give you the Courage
that is needed to really, really live life!

I know you feel these words deep within,
If you can follow them,
I can go knowing you will be Happy.
Keep one another close, don't lose touch....
Even though the two of you have yet to forge a bond,
There is no other in this world
That will love you as much as your Sibling does….
Please…trust in my words, if nothing else,
Lean upon one another…Be the Family
I Always Wished we Could have Been for You.

No matter how wise each of you becomes,
A hug always awaits you when your day is done
For until my heart stops beating,
I shall forever be…Your Mom
Whose love is unending, and whose pride in you both is undeniable...
And Whose Hugs are Always Free & Plentiful….

I will be with you…..in the sun that shines upon you, in the star
That twinkles at night, and with every word you may remember
That I once said….I am with you again. God Bless…..I love You Both

While I am n’ere as brave nor strong as my Mother was for me,
Someday– long from now, I pray my sons will see
How proud they have made me & what wonderful men they have become.
How deeply my love has flowed…every waking minute of every day..

I have been blessed, this I know, from the moment you both came into this world. Thank You....Love Mom
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