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Two men sit in a jail holding cell. (Please rate and give feedback) |
THE TANK ________ A Play in One Act by Russell Coy CAST OF CHARACTERS JORDAN:20s, arrested for shoplifting, fairly trendy in his wardrobe, likes to talk ERIC:20s or 30s, arrested for public intoxication, hungover, wears thrift-store clothes, quiet-type HOLDING-CELL GUARD ARRESTING OFFICER SETTING A jail holding-cell in an small, unnamed city. There is a processing desk at stage-left, and rows of chairs set up back-to- back. TIME Present-day, toward the beginning or end of winter when coats are still worn and the skies switch between rain and snow. SCENE (ERIC is laying across one row of chairs, asleep. The GUARD is standing against the wall, drinking coffee and keeping watch.) (Enter JORDAN, handcuffed and escorted by an OFFICER) JORDAN So, how long is this meant to take? (OFFICER takes the handcuffs off JORDAN.) OFFICER They should be able to process you immediately, and if you go before the judge tonight, you'll know whether bail is set. JORDAN If! My car is in the middle of the fucking jungle. I'll be lucky if someone hasn't turned tricks in it, even by now. OFFICER If you want my advice, you might pour some sugar on your language. Otherwise, you might not see your car again until it's considered a classic OFFICER (to GUARD) There you go. Have fun. (Exit OFFICER) GUARD Come on over to this desk. (JORDAN and GUARD walk over to the desk. GUARD sits behind the desk, JORDAN sits beside it.) GUARD What's your last name? JORDAN Hathaway. GUARD First name? JORDAN Daniel. GUARD Middle initial? JORDAN J. GUARD Date of birth? JORDAN August 8th, 1984. GUARD Current address? JORDAN 91101 Center Drive, Apartment 321. And it's here in town. GUARD And what were you arrested for? JORDAN Suspicion of shoplifting. GUARD Are you HIV-positive? JORDAN No. GUARD Any other diseases that you're aware of? JORDAN No. GUARD Have you been diagnosed with any mental illnesses? JORDAN Yeah, panic attacks. GUARD Are you on any medication for them? JORDAN Lorazepam. GUARD What was that? JORDAN Lorazepam. GUARD Do you have any history of suicidal thoughts? JORDAN No. GUARD Are you feeling suicidal right now? JORDAN Not too much. GUARD What does that mean? JORDAN Nothing. GUARD Do you feel suicidal? Or do you feel the urge to harm yourself right now? JORDAN No. Bad joke, that's all. Sorry. GUARD Let's pretend you don't like to make jokes, okay? JORDAN I can do that. GUARD Do you have anyone we should call in case of an emergency? JORDAN Uh, Natalie Gibson. She lives at the same address. (GUARD hands JORDAN a set of papers.) GUARD Okay. Sign these. JORDAN What are they? GUARD The first paper is a statement affirming that all of the information you've given me is correct. The second is a waiver. JORDAN What am I waiving? GUARD Basically, it says that if you're injured in any way or contract any diseases, you waive your right to take legal action against the facility. Say if you got pneumonia, then you agree not to sue us. JORDAN No, I'm not signing that. GUARD You're not signing it? JORDAN I don't want to sign it. If I get pneumonia in here and it's on you guys, then it's gonna be on you guys. GUARD Well, it doesn't really matter if you want to sign it, Daniel. JORDAN Jordan. GUARD How's that? JORDAN I go by my middle name. GUARD You're welcome not to sign it, but if you don't, you'll face more charges for not cooperating. That's the way it is. So, are we going to have a problem? JORDAN We'll have a problem if you cause it. You can't expect me to sign something that says "Go ahead, I don't mind if I die in here 'cause you don't keep things clean." GUARD You're not going to sign it? JORDAN Nope. (GUARD reaches for the papers.) GUARD Okay. In that case, you got another charge coming back at ya. Or do you want to sign them now? (Pause.) JORDAN All right, give it back. GUARD You wanna sign it now? JORDAN Yes, I'll fucking sign it now. Give it over. (GUARD hands the papers back. JORDAN signs them and hands them back) GUARD Okay, go and have a seat and we'll call you when the judge is ready for you. (JORDAN gets up and walks to the chairs but doesn't sit down. ERIC is awake and sitting up now, but clearly hungover.) JORDAN Bunch of bullshit, isn't it? ERIC How's that? JORDAN They could just make sure the place is clean, they could put the sick people in a separate area or something. They can clean the fucking toilet bowl once in awhile. But, all they care about is they don't want to get sued. Don't give a fuck if we live or die. ERIC Hmm. JORDAN Am I speaking the truth? ERIC Yeah, I guess. JORDAN Sorry, I'm Jordan. Is my talking giving you a headache? You look a little ate-up. ERIC Everything's giving me a headache, so you're fine. I'm Eric. JORDAN DUI? ERIC Nope, drunk in public. I showed up to work and knocked a paint-can onto a Berber carpet, and it didn't take my foreman long to figure out the rest. JORDAN Your foreman doesn't sound much like the forgiving type. ERIC My foreman? If you can imagine a Hobbit-looking fat guy with a limp that walks with a cane, and always wears sunglasses even when it's cloudy out, and always has some kind of shit-eating grin on his face, then you imagine what kind of guy you'd assume a person like that is, he's that kind of guy. JORDAN Ouch. ERIC Yeah, so now I'm sober as hell with a hangover on top, but I gotta be in here ten hours to "dry out" before I can post bond. Only be two-hundred though, so that's nice. JORDAN How long have you been here already? ERIC Four hours. JORDAN Did you hear about that high-school principal who was drunk-driving and almost ran over a four-year old girl, and he was friends with the cops that stopped him, so they called his wife to pick up the car and they gave him a ride home? ERIC Yeah, I heard about that. They suspended the cops for two weeks. JORDAN Two weeks, then back to work. Bunch of bullshit. ERIC I'm dreading when this ten hours is up. JORDAN Why? ERIC When I get out, my mom's gonna be out there waiting and it'll be nothing nice. JORDAN Do you live with your mom? ERIC Yeah. And I can't drive, so she's gotta be the one to pick me up. JORDAN No offense, man, but you look a little too old to be living at home. ERIC I am too old to live at home, but...you know. JORDAN Yeah, I know. They say it's supposed to rain later. Freezing rain. Then it's gonna snow, which means that when my charges are dropped, I have to walk out of this building, walk twenty blocks in the snow to my car which, by that time, will have the windows frozen over with ice. And, dummy that I am, I don't have a scraper. It's on 38th Street, though, so maybe I'll luck out and the windows will be smashed in so I don't have to deal with it. ERIC You think you'll get your charges dropped? JORDAN I know I will. I wasn't doing anything, and they have no proof I was. Just some store manager wanted to make an example out of me. ERIC What is it he said you did? JORDAN I was in the dollar store, and you know how they have that rack with the disposable cameras? ERIC Yeah. JORDAN I picked one up and I was carrying it around, 'cause I didn't know if I was gonna buy it or not. I went over to wear the cards are, the Hallmark cards, cause my girlfriend's birthday is coming up. Well, you can't open up a card with one hand, so I put the camera in my jacket pocket so I could flip through the cards more easier. And, apparently, I was seen doing this. So, once I headed to the front of the store with the card and I was going to pay for the camera, suddenly the manager and two cashiers bum-rushed me and accused me of shoplifting. I handed them the camera and explained what happened, but the manager guy did not want to hear it. He locked me in his office and called up the cops. 8 ERIC That's fucked up. JORDAN It's crazy, isn't it? ERIC It's insane. JORDAN But here's the fucked up part. I'm waiting in the office, and he swings open the door and takes a picture of me with his cell phone. Says he's gonna send it to all the dollar stores in the region so I'll be banned forever. This guy is dead serious about it, too. He starts lecturing me on how everybody's shoplifting from him, he can't run his business, how there's a million jobs out there and people are just lazy. Then, when I told him that I do have a job he said "Well, that makes this even worse, now doesn't it!" And then, he comes up and gets down on one knee and he says "I think we should pray," and he grabs both my hands and puts his head down and starts praying. ERIC Damn...guy has more problems than shoplifting. JORDAN Yeah, and at that moment, with his head down like that, I could have just smashed something on his head and made a run for it. ERIC Why didn't you? JORDAN Surveillance cameras, for one. Plus, the other guys would've came after me and I'm not a fast runner. ERIC This isn't a country for the Average Joe anymore. JORDAN That's for damn sure. You either gotta be the boss, or you have to be a slave. And when the boss is pissed about something, you gotta stand there and take it, 'cause if you don't, they'll take your livelihood away like throwing a dog out in the snow. GUARD Daniel Hathaway. JORDAN Jordan. GUARD Come on. We're taking you back. JORDAN Al-righty. (JORDAN gets up.) ERIC Good luck, man. JORDAN You too. Later. (JORDAN walks to the processing desk. The GUARD puts handcuffs on him and walks him offstage. ERIC lays back down and goes to sleep.) CURTAIN |