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OMG OMG OMG!!!!! |
You looked outside the window and noticed it was raining. Just great.. you thought and looked at your watch. It was already 4:48 pm. Boy, does time fly you thought and looked up, looking around the cafe. "I guess this would soon turn into a dinner than a lunch if those idiots won't get here" Theun said leaning back in his chair. "I suppose so.." you said back resting your head on your hand. "Or I suppose not" you sat up straight making sure that you saw Chad and Jake. Apparently, you knew it was them because they was yelling at eachother the whole time when they reached you and Theun. Chad wore a black jacket over red shirt with orange lining and dark blue jeans. Jake was wearing blue jeans and a dark blue dress up shirt (nah, it wasn't tuck in. Tuck in shirts are a total turn off -Naishinokami). Chad took a seat next to you and Jake took a seat across from you, next to Theun. "What are you, assholes, fighting about?" Theun said without any emotion. "Chad almost ran over an old lady, a cat, 2 dogs and a little girl!! and he past 3 red lights! I'm surprised a cop didn't catch us!!" Jake yelled at Theun but, more at Chad then Theun. "Eh, well atleast we didn't get caught and if you were driving in the rain we'd probably still be stuck in the parking lot." Chad said blushing. Theun chuckled at Chad's comment toward Jake and you giggled at how wet they both were. "Well I'm starving..." Chad said looking through the menu. After ordering your beverages and food, you all waited eagerly for the food to come already. But, it was taking to long. "I didn't expect it to be raining today.." Jake said finally. "Apparently you were wrong.." Theun said looking out the window.. It was pouring hard, by now. Finally the food came. "Yes, I'm starving!" Jake said as the waiter set his food down on the table. "Proves how fat you can be." Chad chuckled. Apparently, Jake heard him and kicked Chad in the leg under the table because Chad began to whimper a little. You ate/drank your food/drink. Suddenly, you see Tory enter the restaurant with.. Yumi. "Oh no.." Chad muttered under his breathe. Jake and Theun turned around to see where you and Chad was looking toward and sighed. They turned back around and pretended they didn't see anything. But, apparently Yumi picked out a table to sit next to your table. "TORY! Let's sit next to your girlfriend and friends table!" she smirked and sat down at a table next to yours. You glared at her. "I'm not his girlfriend." you said back at her. Tory just glared at you without any emotion and sat down. I don't like Yumi... Grrr..! I like Tory =D Yumi's my bestest bestest friend!! yay!! (Naishinokami: -twitch-twitch- They all looked at you and you went back to your food. Yumi laughed. "Alright whatever. If your not Tory's girlfriend. What are you to him then?" she said looking at you laughing. You looked up and faced her. Tory looked as if he was really mad but, he didn't want to say anything yet, he still spoked. "She's my friend" he said in a calm voice. "Yes, I'm his friend" you said considering he was really nice and apparently he did seemed like a friend to you. Theun, Jake and Chad was eating and didn't seem interested in the whole event going on. "Well, Sora. If that's your name. That's what Tory told me your name was.. Anyways, do you have anything going on between you and Tory?" Yumi asked in an eager voice as if she didn't care. You glared at her, feeling foolish for talking to someone from a different table. So, you got up and sat across from Yumi at her table, next to Tory. Tory, who was leaned back on his chair glared at you. "No, nothings going on between us. Are you jealous? Because I'm his friend and you know that he really.. really... hates you..?" you glared back in an evil way. You was really getting irritated and felt like scaring her but, you knew it wasn't going to work you just wanted to bug her. "No but, go back to your table!" Yumi yelled raising her voice. "Damnit Yumi! Shut up and stop acting like a bitch!" Tory yelled. He finally hit the limit. You smirked and walked back to your table and sat down. "Well that was.. interesting. I would've smacked her if I were you before I left" Theun said to you. "Yeh, she deserves to be smack. I'm beginning to think she loves to bug you Sora, because your closer to Tory than she is and you just met him. I suppose you can say she has a thing for Tory." Jake whispered. "What? I'm not closer to Tory than she is! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" you almost yelled but, still kept it as a whisper. "He..doesn't know, Jake's stupid ignore him." Chad said he just barged in and came out of nowhere. You ignore what Jake said and sat back. Tory was giving Yumi evil glares as she babbled on about what her father would do to Tory if he doesn't take care of her. Damn, her father is probably like bossy boss to give Tory that kind of job you thought. You wandered what Chad, Jake and Theun had for a job and couldn't help but ask. "What do you three work as?" you asked them. "We're like.. um... delivery people for Tory's boss. We work for Tory's boss also" Chad answered. "Yeh, we deliver souvenirs" Theun added. "I see..." you said back, you knew they were hiding something and for some reason you got the feeling that you'd find out sooner. So, you didn't bother asking. You looked back at the table where Tory and Yumi was sitting and Yumi was still blabbering on while Tory was eating not listening to her. He caught your eye and stared at you and smiled. You blushed and turned away and looked out the window. "It's still raining..." you said and sighed. "Apparently" Theun added. "I actually admired the rain.." Chad said and ran his hand through his wet hair. Splashes of water dropped onto your face and you wiped it off. "Okay I KINDA like the rain" Chad added. You looked at your watch. It was now 5:53. You wanted to stay in the restaurant avoiding the rain but, you also wanted to just get up adn walk outside for fresh air. You told the guys that you wanted to walk outside and they stared at you strangely.. "In the rain.. alone.." Theun said raising an eyebrow. "Yes.." you blushed. You looked back at the table where Tory and Yumi sat, but they left already. "I don't think your going alone. We're coming" Jake said while paying for the food. You shrugged and you all walked in the rain. You was infront of everyone. "Wow, it really is pouring.. right, guys?" you said and squeezed water out of your hair, which was no use. You turned around and nobody was there. "Ahh damnit! How am I going to get home now..." you continued walking and walked into a dead end. You turned around and faced someone. It was Tory.. .... I'm so lonely.. TORY! You glared at him. He's not with Yumi. Where is Yumi? Where is Jake, Chad and Theun..? you thought. What.. is Tory doing...? Tory glared at you, his eyes look watery and right now.. they were purple. Meanwhile "SORA!! SORA!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Chad was yelling while walking around with Theun and Jake. "How the fuck do you just lose her like that!?" Theun yelled. "YOU WERE WITH US TO! DONT COMPLAIN TO US! HOW DID YOU JUST LOSE HER!?" Jake yelled at Theun. Theun ignored him and continued walking. "I can't believe we lost her." Chad said. A girl figure walked infront of them. "Sora!?" Chad yelled and ran to the girl figure. Noticing the girl, he screamed. "Ahhh YUMI!!". "Well, if it isn't Mister Chad. Am I correct?" Yumi smirked, she was soaked. Theun and Jake caught up with Chad and Yumi. "Yumi, Do you know where Sora is?" Theun asked. "No, I don't.. not that I care anyway. I've lost Tory!" Yumi said back.. "YUMI! What's Tory's next job from your father!!!?" Jake yelled as droplets of water fell on his face. "Babysit me.. and I believe get rid of someone.." Yumi said back shocked. "Who!?!" Jaked yelled back. The rain was pouring harder and every droplet of water was heavy. "I don't know!" Yumi yelled back. "YOUR SO USELESS!" Theun growled and ran off looking for Sora (you). Chad and Jake followed. They left Yumi alone...She stood there scared. Back at the alley Tory wrapped his hand around your waist while the other hand was behind your head holding your head up to look at him. "Your the rapist!" you yelled at him and squirmed but he wouldn't let go off you. "Nah, I'm a good boy.. I wouldn't do that.. that would be my friend who is the racist.." he said calmly. His eyes stared at you and it looked as if he was crying. His hair was soak and wet and so was yours. "What kind of friend do you have?!?! He's a rapi----" you yelled but Tory stopped you with a warm kiss. His kiss was warm and you felt yourself being embraced in it. You couldn't help but kiss him back the same way.. In a way his kiss was eager and desperate. His tongue eagerly wanted to enter your mouth and you allowed it. His tongue caressed yours. You couldn't believe you was falling for his spell.. You glared at him until.. "Sora!! Where are you!?!? Come on!! This isn't a joke!! SORA!!" you heard Chad yell. Tory turned his head not breaking the kiss. He turned back to you and kissed you one more time and broke apart. "I'm apologize.." he said letting go of you gently and before you knew it he ran off. You stood there shock and shook your head.. Chad, Theun and Jake finally found you and ran up to you. "Geez, what happen to you? We were worried sick" Jake said hugging you. "I'm sorry.. I just didn't know what happen you guys walk.. pretty slow.. heh.." you said lieing to them. "Well, it's already 6:47 we better get back to the car" Theun said. Chad gave you his jacket to wear and you all walk back to the car. Before, you stepped into the car you saw Yumi and Tory walking.. you shook your head trying to forget what happened.. Omg!! Yay! I don't want to forget what happen!! .. what happened..? Tory made a move on you. And his next job is to get rid of someone.. to kill someone. Chad, Jake and Theun seemed really worried about you. What's going to happen if you see Tory again? What the hell is up with Yumi? Tune in for the next I'm with a punk, goth, badass and einstein.. (Naishinokami: heheh is sounds like a real show! =D The picture is of when Tory kissed you!) |
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