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the tunnel |
From dusk till dawn many sleep in peaceful slumber, but not I. You see every night I climb into bed to go to sleep, but sleep does not come for me. Every night as I close my eyes this white, airy mist encloses my bed and an eerily, gray tunnel appears yet I am too afraid to approach. From the entrance of the tunnel I can hear people (or at least I think the voices belong to people) screaming and some whispering my name. The voices that whisper call to me to explore the tunnel, the voices that scream, scream DANGER! Part of me knows that until I explore the tunnel it will not leave me in peace, yet the other part of me screams TO DO IS TO DIE! As the first lights of dawn appear the tunnel slowly fades to nothing, the mist evaporates and I am left alone. Alone to ponder the meaning of the tunnel and what it wants from me. At first I think that instead of the angel of death I am being stalked by a death tunnel, but I put this out of my mind, who ever heard of a death tunnel. My second thought is that the tunnel has come to show me the mistakes that I have made in life, but that does not explain the voices completely. The third and final possibility that I have come up with is that the tunnel is calling me to solve some mystery that is part of my destiny. Any of these thoughts would seem irrational to the sane mind, maybe I am going crazy. The tunnel is just that the paranoid delusions of a madman. Whether true or the paranoid delusions of a madman I need to find out what the tunnel is all about and why it is haunting me. So begrudgingly I crawl from my bed and head towards my den, once there I fire up my computer and type in dream tunnel, not really thinking that I would find anything on the subject, but to my surprise not only did I find links for my search, but I found a picture of the exact tunnel that had been haunting me every night. Under the picture was what I can only describe as a miracle were these words; If you have seen this please contact me I can help, call 666-6666 and let me help you. Maybe the phone number should have giving me a clue, but with the lack of sleep and the need to know about the tunnel the red flags did not set off nor did the warning signs flash. So without delay I picked up the phone and called the number. The phone rang six times and I was ready to hang up when the delicate, flowery voice answered the phone, without me saying a word the voice on the other end of the line simply stated, “You have seen the tunnel.” Shocked I stammered,” Yes, how did you know?” The voice stated, “Only people who have seen the tunnel bother to call here.” I was still trying to recover from my shock when the voice stated,” I am Lyia and I need you to meet me at Jumping Jax Coffee House 4 pm, can you do this?” “Yes,” I stuttered. I looked at my watch and realized that it was only 10 am. How can I possibly wait five hours till I had an explanation? What was I going to do to fill the time? I poked around at the other sites that came up when I typed up dream tunnel, none of the websites proved of any use. Finally 4 o’clock came around and I headed to Jumping Jax Coffee House. Once there I realized that I had no idea on who I was supposed to me or what that person looked like. I opened the door and went inside. I looked around and found what I was looking for, in the corner was a table with a statue of the tunnel on it. I walked over, extended my hand and said,” Lyia.” She stood up, extended her hand and said, “Alera, sorry Hello and your name would be?” “Oh I am so sorry, my name is Jarred Philips, but please forgive me for being so forward but I must know where are you from I don’t recognize the dialect.” Lyia stated, “It is an ancient form of Demonica.” Still no red flags or flashing signs. Lyia started the conversation, quite directly, “How long have you been seeing the tunnel?” I just sat there and stared at her. What could such a beautiful, impish, lady know about such a tunnel? Lyia gently grabbed my hand asked, “Are you still with me?” I looked down at my hand and that brought me back to reality. I looked up into Lyia’s amazing blue eyes and said, “UH?” She shook her head her luxurious red hair bouncing around her face. She just looked at me and smiled said,” I asked how long have you been seeing the tunnel.” I looked down at the table and said,” About three weeks.” Lyia looked at me in amazement, “That long?” I looked at her quizzically, “Why don’t people generally see them as long as I have?” Lyia looked at me with a look of wonderment and stated, “No.” This answer only brought about more questions. “What is this tunnel and what does it want with me? How do I get it to go away? Why did it choose me? Please explain this to me.” I just blurted out. Lyia took in a deep breath and said, “The tunnel is what people make of it. Not many people see it and those who do only catch a glimpse of it. It has no rhyme or reason to it. It generally goes away within a few days. My father could possibly answer more of your questions, if you are willing to go and talk to him. My father is Dr. Satanis, the leading expert on the tunnel, what it does, why it does what it does, and if there is away to make it go away. Are you willing to go meet him?” “Yes, yes, yes!” I answered enthusiastically. We headed out of the coffee shop, I was floating on cloud nine, thinking that I was finally going to get the answers I so desperately needed, wanted, and yearned for. She suddenly turned to me and stated, “My father only speaks Demonica and he is deep into Demonics Harmony traditions. Would you be willing to learn the proper way to introduce yourself?” I turned to her and practically yelled, “Yes, of course anything that will end this nightmare.” As we turned the corner Lyia pointed to a yellow BMW and said, “Climb in.” Doing as I was told not questioning, just being the good, obedient believer. That is what they were looking for now that I have the chance to look back. They were looking for someone who would not question just do as they were told. Why didn’t I question? Why didn’t I see the warnings? Where was my little voice that was supposed to tell me when danger was near? So many whys and no answers. The biggest one why did I have to fall for Lyia and will I ever feel love again. We seemed to drive forever. When we finally came to a stop, it was at the end of a long, winding driveway. Lyia turned to me and asked, “Are you ready?” I took a deep breath, tried to steady my nerves and said, “As ready as I will ever be.” There was no way of keeping the tremble from my voice. Lyia turned to me, placed her hand on my shoulder, with that touch all the fear, the worries all faded away. What type of spell did she have on me? We drove up the driveway. As we rounded the bend there looming in front of us was a dark and mysterious mansion. I looked back and forth between Lyia and the mansion, “You live here?” I stammered. “Yes, does that change anything?” asked Lyia. “No,” I stated simply. We got out of the BMW and headed towards the door; before we entered Lyia turned to me and stated, “Now I need to teach you how to properly introduce yourself. Yamma porta est Jarred Philips. Which means my name is Jarred Philips. You must never shake with your left hand that is an insult. Make brief eye contact, but do not stare. Answer any and all questions Yes, sir and No, sir. I will translate for you, but only what you need to know, do not ask questions. Now please repeat what I have told you.” I looked at Lyia extended my right hand and said, “Yamma porta est Jarred Philips. I must never shake with my left hand. I must answer all questions with Yes, sir and No, sir and I will only make brief contact and I will not ask questions.” Lyia smiled and shook her head. Then we entered the mansion. Waiting for us in the foyer was a tall, gloomy gentleman. Lyia walked up to him and said, “Alera Papa.” I walked up to him with my right hand extended and said, “Yamma porta est Jarred Philips.” The man extended his right hand and said, “Yamma porta est Overa Satanis.” Then he briskly turned and walked to the sitting room and motioned us to follow. We all went into the sitting room and sat so that we were all facing each other, we sat in awkward silence for what seemed like an eternity. Just when I thought the silence would go on forever Dr. Satanis turned to me and asked, “Ty mu gy esta sightus tunnel?” Lyia turned to me and stated, “He wants to know how long you have seen the tunnel. You don’t have to answer you already told me.” “Ok,” I answered. Lyia translated for her father. Their conversation seemed to go on forever. I just assumed she was telling her father what I had already told her about the tunnel. I today still don’t know the whole conversation that transpired between Lyia and Overa; I just know that the way they looked at me made me feel uneasy, I felt as if I was intruding into their personal and private experiences. Then Overa turned to me and said, “Maka mya ut fa lya tunnel?” Lyia turned to me and said, “My father wants to know what the tunnel looked like.” I looked briefly from Lyia to Overa and said, “The tunnel was gray, no light coming from it, only things that could be heard were the screams and whispers.” Lyia translated for her father. Overa looked from Lyia to me with a puzzled, quizzical look. Overa said, “Uma rof kries una silencedo?” Lyia looked at me and asked, “You hear screams and whispers?” “Yes, the whispers call me to come in and the screams warn of danger,” I stated. Lyia turned to Overa and stated, “Ci, silencedo yas entrees, kries yas yanger.” They gasped, stood up and motioned me to follow. We went into the basement. Overa pulled out some pictures and pointed, I understood what he wanted, and he wanted me to point to the picture of the tunnel that I had been seeing. The closest he had was a sketch, which I pointed to. Overa pulled Lyia into a corner where they had another private long conversation. When they returned Lyia asked, “Would you mind if my father and I went to your house on the off chance that when this tunnel comes to you again we could see it?” “No, not at all if you feel that it would help,” I said “I just want to figure this out.” Lyia nodded to her father. We headed up to the foyer. Lyia asked me, “Do you mind waiting here while we gather a few items?” I shook my head no. They then headed upstairs and returned about 10 minutes later. Lyia stated, “Wait here,” and ran out. Within a few minutes I heard the unmistakable rumble of a Ford F-150. Lyia came in and we started to load bags into the bed of the pickup. We all piled in and headed to the coffee shop so that I could pick up my car. I got in and they followed me to my humble home. I felt after leaving their mansion that I needed to apologize about my house. We unloaded the truck and went inside. Once inside Lyia asked, “Can you please show us where the tunnel normally appears?” “Sure follow me.” I said as I headed up the stairs. “This is generally where it appears,” I said pointing to the foot of my bed. Overa shook his head, puzzled he searched all around the room. Overa looked under the searching for some clues, something that would prove or disprove my claims of the tunnel. After searching my room, Overa turned to Lyia and said, “Yamu paryt olse?” I could tell by the change in Overa’s voice that this was a question not a statement. Lyia turned to me and said, “My father would like to know if he could look around the rest of the house.” Before I could say anything Overa left the room. I turned to Lyia and asked, “What is he doing, what is he looking for, does he think that I am lying about the tunnel?” “No, no, it is not like that. My father has studied these tunnels for years and generally when one appears here another appears below the other one. No rhyme, no reason. So my father is trying to see if the tunnel that appeared to you was the top or bottom tunnel.” “What do you mean that the tunnel that I have been seeing might not be the only tunnel? I thought coming to you would help answer questions, instead all I have are more questions and no answers.” With that Lyia turned and left the room, calling her father all the while. I stayed behind because I felt a little guilty about what I had said, but it was the truth. I then decided that I needed to apologize for what I said and for my behavior. I turned to leave and felt someone staring at me. I turned around no one was there but on my pillow was a blood red stone shaped like a teardrop. I went to pick it up but thought better of it. I then hurried out of the room, calling for Lyia I could not hide the panic in my voice. I was extremely terrified. Not knowing what this tunnel was, what it wanted from my, now I have someone or something leaving me presents for a lack of a better word. I was running down the stairs before I even realized that I had come down the hallway. I ran head long into Overa, he grabbed my arms, he was talking to me but I could not understand what he was saying, I was also trying to tell him what had happened. Now talk about a moment of the blind leading the blind, ha ha my cheap sense of humor has kicked in probably to protect my mind….. or what was left of it. Just then Lyia showed up, confused and concerned she ran to us and asked me what was wrong. I turned to her and it all came gushing out, the feeling of being watched, and the stone on my pillow. Lyia turned to her father and told him what I just said. Within seconds Overa was running past me to my room, there on the pillow just like I said staring at us was the stone. Overa went to it and picked it up, but quickly dropped it like he had just picked up a burning coal. Overa walked over to Lyia and whispered something in her ear. I looked from Overa to Lyia, complete puzzlement took over. Lyia must have seen the look on my face and said, “My father said that the stone was ice cold to the touch and that the center of the stone looked like it was made of liquid.” This just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I don’t know how much more I can take and if I should really tell you much more, but I suppose that I should keep writing so that I can help others that are suffering from this and so that I don’t lose my mind keeping this bottled up. It seems more questions are being formed with no answers in sight. Curious still to me is why no red flags or warning signs ever occurred, because now that I am writing this down I am seeing tons of red flags and warning signs….. too late now I guess. But let’s get back to what was going on at my house. All I could think was why is this happening to me. What did I do to deserve this? Am I ever going to find out? Will these questions ever be answered to my satisfaction? No, is what I am leaning to. Lyia and her father were continuing their private conversation when Lyia turned to me and asked, “Would it be possible for me to use your phone? My father thinks it would be a good idea if we called in some friends to help us figure this out.” I stood there still in shock all I could do was nod. Maybe I should have asked some questions, but this is a hindsight moment. Lyia turned and left. Hmmmmmmm…..she did not ask where the phone was. She came back a few minutes later and spoke with her dad. Lyia then turned to me and said, “I think it would be a good idea to leave this room alone until our friends arrive.” With that she turned and walked down the hallway to the stairs and I followed her with her father right on my heels. Once downstairs I led them to the living room. Lyia asked if I minded if she made some tea. Still shaking I shook my head. Lyia turned and left the room. What happened next shook me to my foundation. Overa turned to me and said, “ I know this must be confusing for you, but trust me when I say that we will get to the bottom of this. Once our friends come we will be able to analyze the situation.” I must have given Overa a dumbfounded, puzzled look because Overa chuckled and said, “I know that Lyia told you that I only speak Demonics Harmony, but there are certain situations where I will break that rule and this is one. This situation has become more complex and a lot gets lost in translation. What Lyia told you about the stone is partially true, just that the center of the stone did not look like it was liquid but that the center of the stone was actually liquid. |