Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1626816-Surrounding-Darkness
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1626816
She is fading in and out of darkness, and she needs to survive.
She had copper hair, and she always had the smell of evergreens. That is all I could say about little miss perfect. She was quiet to the world and just as quiet to herself. No one knew her not even herself, and she like it that way. If she kept herself in the dark maybe she wouldn't be blinded by anything that could hurt her.
On a day known by all, at the time somewhere near 12:00, she was driving on the road she knew best. She had driven on the road before time itself, at least it felt like it to her. She examined the cracks in the road as she measured its age.
She didn't stop at the sign as she always never did. A truck that had more strength then her wimpy car was in the wrong place. Everything around her seemed to explode. there was the sound of a crunch on the passenger door. The glass broke into many individual, unique pieces. Her head hit the window beside her, and it too broke. And the blackness surrounded her like it always had.
A Non-Existent User
The driver got out of the truck to see about the other car driver. He could see blood on her face and she didn’t move. He couldn’t open the either door to free her and could smell gasoline. Frantically, he ran back to the truck for a crow bar. He knew he didn’t have long and could see the gas coming from underneath the car. He managed to pry open the door and pull her out and carried her away just in time to see her car go up in flames.
He sat with her along side of the road for a while but she didn’t speak. She was awake and bleeding on her head. Her eyes appeared strange; almost lost. He didn’t have a cell phone and no way to get her help. He knew he didn’t have time to waste.
He began carrying her in his arms like a small child. He was a big man and her weight was nothing to him. All the time he walked he said he would find her help .
Her world was shaking and she was being held up by two arms.
"What is your name?" she herd above her. She lazily opened her eyes. She was so week that her eyes felt like they were sown together, but she managed to get them open. There above her was a man with black hair and brown eyes looking down at her while moving.
"Can you tell me your name?" Her voice was stuck in her throat and her eyes were trying to close. She managed to work out a mumble before falling into another dream-like state. She quickly fell threw blackness and landed on grass. Her subconscious lifted herself up and looked around. She saw a blue lake that was surrounded by trees with a visible mountain in the distance. Then she spotted something.
A Non-Existent User
She saw something half-way in the earth, she began to walk over and pick up the item but a lion jumped in front of her. A lion?! What the heck?! She thought as the lion seemingly came out of nowhere. "Afraid?!" The Lion spoke staring her down as it started to circle her like prey. "It's too bad you can't drive like a logical driver... Are you an idiot or something?" The Lion asked, She couldn't say anything, as her mouth seemed to be closed tightly and she was also afraid that the lion would eat her, as small as she was, it would easily devour her. I must be dreaming.... She thought then rubbed her eyes. The lion got angry then glared at her. "Pay attention!" The lion said then pounced, eating her........................ She slowly drifted back to reality. She looked up at the big man. "Are you okay? I should stop at a hospital..." The man walked around his still working truck and put her in the passenger side. He then walked around again to get into the driver's side. He sighed. This was such a not so bad day when it started..... The man said then twisted his keys in the ignition slot and backed up away from the damaged car, and drove around it.
A Non-Existent User
She was frightened inside his truck. He had a strange blue glow around him as soon as he sat down in the drivers’ seat. She moved over as close to the door as she could. She saw a medallion shaped like a serpent hanging from his mirror. He didn’t speak to her but kept driving.
Soon they came upon a side road and pulled off. She passed out and again found the lake from her previous vision. The lion wasn’t there now but in the background she could see a house. She floated to the house and could see a scarecrow in the middle of the field. Nothing else was there. Her feet met the ground again and the scarecrow began to move toward her. As he walked he would leave bloody footprints.
The truck rolled over a bump and she woke. She could see a house ahead of her and a blue lake. She rubbed her eyes and knew she wasn’t dreaming. He stopped at the house and carried her not into the house but outside where the scarecrow was. She looked up at the scarecrows face and saw moving red eyes.
She didn't know what to think, everything was moving way to fast. She suddenly jumped out of the man's arms and made a run for the trees. He was yelling behind her to stop, but she just kept on running. She stumbled on a tree branch a few seconds after the yelling stopped. her head hit the ground and she fell right back into the darkness.
She was back at the lake. The scarecrow was back in place, but the bloody footprints were still on the ground that came to a sudden halt at her feet. Another thing was different, there were crows every where. There were in the trees, on the grass and all over the house. And more were flying in. She decided to take a step forward.
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The crows frightened her because they seemed to be caretakers of the house. There was an old bench on the front porch and at least 10 crows were sitting and watching her. The top of the house was almost covered by the crows. All their heads would turn as she moved from place to place. Stepping from behind the house was a large horse with a blue glow around it. The horse started chasing her but when she tired to leave the crows moved into her path. .
Trapped now, she felt if she could just make it to the lake, the horse and the crows wouldn’t follow her. The blood from the last fall was blurring her vision. She started running to the lake but finding herself running from the man again. Her legs were getting weak and she was stumbling. The bottom fell out and found herself in a cave.
She was quiet and saw the man run by. So there she was alone in the bottom of a cave and completely lost. It was dark in there but she was used to the darkness. She was completely surrounded by darkness except for the light coming from above. Feeling with here hands and crawling along; she came upon a strange feeling object. It was the serpent medallion from his truck. What was it doing here?
She didn't remember taking it or the guy taking it. She stared at the medallion until her eyes went sore. She put her hands to her her sides to support herself and closed her eyes. She became more aware that her head was herting and she heard noise outside of the cave. It was a slow russle in of leaves. Not close by, but not far away either. With all her strength she looked up and notice that it was dark outside and it was raining. She also notice she was drench and she was getting colder. With no more strength, she forgot about the man or the medallion or anything else and just laid on the floor of the cave and fell right back into the darkness she no loger welcomed.
A Non-Existent User
She slept for a while and woke with a horrible headache. She felt around for the medallion which was all wet and muddy. She look toward one end of the cave a saw a small light source and began crawling towards it. She stopped long enough to put the medallion around her neck and wrap a piece of her blouse on her head.
Darkness was in the cave except for the light at the end. Why was there light if it was night? The closer she got there appeared to be bars across the opening. Now, what? She was weak and so very cold. She could see where the light was coming from now. It was the moon gleaming off the lake.
Had she made a complete circle? What about the bars? She was working with wet mud, so she turned around and started kicking the bars. They became lose and soon fell. Freedom she thought. Just as she started to crawl out of the cave two feet dangled down from the top of the opening. Cowboy boots; it was the man. He had just been waiting for her all along. He quickly hopped down and grabbed her.
She tried to get loose, but he was much too strong for her.
"What are you doing?! Who are you?!" She screamed. Her mind was racing trying to find answers, but none would come.
"I was on my way to find some one to bring to the master in the other world, but you just fell into my lap. You stupid girl." he said just finishing up the knots to the rope.
"Other world, what?" she managed to say as he started dragging her.
"You never mind that." he said to her in a harsh voice.
"let Me Go!" That was all she could think to say to this psycho.
"No." he said like it was a reaction. Then he put a towel in her mouth and then put duct tape to her mouth. "Now be quiet."
He dragged her to the scarecrow and stopped to inches from its face.
A Non-Existent User
This feel like a science fiction movie.. The girl thought staring into the eyes of the scarecrow. The longer she stared, the more bizarre it looked. Hey.... I hope you ready to say goodbye to your pointless life, no one will miss you. It seemed like the scarecrow was telepathically speaking to her. Was it? "Hmm!!" She tried to speak but the towel muffled her. How can I communicate with this thing if I can't talk... The girl closed her eyes, frustrated. I can hear you, but not for long... The voice said, if she didn't dream often today, she sworn the scarecrow just smiled. What do you want from me? I did nothing!! Let me go! Let me go! She screamed to the mysterious voice. Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!......You sound like a broken record... The girl just opened her eyes widely as she couldn't tell if she was awake or dreaming because the scarecrow had glowing red eyes.
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She realized what was going on now because her mind had cleared. She needed the darkness right now. The scarecrow told the man to sit her on top of the hay stack. She wasn’t crying any longer. Red and yellow clouds started gathering above her with a horrible wind. The man walked toward her with a torch setting the hay stack on fire.
Flames were surrounding her but not touching her. She used her strength to loosen the rope and took the towel off her mouth. Then she started waving her arms around and twirling in circles. The medallion started to glow bright blue as did her face. Her eyes were completely white. Standing in the middle of the fire, whirling around she pointed with her right hand at the scarecrow.
Out of her fingers came sparks with sit he scarecrow on fire. "Now who is living a pointless life?" He didn’t just burn he disappeared in an opening on the ground under his feet. The rope that had been around her was now dragging the man into that same hole. From those strange clouds came large lightning strikes closing up the hole.
She climbed down the haystack and began walking in the darkness as always before.
Before she made it completely in the darkness, hands reached out of the ground and grabbed her ankles. She turned to see who was pulling her and she saw skeleton faces and hands grabbing her ankles. Everything that was happening was happening way to fast. She started screaming and tried to get away, but the bones were surprisingly strong. She tried to reach for something but nothing was around. The bones started to pull her into the ground slowly. More bones joined in and grabbed her arms and pulled. She started to fall into the ground until something grabbed her shirt from the back and pulled her out, the bones shivering in fear.
A Non-Existent User
Those arms belonged to a police officer. “Dispatch, I found her,” said Taylor. He was the first police to arrive at the accident. The sirens and blue lights had been going on for about an hour. The man that rescued her from her car told the police she jump out of his arms and began to run. He tried to make her stop but she just kept running. The truck driver said she was hurt badly on her head. A lot of blood and her eyes didn’t look right. She mumbled while he was carrying her but he couldn’t understand anything she said.
The girl was lying in a wooded area about a quarter mile away from the accident. She was face down on the ground and bleeding from her head and legs. She appeared to have a medallion in her hand. She wasn’t holding it. During the accident it must have pierced her hand and part came out the other side.
More police cars and an ambulance came across the field all using the blue lights on their cars. The dispatch told Taylor not to move her. When the paramedics picked her up her head was resting on a piece of paper. It was an old paper that was back during Halloween. On it was a scarecrow with red eyes, a haunted farm house, a horse, and bats. She must have opened her eyes and looked at the picture before she passed out.
The paramedics forced her eye open to see if the pupil would respond. She saw the bright light and behind it was that blue glow again. Then she started shaking and thrashing about. She was having a seizure right their on the bed as they were trying to load it in the ambulance. Strap her down better and check her pulse. Get something she can bite on. All these orders were flying between the paramedics. They knew they could loose her.

© Copyright 2009 xx-xx, Jade Peterson, xx-xx, (known as GROUP).
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