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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1625912
Chapters 5 to 7
Disclaimer: " Made it in time ( huf, huf ) one more time: Every character and scenary here is owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I only own Francis Wolfang and everything related to him. Next chapteeeeer!!!!

Chapter Five: The Chunnin Exam's Begin: One for All Or None at All

After the battle in the Land of Waves, Squad 7, now back in The Hidden Leaf Village are being sent on lowly D-Rank missions. It even shows that it's teamwork had gone from bad to worse: you trying to maintain calmness in the team, Naruto just carrying about beating Sasuke, Sakura just carrying about Sasuke and Sasuke just not carrying for anyone or anything. This lead to a variety of desasterous missions where Sasuke even ends uo to saving Naruto one more time. Kakashi decides that their teamwork is too off that day and sends them all home. Before they return home Sasuke aggravates Naruto even more by saying that if Naruto wants to get better to just become stronger than him. Before Sasuke leaves Sakura asks him if they can work on their "teamwork". Sasuke says that if she has time to flirt she should be working on her skills. He then crushes her by saying she's as bad as Naruto. Then delivers the final blow by saying she is even worse then Naruto. " That had to hurt " you thought. " And you " says Sasuke turning to you, " you should train even more, your jutsus are just too weak ". " Ok, now i'm angry " you said to yourself trying not to beat Sasuke. Then, after he's gone, a small box starts to stalk Naruto, and explodes revealing Konohamaru and his two friends: Udon and Moegi. They reveal themselves as the Konohamaru ninja squad. Konohamaru wonders between Naruto and Sakura's relationship. He then comes to the conclusion that they are dating which Naruto says is true. Sakura, already angry by Sasuke's comment, punches Naruto in the face and sends him into a fence. Konohamaru then insults Sakura and she chases after all four of them. " Well, that will keep them occupied " you said to no one in particular since you we're all alone now. You then remember Sasuke saying how weak you we're and you get furious again. " That's it this calls for intensive workout". You rush home and when in your appartement you reach for a drawer beneath the bed. You flashback to your village and remenber the day you left to become a ninja. The scroll was given to you by an elder who used to tell stories of the time he said he whas a ninja, but nobody except you had ever believed in his words. To reward you for ever believing in him and following his old path he gave you the scroll and told you words that we're printed in your mind forever. " When you fall down, and that all hope of becoming a gret ninja seem's lost, open this scroll and let it guide you to your old new path ". You always wondered what he ment by " old new path ". You open the scroll to find only a signature in red ink, but the rest is blank. You then find, in the side of the signature, some kind of instructions. It said " For those who seek knowledge, but find it hard to fight with, must seek control to gain that power". " Whoao ". Control to gain, power to fight with knowledge, and to find that knowledge. Then you remember the jutsu Kakashi used on Zabuza: The Summoning Jutsu. It whas with a scroll also. You try to find what did that scroll made you summon, but all you found we're drawing of caves with yellow eye's coming from inside it. It was also wrote under the drawing the hand signs for the summoning and the hand writing of the village elder who gave you the scroll, saying " Don't forget, it always come's in handy ". " Thank you, old man, i never will ". You spent all night focusing on chakra control without looking or signing the scroll, only to do that when you felt you we're worth it.

The next morning Kakashi gives squad 7 the application forms for the Chunin Exams. After hearing this, Naruto almost brings down Kakashi while hugging him. " WOW " you thought, " a chance to train my new jutsu, in fact, i'm going to train as soon as i'm home". You looked to your teamates, everyone had accepted althought Sakura was still uncertain. While everyone was heading home, you notice that Sakura was getting left behind. " Whats wrong, Sakura?" you asked. " It's this Chunnin Exam, if i can't keep up with you guy's, what chance do i have ? ". " Don't worry, do as I do, if there's a will, there's a way, see you three tomorrow". You left home separating from an over-reacting Naruto, a careless Sasuke, and a more confident Sakura. Two hours later, you're at home, and you have finally been able to concetrate the necessary chakra when needed and you've also memorized the hand signs. " Ok, i'm ready ". You pick up the scroll in your desk and open it on the floor. " This must be a blood contract". You bite your finger and write your name on the scroll in blood. The moment you finish it, the scroll disappears in a cloud of smoke. " I guess it went to the creatures of the summon, now to try it out ". But when you prepare to usee the summoning jutsu, someone throws a kunai out the window, almost hitting you. When you look out the window, you see a rain ninja ( you know because of the headband ) running away in the roofs with what appears to be Naruto and Sakura under his arms. " No!!!". You start pursuing the ninja until you caught up with him at the bridge leading to the village gates. " Are you an idiot, or are you just a turist " you said to him " that's the village's gateway, there's ninjas patroling it ". Suddenly the ninja throws needles at you, which you barely dodge from. " Shadow Clone Jutsu ". Suddenly, there are three rain ninjas and no sight of Naruto and Sakura. " Dammi't" you face towards the ninja " those we're just fakes of Naruto and Sakura, and in the water, i'm in a load of trouble, there's no earth for me to use any jutsu, and if you're a rain ninja, a water jutsu will counter my fire one's, am i right?". " Very perceptive " said the ninja " Now die ". The three ninjas come at you with swords. You close your eyes and say " It's now or never, please let this work........................................ ..........................Summoning Jutsu !!!! ".
When you open your eyes you see it. Two wolves bitting two of the shadow clones and two other wolves standing between you and the real ninja. You look at your saviours and you find out that they can talk. " What on earth are we doing here?" said the male wolf at your left front. " I don't know, dear, but you two can go back now, we got it from here" said the female wolf at your right front to the other wolves at your sides who vanished in a cloud of smoke. " I think this kid here is our new summoner ", said the female wolf. " Will talk to him later, now it's chow time, and this guy here is on the menu ", said the male wolf. This course of action caused the ninja to flee into the river water and disappear. " Okay, now that this taken care of," said the male wolf " you and us, kiddo, have to talk".
You followed the wolves to some trees we're they sit and looked to you. It seemed that they we're evaluating you just by looking. " Well, introduce yourself, kid, where are your manners? " said the male " Today's youth has no respect what so ever for theyre elders, humf." You we're still in shock with the all wolf summoning, but you snnaped out of it and introduced yourself: " My name is Francis Wolfang, no pun intended, and I am a genin from this village, The Hidden Leaf ".
" No wonder this place looked so familiar " said the female wolf " this is the village that Tamashii ( The elder from your ld village ) whas born as a ninja, ain't I right, honey? ". " Yup " said the male wolf " and this kid must be the one who signed the contract if it came back to us ". " Excuse me, but who might you two be, if it's too much to ask? " " Oh, you're right, little Wolfang, how rude of us" appologized the female " I am Igen ( Dignity ) and this here is my husband, Ketsui ( Determination ), and we are the Wolf Elder's Of the Leaf Village ". Wolf Elder's Of the Leaf Village ? It sounded like something that came out of an old folk story. " Oh, and those other two wolves that came with us we're our kids, here, I'll call them" said Igen. A moment later two other wolves we're summoned right next to you. " The female at your right is our daughter, Haru ( Spring ), and the male at your left is our son, Natsu ( Summer), and from this day foward, they will be your personnal summon ". CLONK. You pass out from hearing this. " I don't think that Tamashii got the right boy, this one doesn't seem like much to me" said Ketsui. " Hey" you said waking up by hearing that " I just needed your help because i wasn't in my element, but latter, i'll know jutsus of all kinds and always have the advantage". That little speech you took out surprised Ketsui, who said " now you seem like the kid we we're assigned to, welcome to your new family, kiddo. From this day foward, we will fight along side you when necessary, but in return, you must show us that you're a wolf, brave and fierce". " Yeah" said Natsu " me and my sister here, we're also in trainning, so you're our new co-worker, welcome aboard, brother ". " Alright " said Haru " Looks like we got ourselves a new brother". " Speaking of that, i don't want to sound rude but how old are the four of you, anyway?". " Well " said Natsu " Mom and Dad are both 30 and me and Haru, we're both 12" " Ain't that old for wolves? " you asked. " That's for normal wolves, we're ninja wolves, we grow at the same rate that humans, why do you think that ninjas and nin-ken stay partners? ". " Well, that made perfect sense " you replied " Thank's for the help, and I hope to train with you two ( you refer to Haru and Natsu ) in the future, and i also thank you for the rescue, Great Wolf Elder's. " Please, call's us Ma and Pa, if you like sonny." said Igen. " Farewell kid " said Ketsui " We will send your regards to old man Tamashii ". " Please do, farewell " you said". The four disappear in a cloud of smoke. " Wow, what a night. Humm........... I better go home, tomorrow the Chunnin Exams start, and i'll make everyone proud, including the old man, yeah".

To Continue .............................. After this : The Naruto Radio Talk-Show.

" Hello to every single one of our listners, this is your talk-show host, Naruto Uzumaki, with Sakura Haruno on the speaker " Hi everybody ", Francis Wolfang on audio control " What's up? " and Sasuke Uchiha on Production " Humf ". So let's present our guest for today, Kakashi Hatake, leader or Squad 7, Jounin of the Hidden Leaf Village and the Biggest Fan of the Make-out Series".
" Is that all you guys see in me? " asked Kakashi. " Well, you always walk around reading the same book over and over " said Sakura. " That's because i like the story very much and for me, it never get's old ". " Yeah, but if you keep on reading it, you'll lose interest on it" said Sasuke. Some moments of silence later by Kakashi he replies: " Well, I guess you guys are right " gave in Kakashi. ( Sirens start's ringing ) " Congratulations Kakashi Hatake, you've cleared our challenge" you said on the mic. " What?!? " asked Kakashi. " For finally giving in on that book just for the sacke of not loosing interest in it, our production as given you an award ". " What is it?" asked Kakashi. " From the kind fellows of the Production commite, you Kakashi Hatake, will be given the very first copy of the latest issue of the Make-out Series: Make-Out Violence " announced Sasuke. " WHAT?!?!?!? " ( Stunned Kakashi ). " The book will be delivered to your address by hand by our very one postage service" you announced. " This is one of the happiest days of my life " said Kakashi almost shedding tears of joy ". " HEH, don't I have any lines, i'm the host ain't I ? " Sorry Naruto, we're out of time, but congratulations Kakashi Hatake on being a true fan, Bye-Bye " said Sakura( Everyone is clapping except Naruto who is pouting on the corner of the room ).

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In the next morning, you headed out to the Academy to fing the rest of Squad 7 ready to enter. Inside the school where registration is taking place some bullies are bullying the students to not take the exam. You then see a boy and a girl on the ground that we're hit for trying to enter the room. Then Squad 7 reveals the genjutsu the two bullies had placed on the door to make it seem like the right one. This sparked an attemp of both Sasuke and one of the bullies to kick each other. They're blocked. The boy who was on the floor blocked both kicks with his bare hands. He then identifies himself as Rock Lee, and that he wishes to go out with Sakura. This causes Sakura to freak out because of the bushy eyebrows and how lame he looked in her eyes. After a few introductions and cry scenes from both Naruto and Lee, Squad 7 continues it's path until, while crossing the Academy's training dojo, Rock Lee happears in the balcony challenging Sasuke to square off. Sasuke seems to have attracted the attention of Rock Lee, who challenges him to a fight. Rock Lee is not only interested in seeing how his skills match up against a descendant of the Uchiha clan, but he also has a mad crush on Sakura, much to her dismay. Feeling neglected in his teammates' shadows, Naruto offers to fight in Sasuke's place. Without wasting time, he charges, but is easily knocked out by Rock Lee. Rock Lee explains that they cannot beat him because he is the strongest of the Konoha Genin right now. You, trying to surprise him hide behind a pillar and start your plan. When Naruto goes for a second round, Lee dodges it, when suddenly you pop out or the ground with your headhunter jutsu. But not even that worked. When you realized it, it was Naruto the one you pulled, who was used for a substituition. " Just like Kakashi did, using an enemie's ally instead of an object " you thought. Now interested, Sasuke accepts his challenge, while you start to dig Naruto out of the hole.
Sasuke attacks and is met by Leaf hurricane and gets knocked backwards. As he gets back up, he prepares to use his Sharingan moves to figure out Rock Lee's technique. He again charges Rock Lee, but again, Rock Lee is able to hit him. Rock Lee explains that his moves are neither ninja nor illusory - just straight hand to hand fighting. Unfortunately, with hand to hand fighting, Sasuke's Sharingan isn't helpful because even if he can see the techniques, his body can't move fast enough to react. Rock Lee does the Dancing Leaf Shadow to finish off Sasuke, but a large turtle stops his attack before it hits. The turtle reprimands Rock Lee for using his forbidden technique. The turtle then calls forth: Guy-sensei. " Hy everyone, what's shaking? ". The four member's of Squad 7 say to themselves the same remark at the same time " He's got even thicker eye-brows ". Guy then punches Lee and tell's him that he will attend to his punishment after the exams. The two then cry and make up. As Kakashi's four ninjas stare at this ridiculous scene in complete shock, Guy asks how his eternal rival, Kakashi, is doing. He's ahead in the match record, which stands at 50 wins and 49 losses. Guy also says that he is much faster and stronger than Kakashi. In the end , Francis Wolfang, Sasuke Uchiha , Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno walk out of the building thinking about the chunin exams. Now, it begins.

Chapter Six: Do or Die: The Arrival of Rival's

Squad 7 was on their way to enter the door that lead to we're the exam would be taken, but Kakashi was there waiting for them. Kakashi explained that the Chunin Exams could only be taken in teams of three, in this case four. Sakura was shocked that Kakashi lied to them about their free will to choose whether or not they wanted to participate. Kakashi explained that, if he didn't say that, Francis, Naruto and Sasuke would have forced her to participate. However, he was very proud that each member of his team agreed to participate. Then the four members of Squad 7 entered the Chunin Exam room.

Inside, you, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura found themselves among many other Chunin Exam participants. Seeing the rookie Genin, Ino ran up to Sasuke and threw herself at him, much to the dismay of Sakura. Shikamaru and Choji arrived just after Ino, and they started to complain.
Let's introduce them :

First up was Asuma Sarutobi's team, made up of Shikamaru Nara, who always complained, and was lazy, Choji Akimichi, who was always eating, and Ino Yamanaka, who was annoying because she was always fighting with Sakura over Sasuke.

Then three more rookies arrived. It was Kurenai Yuhi's team, comprised of Hinata Hyuga, a shy girl who always blushed when Naruto was around, Kiba Inuzuka, along with his puppy Akamaru, who acted like the boss of the team, and Shino Aburame, who you didn't know very well, but always acted misteryous.

The three rookie Genin teams began insulting each other. Choji headed towards Akamaru with the intent of trying to eat him, but he was stopped by Shino, who said that he was about to step on a bug. They continued arguing, until another Genin approached them: Kabuto Yakushi, who was participating in the exam for the seventh time. He warned the rookies to be careful.

Thus began his explanation of the Chunin Exam. The exam took place twice every year, and Kabuto admitted that this was his fourth year participating. That statistic caused the rookies some angst over how difficult the exam might actually be. Kabuto then pulled out his deck of ninja information cards, and started explaining about the information he'd collected over the past 4 years. To extract the information from the blank cards, Kabuto tuned them into his chakra. After this, an image of the exam's total number of examinees and countries participating appeared.

Kabuto explained that they took the exam in teams to deepen their friendships with other villages, and to heighten the levels of the ninja. However, he thought the real purpose was to confirm the levels of the ninja in each adjacent country, and to try to balance out the power. They did this to check and restrain each country's powers. Sasuke asked him if he had information on the other candidates, and Kabuto said that he does. Sasuke asked for information on Gaara of the Hidden Village of Sand and Rock Lee from Konoha. Rock Lee was a year older than Sasuke. He'd done 20 D-rank missions and 11 C-rank missions. The squad leader was Guy-sensei, and his teammates were Tenten and Neji Hyuga. His taijutsu skills had increased dramatically that past year, but his other skills were terrible. This was his first time taking the Chunin Exam.

Gaara of the Sand had completed 8 C-rank and 1 B-rank mission, and had returned from all his missions unharmed. This was his first time taking the exam. Kabuto then started talking about the participants from the different villages for this bi-annual Chunin Exam. This included:

Village Hidden in the Leaves - 73 participants
Village Hidden in the Sand - 30 participants
Village Hidden in Rain - 21 participants
Village Hidden in the Grass - 15 participants
Village Hidden in a Waterfall - 12 participants
Village Hidden in Sound - 3 participants

Kabuto warned the rookies to keep a low profile. Not being one to remain quiet, Naruto immediately grabbed the room's attention to introduce himself, and vow that he would not lose to any one of them. Ino ran up to Sakura and accused her of provoking him. At the same time, you heard Kakashi cheering up on the other side of the door. That made you cheer up also and decided to stand side by side with Naruto. You said " yeah, what he just said, one way or another, we will overcome anything, up high Naruto ". You and Naruto high-five one another. Meanwhile, the rest of the ninjas stared at the two of you with anger and annoyance. The Sound team, already annoyed with Kabuto's description of their small country, took immediate action. They stealthily crept up to Kabuto and took a swing at him. One of them threw some kunai to distract Kabuto, to which you replied with a same number that almost hit the guy, while the other got up close to him and tried to punch him. At first, it seemed as though he dodged the attack, but soon his glasses broke and he knelt down to vomit.

A moment later, a cloud of smoke erupts and reveals the Chunnin Exam Proctors, leaded by Ibiki Morino, which you recognized as the head of the Leaf Village ANBU Torture and Interrogation Force.

To Continue ................................................. after this announcement from Peter Griffin from Family Guy:

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird

B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a don't you know about the bird?

Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

Thank you. We now continue with the chapter.

Ibiki Morino appeared and told everyone to find the seats that we're assigned with the number they would be given and to away until the exam was distribuited. You hear Naruto screamming of horror from finding that the first exam was a paper test. Ibiki announced that the Chunin exams would start with a written test, and called out the rules: No questions, and no cheating. Ibiki also informed that the team's score would be added up in the end to see whose team would pass. There were various Chunnin on the ends of the room watching the genin to see if they were cheating. If they were caught cheating five times, not only was the genin caught five times disqualified, but so was the rest of the team. Also, a team that had a member that had failed every question would also be disqualified. This made Squad 7 to stare at a scared Naruto. The exam begun.
You started to read the questions but found that every single on of them was to advanced for you. Then it hit you. In a normal test would disqualify at the first attempt of cheating. " That meens that the purpose of this test is to gather the necessary information under extreme conditions ". You then hear a voice in your head that sounded familiar. " What's up, kiddo? ". It was the voice of Pa ( Ketsui). You start having a converstion with Ketsui in yor mind. " How are you in my mind? ". " You made a blood contract with the wolves, when one of us requests to talk to you, when you reply, it connects our minds " said Ketsui " I see that you need assistance in gathering information from nearby souces, am I right? ". " Right " you replied. " Then i'll do this. I'll give you some of my chakra, wolf chakra to be precise. It will inhance your sences as long as your focused on those sences. When you don't need the chakra anymore, just dispell it ". " Thanks, Pa ". " You're welcome, now ace this test, boy ". When the conversation was over, you feel a sudden chakra burst entering you. Some of the Chunnin also noticed but couldn't find any form of cheating presented. You close your eyes, and when you open them, everything is black and white, except for the persons, who had their insides with waves of blue representing their chakra. You first wonder in what that would help, but then it hit you. You look at the window and you can see what the persons in front of you are writing, you could even see the reflexion on the headband of the ninjas. " Wow, enhanced eye-sight, i can see the slightest detail. You then try sound to hear what people are saying in low voices to themselves and touch, we're you feel the knocking of the pencils on the table and on the floor. Let's keep up with vision.
It's been forty minutes since the test begun, and you had already gotten every question answerd because the guy in front of you had finished all nine questions ten minutes before you. Now, the tenth question remained to be exposed at the 45th minute of the exam. You also find out that four team had already been disqualified for low attempts of cheating. Ibiki Morino says that incompetent ones have already dropped, so he, after 45 minutes, can give the final, tenth question. But he says that there is one special rule for this question. Ibiki says that they can chose whether or not they want to try solve tenth question. If they don't want to, the entire team will fail, but if they chose to answer the question and they don't know the answer, they will lose the privilege to take the Chunin Exams forever. This leads to many remarks from everyone. Many of them have chose not to answer question and they leave the class. A total of twnety five teams had left from the initial fifty one that started the first exam. Then you see Naruto raising his head. " Perhaps it's for the best, Naruto " you think " If you wan't to become Hokag..................!?!?! " . Naruto, in his loud style says " I'm not scared! I will take this exam! Even if I get stuck as a genin, i will become Hokage someday ". " Nothing more from the Leaf Village Number One Hiper-Active Knuckle Headed Ninja ". That pep talk Naruto gave was enough to make everyone on the room confident about themselvs. Amazed at this Ibiki says that all who remain in the classroom (79 students) have pass. He then explains that the meaning of first nine questions were to see their information gathering skills, and the tenth question was the take or not take question. He then explained that those who won't risk their lives because the danger of the mission , because no matter the odds, there is no turning back, it's all about the mission and to achive the goal. He then congratulated everyone and wished them luck for the Second Exam. Something then breaks through the window and extends a sign saying the name of the proctor and the exam. " Proctor encharged of the second part of the Chunnin Exams: Anko Mitarashi ". ( to yourself ) " Oh, great, just what we need, another Naruto-like screaming lunatic ". She then lead the remaing students to the next exam sight:

The 44th Battle Training Zone, also known as the Forest of Death. The Second Exam was about to begin.

Chapter Seven: The Second Chunnin Exam: All-out War !!!

Anko briefs the candidates on their goal for the second portion of the exam. All teams will be given one scroll (either heaven or earth), with the objective being to take the other scroll from another team and proceed to the castle in the center of the Forest of Death and the next stage of the exams. The Forest of Death was a circular field with 20 km of diameter. The test would go on for five days and the teams would be test at their survival skills. The teams were told to watch out for poison flora and wild dangerous animals. Then. Anko started distributing a release form, in which the participants would aknowledge that this was a dangerous competition and that they could be killed. Squad 7 and the other teams started to wonder around with their release forms while waiting for the scroll distribution to begin, which was in one hour. That gave you time to look around. You passed by Shino who was examining the insects of the area and Kiba who was walking around with Akamaru. You then reached a small lake in which some teams were resting at it's shores. While walking around, you spot Tenten hiding in some rocks with a notepad and apparently spying one another team. " Time for an experience, Earth Style: Hidden in Stones Jutsu ". You start to blend with the ground and sinking. She turns around getting the feeling she is being watched. Aparrently not seeing anyone, she goes on spying. She bows to write something on her notepad, and when she looks up, she see's your face looking at her: " Hi Tenten, what's up? ". She screams, which makes the other teams around the lake flinch. She bumps her fist in your head and yells " Francis, you idiot, what are you doing? ". " What? It's that how you treat someone you know for along time, how are Lee and Neji doing ? ". " First " she replied " we know each other because you decided to wait a year to become a genin, which is fine by me. Second, yes, they're both fine. Lee will like to know how much you improved. And third, STOP SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE !!! ". " Shesssh " you replied " you dont have to go all yelling on me. So, how were your missions? " you asked. " Not much to brag about, only D's and C's, but i heard rumors that you guys went on a B misson ". " That mission was kind of off the record, and before you ask ( you said, interropting a question Tenten was about to say ) it was Kakashi-sensei is the one responsable for the death of Zabuza, The Demon of the Hidden Mist. " Wow, your looks sensei is way better than ours, ours only talks to us about youth and stuff. ". You both heard a voice coming from the forest entrance to come and collect the scrolls. " Well Tenten, it's been great catching up, but now it's an all out war, may the best survive." " Same here ". She turns around to go and meet up with Lee and Neji when you shout " I hope there's nothing on that notepad about me ". She giggles and walks away. You return to the entrance to meet up with the rest of Squad 7. After geting the scroll which is hold by Sasuke, Squad 7 makes it's way to one of the gates.The exam begins............... now.

It's been one hour since the exam began, and Squad 7 is stopped for strategy debriefing. In that moment, Naruto has to go to the bathroom and Sakura hits him and makes go under a bush. When he comes out Sasuke starts hitting him and explains that is not Naruto because he had a scar on his cheek. Naruto transforms and reveals a Rain ninja and he and Sasuke start fighting. You and Sasuke start fighting The Rain ninja, and during the fight, you cover Sasuke who found Naruto and went to free him. At that time, the enemy releases a smoke bomb and runs away. After that Sasuke tells Squad 7 that they need a password, Sasuke tells them a password that is a bit too long and Naruto doesn't quite remember it. A few moments later, wind starts to pick up. You notice and yell to your teammates: " It's impossible for this kind of wind to pass thro such thick forest, someone is causing this." " An attack !!! " shouted Sakura. The next moment, the wind turns into a hurricane and sends Squad 7 flying. You notice that Sasuke and Sakura manage to hold on, but you and Naruto are sent without interruption. Naruto then is stopped by hitting a tree but are on a straight line and only stop when hitting a boulder that knocks your lights out. You wake up five hours latter with Haru and Natsu at your side. " What are you guys doing here? you asked, trying to get up, but with sevre pain on the right side of the torso. " We came because you were out cold and injured, two injured ribbs to be precise " said Haru " and also keeping you safe until you woke up". " Thanks alot guys, it's the second time you come to my rescue". " Don't mention it, were just glad you're ok, we need some help?". " No " you replied " this exam is to test my strenght, so i'll do what i can on my own ". " Well " started Haru " at least let us give you some of our chakra to help those injuries". " Ok ". Both of the wolves bite you hand to send chakra to your injuries, who start to heal but still remain sore. " Try not to fight for some hours and rest from time to time." " Thank you Haru, and you Natsu, i'll be fine now, thanks for all ". " Anytime " said both the wolf twins desappearing in a cloud of smoke. You start walking northwest to were the tower is, hopping to meet up with the rest of Squad 7. You stop by a river when the night falls and gather some supplies: eatable flora, wood for a fire and water to boile. After eating, you arrange a shelter and wire some traps around it to avoid surprises, you then go to sleep because of the injurie. During the early morning, you hear one of your traps trigguiring and now , fully prepared, you come out to see the intruder. " Oh snap! ". You look at the trap and see a branch on the ground that had set it off. " Damn it, they set it off on purpose ". When you look back, you see five kunais heading your way. You summersalt over them. " That was close ". When you land, your ribs still hurt, so you stumble on the ground. When you look up, it's Rock Lee the one who attacked you, and without knowing it was you, he launches himself in the air yelling " Dinamic Entry ". You try to stop him yelling " Wait, Lee, Stop, it's me, whoooooaaaa !!! ". You managed to dogde again but by inches because of Lee's speed. It's then that Lee realizes that it's you. " My apologies, I did not know it was you, and by the looks of it, i might have injured you, i'm sorry ". You reply " That's ok, it wasnt you the one who injuerd me, i got it from an attack to my Squad, that's the reason i was here, but now, i have to go and help my Squad, but that attack sent me 3 km in the opposite direction and i'm lost now ". " You mean that Sakura is in danger ?!? We must go and help them ". " Right " you replied. You ( fully recovered ) and Lee start moving around the forest in search of the rest of Squad 7. In the way, Lee founds a squirrel with a explosive tag on him, which he sets off and both of you start moving in the direction he came from, hoping to find Squad 7. Two minutes latter, you two arrive to a clearing were Sakura appears to be attacked by the Team of Dosu, Zaku and Kin. The three members of team Dosu were about to attack Sakura when you and Lee jumped in shouting " Leaf Hurricane " and " Ookami Kenpo " ( Wolf Martial Arts ) in which you and Lee kick the opponents from above and below with seveal spinning kicks. That sent team Dosu to the other end of the clearing. You say to Lee " Looks like great minds think alike, i'm i right Lee ?!? ". " Right. With all our power, we will protect Sakura. " replied Lee. You look at Sakura and see Naruto and Sasuke both knocked out.

To Continue........................................ Now with twice the more butt-whopping than all the other chapters.

Meanwhile, Zaku and Dosu carry on their attack, and both of them come straight forward. Dosu moves to the front and jumps towards you and Lee with his arm aiming at you. Lee digs and brings up a root from the ground with only one arm to stop the sound attack from Dosu's arm. Meanwhile, Zaku goes for another try at hitting Sasuke, this time with is jutsu: Slicing Sound Waves. He starts to blowing wind currents from his hands in shape of supersonic blasts of air. " Now for my counter: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu ". You start to blow flames from your mouth that puts a stop and reverse on Zaku's air current. You said to Zaku " Your in trouble, your wind currents are just fuel for my fire ". Sudenly, Lee jumps into action and kicks Dosu into the air. You notice that Lee's arm bandages are somewhat of unwrapped. ( Lee ) " Dancing Leaf Shadow ". You, in a second, start reporting to yourself how the Dancing Leaf Shadow works. The Dancing Leaf Shadow is used to position a ninja's opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. The ninja will first quickly appear below their opponent, then with a swift upper kick they will launch their target into the air. The ninja will then jump into the air to "shadow" the target with the target's back to their chest. Since this is the opponent's blind spot, it can be used as a set up to a number of jutsu. Now behind his opponent, Lee restrains Dosu with his arm bandages and piledrives them into the ground headfirst saying " Primary Lotus ".In a split of second before Lee can make Dosu hit the ground, Zaku uses his wind in the ground and creates a cushion for Dosu's fall. As a side effect from the Primary Lotus, Lee's body is all damaged and Dosu prepares to strike back. When he is about to hit Lee with his arm, you step in and block it with your kunai. ( Dosu ) " Bad idea, that's made of steel, and it works as great has my metal arm ". He tumps the metal arm, creating a sound wave that hit's both you and Lee. You feel your eardrums almost breaking and you fall to the ground in pain almost without hearing anything fro your left ear. The same goes with Lee, but because of the use of taijutsu, he faints. It's three-on-one now, and your almost up for the ten count. With you blocking Dosu's moves, Zaku get's behind Dosu and uses his supersonic waves again, in which Dosu moves away at the last moment, letting you take the full hit. You try to stand up to continue, but you dont even have enough stamina to use the summonig jutsu and your ribs appear to have broken this time. The last thing you see before blacking out is Shikamaru, Choji and Ino looking at the fight going on from the nearby bushes. With your last breath, you try to cry for help but no sound came from your mouth. Everything is dark. Ten minutes later, you wake up at the arrival of Tenten and Neji, the rest of Lee's team. Apparently, Ino, Chouji and Shikamaru had joined the fight. However, the Sound Genin still manage to hold their own. Just as Lee's teammates appear to join the fight, Sasuke awakens. He was coverd by strange marks and stood up. Noticing Sakura's wounds, Sasuke begins attacking Zaku in retaliation, eventually breaking both of his arms without mercy. As Sasuke turns his attention to the final Sound Genin, Dosu Kinuta, Sakura catches him in an embrace begging him to stop. The marks suddenly start to shrink towards his neck and causes Sasuke to sit down with great fatigue. Seing that they couldn't beat Sasuke, Dosu pulls out their scroll and trades it in return for a safe retreat. With the sound genin gone, you and Ino move towards Lee to check his condition while Shikamaru and Choji go check on Naruto. After some attempts of waking Lee, Tenten jumps in and shakes Lee out of his sleep. The three teams then split up to continue the exam.
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