Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1625911-Naruto-Spin-off-Reality-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1625911
Chapters 1 to 4
Enter the reality of a new Naruto character, ME (or you if you think of yourself while reading).

Ready, Set, START...

Disclaimer: (the scene is a long corridor with a door at the end) Wolfang bursts through the door and starts to run like a madman, towards the center of the T.V screen. He arrives then, almost out of air. " Huf, huf ....... (inhales for 5 seconds) ...aaaaahh! Man, i've written this so long ago I forgot to put a disclaimer about naruto. Here goes: Every character and scenary here is owned by Masashi Kishimoto. I only own Francis Wolfang and everything related to him. There!!! Now I gotta run to the next chapter before any reader opens it!!! " Starts running like crazy towards the backdoor and leaves the room.

Name: Francis Wolfang
Village: Hidden Leaf Village (from outdoor village of the Fire country but came here to become a ninja, lives alone)
Relatives: Parents : Unknown (living in outdoor village)
Rank: Just nominated as a Genin.
Fire Style
Earth Style (affinity)

- Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu

- Earth Style: Earth Clone Jutsu

- Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu

- Substitution Jutsu

- Teleportation Jutsu

- Transformation Jutsu


Chapter One:Enter Wolfang: A New Reality Emerges

It was 7:30 am, and you wake up because of the alarm of your clock. You went to the kitchen of your apartment and started making breakfast. All of the sudden you remember what day it was. You look at the calendar and notice that today is the day." It's here, it's finally here" you say while jumping in the air. The owner of the building suddenly enters asking what's all the fuzz about "What's wrong? What happened?". " Today his my first day as a genin" you scream almost to his ears". "Congratulations, Francis. By the way, aren't you already late?". " Hã? Hoh yeah, i got to go now, wish me luck, old timer". " I will, sonny, i will".

As soon you were on the street, you speed forward towards the Academy. Along the way you meet Konohamaru who was talking to Naruto and almost got ran over by a charging Sakura Vs Ino race to the Academy. " Wow, looks like everyone's excited about turning genin. I get the feeling that it's gonna be a long day".

At the Academy, while trying to enter, you needed to wait until Sakura and ino stopped fighting and then you finally got to your seat next to Naruto. "Hi, what did Konohamaru wanted with you?". "Oh, nothing, you know kids these days,hahahaha". (to yourself) " Yeah, like you and i are grown ups already (sarcasm)" . Then Naruto glances at the buzzing that the kunoichi were making while looking at Sasuke.
In the same instant you see Naruto standing on the table in front of Sasuke Uchiha, and feel that something will go bad, but not quite exactilly like the way it actually happened. The moment you see Naruto accidentaly kissing Sasuke, you and everyone else in the class stare. " that's just wrong, man" (you think). In a blink of an eye, you see Naruto saying his sorry, the other one you Naruto on the ground with possible internal hemorragies from Sakura's beating.
When Iruka-sensei arrives you think about if everyone in the room will achieve greatness for their village, and when you noticed that iruka has started creating teams, you start to listen. Do to number flaw in the class, you are now part of team seven with Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha.
When it's time for lunch break you decide to go visit the Hokage Monument. You always liked to look at the faces of great heroes, and for some reason, the 4th Hokage seems familiar to you, but you can't quite put your finger on what is it.
When you're back from lunch you find your team at the classroom again.

To Continue..........Right Now.

At the classroom, Naruto was busy setting up a trap, that was just a blackboard eraser stuck betwwwn the door. "Naruto, I have to admit that it's not right to keep students waiting, but isn't that a bit much?" you said to Naruto. " You're gonna get in trouble, Naruto" said Sakura, while Sasuke just staid still at his desk. When the sensei arrives, he fells for the trap, which causes Naruto to mock him, Sakura to immideatily apologise, for you to be amazed that the trap really worked and Sasuke to doubt if he was really a jounin-sensei. To which jounin replies"My first impression of this team is,...... that you're a bunch of idiots." The next moment, you and you're team are at the Academy rooftop introducing yourselves. When the teams askes sometinhg about the jounin named Kakashi Hatake, he simply answers the question about his name. While Naruto states that he loves to eat and compare ramen, which causes Kakashi to think, "I believe all he thinks about is ramen." Naruto additionally says that he wants to be Hokage one day. When asked about her likes, hobbies, and dreams, Sakura merely blushes and glances at Sasuke. However, she does defiantly assert that she hates Naruto, which stuns Naruto. Sasuke states that he hates a lot of things and really doesn't like anything in particular, which upsets Sakura. He also declares his goal is not a dream but something he will make a reality - to kill a certain man. Naruto in turn worries that he is the "certain man" Sasuke wants to kill. Sakura thinks that he is "soo hot". You think "What's he's problem?". While Kakashi thinks that's just normal for an Uchiha. Finnaly, Francis Wolfang. "Well" you start " my name is Francis Wolfang, althought not born in the village, i moved here to become a ninja, my dream... well... it's still kind of a blurr, i'd like to keep my dislikes to myself ,while my hobbies are reading and treasure-hunting". " Very well now it's my turn to inform you. I know you had training in the Academy, but this is Survival Training, the final genin exam". "WHAT???" said Naruto " but we just graduated, what gives?". " That was testing to see if you're qualified to become genin, and in this test out of the twenty-eight students that apply for Genin, only nine or ten will pass. The other eighteen will be weeded out and sent back to the Academy for more training. Well see you tomorrow at training ground nº 3. Oh , and don't eat breakfast, or you will throw up". At this time, you and the rest of team seven are already nervous to the max.

The next morning, hours after everyone arrived, Kakashi finally arrives. " Sorry, a black cat crossed my way so i took a little detour". No element of team seven buy's it. Kakashi then explains the aim of the test. It would be a Survival Battle in which the students attempt to take one of two bells from Kakashi. Anyone who doesn't get a bell within the time limit (lunchtime) goes without lunch whilst being tied and is additionally forced to watch everyone else have theirs. Everyone then realize just why Kakashi told them not to have breakfast.

Sakura then notices that there are only two bells and asks why that's the case. Kakashi explains that this is because there's only a 2/4 chance of passing this test, and the two other members of Team Seven will fail and return to the Academy. He adds that there's always the possibility that only one might pass or all four will fail and also states that all weapons, including shuriken are fair play and that the team will fail if they attempt this mission with anything less than killing intent. " Nice way to even the odds, a battle with a possible twenty year advantage jounin, that's totally fair".

Naruto laughs this off and boasts that Kakashi's in trouble if he fell to a simple trap such as Naruto's blackboard eraser trap from yesterday. Kakashi rebuts this, stating that class clowns are often the weakest link and that they don't normally pose a threat. He further goads Naruto by calling him a loser, infuriating Naruto, who attacks Kakashi ahead of the starting bell. Kakashi effortlessly counters this attack and notes that he's starting to like the team because Naruto attacked him with killing intent. The test then commences.

While Sakura hides beneth some bushes, you transform into a rock next to Sakura, and Sasuke hides on a tree branch you three plus Kakashi ask why is Naruto still in open field asking for a fair fight one-on-one. As Naruto charges at Kakashi, Kakashi mentions taijutsu and reaches for something in a small pouch. Naruto expects him to bring out a weapon, but instead Kakashi pulls out a book, "Make Out Paradise", shocking Naruto. " His he for real?" you think." Idiot " thinks sasuke.Kakashi nevertheless assures naruto that he'll still be able to defend without too much difficulty. Naruto begins to attack and as promised, Kakashi evades every move, gets behind him and makes the sign of the tiger (Fire Style). Sakura cries out, "Naruto get out of there! You'll be killed!" Kakashi replies, "Too late. Hidden Leaf Village Secret Finger Jutsu ,One Thousand Years of Death", which turns out to be an over-glorified poke up Naruto's butt that sends him flying straight into a nearby lake. "That wasn't a jutsu at all !! Looks more like he shoved something right up Naruto's butt" Sakura thinks. You say to yourself " I should have known. Why would a highly trained Jounin Instrustor waist his time and energy on hitting one of us. His just killing time". A disgusted Sasuke thinks, "Those two are just, ... total idiots".

Suddenly two shuriken fly out of the water and aim at Kakashi, but he quickly picks the two of them like they we're feathers. While a tired and hungry Naruto warns Kakashi that he will do everything he can to become a ninja , seven Naruto jump out of the water to attack Kakashi. While seven Naruto's run to attack Kakashi he replies " You can't beat me with this jutsu". At the same instant, another Naruto grabs kakashi from behind and traps him on the spot. You wonder " When did he learned an B-rank jutsu? ".Kakashi evades Naruto's attack with a substituition jutsu leaving naruto to fight his own clones. Upon realizing this, Naruto dismisses his clones and then notices a bell lying under a nearby tree. When he attempts to catch it, he triggers a rope trap set by Kakashi, leaving the Naruto dangling upside-down. Kakashi recovers the bell and lectures Naruto about falling for obvious traps. At that time, Sasuke, believing Kakashi to be distracted, attacks him with a barrage of shuriken and kunai, apparently killing Kakashi.

To Continue................

Chapter Two:Survival Training Ends. Entering the Real Ninja World

It seemed that Sasuke had taken this exercise to serious, because he had just hit Kakashi straight on. Or did he? "Puff". A log drops to the ground where Kakashi had been standing. " Oh no, a substitution jutsu" you thought. After that you, Sakura and Sasuke move from their original positions to avoid being traced by kakashi. You hid behind some bushes until five minutes later, you hear Sakura scream from far away. " It looks like there's me and Sasuke left, this calls for drastics measures". Meanwhile, Kakashi is fifty meters away still reading his book. Suddenly he heard someone making the ground shaking, and a moment later, a hand pulls out of the ground and grabs his leg. You shout from beneath " Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu ". A moment later, Kakashi is buried to his neck on the ground and you pop out on another hole you had made to go under. " I did it, now i just go underground again and get a bell ". Almost after you finish the sentence, another hand grabs you this time and buries you 'till your neck. " What the???". A nearby standing Kakashi says " nice try, you got my shadow clone distracted, but you went in all by your self, without any kind of support or backup plan. We will talk later, but for now, just take a rest ". After those words , Kakashi poked his right index finger on your forehead and you fall asleep.
You wake up to the sound of the alarm clock set by Kakashi. It is now noon, and none of you had gotten a bell. Kakashi ambles to the stone formation and gazes at it, stating that the names of some of the village's greatest warriors are engraved upon it. Naruto exclaims that he wishes to have his name engraved upon the stone as well one day, to which Kakashi mutters that every person on the tablet had sacrificed their life for the village, which silences Squad 7.

At this point, you, Sakura and Sasuke are sitting next to Naruto, who is tied to a post. Then, Kakashi informs them that they have all failed the test because of an atrocious lack of teamwork. Due to Sasuke's arrogance, your lack of team work knowledge, Sakura's obsession with Sasuke, and Naruto's attempt to do everything by himself, the team failed. Kakashi then apparently relents and states that they will have one last try after lunch. The catch was that Naruto would not be permitted to eat because of his attempt to steal the lunches. Kakashi sternly admonishes them that any member of the team caught giving naruto food will fail, and then he disappears.

As you three eat your lunches, Naruto's stomach moans pitifully, and his face is contorted with pain because of his hunger. Sasuke turns around and offers Naruto some of his lunch. Sasuke states that he does not sense kakashi nearby and that naruto would be a liability to them later since his weakness would impair their teamwork.You and Sakura see this and offers naruto your food as well, though Sakura is none too happy about having to feed him since Naruto's hands were tied to the post. As soon as Naruto is fed, a puff of smoke announces Kakashi's appearance.

Kakashi yell's " you broke the rules! I hope you're ready to take the punishment. (makes some hand seals, ominous thunderclouds cover the sky, and lightning strikes.) Any last words?". After all of you four stick for each other, Kakashi replies " The four of you are one!? That's your excuse!? ". You pass.

It's been two minutes since anybody said a word, the Kakashi informs that you're the first team to ever pass his test and that you four are now officially his students. " Let me tell you four something " he starts " In the world of ninja, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, always remenber that ". That speech almost made you cry. (Kakashi) " Alright, Squad 7 starts their missions tomorrow ". (Big dramatic thumbs up Kakashi scene)
The jubilant team departs the training area, except for Naruto, who is still tied to the pole despite his pleas for help.

To Continue ......................... After these words from our sponsor (Writing.com).

It's eight a.m and you and Naruto are heading to the hokage building where they meet kakashi and the others to be assigned a mission. "Oh man " said Naruto " I hope we get assigned to a kick-butt mission ". " That's not how things work, Naruto " you said " we're fresh genins, all missions we'll get now are D-ranks". " Not when i show them my power ". (to yourself) " I get the feeling that he won't rest until that happens" . You replied " Maybe Naruto, maybe ". At the Hokage buiding, everyone's waiting for you two to arrive. " All right " said the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi " from today foward you'll come here for mission debriefing, Kakashi, here the list for today ( he hands over a pice of paper with addresses and what seemed to you ..... CHORES ?!?

Squad Seven First-Day missions (chores)

Nº1 - Clear up the garden of the Leaf's Hospital of any weeds.

The minute the four genin lay a sight on the size of the garden, you all get depressed. " Well, you four better get to work " said Kakashi while heading for a nearby bench to read his book on the shade. One hour later, after a series of suprise snake attacks, running from bee's and cats jumping to the piles of already weeded out grass, you four are tired. " Very well done, the patients will now have a good garden in their views " said Kakashi.

Nº2 - Remove any bird nest found in the hospital's roof and relocate them.

" Why are we doing this anyway? " asked Naruto stranded by a rope along with the rest of Squad 7 to get to bird nests located in middle roofs of the hospital. " Because the hospital roof will repared in a few days and it needs cleaning, that's why, which also prepares you for your next chore " said Kakashi lying on the bench.

Nº3 - Repairing the Hokage Building's roof.

Nothing much happens except for some blisters on everyone's hands and Naruto almost falling from the roof to the ground.

" Now, let's go to Ichiraku's for lunch, i'm buying " said Kakashi, which makes Naruto running towards the ramen stand almost without touching the ground.

Nº4 (last minute mission) - Find Tora, the cat belonging to the Feudal Lord's wife.

After locating the cat you four jump on him, just for Naruto to get ripped apart by the cat.

To Continue.................(After i remenber how the rest of the story went on.)

( Well, here goes something) The five members of Squad 7 were at the Hokage building and naruto whas already complaining about the easyness of the recent missions. There, you got assigned to an C - Rank mission, protecting a bridge builder named Tazuna, from thugs or gangs back to his village. The six-man party whas on it's way, with Naruto getting a bit to overexcited. Honestly, you were a friend of Naruto for over two years, but you hated when hed get on a hiper-active mood.
While you six where on the way, you're attacked by two missing-nin from the Hidden Mist Village. After some actions scenes like the fake death of Kakashi, Naruto getting injured, you and Sakura being assigned to guard Tazuna, and Sasuke and Kakashi beating the missing-nin the action calms down. Now, Kakashi realizes that Tazuna was the target, and since Tazuna is being targeted by enemy ninja, this mission is therefore a classified A-rank mission.
At this point, Kakashi notices that Naruto's hand is wounded and bleeding; Kakashi declares that the wound is poisoned because the Demon Brothers had poison on their claws and that they will have to bleed out the poison. Sakura suggests that they just give up because it's an A-rank mission, and, Naruto is injured .
Naruto, unwilling to jeopardize the mission, takes out a kunai and stabs his hand with it in order to remove the poison, severely stunning his comrades and even alcoholic Tazuna. He then makes an oath that he will never run away or back down from any mission, threat, or enemy and that he will not lose to Sasuke. This is short lived, however, as Kakashi points out that losing any more blood could be fatal, causing Naruto to panic. " Idiot " think you, sakura and sasuke at the same time " Kakashi observes that Naruto's wound had already begun to heal and assumes that it was due to the healing power of the Nine-Tailed Fox. " Kakashi-sensei, can i ask you something in private? " you asked. Kakashi walks to your side and you ask " Is it me or is Naruto's hand already cured? ". " What can i say, Naruto must have great healing hability " says Kakashi while walking away.

To Continue.........................As soon as i find a way to slip my character in the original story.

Chapter Three: Entering the Land of Waves: Squad Seven first battle

Squad 7 and tazuna were moving on in a small motorboat owned by a commoner, Kaji, towards the Land of Waves. Thick layers of mist swirled around the boat. Naruto said something loudly, to which Kaji hurriedly silenced him. "Why do you think we're rowing instead of using the engine and moving under cover of the mist? It's so we don't attract attention," he rebuked. Naruto recognized his mistake and hastily covered his mouth. Kakashi asked Tazuna why he had told Konoha that this was only a C-Rank mission, while it obviously fell into the A-Rank category. Kakashi then threatened to abandon the mission if Tazuna did not provide an adequate explanation. Tazuna replied that even the nobles of the Land of Waves were impoverished. He would not have been able to afford an A-Rank mission. Additionally, he told them that an extremely wealthy businessman called Gato was responsible for his country's struggles. Gato had monopolized the Land of Waves's trade, thus earning a massive profit at the expense of the residents of the island. Tazuna then convinced them into continuing the mission after a hefty guilt trip that involved how heartbroken his family would be if Tazuna died. Tazuna - 1 Squad 7 - 0. Moments later, they disembarked at a small port upon arriving in the Land of Waves, and continued on foot.

While walking up the road, Naruto decided never to fall back behind to be saved by anyone, then started to throw kunais at the mere so called "sense" of a person. At the second try, he almost hit a white rabbit. You, being an animal expert, noticed that rabbits only grow white furr on snowy days for avoiding predators. While that thought was crossing your mind you hear Kakashi saying " DUCK!!!".
Suddenly, a long sword appears spinning like crazy from the trees and everyone hits the ground for cover. When you look up, you see a greenish skin man standing on top of the sword stuck in a tree. " Who is he? " you asked. " He's Zabuza, The Demon of the Hidden Mist, a missing-nin from The Village Hidden In The Mist " replied Kakashi. Zabuza demanded to have Tazuna, to which Kakashi refused. A confrontation was inevitable.
Kakashi recognized him as the Demon of the Hidden Mist, and stated that he would have to use "that" to defeat him. He pulled up his forehead protector to reveal a red eye with three tomoe, which was revealed to be the Sharingan. Zabuza hinted that he knew of the Sharingan, and said that he was honored to see it in action. You and Naruto wondered what this "Sharingan" was. Sasuke immediately recognized it and explained that the Sharingan is a Dojutsu ( "Eye Technique" ) that can immediately see and anticipate all ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu at hand. Naruto, Sakura, and Tazuna were rendered speechless at this information.
Sasuke was puzzled, however. The Sharingan is a rare kekkei genkai exclusive to the Uchiha clan, which is Sasuke's clan; however, Kakashi was not an Uchiha, yet he possessed the Sharingan. Sasuke wondered if Kakashi was in fact a member of his clan. Zabuza told Sasuke that his statements on the Sharingan's capabilities had only "scratched the surface". He continued with the explanation, saying that the Sharingan can also copy any of these three types of techniques by simply observing them, thus enabling the user to instantly and flawlessly perform it and reflect it back at his or her opponent. Zabuza stated that he was after Tazuna, and informed Kakashi that he had been included in his Bingo Book as a highly dangerous ninja who had earned the nickname "Copy Ninja Kakashi" for copying over 1000 ninjutsu, and that he would consider it a testament to his own skill if he killed him too.
Suddenly, he summons a thick veil of mist from the nearby lake in order to hide him from the Sharingan which was the Hidden Mist Jutsu. Squad 7 quickly forms up around Tazuna to protect him.
Sasuke almost collapsed from the atmosphere of two Jonin about to clash, thinking to himself that it was "enough to make someone choke". He resisted this feeling, however, stating that he would rather die than accept this. Kakashi noticed his nervousness and told him to calm down. "I will not allow my comrades to die! Trust me." Zabuza said that it was useless, and instantly appeared in the center of the formation, freezing everyone in fear. Zabuza stated that it was over, and prepared to strike them all with his Guillotine Sword. Kakashi raced toward them and stabbed Zabuza in the stomach with his kunai just before his stroke could fall. Water started to pour out of Zabuza's body. It collapsed into a puddle of water as the real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi, revealing that he had used the Water Clone Jutsu. He then sliced Kakashi in half at the waist. However, Kakashi's body also dissolved into water upon contact, surprising Zabuza as he realized that Kakashi must have copied the technique as he charged towards him. Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza, catching him off guard, and held a kunai to Zabuza's throat. When Kakashi is about to kill Zabuza, he appears from behind revealing that the first is another water clone and while trying to hit Kakashi with his sword he manages to kick Kakashi towards the lake and when Kakashi comes up to the surface, Zabuza traps him with Water Prison Jutsu . Kakashi told Squad 7 and Tazuna to run, and Naruto became scared, wanting to flee, but he soon remembered his oath of pain. He had no other choice but to fight, so they could save Kakashi and keep Tazuna alive. When Naruto used his Shadow Clone Jutsu to start a combination atack with Sasuke, Zabuza called more Water Clones. " This will be bad, those water clones are not going to let Naruto get close to Zabuza " you thought to yourself, " If i'm going to help, it has to be NOW " you yelled " Heh Zabuza, you're not the only one with tricks,..... (whispering) these will drain all of my energy but it's the best i can do,............ Earth Style: Earth Clone Jutsu". At first nothing happened but two seconds later your earth clones came out of the ground and pulled every of the water clones with your best jutsu : Earth Style: Head Hunter Jutsu. " Damm' it, i missed one, okay Naruto, it's all clear, is up to you now " you said to Naruto. Naruto used his Shadow Clone Jutsu, so all the clones jumped and completely surrounded Zabuza's last clone. Then Zabuza's clone swung his sword, causing most of the clones to scatter and disappear. The last of the Naruto clones took a windmill shuriken (that Naruto had transformed into) and gave it to Sasuke. Then Sasuke used Shadow Shuriken Jutsu, the first shuriken being Sasuke's own shuriken and the second one being Naruto's. Naruto's shuriken was hidden underneath Sasuke's. Zabuza caught Sasuke's shuriken and dodged Naruto's. Naruto then transformed back into his original form and threw a kunai at Zabuza. " Eat this !!!! " yelled Naruto. Forcing Zabuza to avoid the kunai thus stoping his jutsu and the water clone, therefore freeing Kakashi. The rest of the battle was unknown to you, sinced you blacked out from the earth clones ( which we're twenty i might ad) and only became clear once you woke up in Tazuna's house.

To Continue......................... As soon as my character stops sleeping and get's to work. WAKE UP YOU IDIOT!!!

( Commercial Break )

Hi, it's me, Francis Wolfang, and i would like to take some of your time to reveal to you the backround of my character, along with my description of it. Shall we begin?? Outstanding!!

( ANBU Special Ninja Report: Francis Wolfang's Portfolio and Aditional Data )

Full Name: Francis Wolfang
Current Age: 13 years ( one year older than the rest of his team-mates )
Current Rank : Hidden Leaf Village Genin
From: Country of Fire
Relatives: Parents : Unknown (living in outdoor village)
Height: 1.65 metres
Hair Color: Brown ( long on the back until the ears )
Eyes: Green - Brown
Handness: Right Hand

Normal Clothing:
-Headband located at the left arm.
-Dark Green shirt for sunny days.
-Gray coat for rainny days.
-Blue shorts.
-Visible Bandages located at both knee's.
-Blue sandals.

Known Abilities:
(Earth affinity)
-Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu ( Creator ).
-Earth Style: Earth Clone Jutsu.
-Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu.
-Earth Style: Hidden in Stones Jutsu.
-Ninja Art: Shadow Fang Genjutsu: 100 Wolf Bites.
-Ookami Kenpo ( Wolf Martial Arts )
-Substitution Jutsu.
-Teleportation Jutsu.
-Transformation Jutsu.

Likes: Reading and treasure hunting.
Dislikes: Not knowing what up against and cockroaches.

-Graduated with maximum score, along with Sasuke Uchiha, at Stealth and Espionage.
-Dreamed to become a ninja when his village was saved by The Third Hokage himself by groups of missing-nin (A.K.A. Rogue Ninja).
-Shows talent at understanding how his foe's ninjutsu and genjutsu work.

Oficial Classification: Closed File. No intent to harm the village. Possible candidate for ANBU Agent in the future.

My thanks to the ANBU Black Ops for helping getting out this information. Bye-bye.

Chapter 4: No Time to Rest: The Battle For the Bridge

At Tazuna's house, Kakashi and Squad 7 we're introduced to his daughter, Tsunami, and his grandson, Inari.There, Squad 7 learned about the take over of the Land of Waves. While Kakashi was resting he made the observation that Zabuza's death had been odd, and concluded that it had been an act. Elsewhere, Haku revived Zabuza, who promised to crush Kakashi when next they met. Both Kakashi and Zabuza needed to rest a week to recover. Meanwhile during that time, Squad 7 we're to do anything but rest. One morning, Kakashi brought them to the nearby woods and relieved Squad 7 of their questions of being there. Chakra control. They we're to vertically climb a nearby tree with their chakra keeping them sticked to the tree. The first one to accomplish it was Sakura at her very first time and the second one was you, who we're not a stranger to tree climbing, but a little rusty at chakra control, when Naruto and Sasuke required extra training. After some time, Kakashi relieved you and Sakura of training to go guard the bridge construction. While on your way to the bridge, Sakura asked you " you think they will make it to the top in time? ". " Sure " you answered " it's Naruto and Sasuke the ones we're talking about, when they finish it, they might even surpass you and me ". " You think so ?! " asked Sakura. " Of course " you replied " all they have to do is believe ". " Well, i gave Naruto some pointers, but i think i should have told Sasuke too, don't you think?? ". You stopped, looked Sakura in the eyes and started " Tell me, how long do you know those two ? ". " More than two years, i believe, why do you ask ? "answerd Sakura. " And for how long have those two been in conflict with one another ? " you ask. " Since the two of them met each other. Why you ask?"replied Sakura. " You see, Sakura. As long as one of them evolves, the other one is not going to leave himself behind. It's their rivalry that keeps them going, and that's why they are true friends, although they don't like admitting it, hehehehe. Now let's get going to the bridge. " you said, taking her shoulder and guiding her towards the bridge where Tazuna was expecting you.
On the way home, Tazuna stops at a store for dinner where Sakura can not believe how poor the country is. A small child begs Sakura for some food on their way home. Tazuna states that the Land of Waves has been like that ever since Gato took over. It's the reason Tazuna wants to finish the bridge, because if the bridge is completed then the Land of Waves will be able to return to the way it was before Gato arrived.
During dinner Sakura asks why there is a picture torn on the wall. She states that she saw Inari staring at it all through dinner. Tazuna says that the man in the picture was a hero to the land of waves. This upsets Inari, causing him to get up and leave. Tazuna's daughter gets angry at him and goes to comfort Inari. Tazuna explains how the man in the father was a hero to the land of waves, but he was also Inari's father. Not his birth father but they were closer than any real father and son could be. One day some kids kidnapped Inari's dog and refused to return him. The attempt to drown Inari, who is saved by a man who later reveals himself as Kaiza. He teaches Inari that if something is precious to you, you should protect it with both arms, regardless of whether it will cost you your life or not. Over time Kaiza became one of their family. Later on when the village was going to be flooded Kaiza saved it, becoming a hero to the land of waves. Later on however, when Gato arrived he killed Kaiza to destroy the hope of the land of waves, and he did just that. This traumatized Inari causing him to turn into the brat he was now. This motivates Naruto who wants to prove to Inari that there are in fact such things as heroes.
Two days later, when you wake up, Naruto is nowhere in sight. " Good morning, where is Naruto? " you asked everyone that was present. " He didn't come back last night? " asked Tazuna. Sakura, who had just got up, said that Naruto was still training since Tazuna told his story. Sasuke got up from the table and went out. On the seventh day after the battle with Zabuza, you, Sakura and Kakashi go to the chakra control training site, and when you arrive you see Naruto almost to the top of the tree. While Naruto starts to rise up, he starts to fall, only to reveal that he can hold on to the tree on a 0º degree angle, which makes Sakura yell at him and you to call him a show.off. While bragging about how he evolved, he falls from the tree, only to be saved by a lightning-fast Sasuke. On that night, everyone was at the table, except for Naruto and Sasuke, the latter arrive to claim that both of them have reached the top of their tree. This leaves Kakashi to have them included in the mission to protect Tazuna at the bridge.
Later that night, Kakashi chatted with Inari about Naruto,telling him that he had gone through loneliness and being ignored, but that he keep on going and trying, instead of feeling bad for himself.
The next morning, you, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura ( without Naruto who is resting from the training )escort Tazuna to the bridge. When you arrive, the bridge workers are dead. When a sudden mist starts to happear, you form up around Tazuna, expecting for an attack by Zabuza.

To Continue.......................... after this important message.

Has anyone noticed that Masashi Kishimoto has been drawing a lot of male characters that look female. Well, let's count them:

1 - Haku
2 - Shiore
3 - Gamariki
4 - Ranmaru
5 - Nurari
6 - Yashamaru

and so on and so on ....................
Please, if anyone knows why, please share with me that information.

The battle starts with Sasuke squaring of against Haku, and by everyone's suprise , including Zabuza, Sasuke appears to be beating Haku in terms of speed, do to the recent chakra control training. To counter this, Haku trapped Sasuke in a cage of ice mirrors, also known as Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors. When the present members of Squad 7 see Sasuke getting hit by Haku in an incredible speed, you and Sakura throw kunais to the mirrors in hopes of shattering them, only for haku to catch them while appearing on the mirror. Suddenly, Haku is on the floor after getting hit by a shuriken thrown by someone else. Naruto finally joins the battle on the bridge. While Zabuza squares off with Kakashi who is trying to protect you and Sakura, who are covering Tazuna of any danger, Naruto sneaks in the cage, telling Sasuke that he is there to help him. That results in Sasuke getting angry at him for falling in the trap that we're the ice mirrors. While Sasuke has an idea, he signals you with a tiger hand sign. " Got it " you think also making a tiger hand sign. While sasuke uses his signature jutsu : " Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu ", while you reveal yours : " Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu ". But not even a two-front fire attack was able to melt the cold ice mirrors. the fog then starts to thicken, and you, Sakura and Tazuna waiting in the middle of the fog, then it happened. One voice rose from the fog. It was more like a roar. Then it hit you. The feeling of great danger. A second later, Zabuza is right next to you about to swing his sword, only to hit a rushed Kakashi to serve as an human shield for the three of you. Taking the opening of Zabuza's somewhat failed attack, you throw kunais at him, only to hit a water clone. " Not again " you thought. While Zabuza retreats back in to the mist, you ask Kakashi " What is this feeling Kakashi-sensei ? ". " Something happened in Naruto's and Sasuke's battle " he answerd.
Meanwhile, the battle between Zabuza and Kakashi continued. Kakashi sensed that the seal for the Nine-Tails had weakened. He decided to end the battle quickly. Zabuza was curious as to how Kakashi would do that when he couldn't find Zabuza. Kakashi's only response to this was to pull out a scroll.
Kakashi used the scroll he had pulled out to use the Summoning Earth Style: Fanged Pursuit Jutsu on Zabuza in order to track him. Kakashi revealed that, even though he could not see or hear Zabuza, he would be able to follow his scent. He also revealed that, earlier, he had let Zabuza cut him so that Zabuza would be covered in his blood, and therefore easier to track. Kakashi then said he would introduce Zabuza to his one and only original jutsu: the Lightning Blade. Kakashi lists each of Zabuza's crimes leading up to the present and proclaims that he no longer has a future. He begins to build up his chakra to do his Lightning Blade technique and all Zabuza can do is weakly struggle against the nin-ken. During that, you sense that the evil feeling has disappeared.
When Kakashi delivers the final blow, everything literally happens in slow motion after that. Neither Kakashi nor Zabuza see the Ice Mirror or Haku's sudden appearance. Haku makes it in time to absorb all of Kakashi's Lightning Blade and Zabuza makes it out of the attack in one piece, though the two parties are only aware of what's going on after the blow is landed. As the lightning fades Haku coughs up a lot of blood and using the last of his strength grabs hold of Kakashi's arm, hissing Zabuza's name softly. Kakashi is completely stunned by Haku's sacrifice, but Zabuza laughs. He swings his sword at Kakashi, intent to slice right through Haku to kill Kakashi and Haku's literal death grip on Kakashi's arm makes it difficult to move. But Kakashi makes the decision to grab Haku's body and jump away from Zabuza before both are sliced. Kakashi closes Haku's eyelids and arises to continue the fight.
Sakura then sees Naruto and runs over to him asking about Sasuke. Naruto chokes up, remembering Sasuke's sacrifice during their fight with Haku, but he can't bring himself to tell Sakura what happened. Tazuna offers to take you and her to Sasuke, since you wouldn't be violating your job to protect him then. The three reach Sasuke's body and Sakura tries to keep her composure as per shinobi requirements. But as she laments her feelings for Sasuke she loses control and clings to his body, sobbing hysterically, to which you bow down your face in sadness and Tazuna speaks " This ninja way..... it's too harsh ". Kakashi and Zabuza continue to fight, Kakashi seeming to be furious while Zabuza doesn't seem all too bothered about Haku's death. But Kakashi nevertheless gains the upper hand in the battle and managed to disable both of Zabuza's arms, immobilizing them so he can no longer swing his sword or perform jutsus. The battle seems over then. But then, Gato shows up on the bridge with dozens of hired thugs in tow. He nonchalantly tells Zabuza that he's fired. He provokes Naruto by kicking Haku's corpse, and Naruto yells at Zabuza because he did not get angry when Gato kicked Haku's body. This causes Zabuza to cry in emotions and reply " your word's, kid, they cut deeper than any blade ". Then, Zabuza asks Naruto for a kunai and Naruto throws him one. Zabuza catches the kunai in his mouth. He charges at the group of henchman and cuts through them, reaching Gato. He then slashes Gato's head off, saying that he wouldn't bee going we're Haku was going, that he ( Zabuza ) and Gato we're both going straight to hell. After Gato's death, right next to you, you start to hear Sasuke's voice and when you look down you're amazed that he is alive. " So Haku never really wanted to kill any of us, even in the end, he kept his word ". At that moment, the remaining bandits start to move against you team, when suddenly, an arrow falls from the sky, which was fired by Inari and the rest of the villagers who arrived to protect their village. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, you and Naruto create four clones each ( earth clones by you and shadows clones from Naruto ), while Kakashi used his own version " Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu: Kakashi Style ", which caused the thugs to run in fear.
It's been two weeks since the battle of the bridge and Squad 7 is now returning home by the newly built bridge. After all the good-byes are said, Tazuna realizes that they need to name the bridge, which was to be as famous as the name which was given by : THE GREAT NARUTO BRIDGE.

To Continue .......................
© Copyright 2009 Francis Wolfang (wolfang at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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