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Basically this is a pairing of Byakuya and Yoruichi's daughter Maia |
Maia sighed as she leaned against the trunk of a sakura tree. Another peaceful night in the Seireitei. The moon was perched high in the sky, its luminous white glow reflected by the dark water. The stars that surrounded it performed their never ending celestial dance which was accompanied by the gentle music of crickets. She chuckled as she let the beauty around her engulf her into a state of tranquility. A shooting star passed by overhead. Closing her eyes she wished for a chance to talk to her soon to be former captain, to tell him how she felt. Opening her eyes Maia chuckled. A wasted wish, she thought. The wind brought a gentle breeze that caused the sakura petals to dance around in the current. A faint rustle of leaves caused the lieutenant to jump and unsheath her zanpakuto. She waited a minute until a tall dark figure appeared in the shadows. She knew that figure anywhere. Maia sheathed her blade waiting for him to reveal himself. Slowly, his features became clear. His long black hair that was put into the white intricate hair pieces which he called kenseikan. A few pieces of hair were left hanging out in the front giving him a bang. “Captain, what are you doing here?” she asked. When she looked at him she realized that he was carrying the captain's white haori. He smiled, or it was something that was close to a smile, at her and handed her the haori. “I was going to ask you the same thing, Captain.” his slate gray eyes showed amusement. Maia bowed. “Thank you, sir.” When she stood straight again she saw that he was chuckling under his breath. "What?" Why is he chuckling? she asked herself watching the captain's strange behavior and wishing for it to stop. "It's going to be peaceful now that you are going to be a captain." Maia shot a glare at him. "That's not funny, sir," she said unfolding the haori and looking at mon on the back of it."Squad 2? But what about Soifon?" "She took on as captain of Squad 3 seeing as you are Yoruichi's daughter you should take her place as captain," Byakuya explained. Maia sighed as she unsheathed her zanpakuto and tossed the haori in the air. With one movement that was too fast for Byakuya to see she cut the sleeves of the haori off. Byakuya smiled at it. "What now?" she asked impatient with her former captain. "You really are her daughter," he said. "You really are pissing me off Kuchiki," she sighed fixing her haori and taking off her lieutenants badge. "Really?" he asked his warm breath against the nape of her neck. She shuddered. Dammit! she thought. Maia took a deep breath hoping to calm her racing heart. She gulped and brought her arm back swiftly. Byakuya jumped away from her elbow reappearing in front of her his face two inches from hers. When he breathed she could feel it against her face. "Is that anyway to act as a captain?" he asked. Maia sighed and unsheathed her sword. "No," she started placing the tip of the blade against his Adam's Apple. "But I want to fight the almighty Kuchiki," she continued. Byakuya quirked an eyebrow at her. "Really?" he asked. "Why do you want to do that?" Byakuya stepped back away from the blade and placed his hand on its hilt. Maia repositioned herself and charged at him using the technique her mother taught her to disappear for a quick second before showing up next to her former captain. The sound of clashing metal rung throughout the training ground. Maia chuckled at the lightning speed that Byakuya used in response. He may be the King of Flash, but she was determined to be his Queen. She slid back and took her haori off, not wishing for it to get ripped. "Shunko," the young dark-skinned Shiohin mumbled. Lightning gathered around her, tearing at her shihakusho until it resembled a modified version of her mother's Shunko outfit. It had turned into a sleeveless and backless black top with a black choker and black shorts to match. A purple sash was tied around her waist that had a long purple skirt under it that had splits all the sides. Looking up, she noticed that Byakuya had also removed his haori. |