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A story about relationship between a young man and an older woman. |
Friday afternoon. David was hurrying down the street in the center of Sydney as it started to sprinkle rain. He had started two weeks holiday. It hadn't rained for weeks, now it has to start. He put his head down and walked quickly. Rachel stepped into the bustle of George Street with the sunglasses she had just purchased. She turned left towards Market Street, heading for her parked car. She wasn't in any hurry to get home to Pymble. Gordon, her husband {a consultant for a heavy earth moving company} was away again. A mining company in the central-west of New South Wales needed his services more than her. She rounded the corner admiring the sunglasses when a raindrop plopped on the lens. Rachel never liked the rain. It always made her sad. Ever since she was a twelve year old. She had watched her pony slowly die of pneumonia. As soon as dark clouds came the childhood memories flooded back. Rachel and David collided heavily. Shopping bags scattered at their feet. "Christ, why don't you look where you’re going?" Rachel glared at the young man. He was a little taller than her with dark hair and bright blue eyes, about nineteen or twenty, with a body that had obviously benefited from hours in a gym. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." "I can see that.” she said angrily. 'Are you hurt?" "I think I'll have a lump on my head." "I can't tell you how sorry I am, let me help _you." "That's okay, I guess I wasn't looking where I was going either." Picking up the bags that had fallen, Rachel examined the sunglasses. "Shit, they're broken. Two hundred dollars for a pair of sunglasses and I haven't even worn them yet." "Where did you buy them?" "At Ballantyne's, just around the corner." "Let me take them back and see if they can do anything with them." The shop assistant said the owner was away for a few minutes, and would they like to leave them and come back in about half an hour? David asked Rachel if she would like to go for a cup of coffee while they waited. She thought that if he was prepared to have them fixed he must be honest enough. Besides which she found she quite liked the attention he was giving her. David looked at Rachel walking beside him. She was a fine looking woman. About thirty-five, with Titian-red hair which was fixed in a roll at the back. She had a pale complexion with high cheekbones and emerald green eyes that sparkled when she was angry. As David went to the counter to order two cappuccino's Rachel sat down at a quiet table. She took out her compact and checked her makeup. As she put it away she scrutinized the young man standing by the counter. David smiled as he walked back with the coffee. "How's the head?" he asked as he sat down. "Not too bad, a little sore." "I guess it could have been worse." "How?" "I could have broken your nose." "Yes, I suppose so" she laughed. They drank their coffee and David told her about himself. He worked for an advertising agency as a graphic artist. He had a warehouse apartment in the Haymarket area. He liked living in the center of Sydney, He felt everything was at his fingertips. It was so different from living at home with his parents. He had always shown an artistic talent, even from his childhood. When he reached high school he found he enjoyed Tech Drawing more than any other subject. After doing the HSC he was lucky enough to get an apprenticeship. Rachel found herself listening intently to this young man who had blundered into her humdrum life. She found his youthful enthusiasm cute. As Rachel listened she could tell that David was attracted to her. She knew the signs: talkative, attentive. She was flattered and pleased he showed an interest in her, although a frown momentarily creased her brow when she thought of his age. David suggested Rachel take her time with her coffee. He would go back to the shop and see about her glasses. Rachel wondered if she would ever see him again, then felt a little guilty when he returned a short time later. He told her that the sunglasses could be repaired but it would take a couple of days. If she gave him her name and phone number he would give her a ring when they were repaired. As they left the coffee shop David apologized again and said he would be in touch soon. Rachel watched as he hurried off. She had enjoyed listening to him. He had brightened up her day, even if it had meant a lump on the head. She quickly returned to her car and headed over the bridge. Chapter 2 It was just on ten thirty in the morning. Rachel was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee. Her mind had kept wandering back to two days earlier when she had bumped into that young man. She couldn't get him out of her mind. There was a sudden knock on the door. David was standing on the doorstep with a big grin as she opened the door. "Hi! „ "What are you doing here?" "I felt so bad about the other day. I looked up your address in the phone book and decided to deliver the glasses in person. Only took forty five minutes by train." David could see Rachel had been working in the garden. She had her hair pulled up with a green headband. A yellow top complemented the green shorts she was wearing. "Come in, I’m just having a cup of coffee, would you like one?" "Yes please." David followed her through the house to the kitchen. His eyes drawn to the splendidly formed bottom bouncing down the hallway in front of him. The kitchen was a bright, airy room with two large windows overlooking the back garden. "It's not as good as the Cappuccino we had the other day." "It's fine, I like instant." They sipped in silence as self-consciousness seeped into the room. Suddenly David asked- "How's your head?" "Oh, it's fine now." "What did your husband think when you told him what happened?" "He's away on business, won't be home for a couple of weeks." "What about kids, do you have any?" "One, Brian, He's fourteen. He's away at Ag collage for six months. She was quite aware of how she was consciously clearing the decks. "I guess you must get pretty lonely with both of them being away so much." "Oh, I've got used to it now, Gordon goes away about six times a year. I can't remember the last time we had a holiday together." "Listen, tell me if I'm out of place, but I would like to take you out to dinner tonight. It's the least I can do to make up for the other day." Rachel sat there for a while surprised at what he had suggested, but not displeased. "You don't have to do that." "We could have a meal then go and see a show or something." "Are you sure you want to do this? What about your work?" "Didn't I tell you? I'm on holidays. Let me help you in the garden this morning then we can drive into the city this afternoon. We can go to my place. I can have a shower and get changed and then we can go out and enjoy ourselves. What do you say?" Rachel walked over to the sink, deep in thought. Should she let this young man take her out? She remembered how she felt in the coffee shop. All the attention David had given her. She knew all the reasons why she shouldn't. She was married, he was a lot younger, and she hardly knew him, yet there was something about him that attracted her. Was it sexual attraction? She put that thought out of her head. Maybe it was just that she realized how lonely she had become. Besides, it had been ages since she had been out to dinner and David's enthusiasm was contagious. Rachel turned and looked at David. "Why not?" she said Rachel watched out of the kitchen window as David pulled weeds from the garden. It was a hot morning and he had taken off his shirt. She could see the ripple of well-formed muscles in his back and arms. As she mixed up a cold drink Rachel found herself starting to fantasies about David. Suddenly she shook her head and told herself not to be so stupid. He was only a boy, not that much older than her own son. He just felt sorry for her. Chapter 3 'They crossed the harbour bridge on the way into town. The white sails of the skiffs gliding over the blue water, like clouds floating across an azure summer sky. They pulled into the coolness of the car park under his apartment block and took the lift up to his flat on the eighth floor. Rachel quietly surveyed the room as they entered. There were magazines scattered over the lounge, a t-shirt thrown over the back of another chair, general untidiness. Looking through the open door of the bedroom she could see an unmade bed. Well, she thought, he didn't intend bringing me here when he left this morning or he would have tidied up a bit. David quickly ran around and tried in vain to tidy the room. He asked if Rachel would like something to drink. She made herself comfortable on the settee while David poured her a glass of white wine from a cask in the fridge. He grabbed a beer for himself then sat down beside her. "I hope the wine is all right, it's left over from a party we had last week." "Yes, it's fine. I suppose you have a lot of parties here. I mean, living right in the City like this." "Not really. Last week was just a friend's birthday, and I guess my place is convenient." They sat and talked, mostly about him and his work. He told her he had worked with this company for five years, ever since leaving school. A lot of his work involved layouts for magazines and television. After a while he poured her another drink then excused himself while he went and had a shower and dressed. "Do you like Chinese food?" David yelled from the bedroom. "Love it." She replied with the familiarity of old friends. Rachel remembered her late teens. She wondered if David had entertained many girls here. "There's a great little Chinese restaurant just around the corner. I eat there all the time. I thought we might go there first." "Sounds good to me." She liked David's decisiveness. They walked the short distance to the restaurant. Rachel smelt the sickly sweet aroma of Chinese five spice as they entered. She loved coming to Chinatown with all it's sights and smells. Rachel hadn't been here for ages. This part of the city seemed to have an energy all it's own. She had forgotten the excitement it instilled in her and felt like a teenager again on her first date. As they sat down an old man approached them. "How you tonight Dave? " "Great," he replied, looking up at his old friend. "Peter, I'd like you to meet Rachel a friend of mine. Rachel this is Peter, he’s one of the best Chinese chefs in Sydney" At the end of their meal, as they were drinking their coffee, Peter appeared beside them. In his hand was a small package wrapped in tissue. He handed it to Rachel "This for you, for being David's new girlfriend." Rachel felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she looked down at the package in her hands. She thanked him and finished her coffee. David paid the bill and they quickly left. Once outside David apologised for Peter's assumption. "That's okay. I guess I should be flattered." "What's in the package?" Rachel unwrapped the gift and found a beautiful Chinese fan. "Wasn't that nice of him?" "Yeah, Peter's a nice old bloke. So, where would you like to go now?" Rachel was feeling relaxed and at ease after the wine and food. She looked at David and felt content to just be with him. "Nowhere in particular, what about you?" "I'm easy, how would you like to look around Chinatown and Darling Harbour?" "Why not?” Rachel slipped her arm through his as they walked between the two carved Lion Dog statues, which flanked the entrance to Chinatown. David liked the feel of Rachel on his arm. She was different from the other girls he had known. Easy to talk to and she seemed to have a genuine interest in what he was saying. The thought of making love to her had crossed his mind more than once. Quite often actually, but he put the thought out of his mind. They walked for hours. Looking at all the sights in and around that part of the city. The evening was getting cool when they found a quiet bar and went in. As they sat drinking Rachel found it easy to talk to David, The time just seemed to fly by and before they knew it the clock on the wall showed half-past two. They left the bar, a cool breeze blowing around them. Rachel crossed her arms as David slipped his around her to keep her warm. They quickly walked back to the apartment. David lit the gas fire while Rachel went to the bathroom. "Coffee?" he asked as she returned. "Yes please. " As David prepared the coffee, Rachel walked over to the lounge and sat down. "With what we've had to drink tonight, I don't think you should drive home." "I was just wondering if there would be many breathalysers out.” Rachel replied. "You're welcome to stay here." "Why David, what are you suggesting?" Rachel smiled as she saw David blush at her little joke. "You can have the bed and I'll sleep on the lounge," he quickly replied. "Are you sure you don't mind?" "Of course not." Then suddenly Rachel realised the obvious. "I don't suppose you could lend me a pair of pyjamas?" "Sorry, I don't use them. How about a t-shirt." "I guess I'll just have to make that do." The thought of Rachel sleeping in his bed with his t-shirt on stirred him. Rachel undid her hair and let the Titian locks spill down over her shoulders. "I have some port, would you like a nightcap?" Rachel was feeling good. The wine had diminished her reserve and she let herself go a little more. "Sure, why not." David poured the port then sat down beside her. They again sipped it in silence. David suddenly leaned forward and kissed her. Parting nervously, David stammered, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Rachel stayed silent. She put her hand behind David's neck and gently pulled him towards her. David felt her lips on his. Her perfume filled his nostrils as his head started to swim. He felt the tip of her tongue slide between his lips. He could feel the rising passion in their bodies. Suddenly it was over. Rachel stood up, straightening the front of her skirt. "It's my turn to apologize because that shouldn't have happened." "I guess we better call it a night." "On one condition. You sleep in the bed. I'm not going to kick you out of your own bed. I'll be fine on the lounge." David fetched some bed linen from a cupboard and handed it to Rachel As he did so, their hands touched sending a tingle up their spines, although both unaware of each other's reaction. "Don't be upset David. " He tried to hide the disappointment he felt. "Yeah, see you in the morning. "Goodnight." David shut the bedroom door behind him, quickly undressed and climbed into bed. He lay awake thinking about what had happened in the last few hours. He could see all the reasons why he shouldn't get involved, the age difference, and the difference in their social standing. He was from the western suburbs. She was from the posh side of town, yet he couldn't get her out of his head. He drifted off to sleep with a picture of her, his t-shirt next to her skin. So close, yet unattainable, in the next room. Rachel made up the bed on the lounge, and then undressed, feeling a little self-conscious as she slipped under the covers. She lay there feeling the cool sheets on her body. They did nothing to quench the fire inside her. She slid her hands over her body, feeling her breasts, the nipples hardening at her touch. Down over her stomach to the pubescent mound between her legs. Rachel couldn't remember the last time she had satisfied herself, it had been that long ago. For the first few years of her marriage to Gordon their relationship had been passionate, but as time passed and Gordon's job took him away more and more the romance and sex had slowly diminished. Sure, when he came home after a trip he would be all over her, but there was no romance, no tenderness, no communication. She had started satisfying herself, but it all became a little tiresome and eventually she had just stopped. Now she looked forward to when Gordon went away, she could get on with her life and do her own thing. Rachel lay awake, unable to sleep. She stood up and walked over to the window. Looking down she could see the city lights, like diamonds on black velvet. It had started to rain, running in rivulets down the glass, distorting and blurring the view. She turned and slowly walked towards the bedroom door. Chapter 4 David woke suddenly, not knowing why. He could sense Rachel standing beside the bed. She lifted the covers and slid in beside him. He was lying on his side, facing her. He wondered if she could hear his heart pounding. The musky aroma of her perfume filled the room. He started to become aroused as they lay still, facing each other in the darkness. Suddenly he felt her fingers brush against his growing erection. Just the slightest touch, like a butterfly caressing a flower. It made his "John Thomas" leap. Again, another gentle touch. His mind raced in anticipation. Should he say something? David sucked in his breath as Rachel slid her hand over him. Her fingers gently massaged his manhood....... For the next two weeks they were inseparable. Rachel went home every few days to check her mail and the house and to get any messages left on her answering machine, but most of the time she spent with David. They were like two teenagers in love, doing all the typical things during the day like going to the zoo, movies, shows and the beach. The nights were spent in unrestrained sensual pleasure. It was Saturday afternoon when Rachel opened her front door. The hot stuffy air assailed her nostrils as she walked down the hallway. She opened the kitchen windows then pressed the play button on her answering machine. She was about to check the other rooms when a familiar voice brought her to a sudden stop. "Hi Darling, just thought I'd give you a quick call to let you know I'll be home on Monday afternoon, about six. By the way, where have you been lately? I've been trying to call you for days but I just get this bloody machine. Anyway I'll see you Monday, Bye." Gordon's voice had startled her. She had a tight feeling in the pit of her stomach and her heart raced. Rachel had been putting him out of her mind. She had been having such a good time. His message had brought her crashing back to reality. She quickly checked through the house then headed back over the bridge, to David and the inevitable decision she had to make. That night as they lay in each other’s arms, basking in the afterglow, David kissed her tenderly. "You know I've fallen in love with you, don't you?" "Oh David, my darling. I love you so much, but we can't......." "Shush, don't talk, just hold me." Rachel lay awake for a long time, listening to David's heavy breathing. Finally she drifted off into a fitful sleep. All Sunday Rachelle was in a distant mood. David couldn't figure her out. He tried to be cheerful but it didn't help. He was worried but finally he thought it was probably just a female thing. That night when they made love, Rachel started to sob gently. "What's wrong sweetheart?” "Nothing." "Don't be silly, it must be something." "It's nothing, really." "It tears me up to see you cry." "I'm all right now, honestly. Just hold me tight." David woke with a start. It had turned cool and the sky was overcast. Somehow he knew Rachel wasn't beside him without looking. He heard the front door click shut as he jumped out of bed. As he frantically pulled on his clothes he saw the note lying on Rachel’s pillow. He didn't stop to read it, just rushed out the door. The lift was already going down. He raced down the stairs trying to catch it before it reached the bottom. Rachel was halfway to her car as David burst out of the building. His heart was pounding, his breath rasping as he tried to call out to her. "Rachel!" She kept on walking. He ran after her, calling her name. Finally she stopped and turned. He walked up to her still catching his breath. "Where are you going so early? Why didn't you wake me?" "I left you a note." "Yeah, I saw it. I didn't have time to read it." "It's over David, finished." She saw the colour drain from David's face. It felt like a horse had kicked him in the stomach. "What do you mean, it's over, It can’t be over, we love each other." Rachel saw the tears well in his eyes. The hurt on his face. Her heart was breaking but she had to stop him loving her. It just couldn't work out. "Love! what would you know about love. You’re only a kid. I must say it was fun though." "What about the other night? What we said to each other was that all a lie?" "You say a lot of things in the heat of passion." "I meant every word I said, I love you Rachel. I want to marry you." Those last words nearly broke her resolve. The tears were streaming down David's cheeks as he pleaded with her not to go. "Look David, It's finished. It was fun while it lasted but now it's over. Just turn around and walk away." Rachelle slid into the driver's seat. "Goodbye, my darling." she whispered to herself as she started the BMW and slammed it into first gear. The first few drops of rain started as she drove towards the bridge. She turned on the wipers but they didn't help.... |