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Something to Think About |
Where to from Here? By Robert Aitken Something to Think About The problem today as it has been throughout history is that no matter what a persons scientific vocation is, they can not seem to unravel the complex cycles of the planet, the solar system or the universe. Global warming and cooling are just one of the many complex cycles this and every other universal object goes through. Sometimes the sea level will go through a gradual rise and fall, at other times the rise and fall can be quite sudden as in a matter of days instead of years due to the complex thermal cycles. At the same time we must look at the equilibrium theory. This in a nutshell states that for a given amount of something added a equal amount s removed, therefore the level remains the same. Apparently ice melt events may or may not have something to do with these sudden rises and falls. But there is growing evidence to show that every few thousand years a sudden ice melt event does occur and as to what the cause of these are and the effect they have on the planets environment , the jury is still out seeking an answer. This is where the equilibrium theory is best demonstrated. For a given amount of melt an equal amount will evaporate. There is also the theory of sea floor collapse and rise due to a raft of complex tectonic forces of which so little is known about due to the lack of resources available in the scientific community. We must also look at the weight of the ice mass on the terrestrial land masses and the underlying strata when considering sea level rising and falling. This is best demonstrated in the British Isles where after the last ice event, Scotland which was covered in ice and was therefore weighed down, sank. The opposite end rose and formed a land bridge to Europe. After the ice had receded Scotland again rose and today is still rising. The opposite end sank and is still sinking therefore making the people around this area too believe that the sea is actually rising when in fact the land is sinking. This is due to a softer strata layer underlying the land mass of the European continent and this is not a single case in point. There many areas of the planet which suffer from this same soft under strata. Recently in one of my e-newsletters there was an article commenting on the evidence that has been found of tropical flora in both the Arctic and the Antarctic environments. They were saying that the evidence so far shows that it was not to long ago in the distance past that this type of flora was flourishing in these areas. The influence of man and his deforestation is having more of a major impact on the environment than any ice melt event. It not only affects the environment but also the global food chain as well. The affected food chain is not only the terrain based food chain but also the marine based food chain also. The people now who are suffering from lack of crops are in an area with historical evidence of deforestation due to the impact of human settlement and global climate cycles. The exploitation of the seas have had a major impact on not only the whole marine food chain but also those of the terrestrial food chain as well. The human population areas that have relied on fishing as a means not only of feeding their communities but also as a source of income are now being devastated because of the widespread exploitation of their livelihood by a minority of developed countries. We should also look at desertification and how it was only a few thousand years ago that the Sahara was a green savanna compared to what we have today and apparently soon it will again be a green area because the moisture belt that encircles the planet is slowly moving north. Soon the warm belt will dissipate and the deserts of the world will green over. With the widespread deforestation of the worlds rainforest's and other forested areas we are losing one of the main sources of climate control. We are still discovering our planet and it has been shown that in all of these areas there is still new flora and fauna to be discovered. With these we are also rediscovering our ancient past and also discovering or is it rediscovering new treatments for the ills of mankind. The planet believe is actually in a cooling cycle in various areas but is also in a warming cycle in the main areas of human settlement namely the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere is actually feeling the cooling cycle more due to the lower number of human settlements and the larger ocean masses that exist within. This is causing a major shift is the weather cycle globally around the equatorial belt by the share size, number and strength of the tropical storms now appearing in that belt. The unusual weather patterns that are occurring throughout the planet are part and parcel a cycle within a cycle ad infinitum that has been corrupted by mans influence through industrialization and his uncaring attitude to the environment that surrounds him. All of this is my own work and as I receive over30 e-newsletters per week from various scientific establishments and journals, I deduce what others are saying and will adjust my theories accordingly. What one person could be thinking of, someone somewhere will be thinking the same or similar. What one person could be writing, someone somewhere will be writing the same or similar. Like minds do think alike. Oh, the life of a theorist. |