Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1615233-Because-I-Love-You
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1615233
A man falls into dispair after his love is taken from him.
John Williams

Here I stand at the edge of the cliff
Looking down at the faraway ground
I can feel myself already falling
Yet I have not started my descent

Yes, life is tough, I know it
Times are slow, full of pain
So why do I feel so much shame?
I just have to silence this misery

Her eyes always expressed our love
Up until the moment she was gone
I wished she would have died for a purpose
Instead of shot for some meaningless cash

I sat next to her until the end
Wiped away my wife's final tear
Listened to her last breath
Followed by the solid beep

She was everything to me
Without her I have no purpose
No smiles, no happiness
I am emotionless and standing still

I take another step towards the edge
I imagine the end I will embrace
But nothing seems to have more pain
Then the life I currently face

Susana Williams

I seem him at the cliff's edge
His eyes show his inner struggles
He has a demon named Pain inside
And it seems he is no longer fighting

I want to hold him in my arms
Tell him everything will be alright
That while his heart stopped beating
The world still turns

I want to kiss him on his forehead
Show him I am always there
Express how much I truly care
Give him a gift of another life

I want to tell him I love him
Is this some sort of Hell
To watch my husband suffer
Witness my lover's suicide?

I see a single tear fall from his eye
And I reach out to wipe it away
Whisper into his ear;
"I love you baby, do not go."

John Williams

Another step and I cannot go further
Rocks slide and fall into the air
A small breeze blows through my hair
I feel myself begin to cry

Suddenly I feel I'm not alone
My tears seem to be brushed away
And in the wind I hear her voice
'I love you baby, do not go.'

I fall onto my knees
I cannot breathe, it hurts to much
I look up at the clouds
And I see her face smiling down at me

My heart resumes its beat
And slowly I begin to breathe
I lift my arms to the sky
And try to figure out what to say

And again her voice breaks the silence
'John, it was my time, not yours
Life will be hard and full of troubles
But it is still worth living

'If you love me, just go on living
Remember that I will always be there
I never left you, and never will
I love you, now go finish your life'

Here I stand at the edge of the cliff
Looking down at the faraway ground
I feel my suffering falling
While my soul seems only to be climbing

Yes, life is tough, I know it
Times are slow and full of pain
Yet baby I will do it
I'll live my life, because I love you.
© Copyright 2009 Joshua Pilger (jpilger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1615233-Because-I-Love-You