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Exerpt from my New Novel in Progress |
When Gods Die The day dawned with a muffled light, the sun hidden by one dark cloud that covered the entire sky and cast a dark shadow across the entire plain. The ranks of soldiers stood together, row upon row of fierce warriors, looking out across the semi-darkness in anticipation of what was to come. Though no real light was present, each warrior seemed to glow with some internal light that drove back the shadows and gave the semblance of day. The Asgard warriors had come to do final battle with their mortal enemies, had brought their own light to shine on this, the last day of creation. Odin stood proud at the front of the line, along with Heimnal , with his two handed sword of justice, Thor and his hammer of vengeance, and Baldur, with his glowing inner light. In opposition, stood the thousands of Ice Giants, the dark elves, the black dwarves, and the Fenris wolves. But, just behind them all stood on its tail the Great Wurm; Ouroborus, swaying high above the gathered foe, dripping poison from its very mouth, a few of its’ own forces falling to the ground in agony from the stray spittle. Thor looked on apprehensively, knowing that the greatest of the enemies was his to defeat or succumb to. Looking to his brother Odin for support he saw a desperate look upon the father of all’s face. Swallowing his own fear he gripped his trusted hammer, Mjolnrs’ haft and turned to face his insurmountable enemy, fear and anger warring in is body, praying to the unsure All Father that he would have what it takes to fell this fearful foe. Suddenly a thousand horns sounded and the inner light that the Asgardians had held in check shone forth like a thousand blazing suns, slamming weapons against shields and calling on the Allfather for protection, they rushed forth as one, slamming into the dark ranks like a thunder clap, burying the first 3 ranks before their fierce onslaught. Elves and dwarves screaming in agony, Ice Giants melting before the solar like heat that flowed from the Asgardians. Odin, the Allfather, sped quickly to intercept the Fenris wolves, knowing that they above almost any other of the enemy must be quelled if Asgard was to survive. Heimnal, Rushed forth with glowing sword raised high, cutting down all before him until he reached the Snow Giant King, shouting his defiance he engaged the frozen mammoth knocking him backwards with his fierce approach. Thor, the fiercest of all , jumped towards the Wurm with almost maniacal strength, swinging the giant hammer Mjolnir, as if it was a twig into the side of the monstrous Wurm with a scream that would have felled mountains if they had been present. Odin found himself surrounded by 10 giant wolves, all with teeth longer than his fingers and most standing as tall as or taller than his magnificent height. Swinging his sword at the for runner, Odin ducked beneath the claws and teeth of the next two giant wolves, sending the first falling backwards in two pieces, quickly regaining his equilibrium, he turned back to decapitate the closest two wolves that had forged forwards in uninhibited hunger. It seemed that for a moment the one eyed one had more than a chance against these insurmountable odds, but then the first wolf finally got in a vicious bite that took 2 fingers off of the Allfather’s hand. |