Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1611677-A-Murder-Mystery-In-Bloggville
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #1611677
A "Who Dun It" In Bloggville!
The Invitation to The Bloggers read:

Come one! Come All!
To A
Murder Mystery Party

Hosted by: The StoryMaster

Where: Castle Grey
2200 Shades of Death Road
Suffolk, England

Date: October 31st, 2009

Time: 9:00 p.m. sharp

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

October 31st came quickly. It was the long awaited “Murder Mystery” hosted by The StoryMaster at Castle Grey, his home in Suffolk, England. Each guest was to dress in character according to the card that accompanied their invitation. reikidreamer dressed as a genie because her character on the card read: “I Dream of Ginger".

After exiting the taxi that dropped her off in front of the massive Mediterranean doors of the castle, she knocked with the steel knocker. The door opened slowly. reikidreamer heard the music playing and a large amount of people laughing and carrying on in the background, but she didn’t see anyone until she stepped inside and looked on the side of the door. There was a overstuffed chair with a high back fit for a king and looking closer down on the seat…did her eyes deceive her?… blinking again, low and behold, there was just4him dressed in a maids outfit, with a sheer white apron attached to her short black dress. Although she was very short, she was sporting her winning smile as she was jumping on the seat cushion and waving perfusely in her attempt to get reikidreamer attention.

“Shawna!" came a shout from the room she had entered. Turning around, she saw two men standing near the spiral staircase in the center of this elegant entrance way dressed as Sherlock Liplock and Watzup. It was Carolina Blue dressed as Sherlock smoking a long stemmed pipe and Kåre Enga in Montana dressed as Watzup carrying a magnifying glass. Greetings and hugs were exchanged, and after some conversation amongst the three of them, they decided to walk into the ballroom together and mingle with the other invited guests. They were directed into the magnificent ballroom by just4him.

All the other guests it seemed, had already congregated in the room. As they entered, the music of the orchrestra was playing, The Death of Ase when all of a sudden, there came a big crackling noise and the doors to the large room slammed shut!

“What was that?!" lizco252 who was dressed as Betty Boobala, exclaimed. She rushed over from the bar where she had been standing, to the center of the room. She began looking around behind her as she was taken by surprise with the loud crack. It was clear; the other guests also had a look of surprise on their faces. lizco252 mind quickly forgot the noise after seeing her Jewish friend Noa נעה who was also invited and was dressed in character as the famous letter turner of the century, Vanna Whitewash. lizco252 greeted her friend with a warm hug as they were both delighted to see each other. Afterall, Noa נעה lived in Israel, while lizco252 lived in the far west, in America.

Forgetting she had a glass of red wine in her hand, she accidentally spilled the wine on Noa נעה long, white sequined gown. The front of Noa נעה dress turned a bright red. Horrified and panicked, lizco252 offered to clean it up for Noa נעה , but Noa נעה quickly stepped back and in looking down at the mess on her dress,made a mad dash for the powder room off the main entrance where they all stood.

Anyea who was dressed like Mr. Greenbean approached lizco252 with another glass of wine from the large silver serving tray he was holding in his right hand. Anyea had been asked by The StoryMaster to be bartender this night, and tried to comfort her with another glass of wine, lizco252, however, would have none of it. She was worried about her friends dress and walked over to reikidreamer to ask if she had any remedies to get out wine stains. Afterall, reikidreamer was always one to work magic.

Just then, Z.˚rz passed by reikidreamer and lizco252. He was dressed in a red suit and a quiver set strapped to his back, with a funny looking hat that looked almost like a sailboat with a feather on top, wearing black tights. He approached just4him with his hand out and said, "just4him let me have that drink and have another one handy too, it’s been a long night robbing the rich in here". reikidreamer quickly recognized him as Robin Hoodlum and asked him where his merry men were?
“Oh those sorry sods! They didn’t make the train, so I left them at the forest.” Z.˚rz exclaimed. Looking around the large ball room, reikidreamer spotted professorplum as none other than Rocky Baboon wearing fancy silk shorts and neon boxing gloves.
All of a sudden, the lights began to flicker and turn out completely. You could hear all the women gasp in horror and the men resound in shock.
“What happened?!” came one whisper that sounded like inhercat, then suddenly the lights came back on. It was inhercat dressed as Dorothy Galewind from Kansas holding a picnic basket and a small hotdog inside. As the lights came back on, everyone could see again, but there was a loud shout!

“Everyone stay where you are!" The Orchestra suddenly stopped playing. "
We had a murder right here at Castle Grey!” The StoryMaster exclaimed to all of his invited guests.
Loud horrified gasps could be heard all around the room as each guest looked at each other in surprise. Low whispering could be heard as each one looked to the other suspicously.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! No one can leave this room until we find out who the culprit is that killed our very own just4him. She was squashed like a bug! right at this door” The StoryMaster said, pointing to the ballroom doors.

"Oh my!" said one guest.
"Oh that must have hurt!" came another whispering voice.
Whispering sounds rang throughout the room.

Carolina Blue and Kåre Enga in Montana stepped forward.
"I think we can help solve this case." saidCarolina Blue confidently.

"Unless this murder is solved, this entire group can not leave, nor blog!" The StoryMaster reminded everyone.
More gasps rang out through the crowd.

One by one the invited guests were interrogated by both Carolina Blue and Kåre Enga in Montana . Asking questions such as, "Where were you standing before the lights went out? Where were you standing when you heard the crackling noise."
What they found they announced to the crowd of gathered guests and their host.

"After much investigating and questioning, my companion and I have found the killer of our dearly departed, just4him. We have come to the conclusion based on how she was squashed and where, that it had to be someone outside these doors of this ballroom. Carolina Blue shared with his suspects as he walked over to the doors where the murder took place. A chalked outline of the tiny body was seen by all of where just4him was found squashed like a bug!

Then after a long silence, a confession. "It was an accident! I swear!" out of the blue inhercat broke down.
With tears flowing, she continued. "If she had only worn some reflectors so I could have seen her there. I knew I was late in getting to the party and tried to rush in before the doors closed. I didn't mean it I swear." As she turned and threw herself into the arms of The StoryMaster who then comforted her with a "There! There!" while hugging the confessed killer of just4him.

"Well that's another murder we have solved Watzup!" Standing proud next to his companion.
Kåre Enga in Montana stood beside Carolina Blue . Sherlock Liplock and Watzup both smiled proudly.

© Copyright 2009 SummerLyn Guthrie (summerlyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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