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Love between strangers. |
Mercy Marlin lay in the hospital bed at Fountain Springs General. She held her newborn son to her chest. She sighed running a hand through her strawberry blonde hair, thinking about how she was going to raise her child. She had very little money, and nowhere to go. She could not go home. Her aunt had passed and she did not talk to her cousin, so that was just out of the question. Dr. Raymond Walker walked into her room and smiled as she looked up at him. “ Mrs. Marlin.” He spoke softly and she looked into the soft green eyes. “ Miss, I never married.” Mercy stated to the soft gray haired man. “ My mistake. I was coming to see how you and the little slugger were doing.” He said as he sat beside of her bed. “ We are fine, Dr. Walker.” She sat up in the bed. “ Do you always send your new mothers roses?” He smiled at her. “ Yes, I do. We really do not have that many, and this is one of the most important times in a woman’s life.” “ Yes, it is.” She breathed with tears in her eyes. “ I have a question for you.” He said sincerely. “ What is it, Dr. Walker?” She asked quickly as she lay her son beside of her. “ Do you have a job, or a way to raise your son?” He questioned and Mercy looked at him in alarm. “ I am not giving my son up for adoption.” She replied harshly. Dr. Walker cleared his throat. “ That was my mistake. I know you went into labor in a roach infested motel here in Fountain Springs, Alabama. I just wondered how you were going to take care of him.” “ I really don’t know yet.” She sighed as he smiled at her. “ My son, Jade, has three beautiful children, ages seven and six. He has a set of twins. He is working from home at the moment because he needs a housekeeper and nanny. I was wondering if you might like the position.” “ Why?” She asked quietly. “ They need love in their lives and stability. I think you could provide them both.” Mercy nodded her head. “ I would like that but would your son allow my son.” “ I think that would be no problem.” He smiled at her. “ Let me handle, Jade.” Mercy paled at the name. Dr. Walker wondered why but didn’t ask any questions. Jade Walker heard his telephone rang as Coral, Celine, and Matthew lay on the floor watching cartoons. He sighed wishing he had someone to keep them. Raymond sat in his office as he called his son. Jade answered the phone. “ Hello.” He said as he leaned back in his chair. “ Hey son, how is your day going?” Raymond asked softly. “ Not to good. I can’t get any work done.” He sighed as Raymond chuckled at him. “ I understand the feeling.” Raymond said and Jade laughed. “ Now I was not that bad.” “ No, just every time that I started to study. You would come and want everything or just want to talk. I thought I would never get to practice medicine.” Raymond stated as Jade chuckled. “ I needed to hear your voice.” “ I found an answer to your solution. I know a young woman that needs a job.” Raymond announced the purpose of his call. “ That would be a blessing. I have to take the kids to a dentist appointment so please drop her off. She can have the room by the laundry room. You did tell her it was a live in position.” Jade spoke as Raymond smiled softly. “ Thanks son.” Mercy held her son to her breast when Raymond walked in the door. “ I’m sorry.” He spoke as he turned to the door. “ It’s okay.” She covered herself up as the doctor turned around to look at her. “ I am releasing you and Jude today. My son told me to bring you to the house and get you set up in your room.” She smiled. “ He doesn’t mind about Jude.” She said rather than asked. Raymond looked at her. “ With three little ones, he does not mind about another.” Raymond helped her carry her things inside of the house. She looked around the beautiful ranch style house. “ It is a beautiful house.” She spoke softly as she carried her son inside. “ Jade built it with his own hands for his ex-wife.” Raymond stated proudly. “ Are they divorced?” She wondered and Raymond shook his head. “ No, she passed away.” “ Oh, okay.” She replied as he led her to her room. She looked in awe at the beautiful rose lace bedspread and beautiful room. “ Such a beautiful room.” she sighed softly dreaming about one day of owning her own house. “ He made this into her room when they were having trouble.” Raymond said and she looked at him in surprise. “ Oh.” She stared in surprise at all the baby furniture. “ How?” She asked and Raymond laughed at her soft look. “ I thought you could use a little starter kit.” He smiled at her. “ Thank you, I will repay you.” She replied and he touched her arm. “ Just treat my grandchildren with love. They could use a little sunshine in their lives.” He told her and then gave her a tour of the house. She was weary but when he left. She lay Jude down for a nap and then went to start on the housework. She finished cleaning and was cooking when Jude woke up crying for her. She had him in her arms, feeding him, she was concentrating on her duty, never noticing the gorgeous man that leaned against the door. “ Either you are my new housekeeper, and nanny or you broke into my house to cook me supper.” The deep voice spoke dryly and Mercy raised her head up to see the one lone eye staring at her. He saw the bundle in her arms, feeding off her breast, and that one lone eye smoldered at the beautiful sight. “ I thought your father had told you about me.” She spoke softly and he nodded his head. “ He talked to me about a woman that would be my housekeeper and nanny, but he failed to tell me that he had just delivered her baby.” Jade said as she handed him a cup of coffee. He took it as his hand grazed hers. Jade felt the intensity of the power that ran between them. “ I’m sorry. I thought he told you. We will leave.” She breathed quickly with tears in her eyes. “ No, we will give this a try. Daddy went to a lot of trouble to get you here.” Jade told her as he started to the table. “ My name is Jade Walker.” He told her. She looked up at him with soft blue eyes. “ Mercy Marlin, my son’s name is Jude.” She smiled slowly at him. “ Where is the father?” Jade asked and she paled. “ He died.” “ So did my wife.” Jade told her and the two widows left the rest of the conversation die. Mercy sat the food on the table when a cute little blonde imp came into the kitchen, finding her father holding Jude. “ Whose baby?” She asked softly. “ Mercy’s.” He answered as he leaned forward and showed Jude to her. Mercy looked at the big man holding her and it looked funny. Mercy smiled at the little blonde haired girl. “ Coral this is Mercy. She will be your new housekeeper and nanny.” He told her. Mercy walked to Coral and smiled at her. “ Please go get your brother and sister and wash up.” Coral smiled at the new beautiful woman. “ Yes, Miss Mercy.” She ran off and Jude was asleep in Jade’s arms. “ I will lay him down.” She breathed as she looked at her gorgeous employer. She reached for Jude when he brushed her breasts. He felt the tighten of her body. “ I’m sorry.” He told her and she nodded but she wanted him. She moved out of the room as Jade begin to fix the children’s plates. Mercy kissed her son and then walked back into the kitchen. Jade talked to his three children. “ Jude is the new baby in the house, and none of you pick him up unless mom or I help you.” He spoke softly. Mercy heard him, and laughed when Coral scratched her head. “ Are you and Mercy getting married?” Coral asked softly. “ No.” Jade stated as Mercy giggled. “ What your father meant was unless Jude’s mother, or he helps you with him.” Jade glanced at her then shook his head. “ I had it under control.” He spoke and Mercy shrank being put back in her place. “ Yes, sir.” She said as he looked at her. “ Aren’t you going to eat?” “ I ate before you came home.” She lied and walked out of the room. Coral looked at her father. “ I think you hurt her feelings, daddy.” She whispered and Jade looked at her. “ Why do you say that?” He asked and Coral had tears in her eyes. “ She left the room.” “ I will apologize to her after you eat.” He spoke and all three children started to eat quickly. “ I like her. She is nice.” Matthew spoke softly. Jade’s head jerked up, and looked at her son. “ Why?” “ She seems like she is sweet.” Matthew told him as Coral, and Celine nodded their heads in unison. Jade put down his fork, and sighed as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. “ I will apologize now.” He stood up and walked to the back room. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. He opened the door to find Mercy bending over the tub. “ That’s my boy.” She whispered. “ I know your too young to understand this but I love you.” Jade looked at her backside and groaned, as the hardness rose between his thighs. Mercy turned to look at him with tears in her eyes. “ Do you need me?” She asked softly as she picked Jude up from the baby tub. She wrapped him in the baby towel and smiled softly. “ No, I came to talk to you.” He said as Jude started to wail, Mercy unbuttoned her shirt and took out her breast. Jude eat as she looked at Jade. “ About what?” She wondered aloud. “ My children informed me that I needed to give you an apology. If I hurt your feelings before, I am very sorry.” He said and she stared at him. “ I wasn’t worried about it.” She said and he shook his head. “ I am. I want my children happy, and they are afraid you will leave.” “ I have no where to go.” She confessed slowly as she found his lone eye staring at her breast. Jude was sound asleep and Jade moved closer to her. He took the baby, and laid him in the crib. Mercy stared at Jade as he walked back towards her. “ I think the only thing about you that drives me crazy is the fact that even though you just went through childbirth. You still look beautiful. I never meant to snap at you, but since I have met you, I have felt feelings that I have not felt in years.” He breathed huskily as he caught her in his arms and pulled her to him. Mercy was not scared of him. “ I want to taste the same nourishment that you give our son.” Jade slipped again but Mercy did not correct him. He dipped his head and caught her soft nub in his mouth. He had his arms wrapped around her, and he heard her soft whimper as he tasted the milk from her breast. Mercy was aware of how damn sexy her big employer really was, He stood six-six, and weighed two hundred and twenty-five pounds. He was lean with an angular face. He released her, and stepped back. “I am sorry, I never meant to take advantage of you. I just came to apologize.” Mercy looked at him, and then reached for the button on his slacks. “ Let me help you out.” Jade caught her hands. “ I will be fine as long as I don’t catch you too often breastfeeding Jude.” Mercy sighed. “ I understand when I am not wanted. It’s been that way all of my life.” “ It’s not like that.” He stated as he grabbed her hand, and placed it over his hard shaft. “ This is what you do to me, but I know you just went through childbirth. I want you to rest, and when you are able to resume activities we will take care of each other.” He breathed as he pulled her to him again and kissed her softly. Her mouth tasted like honey, and he took his feel. He tasted so masculine and she took her feel. Jade released her, and smiled softly. “ Come back to the kitchen.” “ I will in a minute.” She whispered needing to collect herself. He nodded and walked out of the room. Coral had cleaned their plates off the table but his, and fixed another one that sat beside of his plate. He raised his eyebrow in question as Mercy came back into the room. “ I fixed you a plate Mercy, now you can eat with daddy.” she smiled. “ We will be watching cartoons in the play room.” Mercy nodded her head as she sat down at the table. He shook his head as he sat back down and resumed eating. “ You said you had nowhere to go, why is that?” he asked as he looked at her. “My mother and father took off when I was five, leaving me with my aunt. She had five children younger than me so I became her built in babysitter, cook and housekeeper. I found out I was pregnant with Jude right after she passed away. Jude’s father was secretly dating me and my cousin at the same time, I didn’t know until I found out I was carrying his baby and told my cousin. She hates me now, and the others live somewhere else.” She whispered in pain but glad to have someone to talk too about it. “Tasha, my wife, and I were about to divorce before her death. She never wanted children. I never knew that before she became pregnant with the twins. She wanted to have an abortion, but I begged her to have them for me. She did after I gave her a grand to buy whatever she wanted, when she got pregnant with Matty she moved to the room you have so I would not touch her again. Two years ago, she came home wanting a divorce, and the children. She never wanted them but she did not want me to have my babies. We argued and then we went for a drive. We were fine but she started to argue again. When she told me she hated me and wished she had never kept my kids, I slammed on the brakes too fast and wrecked. She died instantly and I lost my eye to a piece of glass.” He breathed slowly as Mercy reached to take his hand in hers. “ Jude’s father’s name was Jade Mackenzie and you favor him a lot. I am telling you this so if anything ever happens you will understand. I loved him a lot, until I found out about my cousin. When my aunt died. I took what money I had and moved here, away from everything that reminded me of him.” She spoke as Jade squeezed her hand. “ I built Tasha this house, but it was never good enough for her.” He breathed finally having someone to talk too other than the kids. Jade smiled at her. “ Dad knew I needed someone. The children run the other housekeepers off. He knew I just needed your magic touch.” Mercy shook her head. “ I don’t know about that but I will treat your children like they are my own.” “ We better eat.” Mercy spoke as they continued to talk. Later that evening after Mercy had tucked her three new friends into bed and daddy had read them a bed time story. She sat on her bed writing in her journal when a knock sounded on the door. Mercy opened it to find Jade on the other side. “ I wanted to check on you.” He said as he looked around the room. “ I have always hated this room, every since Tasha moved into it and told me she wished she had never married me.” “ So, let’s make good memories for you of this room.” She hinted short of throwing herself at him. He smiled softly. “ I would take you up on that offer in a heartbeat if you haven’t just had a child.” Mercy turned to look out the window at the big back yard. “ You don’t have to lie to me. I know when I am not wanted.” Jade sighed quickly. “ Dammit Mercy, I do not lie.” The doorbell rang interrupting them. Jade walked away. “ This conversation is not over.” Mercy walked into the kitchen as Jade came walking in the room with a tall blonde following him. “ Jade, I haven’t seen you in a while.” She whined as Mercy busied herself by cleaning the table. “ I have been busy, Denise.” He spoke as he poured himself a cup of coffee. “ You use to go out with me.” She purred as she ran a long manicured finger down his cheek. Jade flinched and grabbed her hand. “ Yes, when I had a babysitter.” He said shortly. She ignored his tone and giggled. “ Looks like you have a new babysitter.” Denise looked at Mercy. Jade looked up to see Mercy washing dishes. “ Mercy is here on a retreat. She is a friend of the family.” He told Denise, as Mercy turned quickly to look at him. “ Really, then why have I never heard of her?” Denise questioned as Mercy looked at the woman with too much make up on, and her frosty looking hair. She reminded Mercy of a out of work Rockette. “ Mainly.” Jade said softly. “ Because my life and friends are none of your business, but to answer your question. My father were friends with her aunt that raised her.” Jade lied a little looking at Mercy. “ If dad had introduced her to me before I met Tasha then I would have married her.” He spoke clearly as Denise stared at him. “ Where are the children?” She wondered aloud. “ In bed where they belong at this time.” He said as Mercy filled his coffee cup again. Mercy heard Jude cry and excused herself. She smiled as she changed his diaper and then fixed his clothes. She unbuttoned her shirt and started to feed him as she walked back into the kitchen to find Denise trying to flirt with Jade. Jade turned and she saw that one lone eye smoldering at her. “ Why is she breast feeding her baby?” Denise shouted and Jade turned to look at her. “ To give him nourishment.” He stated and Denise looked at him furiously. “ She should not be doing that in front of the kids.” “ Tasha may have made you their god-mother, but that is all you are to them. Do not act like you even care, Denise. You have not been here when they have been sick all night long, or when they have chicken pox. I have been the one that has been with them since she died. I have taken them to the doctor, to the hospital, and every where else I have taken them. I am the one that has loved them, and spent time with them. You have been too busy partying.” Denise pouted softly with her red painted lips. “ You know, Jade, Tasha wanted you and I to get married.” Mercy listened as she laid Jude in the bassinette in the kitchen. Jade stood up. “ I don’t care what Tasha wanted, because she sure as hell did not want me or my children. I will marry whom I want.” He stated and Denise stood up. “ Either you marry me or I will take you to court and get custody of the children.” Jade stared at her in anger as Mercy walked to the table. Mercy leaned over the table with both palms down as she looked at Denise. “ For starters, you could take Jade to court, but you would have to prove that he is an unfit father, and you would never be able to do that.” She spoke softly seething with anger. “ Secondly, you better hope that you have some money to take him to court, because it will cost you. Third, If you are going to run your mouth, either do it or shut the hell up.” Denise stared at her. “ I don’t think you want to mess with me, rag muffin.” Denise said snidely. Mercy smiled at her. “ I may be a rag muffin, but at least I am not an over developed tramp.” She moved and walked to Jade. She ran a hand up to his cheek, and then let her hand run to the back of his neck. She pulled him down and kissed him, ravishing his lips. Jade stared at her in shock but then felt her release him. “ You see, Denise, take him to court, but just remember it will be me warming his bed.” Mercy smirked at her. Denise stared at her with anger. “ You don’t have the money to mess with me.” Mercy chuckled softly. “ That is where you are wrong, Denise. I have a lot of money. My dear aunt made sure I was well taken care of for years of hard work.” Jade looked at her with shock but Denise just grabbed her bag. “ It doesn’t look right for her to be staying with you.” “ You are right.” Jade spoke. “ Which is why we will be married next month.” Denise paled. “ This is not over.” She shouted as she walked out of the house. Jade stared at Mercy. “ If you are rich then why were you staying a roach infested motel.” “ I had just got there and was looking for an apartment. I have always heard that this was a beautiful town to live in, beside of the river, but I went into labor.” Mercy told Jade as she fixed them a cup of coffee. Jade sighed as He looked over his coffee cup at her. “ So now what do we do. If we don’t marry she will raise a fuss over it, and if we do get married she will raise a fuss.” He spoke softly as Mercy looked at him. “Honestly, just let her make the next move and then we take it from there.” She said as she sipped her coffee. “ You don’t know Denise.” Jade told her. Mercy looked at him. “ I know her type.” “ Is it true?” He questioned that eyebrow raised as he watched her. “ Is what true?” She wondered aloud, but never looked away from him. “ You being rich.” He stated and she grinned at him. “ I worked for her for many years taking care of her children, her house and making sure they had home cooked meals when I was a child myself. So, when she died she made sure I would be taken care of for the rest of my life. I never have to work, but when your father asked if I needed a job I decided I would rather work.” “ If money was not the issue then what was the reason you wanted to keep my children?” Jade needed to know, and she looked him in that jade green eye. “ I want to work, but something your father said made me agree. He told me that your children needed a little love, and it has been awhile for me to love someone so I decided I was ready to love again.” “ Does the father stand a chance?” He asked with hope as he raised his cup. “ Right now he stands a big chance.” She breathed slyly as she stood up. “Goodnight Jade.” She spoke and then picked up Jude, and walked out of the room. Jade shook his head. “ Goodnight Mercy.” Jude woke up almost every two hours to eat, so by the time Mercy got up the next morning she was exhausted. Mercy had dressed and breakfast cooked by the time Jade walked down to the kitchen. She handed him a cup of coffee. “ Rough night?” He asked softly. Mercy heard Jude cry. She sighed and walked into the bedroom. Jade had her a cup of coffee and handed it to her when she came back into the kitchen. “ He was up almost every two hours.” Mercy spoke and Jade smiled slowly. “ I remember those days, I was going to law school and then kept the children during the night. I didn’t think that I would ever make it through school.” He said softly. “ I don’t know how you did it with twins.” She shook her head. “ It was not easy, and Tasha would not help. My father helped me a lot.” Jade told her, honestly as the kids came running into the room. Coral looked at the table. “ No breakfast.” She said and Mercy looked at her sweet blue eyes, and blonde hair. “ Give me just a few minutes and I will cook some of Mercy’s Magic Waffles.” Mercy told them. Celine had brownish blonde hair and Matthew had black hair like his father. Coral smiled slowly. “ No cereal.” “ No cereal.” Mercy promised as Jade reached for Jude. “ Give me slugger. I will go change him.” “ Thank you.” She sipped her coffee and then stood up. Mercy walked into the kitchen as Jade returned a few minutes with a fresh and clean Jude. “ Mercy, I will cook.” He spoke but she stared at him. “ I don’t think so.” He smirked. “ You have nothing to prove.” “ I have an audience, and I love making waffles.” She said softly, as Jade shook his head. Mercy sat the plates on the table and Coral looked at the waffles covered in strawberries, and whip cream. “ Look Daddy, we have never eat these.” Coral spoke softly. Jade smiled as he looked at Mercy. “ Go rest. You need sleep. I will keep up with Jude. I took a couple of days off to get use to the situation. So I will watch him as you rest.” Mercy looked at him in shock. “ Thank you.” She kissed Jade on the cheek making Coral, Celine, and Matthew giggle. Jade blushed as Coral started to sing. “ Daddy and Mercy sitting in a tree. Kissing first comes love, then comes marriage.” Celine, and Matthew sang with her as Jade looked at all of them. He shook his head. “ Eat up.” He spoke and all three kids started to eat. Jade smirked as they looked at him but then started to eat. He sat down to start eating as he held Jude. Mercy laid down on the bed. She closed her eyes and never dreamed as she slept. Jade walked in a couple of hours later to find Mercy resting. He smiled softly hating to wake her up, but Jude needed to be fed. “ Mercy.” Jade breathed softly as he kissed her cheek. “ Jude needs you.” Mercy’s eyes opened wide as she felt his breath on her cheek. “ Okay.” She whispered as she tried to raise up. He handed Jude to her, and she opened her shirt. Jude started to suckle and Jade groaned softly. “ If you only knew how much that turned me on.” He breathed and she raised up to look at him. Jade saw the smoky sapphire eyes. “ Damn baby.” He sat beside of her. “ I want you just as badly as you want me, and it is coming. I promise.” He kissed her as he watched Jude eating greedily. “ When we have children I want you to promise me to breast feed them also.” Jade whispered and she looked at him. ‘ I promise.” She stated as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “ Thank you for understanding.” “ Did you think I would not be?” He asked and she smiled at him. “ No, I didn’t think that. Your father told me that you would be understanding.” “ He was right also.” Jade told her. “ He knows me to well.” Mercy smiled at him. “ He told me that you would not mind Jude, but I never thought you would take care of him for me.” “ You need your rest. I will take care of him.” He kissed her forehead and she laughed as he took Jude. He held him in his large hands. “ He looks so tiny against your hands.” She whispered and he nodded his head. “I was always afraid that I would hurt the kids when they were his size.” He looked down to find her asleep. He took Jude a diaper and carried him out of the room. Raymond walked inside a couple of hours later to find Jade on the couch asleep with Jude in his arms. Coral had painted Jade’s fingernails a soft red, and Celine had painted his toenails a soft purple. Raymond started to laugh as both girls looked up in surprise. “ Grandpa don’t wake daddy up until we are done.” Coral told him. Raymond shook his head. Celine looked at her grandfather’s round belly. “ We are trying to make him pretty so Mercy will stay and be our mommy.” Jade opened his eye to find his father staring at him with a smirk on his round face. “ Hey dad.” He greeted as he raised his hand to wave at him. He saw the red nail polish and paled. Mercy heard the shriek and was off the bed running in a second. She ran into the living room to find the girl’s crying, and Jade staring at them. Jude started to wail from the fuss. “ What in tarnation?” She asked as Jade shook his head suddenly embarrassed. “ Daddy is mad at us.” Coral sniffled as Mercy kneeled down in front of her. “ Why baby?” She asked and noticed the purple toenails. She stifled her giggle. “ We tried to make him look pretty so you would stay and be our mommy.” Celine told her softly. Jade heard her giggle. He blushed. “ Mercy.” He stated and Mercy stood up then walked out of the room. She came back with a bottle and some tissue. She looked at Jade. “ Sat down.” Jade sat down on the couch as Raymond sat beside of him. Mercy took the fingernail polish off his hands and then his feet. “ It is not like they hurt you.” She told him. Jade blushed softly as he looked at his girls. Mercy walked to them. “ Daddies do not wear fingernail polish. He was embarrassed.” “ We are sorry.” Celine and Coral cried in unison, then they ran out of the room. Mercy stood in the kitchen, a few minutes later as Raymond walked into the room, carrying Jude. “ So how is slugger eating?” He asked and she looked up. “ He eats like a king.” “ Mercy, how are you feeling?” He wondered if Jade was treating her right. “ Frustrated.” She sighed and he laughed. “ Come to see me at six weeks and we will see if you are ready.” She blushed but nodded her head as Jade walked in from his shower. “ Mercy, you don’t have to cook tonight. I am ordering pizza.” Jade told her, and she frowned but nodded her head. Mercy left the room as Jade sat beside of his father. “ Dad, I am going crazy.” He sighed as Mercy found the laundry room and started a load of clothes. Mercy heard him. She hung her head. “ Why?” Raymond questioned. “ Mercy is driving me crazy.” Jade spoke and Mercy cried softly, tears fell down her cheeks. She walked inside of the kitchen. Mercy took Jude out of Raymond’s arms without saying a word. Jade noticed the tears and started to speak but she left the room without a backwards glance. “ What was that all about?” Jade wondered and Raymond smirked at him. “Mercy did not know what way she was driving you crazy.” Jade blushed. “ Does it show that badly?” He asked and Raymond nodded his head. “ I wanted her to pull you out of your shell.” Mercy walked around her room. Jude was asleep in his crib but she did not want to bother Jade. She walked to the window seat and sat on it pulling her knees to her chest. A knock sounded on the door. “ Come In.” She spoke woodenly. “ Pizza’s here.” Jade told her, but she never turned to look at him. “ I’m not hungry.” She said with tears streaking her face. “ You have to eat to keep up your strength.” Jade frowned as he started into the room. “ Don’t worry about me, I wouldn’t want to drive you crazy.” She stated as Jade shook his head. “ I didn’t mean that the way you think I did.” He told her but she shrugged her shoulders. “ No, big thing. My parents didn’t want me, My aunt didn’t want me, my boyfriend didn’t want me. I understand believe me. I have never had anyone that even acted like they wanted me.” “ Dammit, Mercy.” Jade spoke. “ I was talking about how hard you make it to be around you.” Mercy shook her head softly. “ That is what everyone else said too. No one has ever gave a damn about me.” Jade walked to her. “ You need rest. Let me take Jude.” “ I can take care of my own son. I don’t want him to ever feel like I don’t want him.” She snapped and Jade sighed softly. He walked out of the room. Jade walked back into the kitchen to find Raymond handing out pizza to the kids. “ How is she?” Raymond asked softly. Jade felt a tear roll down his cheek. “Feeling unloved, and unwanted.” Jade told him. “ Let her rest tonight.” Raymond said and Jade looked at him. “ I know how she is feeling.” Jade breathed slowly. “ I never made you feel unloved.” Raymond told him. “ No, but mom walked out on us.” Jade stated and Raymond looked at his son. “ I never knew that you felt that way.” He spoke as Jade looked at him and then nodded his head. “ I thought I did something to make mom walk out on us.” Jade breathed softly. “I didn’t know until I was older why she walked away from us.” Raymond shook his head. “ It was a lot of things but none of them involved you.” “ I know, dad, but then I didn’t until that Thanksgiving that we eat pizza when you told me the reason.” Jade whispered as Raymond smiled at him. Mercy lay on the bed, Jude laid in the bassinette. He slept soundly as the door opened and Jade walked back into the room. “ I never meant the words you heard. I meant them in a totally different way. You know that you are wanted here. I only meant that my body is definitely hard from watching you, and you keep me hard, that is the only way you are driving me crazy.” He stated and she looked at him. “ I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone in my life.” Jade breathed as he moved to the bed beside of her. “ You are very worthy of being loved and when you realize that you will have happiness. You took my words and placed them every way you have heard other’s say it.” He sat down and pulled her to him. “ I have never been as excited over a woman as I am with you. Tasha never moved me like you do.” Jade spoke quietly. “ I think I could fall in love with you.” Mercy lay back in his arms letting her hold him. |