Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1610268-A-Better-You
by Dee
Rated: 13+ · Other · Inspirational · #1610268
Something that could turn your life around
So you think your life sucks…. Well it does.

A few months ago when everything that could go wrong in my life went wrong I thought my life was over. I parted ways with a really close friend of mine, my best friend bailed out on something we had been planning for months and I was broke, so were my parents.

There I was penniless, friendless and depressed to the pit of my stomach and wondering why things turned out the way they did. I spent my life walking around like a zombie and drifting through life with no hope at all that things could get better…then I met Joel. Joel is the kind of guy you would love to hate. He is perhaps the most optimistic person in this world and nothing ever gets him down. It must have been 20 minutes, most of which I spent rubbing my throbbing forehead and clutching the blanket tighter around myself but those minutes changed my life.

It wasn’t much his hyper optimism that made me have a different outlook on life but something he said. He said that at times we are so tied up trying to keep things from changing that we fail to see when new opportunities come knocking. Right then I knew what I had to do.

Fact is no one ever promised you a happily ever after when you were born. You get dumped and spend sleepless nights crying yourself to sleep and wishing you never have to go through another day like you are. You question yourself and start thinking that maybe if… Well you aren’t doing yourself any favours by pumping extra calories in your body, its over and the sooner you realize that and let go, then you will find yourself in a better position to move on and who knows… you may even meet someone new and maybe get into a new relationship.

You are knee deep in debts and are always broke. You go to sleep each day wishing that something could happen but with each new day you are still where you started or worse off. Well you ain’t going to pay those debts sitting on that couch drinking yourself with cheap booze to fantasy world where you win a lottery….Wake up! Get off that couch and do something about it. Nothing is easy and no one ever said that life is a summer camp. Your life is as happy as you want it, and can be as great as you imagined it if only you are willing to let go of the past and live for the present.

It is weird how a simple word from someone can turn you life around. It is never too late to take that chance and live up to some if not all your dream, never too late to make up for all the wrong decisions you have made along the way and most of all never too late to know that there is a 2nd chance for everyone to turn you life around.

The power lies in each and every one of us never let fear stand in the way of your dreams. The choice is purely ours, sometimes things go wrong along the way that we have absolutely no power over but the way we handled what comes from them goes along way in shaping our lives. Second chances are what you get when you choose to be different; better; to make up for what was by being the best you can be now. Take them as they come, you may be surprised at what you find.

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