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A story about the darkness of the night |
The night is mysterious. Silence reign in it. All those sounds that bother you and do not allow you to relax and yet give you confidence that you're not alone, are gone. Here you are alone, but not quite lonely. There is no one but something is constantly monitoring you and takes away your peace. Scary thoughts are going through your head. And they are not letting to sleep peacefully. Darkness creates some kind of deep mystery in itself. Creates fear of the unknown, but also awakens curiosity in the frightened souls for what is hiding behind the dark curtain of the moon. While staring at the moon, a man named Jack wonders if something is hiding there. Maybe some disturbed sociopath awaits him with a bloody knife in hand ready to cut his head of your shoulders and put it as a new trophy on his shelf among other unfortunate bustards who somehow found themselves on his way. Or maybe a vampire awaits his prey behind the corner of some alley to feed his thirsty wanes with his blood and continue its eternal life. Or hope that somewhere there the mysterious girl of his dreams is waiting for you. And maybe, he is the predator who stalks the prey hidden in a shadow. So, this man is walking home hoping that there is someone there who waits for him and who’s going to help him to make threw the night. When he arrived home, there was no one waiting. And even if there was anybody there, they probably wouldn’t care about waiting him, so they probably would be gone into sweet dreams hours before Jack came home. Yet the house brought some confidence to Jack. But fear drove him to break the dead silence of the night. So he turned on the TV, the best friend of the modern man. But it does not help. On the TV there was some horror movie. Fear was growing and in the same time raises the adrenalin, trapping Jack in front of the small screen. And then he found himself in the eyes of the powerless victim that the monster has captured in its death trap and slowly watch as the martyr is struggling to avoid death. “What would be if I’m in his place”, Jack thought. Has he ever done something that would made people to memories him, or he will turn into a block of words in the section on black chronicle in a newspaper and soon he’d be forgotten by everyone, except by his mother who will forever mourn for her dead child. But he’s too young to have left behind something that will be forever remembered. Probably he would be just one more figure in the list of victims of this serial killer. What an irony, the killer would have had a place in the history of mankind, and Jack will be just bloody foot print on his path to eternity. And then something happened that got Jack out of his mind. He heard steps under the window. He hopped that it’s just a cat that searches for her mate, or just a glare of your imagination. Jack turned of the TV and carefully listened. There was nothing to hear but the rapid beat of his heart. And just when he managed to convince himself that there was no danger, BANG, he heard the window of the balcony door broke. His heart was beating abnormally fast, but the blood stopped the second Jack heard that window broke. He stared at the phone, trying to call the police, but every muscle of his body was frozen. He saw his pale hands shiver and he felt the cold sweat blazing on his face and going right over his dry lips. The floor started squeaking as someone moves toward the door. The squeaking stopped for a moment and then the door handle started to send the same noise. The wooden door slowly opened. In the darkness of the hall there was a shadow. The shadow moved toward Jack. And then the shadow walked into the light and revealed itself. It was a man, a really frightening man, big as a bear with huge, wide shoulders and long arms. His face was wrinkled and rough, marked with sharp features. His eyes were strange; somehow, instead of glister they radiated darkness. They drowned Jack into fear. He felt so helpless before him, as if he sucked all your power with his dark stare. For the moment, Jack managed to gather himself to ask the unknown men: -Who are you? A smile appeared on the pale lips of the unknown and slowly utters: -I am the Angel of Death, I came after you. Some glare from his right hand hit Jack right in the eyes. And just when he tried to look at the glare, a huge pain occurs in his heart. A cold sharp subject has passed through the ribs and penetrated the heart. Jack failed to notice anything except he felt something spinning and tearing the hart apart. Hot blood filled his spit and rises through the throat into the mouth. Instead of a scream, blood flow through it. |