Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1606338-Life-after-Life
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #1606338
Vampires Phooey, It's all a myth. These are real VAMPIRES.
(Rewritten from The Sliver of Life and this is the second rewrite)
This is the first of many stories all to be bound together as the journal of ETERNALS.
Each story a linked history to the characters depicted here.
Please enjoy.

Immortality, there are only two ways to achieve it, and you cannot have both.

Life is a trick of the mind.  All those that elect to play by the morality of their chosen gods will definitely live forever. 

Then there are the ones who don’t believe or decide to make their own rules, just a breath more or less, from living for ever or being absorbed into infinity and never being again.    For these who live on the edge, they have the possibility of two immortalities, the spiritual afterlife and the hell of eternal life.

It is early October, the days are still warm and there is a chill in the air at night.

When we sat down at the curbside restaurant the late afternoon sun was hot in that clear blue sky.  After I was saved I never thought I’d see the sun again.  My savior sat across from me oblivious of his surroundings, the afternoon commute was just beginning, the crowds of office staff and executives scurrying to and fro. 

They were oblivious of us, no one ever looks at the people sitting in a sidewalk cafe.  I used to be one of these poor souls, trudging to and fro, tied up in my own thoughts and petty problems.  I had not gone to the office in two, no, three weeks.  I thought myself irreplaceable, the star, the go to man.  What a fool, they replaced this asshole in one day. 

The waitress gave us a sidelong glance when we ordered Steak Tar-Tar, two cokes and nothing else.  I finished my portion and was able to put down a little of the soda.  My master didn’t touch his dish.

We must have been her only customers that afternoon, as she spent the whole time at the doorway talking to her counterpart, just inside and out of sight.  She is a handsome young woman, wearing black flats, long muscular legs, short tight black skirt, white ruffled tuxedo shirt, black vest and a clip on bow tie.  Her shirt and vest hid her figure but I imagined something spectacular.  Her hair is in a large bun and there is a tint of purple and blue over the blonde hair and black roots.  Studying her must have been very obvious to Isaac, he came out of his stupor long enough to get my attention. 

“Do not hunger, she is an innocent!”  Isaac spoke softly but I heard every word as if he was at my ear.  When I let it happen, I could voluntarily heighten my senses until I could smell and taste, hear and see everything around me.  Even at this distance I caught the sent of her perfume.  Lilac, sweet Lilac, it didn’t arouse me like I expected it to, it was more of a animal hunger. Isaac must have sensed my hunger.

We have been here for quite a while, I looked at my empty plate.  I found the seasoning distasteful but the meat was nourishing and satisfied my desire.  Isaac Markal was about to space out.  I had seen him do this many times in the past weeks, he pushed his uneaten portion over to my side of the table.  I ate it slowly there is no rush.

Markal’s eyes never moved when he was in deep thought.  He didn’t focus or blink, his mind accepted all in his field of vision, but he did not see, at times he suffered from sensory deprivation and then he was able to read minds and listen to conversations a block away.  Being the elder and the leader I look on him as my savior, my master.  I see that the monotony of doing nothing is tearing his mind into strips of memories that connect his sanity to his animal instincts.  He is torn between what he wants to feel and his hunger.  The only incessant hunger, his burning need is repulsive and degrading to his remaining sensibilities. 

I reach over and touch his hand trying to break him out of the trance he still stares.  “Isaac.  Would you walk with me for a while?”  I could not break his train of concentration.  I pressed the broken nail on my left hand into the back of his hand, the flesh was soft and cold.  I did not know that he could not feel physical pain. “Isaac please, people will notice!”  I could feel the table and his hand, why did he not feel my presence?

Isaac Markal was in the midst of fighting a need to feed.  When the power of this urge envelops his body, he fights in the only way he can.  Bury your mind in history, examine the difference in the shade of shadows, do anything with your mind that will obliterate the need. 

An older woman was waddling across the street carrying two paper bags overfilled with groceries.  She stopped as she stepped up on the curb beside our table.  Her eyes widened a look of panic came over her face.  She began to scream, “No, no, not again, Polizi! Polizi!”  She dropped her packages and continued to scream.  “Some one, report him, he is Evil!”  She started to jump up and down in a circle, waving her arms in the air.  “Evil, it is Evil here!”  She repeated it over and over.

It was time to take action, I grabbed Isaac’s two hands and pulled him out of his seat, tossing his body over my shoulder.  All she saw was the two of us disappear down the street, Isaac draped over my back.  Since being turned I have learned many things about my new world, but I still get annoyed at stupidity.  “When you get like this please find a crib or closet, don’t trance in public.  You may be my master and weigh nothing, but I will not take damage for you.”  Isaac didn’t hear a word he just hung there over my shoulder.

At this speed the people who did notice me pass thought I was riding a motorcycle or a bike through the crowded streets.  My reaction time was razor sharp, dodging in and out of traffic crossing the avenues against the lights. Always one-step ahead of bodily harm, as if anything could harm either of us.  When we entered Central Park I slowed to a walk, a brisk gate at first then a slower pace.  The woods opened to a large pasture.

I laid his body down on the damp grass in the middle of the Central Park Sheep Meadow.  Laying my trench coat out as a blanket I moved his body from the grass to my coat.  The sun was just going down behind the buildings on the west side of the park.  Soon it would be dark; many of the people were picking up and leaving the park for the evening.  There would be plenty to eat later, even I was getting hungry now, but I had no qualms about eating.  I sat down on the wet grass next to him and waited for the darkness.

I thought back to the first time I saw him.  It has been three weeks since we met just outside of O’Hara’s Bar.  He was walking down the street and I had just come out for a smoke.  It was dark and the sidewalk was still damp from a light rain.  Isaac had two young hookers, one on each arm, he noticed me before I him.  He in his tuxedo, the two girls wore just enough material to keep them from being arrested for indecent exposure. 

He is a tall man in his mid thirties, dark penetrating eyes with an inviting smile.  “Good evening Mathew.  Would you want to share these lovelies with me?”  He held up their arms and had them pirouette on either side of him.  They looked identical except for the color of their skin and the color of the rags they were wearing.

The girl in white is a light skinned African American, she smiled like a child, did not believe she could be legal.  She stopped spinning and took a step towards me, she reached up and touched my lips with two fingers.  I told him I liked the black one in the white dress.  He smiled, brought her hand down and offered her to me.  “My name is Isaac and this is Kiki, shall we go, I have a hot shower, four bedrooms and a hot night in mind.” 

I should have hesitated and thought it over, but I had not had sex in months, I was in one of my dry spells and she was so appetizing.  Perfect face, perfect body and she was rubbing it all over me. 

“You show the way Isaac…”  It must have been the four strait Jack Daniels combined with how tired I was, but all of a sudden it struck me.  “Math.. How did you know my name?”

The smile on his lips and his casual attitude was very disarming.  “We’ve met, you must have forgotten.  You will remember, shall we start the evening?”  He pointed in the direction they were originally going.  “That is the way.”

We moved down the block taking up the width of the sidewalk, arm in arm.  Kiki was a little thing, mostly skin and bone a full head shorter than me.  I offered her my coat; she was ice cold to the touch but did not shiver or show discomfort in any way.  “Oh no.”  She rejected it.  Isaac started with a joke which brought very little laughter, I retaliated with another that brought more.  The girls just smiled and giggled as we walked ending up in front of a high-rise condo on East sixtieth street, near the park.  We road the elevator up, he and his date snuggled in one corner hugging and I with Kiki making out like a couple of kids on their first necking date.

The elevator stopped near the top floor, I still don’t remember the floor number.  The doors didn’t open right away; he pulled a keycard from his pocket and inserted it into a card reader at the base of the control panel.  The chime sounded and the door opened to a magnificent and immense round room, a fireplace at the center with a real wood fire and it looked like it was just started.  There were circular segmented low tables separating the fireplace from six contoured couch segments facing the fire pit.  What was outstanding was the wall of this room, it was curved, creating a perfectly round room.  Beside the entry door there were three openings in the circular wall lead away deeper into the apartment. 

The girls kicked off their shoes and dropped onto the couches.  Kiki put her bare feet up on one of the short tables that were between her and the fire.  She held out her arms inviting me to sit beside her.  I removed my overcoat and laid it down on the back of one couch, but before I could get to her Isaac pointed at my coat.

“There’s a closet down that hall Mathew.”  Isaac was pointing to the opening to the left.

I picked up my coat and started down the hall, it was illuminated by one of those modern track systems with small spots pointed at the walls.  The passage seemed abnormally long I could see a door way down at the other end.  Framed photos covering every inch along the walls, large eleven by seventeen to small three by fives.  Some of women, some of men, men with women, women with women and men with men, it was a pornographic arcade depicting copulation in every form, all the photos where artistically perfect and professionally done.

The photos mesmerized me and I didn’t realize there were no doors along the walls except for that one at the end of the hall.  When I finally arrived at the door and opened it  the light came on, it was an empty closet painted all white, two empty hangers were waiting on the rod. On the back wall was a life size color photo of Kiki, she stood with her feet wide apart.  It looked like the photo was taken on the beach as her feet were partially sunk in sand.  Her left hand and arm covering her breasts the other covering her pubic area.  The only thing she wore were sunglasses and a charming smile.

I stood staring at her picture.  Almost didn’t notice the sound of her bare feet padding down the carpeted hall.  I felt her press her body tight against my back; she wrapped her left arm around me with a drink in her hand. “Jack on the rocks, right?’

I smiled  “Yea that’s fine.”  While she held the glass I quickly grabbed one of the empty hangers and hung my coat in the closet then taking the drink out of her hand.  As I was about to turn towards her she wrapped her other arm around me, now she was hugging me from behind.  I noticed a wad of white material in her right fist, it was the dress she had been wearing. 

“Hang this up too would you?”  I took the dress from her, now my hands were full, the drink in one and her dress in the other.  She held me for a moment then stepped away and started back down the hall.  I turned to see her walking away wearing nothing but a gold slave bracelet around her waist.  Without her shoes she was even shorter now and her figure was perfect!

Looking down at the drink in one hand and the ridiculously small clump of white material in the other, I tossing the dress to the closet floor and follow her.  “Kiki, don’t run away.”  She was moving quickly on her toes.  This was a bit more than I could comprehend; this was the dream evening of my life. 

When I reached the large room all I saw was her feet hanging over the back of the couch, there was loud rhythmic music playing, music you would hear in a strip club.  I saw her feet moving with the music just above the back of the couch.  I approached and looked down on her, she smiled at me as she gyrated to the rhythm.  She was lying on her back, upside down.  I’ve often seen topless and nude dancers do this and it was always exciting; but for some reason I was hypnotized, half paralyzed by the show she was putting on.  I sipped my drink trying to act casual.  The fluid in the glass tasted like the Kentucky Whisky I was used to only a little stronger and sweeter.  Loosening my tie and unbuttoned the collar of my shirt.  Her gyrations became more pronounced, almost gymnastic, she seemed to float in the air only her shoulders touching the couch.

My heart jumped in my throat.  “Finish your drink and let her entertain you for a while.”  The sound of his voice at my ear shook me.  “She is a little dynamo, she owns the dynamic of life itself.”  I had not noticed him beside me he had approached so quietly. 

He had changed into slippers and a bathrobe.  Putting his hand on my shoulder he lead me around to the couch on the right of the one Kiki was on.  Instead of sitting there, I decided to sit with my back to the fire, on the low table between the fireplace and Kiki.  From that perspective, her head was towards me, her body was flat on the seat and her legs were gyrating in the air over her body. 

My body was quivering and shaking with anticipation, this young lady was about to change my life.  My imagination had shifted into high gear, visions of things I had never done flashed through my mind.  I gulped down half of my drink; with every move of her body she tortured mine. 

She looked like she was sweating, the room was very hot, I put the glass down on the table beside me.  I leaned forward and reached out to touch her.  The skin of her breast was oily smooth and cool, the sweet perfumed scent of body lotion permeated the air around her.  She dangled her head back so it was upside down, her hair flowed down onto the glazed black tile floor and her big eyes glared into mine.  “No.  Later, I want to lay here and dance!”  She smiled.  I sat back removed my suit jacket and tie letting both fall to the floor behind me. 

Isaac was still sitting on the other couch watching the two of us.  It must have been the loud music or just the visual distraction of this nude dance not eighteen inches from my knees, I did not notice the other girl approach until she was almost on top of me.  Slipping her lovely legs in the narrow space between Kiki and my knees she stood over me looking down.  Totally uninhibited, she thrust her hips into my face.  The severe trim of her pubic hair left nothing to imagine.  Her body was also perfect but older, she looked like she was in her early twenties.  Kiki was more in her late to middle teens, but I sure hoped legal.  There was a pungent aroma of scented oil about her also.  “You must be hot, here, let me help you with this,” she bent over and started to unbutton my shirt.  Her breasts dangling just inches away, soon I was bare-chested, and she loosened my belt.

I  became uncomfortable about her undressing me.  “You wouldn’t mind if I did that would you…Miss..?”  I still did not know her name.

“Her name is Candy, and she would not mind if you disrobed yourself.”  He seem to have a disassociated look, sort of far away, no expression in his voice as he stared at Kiki gyrating in front of me.

Candy moved to his couch and sat beside him crossing her legs, she put her head on his shoulder, put her hand into his robe and caressed his chest as she started to nuzzle his neck.  I looked back at my little nymph and she had twisted around, stood up and was dancing right in front of my face.  She had no pubic hair at all.  It was many minutes, I have no concept of how many, she dance with her hips and belly grazing my nose and forehead.  My face was soaked with her perspiration or was it the oil on her body.  I went to grab her hips,  “No. No Mr. Mathew.  No touch, I say when you touch.”  I looked up and watched her upper body go in one direction and her head in another.  She had a very young body; her breasts were large but tight, not pendulous. I hope she’s nineteen, at least eighteen.  I was shaking like a leaf ready to fall into the fires of hell.

I reach down and picked up my drink, she said I should finish it.  The glass was full again, looked like a triple.  I closed my eyes, in the blackness I tried to gulp the entire thing at once. 

The room suddenly went quiet, I opened my eyes, the lights went out except for the flickering light of the fireplace, I gulped down the mouth full it burned its way into my stomach.  Kiki was not there, as if she just vanished, Candy was walking away down one of the hallways, here perky butt bouncing as she walked.  It’s like I was in a fog.  I never took drugs, but I imagined that would be exactly what it feels like, I was flying. 

Didn’t know how I got there, but I was now flat on my back on the couch, someone was on top of me, which one of the girls I didn’t know, in all of my encounters I had never been this aroused.  I was saturated it was hotter than hell.  She was grinding on me like no woman had ever done before.  I was feeling little pains, but didn’t know where I hurt.  All the passion and lust clouded my mind, who cares if something scratches or pinches. 

The encounter lasted for two weeks.  Most of it I don’t remember, Kiki told me later that it eventually would come back to me.  She tended to me, our lustful needs were always satisfying.  It was a time of greedy self-satisfying Lust, pure and simple.  In the end I realized I was changed, changed forever.  At the end of that second week my senses were screaming.  I would never again be that aware of the world and surroundings.  That was when I met the real Isaac.

In the following week he showed me who the new me was or would become. 

During the day the girls worked down town for Isaac, then danced their deadly dance at night, following him about the city.  Early on, they demonstrated an attribute that astounded me; how they could move fast.  A blur, that was all that they left in their wake, a shadow, a ghost.  To describe the effect would be like looking at an old ‘I Dream of Genie’; she would disappear from one place and reappear in another.  Only with these girls there as a faint dark shadow that follows them. 

They were ferocious when they fed, but they only took what Isaac let them take.  His victims, those that I saw, were not the cream of society or even the average Joe.  They were murderers, gang banger’s, muggers, rapists the dregs of the darkest corners of the city. 

Twice he took me with them to roamed the streets, twice I witnessed the attack, twice I sat on the side in the shadows and watched them rip those poor souls asunder.  The sight of it would normally have turned anyone’s stomach, but now it only caused me a slight pang of hunger and a longing for a drink.

Now it’s dark, we’re still in the middle of the Sheep Meadow, the lights of the city glow all around us.  I sit here thinking about that waitress in her short skirt, imagining her without it  and babysitting Him.  There’s a cold mist falling.  Isaac is stirring, he has brought his body into a sitting position, his eyes are focusing.  His eyes scan the tree line, moving like a cat, he examines everything in his view and that which cannot be seen.

“We are being watched.”  His eyes kept slowly changing, focusing to different degrees of color.  He could see different spectrums, he told me one day I would do the same thing.  He could hear the faintest of sounds and distinguish speech, no matter how far away.  He pointed,  “There are six over there. Moving away from us.” 

His attention quickly changed to a spot behind me.  “The two behind you are innocents.  And,” He hesitated for a moment, holding his finger to one ear.  “The four behind me are talking about jumping the two queers out in the field.  I think they are talking about us Mathew!”

I looked over Isaac’s shoulder.  Four Hispanic gang members just broke out from the tree line and started to trot across the grass in our direction.  “I see them coming out of the shrubs.”  They were all laughing and moving fast now, they had closed half the distance as I watched. 

Isaac flipped his body around almost instantaneously.  Only a machine could have moved that fast.  Having seen this a number of times in the past week with him, it did not surprise me.  Then he was gone, like a shot from a gun.

Instantaneously he was on them, my senses were acute enough to see Candy and Kiki racing across the meadow as fast and quietly as Isaac.  They all hit their targets simultaneously.  The first man stood in shock as Isaac approach at an inconceivable speed and could do nothing to block the blow, an elbow to his windpipe, he was down.    Then he was on the second man who was only five feet behind the first.  Isaac’s body was in flight, in mid air when he hit him, his fangs deep in the man’s jugular, his life’s blood being cast out in a fountain, his arms flailing in the air as he fell backward with Isaac on top of him. 

The girls moved so fast that when they stopped they seemed to just appear out of thin air in front of the two that were trailing the group.  They were nude; the shear shock of having a beautiful female just appear in front of you would stop any man in his tracks.  Then they were on them, wrapping their legs around their victims driving their heads down onto their necks.  The vision was eerie, two figures standing there with these two girls wrapped about them, digging their faces down onto the guys necks, blood gushing out and down their bare backs as they fed.  Within seconds the two men were on the ground, giving their life’s force to these two naked, blood-sucking nymphs. 

At this time Isaac had taken most of second mans life and deeply distracted by the first meal I had seen him have in a little under a week.  He never noticed the first man stir and grab his throat.  He was gagging and reaching for air, soon he was getting up and looking at his three friends being drained.  I watched him reach behind his back and pull out a knife.

Now it was my turn.  I called to him to make him turn around, he never knew what hit him, down on the ground the panic on his face was mixed with the shock of disbelief.  I was really thirsty that night.  I apologized to him just before sinking my teeth into his throat.  Soon he went limp.  He would never live forever, but I will.

After our meal we lay in the wet grass with our victims enjoying the feeling of not needing, being satisfied.  We must have laid there for over a half hour.  Then I noticed Isaac standing beside me, a blank expression on his drawn face.  The dark stain of fresh blood covered his jaw, down his neck and saturated his shirt.  “We must leave!”

My attention was drawn to what he was holding.  Down beside his right leg I saw he was dragging a nude body behind him.  I was up in a flash and realized it was Kiki.  “What happened?”

“She was young and let her ambition get the better of her.”  He held her with his large right hand by her wrists.  He turned his hand and her body followed, she rolled around on her back, there was a sliver if broken wood penetrating her chest just a little to the left of her breastbone.  There was no blood coming from the wound, her eyes were open, her mouth gaping and her fangs extended.  “She went after the six and ran into a broken branch beside the path.”

I went to remove it and he stopped me.  “She is gone.  Of all the injuries you can sustain and survive, penetrating the heart will terminate you.” 

I looked in his eyes.  There were no tears, no emotion.  “But just like the rest of our bodies organs, the heart no longer beats.  Why?”

“That is how it has been for eons, before me and before my master.  Everything will heal but for decapitation and an injury to the heart.”  He began to strip off his bloody coat.  “Now watch and learn.  This is what has been done and you will do when I am gone.”

Isaac removed his bloody shirt and tied Kiki’s ankles together with one of the sleeves.  He looked all around for the appropriate place and swiftly carried her to the west side of the field and scaled the tallest tree, carrying her body with him.  Candy and I followed and watched as he secured her to one of the highest branches hanging upside down in clear view.  In a breath of time Isaac was standing beside us looking up at that grotesque sight. 

I raised my hand and pointed, “Why?”

“At the morning light she will be no more.”  He turned and slowly started to walk across the field to the bodies of our four victims.  “She saw two stragglers and rushed after them in the underbrush, she ever saw it jutting out like a sword in the dark.  Her intended quarry never knew how lucky they were or how close they came to oblivian.”

“No.  Why display her like that?  For everyone to see?”  I could not cry, but I could feel her loss. 

He stopped for a second and chuckled.  “You and I stand in the sun and you don’t question why?  With all you have read and seen about us, you don’t question why we can do that?”  Isaac looked around on the ground, searching.  “We don’t burn up and we don’t tan either. It’s all part of the myths.  It’s something established a thousand years before me.  The origin being; an ‘Eternal’s’ passing is denoted in the body vaporizing in the morning sun.”  He located his coat and tossed it over his shoulder.  “

He turned back and put his hand on my shoulder.  Candy stood behind me, listening intently.  “When the first full light of day strikes her body she will dissolve, be no more!” 

I turned around and flopped in the field at that spot and stared at her beautiful body swaying in the soft breeze.  Her skin color was almost white and she looked white in the dim reflected light of the city.  Maybe if I remove that splinter, I put my hand flat on my chest, there was no heartbeat, CPR would not work.  How do you revive something that is twice dead. 

Candy sat down beside me crossing her legs lotus style.  I looked at her perky breasts covered in dried blood down to her flat belly and her nudity in the dim light of the city.  “You better put your cloths on, I plan on staying until dawn!”  Candy got up and was gone.  Looking again at that young thing hanging from those branches, I could picture her doing her dance I could feel the memory of my arousal.

A moment later Candy reappeared wearing men’s slacks with the cuffs rolled up to her knees and a red T-shirt but no shoes.  “You like this better?”

“Where did you get that?”  I was just making conversation, I didn’t really care.

“The pants are from your guy and the shirt was my guy.”  There was a jesting lilt in her voice.  “The belt was too big so I tied it in a knot.” 

“What happed to what you were wearing?”

“Kiki and I often roamed the city au natural.  We loved to shock little old ladies and old men by stopping in front of them then speeding on, they seemed to take it in stride sometimes.  Other times they just lay down and scream..”  She laughed out loud.  She sat beside me and pulled up the shirt to expose her flat belly and the large knot she tied to keep the pants from falling off.  “Mathew, she was happy.  It was an accident.  She was blind in one eye and almost blind in the other.  Something about how she was abused before Isaac found her and changed her.” 

“So what happens now?  She goes to heaven or hell? “ 

“She’s the only one who can answer that question.  I hope she goes to heaven!” 

I felt her run her fingers through my hair.  She looked like a clown in that make do outfit.  She was acting cute and girlish.  “How old was she Candy?”

“I can’t really tell, she was with Isaac before me, he turned me in 1934.”  She paused for a few seconds looking pensive and preoccupied.  Then blurted.  “I was 28 then.  My goodness, that makes me ninety years old.”  She ran her hands down her body.  “I never change, I’ll never get any older!”

“You look lovely.  Not a day over 28.”  I wished she would shut up.

“Nope, I haven’t thought about my age in a very long time.  I was what you would call a common tramp back then.  Made my purse by rolling drunks and derelicts.  Met Isaac one afternoon when he was in one of his trances.  He turned me just when I was going to slit his throat, would you believe?” 

I laid back and looked up into the night sky, I could count the number of stars on one hand.  She moved over and straddled me, laid her body against mine and pressed her breasts against me.  “There are times when you will feel passion again Mathew, there are times when you will be aroused again.”  She kissed me.  “I am feeling it now!”

I pushed her off me, her body fluttered in the air like a sheet newspaper in a stiff breeze and slowly settled to the ground beside me.  “Another time, not now!”  I was angry and the sound of my voice scared even me, it was guttural and raspy.

She instantly sat up and looked into my eyes like a beaten dog.  I motioned her to come sit beside me,  “I’m sorry, this is too new to me, let’s just wait for dawn.” And so, we waited.  Isaac must have moved the bodies; at the first dim twilight when half the sky is still black and there is the slightest brilliance in the east, I looked around and saw they were gone. 

Candy had closed her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder, I shook her and we watched Kiki still swaying in the morning breezes.  We noticed something strange, her hair had grown out over night, it was long.  Even the pubic hair had grown into a full puff of pure silver.  All the hair on her body showed up as silver in the dim twilight of dawn.

Candy pointed, startled.  “Look all her hair grew out, she was a brunette, even her pubes are white.” 

There were clouds in the morning sky, the shadowed light of the sun shown on the rooftops and gradually crept down into that canyon that is Central Park.  Candy looked at me, my eyes never left Kiki.  We watched as the morning joggers moved down the trails just under the tree where her body hung.  More time passed and we suspected the sun would not come out that morning.  Perhaps she would hang there all day or until someone noticed.

Then in a moments time the clouds broke, she was totally exposed and it only took a second.  She dissolved, in a soundless explosion, into a pink cloud, her mist drifted away with the wind.  As Isaac had predicted, the only thing left was that bloody shirt to mark her passing. 

Candy took my hand and we slipped out of the park, walking slowly to the river.  The people coming out of their homes stood back shocked to let us pass.  The blood on me was obvious and Candy’s getup and bare feet on this cold morning made us look like two crazies. 

To any warm blooded creature the river would have been freezing cold.  We bathed together in the Hudson river that morning.  We removed our cloths and skinny-dipped.  We let people see us float and roll on the surface of the water.  Some pointed and took pictures.  I found that I was so light in the water I could only lay on the surface.  It was impossible for me to dive in and stay under.  There was enough blood on the clothes to tie-die them.   

For a week we drifted the streets, Candy tagging along, we rested in the park under the stars.  I had no craving for food or to sleep, the hunger I had would not be satisfied by a good conventional meal.  I had the self-control to not concede to debase myself and satisfy my bodies only craving. 

One day as we passed a number of young college students Candy playfully used her immense ability to move, stealing the dew rag from one of the girls.  The young lady didn’t even know it was gone and just walked on with her friends. Candy put it on and danced around me, posing and attempting to cheer me. 

We approached the restaurant that we were at the day of Kiki’s, for the lack of a better word, death.  Isaac was sitting at the same table; there was a full glass of wine and a half eaten plate of raw meat on the plate in front of him.  He stood and offered me the open seat, Candy had run ahead and was already in the seat beside him.

“I have questions.”  I said as I sat before him.  He had changed his wardrobe, now he wore light colored slacks and a white turtleneck.  The weather had changed and he was fitting in.

“I knew you would, I was surprised you hadn’t sought me out sooner and started your queries.”  He raised his right hand and summoned our waitress.  The same girl that served us last week, she wore the same outfit, but now wore black fish net stockings and three-inch spikes.  “My friend Mathew will have the same.”  He pointed at his dish and the glass of wine.  She bent over to place a napkin beside me, I noticed she has two small red horns pasted to her forehead.  The black and orange décor along with the jack-o- lanterns brought me up to date on the season.

“Why me?  You only take the dregs of society; I was a stockbroker, why did you turn me into this animal?  What was I doing wrong?”

“First things first.  Do you remember anything about the week after you became an immortal?”

I thought back to that morning after.  Waking up in that ridiculousbig bed with Kiki and Candy.  It was like I had a dynamo inside me.  I didn’t want anything but to be inside one of those two nymphs.  It was a marathon erotic pleasure fest, sex was the order of the day and we fulfilled every desire in every way.  “Yes.  I remember the orgy.  It went on for three days.”

“It was actually a week, you only remember the last three days.  Did you want anything else beside sex?”

What else would I want, I thought.  Then it struck me, I didn’t eat, I wasn’t hungry.  “Hunger.  Food, I didn’t need food.”  How stupid I thought.  Then blurted out.. “I haven’t eaten in almost a month!”

“Are you hungry now?”

“No!”  I was anything but hungry.

“I am seven hundred and ninety-three years on this crusty little ball, and I feel and need nothing of life.”  He pointed all around and at the dish of raw meat. 

“I don’t even desire her.”  Grabbing Candy by her neck and raised her off her chair.  Then easily put her back down again.  “Has your desire for sex subsided, for if it hasn’t, it will.”  He was not being angry or cruel.  “You need no earthly substance, food, drink, sex, sleep, not even the lilt of the morning song.  In a while, a month, a year or ten, all you will need is a throbbing vein.  The pulsating pleasure of someone’s life’s blood flowing into you.”  He whispered something in her ear and she whisked off into invisibility again. 

“This is my future?  Again I ask you why me?”  I showed anger in my voice.

“You were there when I needed someone.  Your life style fit the need.  A young single man, your nature is to kill.  Not as in murderer, but to be ruthless.  Ruthless with other peoples lives.”  He glared at me, looked into my being, if I still have a soul, he was deep inside and tearing me apart.  “You have ruined peoples lives for monetary and personal gain, I see you have ruined a number of young women with promises and deceit then abandoned them, leaving some pregnant.”

I thought about what he was saying and it was true, there were many that I had hurt in my short life.

“You should really ask why I spared your total destruction. The obliteration of death?” 

I began to understand where he was going.  “The thugs, last week, they intended on going to the next step, to do bodily harm or taken our lives or anyone that would have been there instead of us.  And it was not in my nature to do that, is that your point?”

You are a winner young man.  Now let’s just sit and relax, we may not be able to really enjoy the afternoon sun, but let’s pretend, and enjoy our Sliver of life”

“I seem to remember you had mentioned that expression once before.” 

“It’s what you and I and Candy here…” She just reappeared beside him, she had changed from the slacks and T-shirt into a short white dress and white two inch heals.  Her hair was now short and pure white, almost a crew cut.  She sat beside him.  “..have.”  He patted her knee.  “It’s not life as it was, but we will live for ever!”

“Or we turn into a pink mist and float away like Kiki?”  I said sadly.

I looked down the block to see a figure making her way towards us, a good-looking businesswoman.  She had a brisk step as she approached, I could see that she was a blonde, young, in her twenties, knee length skirt, deep V sweater blouse under a short suit jacket and black flats.  She carried a purse slung over her left shoulder, a pair of high heal shoes hanging from the strap and an attaché case in her right hand. 

Isaac watched as my attention waned over to this woman, we both watched her approach and stop at the corner to cross the street.  “Ask her, go ahead.  Her name is Ellen.  She could only say no!”

How does he know what I’m thinking and the names.  He’s a mind reader.  “MISS, Oh miss, I have a question.”

She stopped and turned for a second then turned back toward the edge of the curb, waiting for the light to change.

“ELLEN, only a moment?”  “I realized that I looked like a real bum sitting with two well dressed people.  My cloths were filthy and discolored.

Candy leaned over and reminded me. “It never goes completely away.”

“I’ll buy you a drink!”  Then I reached into my pocket to find no pocket and no money.  I turned quickly and looked at Isaac, he was holding four crisp one hundred dollar notes out to me.

When I turned back she was smiling at me and started to walk toward our table.  Isaac stood up and pulled out the fourth chair to my left.  “Good evening, my name is Isaac, this is Candy and Mathew.”  He was holding her hand and staring into her eyes.  She almost dropped her attaché case as she sat in the empty chair.  I folded the bills and tucked them into my tattered shirt pocket.

Candy was right, once again I genuinely felt desire for this beautiful young woman.  For a moment I was staring and my mouth was ajar, recouping my composure I asked,  “What would you like to drink?”

With an unfaltering smile and staring into Isaac’s eyes she said.  “Apple Martini, please.”  Then turned her head to look at me with such a sweet expression, I was sure Isaac had done something to her, she wasn’t repulsed be my appearance at all.  She shook her purse from her shoulder and bent over to change from her flats back into her pumps.  When she did so she grazed my knee with the side of her head.  “I’m sorry, could you help me.”  She raised her leg pointing her foot and unfastened shoe strap at me.

The waitress appeared as though by magic.  I ordered Ellen’s drink as I finished securing her shoe strap and eased her foot back to the ground, the waitress also seemed mesmerized by Isaac’s smile, she took the order and quickly departed.  His control over the situation was amazing. 

“Candy, please take Ellen in, I’m sure she would like to freshen up.”  He was in total control.  Both women arose and disappeared into the restaurant.  We watched them walk away.

Isaac turned to me with a broad grin across his face. “There will be a surprise tonight, you had better go back to your apartment and change, I can only hold her in this trance for a while.”

My apartment is thirty blocks away, midtown on the east side. I used my new found skills and was there in less than a minute.  Cleaned, shaved, changed and back in eight minutes.  I was seated with Isaac back at the table still waiting for the girls to return.

Ellen reappeared with Candy followed by the waitress carrying Ellen’s drink.  As they approached the table Isaac and I both stood and held their chairs. 

We sat and made small talk for over two hours.  Ellen’s was a bottomless pit of unrelenting stories about her life with an insatiable thirst to drink.  She related everything about herself pouring her unedited and uncensored existence on the table.  Her childhood, first boy friends, how she acquired her apartment on the west side from her boyfriend, her job at the insurance company, her personal life and how she slept her way into a directorship in the claims department.  With every story there was another martini, tarnishing her first impression with the dirt of her past. How she planned to blackmail her executive vice president into raising her salary or she would ruin his marriage of twelve years.

By the time she had finished her last martini, Miss Ellen Marshal had changed all the aspirations I had about her.  She became slovenly crude.  I still found her attractive, but had absolutely no respect for her.  She had exposed herself as a power hungry snake in the grass and an alcoholic.

Candy was making light of the evening, mimicking Ellen’s mouth movements and hand gestures as she spoke. 

“When I get finished with him, he, he’ll be fuc.., never be fuck with me again…”  She was at the point where she was losing control of her speech, waving her hands as she spoke.  I began to listen to her in a different way; it was as if I could read her mind.  Her voice was echoing in my ear, her thoughts were pouring out into the air around her before she could form the words and I could hear them. 

I could easily see that Isaac was enjoying this and understood his plans.

‘I feel like a smoke’ came across clearly.  She began to form her lips to say the words when Isaac passed me a pack of Cools and his lighter.  She looked down at the pack as I tapped one out and offered it to her.  “Nau, Now zats juss what I wuzz thinkin’”  She pointed at the pack of cigarettes with an unsteady hand. 

Isaac looked up and the waning light in the sky.  “Miss Marshal, I have a pleasant town house overlooking the Hudson, it has a marvelous view of the sun set.  Would you like to come over for a light dinner and cocktail?”  His tone reminded me of the night we met.

I read her thinking ‘You bet I would!’ and I was sure Isaac did too.  She tried to rise but was too drunk.  Isaac and I stood on either side of her and lifted her to her feet.  Candy followed with Ellen’s purse and case.  Her feet were going in all the wrong directions, she thought, ‘boy am I screwed up’ and I thought, ‘you really don’t know sweetheart.’  Isaac’s eyes flashed at me when I thought that, and we smiled at one another.  He was reading me too.

Candy hailed a cab and said she would meet us later.  It was a short trip three long and five short blocks, Ellen managed to accidentally grope both of us as the cab made turns and hit bumps, she thought she was getting away with something.  I found it quite pleasurable. 

It was another high-rise condo, on the cliff side overlooking the West Side drive and as promised the Hudson.  We took the elevator to the seventeenth floor; it opened directly into his apartment.  Where does he get these apartments?

Ellen staggered over to the sliding glass doors leading to the large balcony, the drapes had been pulled back to reveal the glorious show.  Looking down from the railing there was a narrow strip of park visible, down at the rivers edge and the sun was just going down in a glorious bravado of reds and blues and grays, all on a pink backdrop of sky. 

I began to feel Isaac in my head.  Egging me on, pressing me to do something.  I let everything happen as by chance, but in the back of my mind, I was a marionette and Isaac was pulling the strings.

She stood there, swaying back and forth in the diminishing twilight, the room was in dark shadows.  I walked up behind her, “Let me make you more comfortable.” I removed her jacket and put it on the coffee table just inside the room.  A cool breeze swept over the balcony almost knocking her down, she quickly regained her balance.

“I bett’er go in..  inside…and..shit down.”  She giggled at her blunder.  “Sit! Sh..Sit Down!  Is what I meant to shay.”  And she giggled again.  I guided her inside and sat her on the couch, where she immediately fell over and laid down.  She was out cold.

“Besides being a social whore and blackmailer I think the young lady is an alcoholic.”  Isaac leaned over her and toyed with her hair and turned her head to look into her face then lifted her limp body by her head and neck to show me her face.  “What do you think, would she make another good Kiki or not?”

I stepped back.  I knew he had something in mind and I half expected this is what it was.  “I don’t know, the little I knew of her, was she anything like this one?”  He dropped her with a loud thud on the floor between the couch and the coffee table.  I wondered if he had given her a concussion.  “I don’t even know, how old was Kiki?”

He walked over to the double glass doors and stared at the very last vestiges of light in the sky.  “December 1839, I was invited to a party, a small village east of Pittsburgh.”  He turned in the darkness of the room; I started to lift her back onto the couch.  “It was a farm community then.  Deep seated in slavery and racial prejudices.”  I could see the anger well up in his expression.  “They made her, her sister and mother the local bankers’ unwilling whores.”

Ellen started to revive, Isaac stepped over and put his hand over her eyes, she went limp again.  “He liked to play with his girls.  He loved to hear them scream; he’d burn their skin, hit them with sticks, tie them to posts and whip them for pleasure.  He was a real mans man, he thought.”  There was an obvious distaste in his expression.

Isaac pulled her skirt up revealing her lovely legs.  “No marks, Kiki came to me with cuts and bruises all over her body.”  He reached into a covered dish that sat on the coffee table and pulled out a knife with a hooked blade.  “I won’t get into the particulars but I watched them torture her mother and sister just for the joy of it.  When I interceded and saved her, saving her family was impossible, she begged me to help her.  It must have been something in her background, her black heritage that made her know what I really was.”

He hooked the blade in the waste band of her skirt and cut the material swiftly to the hem, the skirt fell away revealing her flat stomach and pink bikini underwear.  He reversed the blade easily slicing through the sweater blouse and bra, stopping just before hitting her chin.  Her blouse and bra fell away. 

“I was over six hundred years and she was sixteen and this was how Kiki came to me.”  He quickly made short work of the under garment that was left.  Ellen lay nude on the couch.  “Now it’s your turn Mathew!  Kiki was mine, Ellen will be yours.”

I knew what he wanted me to do, but I didn’t know how.  I looked at him confused and timid.  The moral question didn’t bother me, I was a piece of shit and so was she, Isaac’s god like existence brought me into this new and never ending fraternity.  I have got to follow my karma.  “So what, what do I do?”

“Your first woman, what do you do to your first woman?  Have sex with her, she will respond, you desire her, take her.” His tone was like an instructor in physical education explaining sex for the first time.

I slowly removed my clothing and sat on the coffee table, caressing her face, allowing my arm to graze her breast, She really was a beautiful woman.

He proceeded to drive images into my mind, ideas, and thoughts, a form of instruction set on how to turn a human in to this animal that I have become.  First arouse her, caress her, watch her body respond to your touches and advances.  See her open her legs and beg for more. 

How do I jump into these things, she was stretched out flat on the couch before me like an erotic buffet, her eyes were closed and looked like she was in a deep sleep.  I am calm, putting myself into that mind set.  Her hair was splayed out over the arm of the couch, her head jammed up against the arm with her chin hard against her chest, a lovely angelic face with high cheek bones, if she weren’t such a bitch I would have had questions about what I was about to do.  Her left arm is at her side pinned between the back of the couch and her side, her right hangs off the side and on the floor. 

Isaac moved over to the wall thermostat and adjusted it, then closed the sliding doors to the balcony and returned to a spot behind me.

I reach out and put my fingertip into the small tuft of neatly trimmed pubic hair and start to draw small circles.  She stirs then becomes still again.  Her skin is soft and smooth, I run my fingers up over her round belly laying my hand flat on her stomach.  Gently I caress her stomach and ribs and up over her left breast.  I let my elbow graze her body as I cup the breast and gently squeeze.  Her nipple hardens in the palm of my hand; I retrace that movement back to those stiff curls, running my finger in a small circle, pushing the hair to and fro. Her belly does a gentle roll.  I continue to move my finger in larger and larger circles; she spreads her legs and thrusts her pelvis at me.  Her other nipple is between my lips, sucking on it and gently pulling on it as I insert two fingers between her thighs, but I don’t penetrating her.  She is beginning to react, her vagina is moist, and moving my fingers outside of her is drawing more pelvic thrusts. 

Now I feel my arousal, I haven’t felt this since Kiki. It’s not as intense but I am erect.  She is very wet now and so are my fingers, I push them part way into her rubbing her button with the heel of my hand.  This draws a strong reaction from her, she bends her knees, spreads her legs wide apart planting her right foot on the coffee table and digs her left heel into the couch cushion.  She elevates her but off the couch and pushes her hips into my hand driving my fingers all the way in.  She gasps and works her hips up and down in a circular motion, her body in a bridge, supported only by her feet and her upper back. 

Not that I had never seen this before, but my mind set was different then, my own pleasure had diverted me from ever realizing what a woman’s reaction is to intense sexual pleasure. 

I’ve had sex with intoxicated women before, some were very willing and some just didn’t know they had been had, till they slapped my face in the morning.  I never took advantage of a woman that had not made intimate sexual advances towards me.  That moral question had been obliterated from my consciousness in this case, I knew, somewhere deep inside of me that she would never be who she is now.   

I felt her reach up with her right hand and hold me; putting three fingers deep into her I softly ran my thumb across her clitoris.  She groaned loudly and began to caress my erection.  I now really started to become uncontrolled, the hunger and thirst for blood also welled up in the pit of my stomach.  Her eyes open, breathing in harsh gasps, the guttural emanations also enhanced my arousal, she beg me for more.  Again, for the first time in a week I was able to consummate, I drove myself into her, thrusting and feeling the pain and pleasure of having a woman again. 

She was breathing hard and she moaned with every thrust.  Our passion growing every moment into a crescendo of moans and groans.  Isaac was hanging over me, I barely knew he was there until I felt or heard him say ‘NOW’. 

I dug my fangs into her jugular closing my jaw with the power of a vice.  Tasting her life’s blood pour out of her, her hips still driving into mine.  She didn’t seem to mind that I was taking her life, she didn’t seem to feel anything but her lust, she just wanted me to be deep inside of her, absorb that last piece of pleasure. 

We continued writhing on the couch for many minutes, or hours, I no longer could tell or cared, we both reached multiple orgasms.  Every time we reached a conclusion she would hold me in a vice grip and started it all over again.  I had drained her and I still attempted to feed, ripping her skin and tearing her to pieces..  Then something happened that I could not explain, she stopped breathing, her legs went limp, her arms fell to her sides.  Sitting up I looked down at what I had done to her body.  Her neck was ripped asunder, the flesh of her shoulders was ripped and tattered and the soft skin of her chest lay to one side.  I withdrew, “She died?  She’s dead.  I did it, I killed her?”  I looked down into her dead eyes.  “I thought she would….”

An electric shock went through me, her eyes shot wide open and she opened her jaw to expose her fangs.  In an instant she hit me and flipped me to the floor on the other side of the coffee table.  She was strong, but something told me to just lay there.  She drove her head down on my neck and started to feed.  I could feel my life’s fluids flow, when she lost interest there she drove her fangs into my chest and worked her way down my body.  I watched as she feasted on every part of me.  My wounds started to heal and so did hers, soon she was just as lovely as she was when I first saw her.  Except now she was saturated in my blood.  She kept drinking of me until she just fell asleep, her fangs still deep in my femoral artery, my still hard erection beside her head. 

“She will sleep till the first light of day.  Then her thirst for you will only involve sex.  You must be there for her as long as she needs you.”  He opened the door to the adjoining room with another super sized bed.

I looked into the room, “Where the hell do get these super sized mattresses?” 

“They are made special for me.  You will find that when you live close to eight hundred years you accumulate great wealth.”  He pointed at her limp bloodied body and then pointed at the bed.  “I suggest you move her, you have not noticed, but your little erotic jousting took seven hours.  It’s three o’clock in the morning.  She will need you in two and a half hours.”

I picked her up and discovered she had no real weight, like Kiki and Candy, she had no color and was as cold as the air around her.  When I returned to the ‘living room’, I’ll never say that again without smiling, Isaac was at the bar pouring two glasses of what looked like dark red wine.  Candy was standing next to him in her birthday suit. 

“Come join us, you will need this, it is the nectar of our gods.”  I had no need of wine, neither did the two of them.  As I approached he pulled four bottles of wine from behind the bar, all with plane amateurish labels.  “A, B, AB and type ‘O’, what do you prefer?”

I removed the remnants of her clothing from the bloody couch and sat with the two of them replenishing my needs.  Like nothing I could imagine, my arousal was still evident and more ready than ever. Candy glanced down and laughed. “I told you so.”

The night turned to day, then to night and again to day.  Her appetite for me, or I would guess anything hard, was unworldly.  The bed cloths reeked of our joining, I had brought a clock into the room and every time I was able to looked up, two or more hours had passed.  If I were alive, I would have died after the first two hours of the first day.

She didn’t seem to know where she was, only that she need me.  Every so often she slept and I thought back to when Isaac had told me that I would be her master.  While she slept I crept out of the room and Isaac was at the bar by himself out the window.  That was when I asked him what really happened that first night.  If he was my master,

“What the fuck happened?”  I pictured myself having sex with him for days and the girls watching.  “I remember the sex and now that I think back, I don’t really remember if it was the girls I had sex with.”  I cringed.  “You didn’t?”

Isaac laughed out loud, it was the first time I saw any real joy in his face.  “No Mathew, I did take your first blood and brought you down, but you were with Kiki, then she fed on you and you her.  She was the one that volunteered to resurrected you.”  I watched him sip his drink.  “In a way we shared you.  That was why you reacted so dramatically and felt so strongly when she passed.  In a way you belong to no one now.  You really don’t have a true master.”

“You mean, if I have a soul, it is a free soul?” 

“You have a soul!  You are not evil or sinister, I would not have chosen you if you were.”
He had poured two fresh glasses and put the bottle back under the bar in a bucket of ice.  “Could you imagine a serial killer, a rapist or worse with our power?” 

He made sense in a way.  “Then besides blood sucking vampires, what are we?”

“Blood sucking vampires!”  He chuckled at the thought.  “Yes we are that, but we also do good when we practice our, quote,” He raised his fingers in the air. “Blood Sucking.” He put his fingers down. “I, we, have always selected our targets carefully.  Self control, never let the urge or rush of blood overcome you.  Stay in control.“  He raised his glass.

“Bound together by blood, do not let her get out of hand, she is yours for as long as you both exist.”

“Sounds like a marriage?”

“It is my son!”  He held up his glass in the manor of a toast, and I toasted with him. 

“So what made you pick Miss Ellen in there?”  Looking through the door I could see her stirring, she threw her legs off the edge of the bed and sat up.  She did have a perfect body.  Still bloody but not a blemish on it. 

“Besides her manipulative nature and craving for social power she doesn’t have the killers mindset.  She has a practical mind!”

“What if you’re wrong, what if she takes this power we just handed her and goes mad?”  Did he think this through, how deep did he plunge into her spirit, how much did he see of her before she pickled her mind with that bottle of gin.

I could hear the shower running and soon she walked into the room she had taken one of the bath towels and wrapped herself in it.  “So what are you two cooking up?”

Isaac looked over to her. “Have a drink!”

“Apple Martini!”  Best thing for a hang over.

Isaac smiled, and started to mix it.  “You sure you want this?”

“I Love Them!” She said emphatically.  He placed the glass on the coaster and poured the drink.  She lifted the glass, downed it putting the glass back on the coaster.  Grabbing a bar napkin from the holder she wiped her lips.  “More please, Sir.”  As he poured the second glass she began to convulse, sort of a dry heave.  She lifted the edge of the towel and spit the drink up into it.  “What the hell… What was in that?”

Candy walked in from the other side of the room wearing nothing but a very long nightshirt with open sleeves to her waist.  She passed behind Isaac and pulled out the AB-neg and poured a tumbler full.

“What the hell is that?” Ellen looked at the dark red liquid.

Candy picked up the cocktail glass and replaced it with the tumbler.  “Try it.  You will like it, I promise.”

Ellen picked up the glass and sniffed it, crinkling her upper lip and nose then took a sip.  At first she made a sour face, then sipped at it again.  She swallowed and like a person who has never had hard alcohol would do, she shook it down.  She didn’t stop until the glass was empty.  “What is that shit?”

As all of this took place I remembered that I had gone through the same thing and I remembered the first taste of the thick fluid that keeps us all alive.  Tomorrow she will not remember but she will understand.  I let her finish the second glass then pulled the towel from her and took her hand.  We returned to the bed, she may have been satisfied, but I wasn’t.

That was the beginning for both of us.  Isaac guided our every move.  It did not take long to understand how to survive.  I continued my drab existence at the brokerage firm, curbing the shady deals and turning them into something profitable to all not just some.  I discovered Isaac’s real pleasure was art, he owned a number of galleries in Soho.  One day I chucked my job and partnered with Isaac.  I specialized in far eastern Erotic art.  Ellen also changed her direction.  She started in exotic dance.  She found she really liked getting back at men who deserved being punished.  In the end she gained ownership of a large number of out of town back street clubs dealing in sex and prostitution.  He was right, longevity brings wealth, we all prospered. 

For eighty years we marauded the streets and hamlets of the five Boroughs and Long Island.  For a while I traveled the world to try and find others like ourselves, Candy came along with me.  We found no history or sign that there were any beings like us anywhere.  Isaac told me not to bother, he never found anything in the world like us either.  Besides the eternals he made, he only knew of one before him and he was Isaac’s master. 

I became instrumental in organizing our little groups nightly adventures.  We set specific times to roam the streets and do our duty.  Yea, do our duty.  What law enforcement could not do, or did not do, we did, sometimes with surprising results.  A good example was the time we all converged on a small bar in the south Bronx.  Drugs and child pornography was bad enough, but they also dealt in real sex slavery.  It was three in the morning. 

Unknown to us there were two undercover cops who nearly jumped out of their skin to see us clean the place in a matter of two minutes.  They ran around with their guns and badges drawn, they shot at both Isaac and me, threatening us to stop or they would shoot again. In the darkness all they saw was naked bodies flying about the room doing their job for them. The children, girls and women were all safe in the end.  When we were finished we all ignored them and sauntered out the door naked and bloody.  They followed us out, guns blazing at us, yelling stop and we were gone.  The bullet holes healed before we got home.

The article in the newspapers and TV reported that the officers walked in and found the bodies torn apart.  It was reported that there must have been some gang rivalry that ended in a bloodbath.  If the cops had elected to tell the truth their superiors would have locked them up for observation.

Ellen is still an aggressive personality but tempered by time and my discipline she is now under control.  The one oddity about her is her libido is still active, she has an insatiable hunger for men and women. 

In a few years we will let these businesses die and change our identities, opening new businesses and starting new lives.  Isaac is still bored to death, I love that phrase, but I will always be with him.  We are eternals, we will continue to survive Life after Life. 

Next Chapter
  Life after Life Pinesburg  (XGC)
Isaac and Kiki (Origins) The beginnings.
#1607813 by Rogue Writer

© Copyright 2009 Rogue Writer (bobbrug at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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