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Layla a cashier in a small town, she meets a shape shifter and dives into the unseen world |
I am going to tell you a little story about myself. My name is Layla, I am 22, and I live in the tip top of Louisiana, in a little town called Eros. It's a small town the kind where everyone knows who you are and all your business. I've lived here my whole life, in the same house, around all the same people. I've been just about on my own since I was 16. My mom died of a terrible case of stomach cancer. After she died I was alone to take care of the family home, myself, and all the bills. Luckily I had a wonderful older half brother who came to my rescue. Fred owns his own carpentry business, and was older than me by nearly 15 years. He helped pay ma's medical bills, the funeral service, and taking care of me. Still to this day he pays the property taxes, my insurances(car,medical,house), and he fixes anything that breaks or needs repairing. Fred doesn't have a wife or a girlfriend although he should. I love my brother very much, I don't know what I would have done growing up with out him. Especially after such a tragedy like losing a mother. I had never known my father. He left when I was just a baby. Ma said he couldn't handle the stress of a new baby. I was a bastard and damn proud of it. I work full time at a convenience store, the late shift 7pm to 2am. Not very glamorous or anything but it pays my bills. Sometimes I fill in at our local bar if a waitress is out sick. I don't need money much because I am a young woman of simple tastes and pleasures. All I need in life is a full tank of gas, a pack of Newport 100's, and some sticky green weed. On the weekends a bottle of vodka is added to the equation. I have a few great friends Harlow who is a waitress and my best friend. She is fun, smart, and a little on the heavy side but she is so pretty. We are the same age and grew up together. Janice and Felicia are two of my other good friends. We all hang out together, party together, and go shopping together. This particular story starts one night at work. It was the beginning of the summer so it was sticky and hotter than hell inside the little convenience store. The owner doesn't believe in air conditioning apparently. Summer was always a great time of the year for me. Lot's of sun, swimming, barbeques with my friends, and big giant bon fires every weekend. The moon was high in the sky as I sat outside enjoying the slight breeze smoking a cigarette. No one rarely came in after 10 at night but that night there was something in the air, electricity and static. It was nearly midnight and the long boring hours seemed to blend together. Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted some life down the road a bit. It looked like a young man. I watched as the figure drew closer and closer. It was a young man, handsome as could be, tall almost a giant maybe 6ft 5in, big broad strong shoulders, long muscular arms, and he was wearing a suit. The suit caught my attention as well. No men around here ever wore a suit expect to a funeral or wedding. I had never seen this man before ever, I though hell he might be new to town. As he walked bye me he turned and the minute I saw his face I knew I wanted him. He smiled a bright sweet kind smile his dazzling white teeth showing just enough. His eyes were blue from what I could tell. His lips were full, his nose proud and narrow, his brows were slightly thick and his skin was olive complected. "Hi there" I said instantly when I realized my attraction to this young man who looked to be about my age. "Evening ma‘am" he returned but kept on walking. His voice was like music to my ears, rich and deep with a slight southern accent. As he walked along the road he'd turn back every few feet or so and look at me. I smile each time hoping he'd come back and say hello or have a little conversation. He didn't though to my deep deep disappointment. I knew it couldn't be my looks as to why he didn't turn back. I have long blonde hair, big dreamy blue eyes, a cute button nose, full sweet lips, and straight white teeth. I have an hour glass figure with a big bust and a firm rear. I have never met a man who didn't find me to be attractive but he must not of. It was a blow to myself esteem I must say but I shrugged it off and went back to work. Not even an hour later something extraordinary happened. Two masked men ran into the store with shot guns in hand. "Empty that register girl if you know what’s good for you" the chubby one said. I laughed, amused by the situation. I knew who both men were just at a moment's glance. It was Gerry and Bill Muster the local fuck ups. "Alright but there aint much in it Gerry sorry" I said laughing even louder. I stopped laughing when I felt a fist hit the side of my face. I was stunned by the sudden pain. "Give us the money Layla or I will do much worse" Bill yelled at me. "What the fuck did you assholes hit me for?" I said starting to cry. I put my hands to feel the side of my face that was hit. Then Gerry grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward him over the counter. "Will you just give us the money?" Gerry said looking at me from behind his mask. I twitched as he held his fist back for another punch. "Alright take it easy" I said as I opened the register and handed them my take for the night so far $147.52. I started to laugh again when I saw the looks on their faces. Then I got another fist to the face. That time I expected it so the pain wasn't so abrupt. "I know you got more than this back there Layla. Open the safe in your bosses office" Bill hollered at me. I could tell this wasn't going to end very well. Not for me at least. "I don't have keys to that only James does." I said trying not to cry. I smiled as best as I could but I think that made then even madder cause before I knew it I was on the floor being kicked in the ribs, stomach, back and legs. I screamed and cried out for them to stop but they didn't. Then I heard the door open behind me. Then the kicking stopped. I looked up to see the man who was walking earlier disarm, and beating the shit out of both Gerry and Bill. It was amazing to see the way he moved so graceful and deadly all in the same. Gerry was on the ground beside me in one minute flat bloodied and without his gun. Bill went the someway down on the ground patently knocked out like his idiot brother. "Are you alright ma‘am?" he asked me as he took me by the hands and in one swift move I was on my feet face to face with him. "I will live. Thank you so much. I don't know what woulda happened to me if you didn't come along" I said as I evaluated the situation. To my surprise he began to laugh and when he laughed I couldn't help but smile. "My name is Blake sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier tonight. As for helping you out well that was my pleasure ma‘am" Blake smiled at me and I swear I was almost about to faint. "You didn't just helped me you saved me a major beating. You saved me" I said my voice wobbly and sincere. "No woman should be getting hit for any reason. It was really my pleasure to ahh save you, Layla" He said as he put his arm under me and lifted me up all gone with the wind style. He took me back outside and placed me down on the bench. Blake sat next to me and put his arm around me. I didn't know who this guy was exactly but I think I was head over heels in those first few moments with him close. "How did you know my name?" I asked him looking into his eyes. "I heard one of those men yelling at you and they called you Layla. I came running as soon as I heard you scream. Should you call the police?" Blake asked me looking at me like he had just hit the power ball. His eyes wide with interest. "Yeah I should before they wake up. Will you stay with me??" I asked him trying to look as frail as I could. Blake chuckled a little and I wasn't sure if he was laughing at me or with me. Problem was I wasn't laughing. "Of course I will be glad to, it's not every day I get to be someone's hero" he answered which was just what I wanted to hear. I grinned and sighed with relief as I stood up trying to not look too beat up. The Muster brother hadn't drawn any blood on me but I was sure I would have quite a few bruises. I went back into the shop and grabbed my cell phone and cigarettes out of my purse. I took a quick look in the mirror behind the counter and to my surprise my face wasn't swollen or bruised yet. I still looked good thank god. I went back outside and sat next to my savior. First I called the local PD. To my dismay Virgil Compton was coming down to make the arrests. He was the sheriff of our small town and I didn't like him one bit. He had arrested me a few times in my youth for fighting and under age drinking. Then I called James my boss and owner of "Quick Mart". Blake sat next to me silent watching me dial and talk. "Sheriff Compton will be down soon and so will my boss. Again I got to thank you, not many people stick their teeth out there for someone they don't even know" I said lighting myself a cigarette and relishing the drag I took there on. "You don't need to thank me. I wasn't gonna stand there and let you get the tar beaten out of your pretty face. I should thank you for making me feel so appreciated" Blake said looking right at me his eyes were almost hypnotizing me. Like an instinct I took his hand and folded my fingers with his. He was almost hot to the touch. Blake didn't pull away instead his gripped my fingers back.. I smiled feeling suddenly shy. I was probably blushing bright red. "So what brings you to Eros. I can tell your not from around here" I asked him trying to keep conversation rolling along. "Well I guess I am here to save you. No just kidding. I moved here last week, I inherited a house from my great Aunt on Freebo RD. I lived in New Orleans but I just felt like I needed a change. I decided to give country life a try" Blake explained with a smile on his face. I was totally mesmerized by this total stranger. I've only ever had two boyfriends so men were still a mystery to me. My first boyfriend was when I was still in high school and we never went all the way. My second had been while I was in college for a brief time. His name was Mike and he died in an accident a week after I we had hooked up. I had never liked the men in my town. They weren't my type. Funny thing was I lived on Freebo RD. and I had known old Miss Geraldine Murphy had died just three weeks ago. "I live on Freebo all the way at the end. Last house on the road. So I guess we are neighbors huh?" I said with a slick smile on my lips as I spoke. I was just praying to god that this gorgeous man liked me half as much as I like him. Just then the police cruiser pulled up to the gas pumps. The middle aged Sheriff stepped out of his cruiser looking stupid as he always managed to do. "Miss Cash tell me what happened here tonight?" Sheriff Compton asked me getting his note pad out his chest pocket. I began to explain what happened to me as he wrote what I said down. After long the Muster brothers were in hand cuff in the back of the cruiser, Sheriff Compton was shaking Blake's praising him for his good actions. My boss had shown up by then and told me I was free to go home for the night having been through enough. Blake had never left my side the entire time I was being questioned. In fact he was rubbing my shoulders comforting me. I was so totally smitten. "Would you like a ride home?" I asked my savior since that was the polite thing to do and he had been on foot before. Blake stood up when I did from our place on the bench and put his arm around me. "I would love one" he said his eyes smiling along with is face. To me he seemed happy. Happy to be with me. Together we walked out back where my 85 Camaro was parked. It was a 21st birthday present from my brother Fred. "Nice ride does it have to V8 in it?" He asked me as I unlocked the door. "Oh yeah 350 Chevy block " I said with a sly smile on my face. Again he chuckled and I wasn't sure if he was laughing with me or at me. He climbed in after I did and unlocked the passenger door. I peeled out of the small parking lot and headed in the direction of Freebo RD. "So what do people around here do for fun?" he asked me once we were on the road. I laughed aloud. "Well there aint much to do. We have bon fires, go down to the local drinking hole, smoke massive amounts of weed, and on occasion we go fishing." I said hoping he wouldn't think me boring. "Sounds like my kind of town. I have never been to a bon fire before" Blake said as if it was nothing. I gasped and started cracking up. I was so full of laughs around this guy even if I had just gotten the living shit beat out of me. I was feeling happy made happy by someone other than myself. I'm not a ball of depression but I am used to a certain sadness and loneliness from my lack of male companionship. "Really?" I asked turning towards him for a second. He made my car look so small. Blake nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. "That's crazy. Around here we all go out by the bayou and light a big fire. Everyone in town just about shows up and we all bring kegs, grills, stuff like that. It's a lot of fun if some rednecks don't start fighting and acting stupid. You should come with me to one sometime, if you'd like" I said casually but not meaning it that way. I didn't want to seem too desperate too soon on. "I'd love to, when the next... bon fire?" he asked me his voice deep and so rich. Blake put his hand over my hand which was resting on the shifter. Fucking standards. "you should have this in 3 it's easier on you transmission" he said as he waited for me to press the clutch in. As I did he helped me up shift. The air in my car became very tense but in a good way. Then on the radio DJ decided to play one of my favorite songs Allman Brother's "Midnight Rider". "I love this song" he said turning the volume up. I looked at him with a shocked smile, my eyes widened in total awe of him. "Me too." was all I could say as he began to sing along with Gregg Allman. Oh my god was he perfect. Perfect as a peach. It wasn't long before we were sitting in his driveway. He lived the next house down about a mile from my own home. I had a lot of property and ours bordered with each others. I smiled at him feeling nervous and anxious. "Thank you again for saving me tonight." I said looking into his deep blue eyes. He laughed again, not sure if with me or at me. "You are so damn cute you know that" he said chuckling still. I laughed with him too realizing he thought I was cute. Cute enough to tickle his fancy and make him laugh. That meant he was happy. Hopefully intrigued? "I didn't know that no" I said putting my hand on his thigh instinctively. I felt comfortable all of a sudden really comfortable at total ease. I was smiling like a fucking idiot and I knew it. I didn't care at all though. This man was different than the boys around my town. "You didn't answer my question before" he told me putting his hand over mine. "What's that?" I said completely dazed. He laughed again for the millioninth time that night. "About a bon fire" he said still smiling. I snapped out of my fog and brought myself back down to earth. "Oh right well it's Thursday night now. Tomorrow night Cater's hosting the fire, if your free?" I said hoping he was free and I wasn't putting myself out there for nothing. "Yeah I'm free. What time do you want me to pick you up?" he asked me like any gentleman would. "How's 7 sound to you?" I asked me my eye brows moving together hoping he would say what I wanted to hear. "That sounds great to me" he said and he leaned in and planted a tender little kiss on my cheek. I was so excited I could of burst right at that moment. He exited the car and walked slowly into his house. I waved at him as Blake looked at me just before he entered his house. There was a big smile on his face. I pulled out of the driveway in a total daze and headed the single mile to my own home. I could of sworn I was on cloud nine. WILD AT HEART PART2 The next morning I woke up at around 3 in the afternoon feeling very sore. I wobbled to my bathroom which was attached to my bedroom. My house was nothing special, just a four bedroom farm house with a big front porch and a tin roof. I loved in though three generations of Cashes had lived between these walls. After I did my business I took a long look at myself in the full length mirror. I had bruises on my ribs, legs, and back. Lucky for me my face hadn't bruised from the two punches I'd taken the night before. I hopped in the shower knowing it would make me feel much better. When I finally managed outside to my porch lighting my first cigarette of the day Harlow pulled into driveway looking pissed as hell. I knew she was mad cause her eye brows were raised and she had a look of death on his face. She knew what had happened word travels fast in a small town. "What did those little prickles fucks do to you?" Harlow asked me folding her arms below her bust and giving me a look of no bullshit. "They tried to rob the store. They hit me in the face a few times, and they kicked me when I was on the ground. Then this tall drink of water saved me" I said plainly and the expression of kill kill kill drifted of her face. It was replaced with interest. "What tall drink of water? That hunk with the bicked head who moved in down the road?" Harlow asked. How did she know him? I focused on rolling a joint as I told her the story of my rescue and my date for tonight. "Your gonna bring him out on a date to Cater's? Do you think that's a good idea? We can all get pretty rowdy and he might scare easily" Harlow said to me so matter of factily I broke out laughing as I tried to light the end of the joint. "I think it’ll be fine Harlow. When did you meet Blake?" I asked her hoping she hadn't hit on him at the grocery store or something so Harlow like that. "I saw him at the market. All I could think was hhmmm fresh meat" Harlow said as she choked up laughing. I tried to smile too but it didn't come out too well. I was feeling very possessive of someone who wasn't even mine, well not yet anyway. "I didn't talk to him or anything, just admired that smokin body he's sporting" Harlow finished to my relief. Gotta love her. It wasn't before long that my plump friend made her way off the lawn chair on the porch and in her car heading home to get ready for the nights festivities. I myself was feeling better all around. It was almost 6 and I knew I had to go dress to impress. Normally I’m a cut off shorts and wife beater(guy tank tops) kind of gal. That night I thought deserved a more sexy apparel. I choose a spaghetti strapped sun dress that was low cut around the bust and came down a little above my knee. Besides screaming red was a good color for me. Just incase I got fall down drunk I wore boy short cut panties so at least my ass wouldn't hang out like if I worn a thong. I finished my outfit with cute little black sandals and my black leather biker jacket. I did my makeup which was just glitter on my eye lids and mascara on my lashes. My curly blonde hair looked perfect and soft as always. At 7 exactly the door bell hang. I ran out of the hallway from my room into the living room where the front door was located. I have to tell you I was surprised when I opened the door. Blake was standing there looking perfect in Levi's and a Nirvana tee shirt. He wasn't clad in a suit as he had been the night before, but he still looked just as good. His smile was sweet and his eyes widened as he took me in all 5ft 8inches of woman. "You look beautiful" he said after a long moment. I blushed and said likewise. Boy was he one hunk of burning love. I locked my door behind me and grabbed my cooler and he picked up my small duffle bag, He had a very big truck, a ford f250 black with huge tires. I smiled at him as he opened my door for me like any real gentleman would. "So what’s in the cooler?" Blake as me as he turned the keys on the ignition. I smiled obliged that he'd ask. "Well it's a bottle of Grey Goose mango vodka, orange juice, and ice." I said opening it to show him. Blake smiled at me with a truly please look on his face. "I bought a bottle of Grey Goose black cherry for this evening for us. That's what I usually drink, my friends always call me a pussy but fuck if it's good why not" Blake voice was like music to my ears. "Why not" I said reassuring him. It seemed the more we learned about each other the more we had in common. "What's in the duffle bag?" he asked me next. I thought he would never ask. "A air mattress and pump, sleeping bag, four plastic cups, and change of clothes. I go prepared when a night's drinking is involved. Cater will let me borrow a tent if one of us is too fucked up to drive" I explained hoping he liked my consciousness. By that time we were at the end of our road and Blake was waiting for directions. "Where too lovely lady?" he asked me smiling his bald head gleaming in the setting sun. "Take a left and follow it down. I'll tell you when we need to turn next" I told him. I opened my cooler and began mixing us each a drink. I used one cup to mix one part vodka, one part orange juice, with ice included. Then instead of having to stir I use the extra cup to mix pouring the cocktail from one cup to the other. Blake kept one eye on me the whole time still with a smile on his face. I put a straw in each drink and handed his to him. "You are quite crafty, air mattress and all, thank you babe" Blake said to me. I almost lost it right there. He called me babe oh my heart was singing. We each took a big sip of our drink and I knew without a doubt this was going to be a great night. I took my smokes out of my duffle bag along with my bag of weed and rolling papers. I quickly rolled four joints for the night to start. Blake all the while watching me. I put three in my cigarette pack and kept one out for us to smoke. "Take a right coming up, Sunflower RD. Do you smoke weed?" I asked him when I realized I didn't even know. What if he was a DEA agent? He laughed when I asked, he large trim body taking up most of the space in the cab of his truck. "Yeah I smoke, since I was 16 year old." he proclaimed as he took the right. I lit the joint up with that, inhaling it's sweetness deep into my lungs. "How old are you?" I asked him realizing I didn't even know. "How old do you think I am?" he asked me teasingly with a playful smile. I couldn't help but smile myself. He took another big sip of his drink so I did the same and passed the joint to him. The windows were down and the air was finally cooling off. The night smelt of murky water, fresh cut grass, and that usual sweet southern breeze. "I'm 22 I don't think you could be much older than me, take that left right there" I said to him and he obeyed taking the sharp right. Blake smelt so good, lightly of cologne, and best of all mainly things. I inhaled him deeply savoring every note of Blake. "I turned 24 June 7th. So your only 22, oh how sweet it is" he said throwing me off key for a moment. What the hell was that supposed to mean. "What's your favorite color? Mine's black" I said to him casually turning towards him to hand him the roach. "Mine too. Hey I wanted to know who is Cater?" Blake asked me and I knew he should know at least a little bit about the host of the evening. "Oh Cater's awesome. It's an old hippy and he lives out far into the sticks with his wife and two kids. They grow pot and live right by a creek to swim in. All the locals call his place "Skynard Land" don't ask me why, I guess it's cause all they listen to most of the time is Lynard Skynard. We all go down here and party, have a good time. You'll have fun I promise" I told him and he was listening interested by what I said. "Am I stepping on any toes by being here.... with you?" Blake asked me catching me off guard. "Oh,no" then I thought about it a little more blushing. "Well there maybe one or two unhappy piggys" I said standing corrected. "You are unattached right?" was his sweet way of asking me if I had a boyfriend. I burst out into laughter. Dubbing over laughter. "I wouldn't be here with you, liking you as much as I do if I was attached to anyone" I said plainly and he smiled looking satisfied with my answer. A smile still on his lips the entire time. "I like you too babe" was what he chose to return with. I smiled and forced myself to look away from him to hid my smile. I almost had to cover my mouth to stop the laughter. I realized then that we were two hundred feet away from Cater's mile long drive way. "Turn down there" I told him pointing "Well go down that and then we are there. I'm sure everyone's already drunk son of a bitches" I said just to say. "Well I don't know about you but that drink you made was strong I definitely feel it, plus that joint I'm feeling really good right now" when he had said good he gripped my bare thigh. He was warm almost hot and I looked down at his hand almost stunned. When I looked up at him he was smiling watching the road. I mixed us each another drink before we came to the clearing where Carter lived. It was just a small little house with a large yard and about 30 cars were parked all on the front lawn. Yup all my fellow party goers were already here. I saw Harlows car, Janice's, and Felicia’s, along with a few other good friends of mine. We both slid out of the truck at the same time. Blake carried my cooler like a gentleman would. With is free hand he gripped my left hand since my other was holding my bag. "Are you ready?" I asked him looking up into his face. Blake leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Whenever you are" he answered looking confident. I tried to feel the same but I still couldn't help but feel a tad shy. I could all ready hear hooting and hollering, loud music, and the crackle of a fire coming from the backside of the house. I deposited my duffle bag on the front porch and kept my smokes in my hand. "Do you want me to put them in my pocket?" Blake asked me looking down at my pack of cigarettes. I smiled because he really was a gentlemen. My infectious smile was too much. "Yeah the would be great" I said to my beautiful savior and date for the night. I handed him my cigarettes and we walked around back. There were about 50 people standing around a giant fire that rose about 10 feet in the air. There were 3 kegs on ice in big old oil drums, and various coolers filled with all sorts of beer and liquor. The two huge grills were going strong with hot dogs, steaks, and burgers being cooked on top of them. I looked up at Blake was had a sweet smile on his face taking in the entire scene. "Come on I'll introduce you around" I said and pulled him along with me as I walked. Then Harlow and Felicia came running through the crowd to meet me. "Oh my god girl who is this?" Felicia asked me slightly slurring her words. Felicia was tall, bone thin, and flat as a board. Her head always looked way too big for her body. Felicia was clad in short and a skin tight tank top. "Felicia and Harlow this is Blake. He helped me out last night" I said not wanting to go into detail. "Hi ladies nice to meet you" Blake said as he offered his hand to both of them for a shake. My friend smiled like retards and shook Blake humongous hand. "Nice to meet you too, Blake. Hey thanks for beating the Musters up cause if you hadn't I was going to their house with a bat and a shot gun" Harlow said matter of factily. Blake snickered at her comment until he realized she was dead serious. "It was nothing, I was happy to do it." Blake proclaimed raising my friends view of him by twenty points. Harlow and Felicia looked at each other and nodded approvingly at one another. "Well we're gonna go fix our self some grub, we'll see you again. have fun Layla" Felicia said as her and Harlow went off to the buffet like table hand in hand. "Those are my best friends" I told Blake explain to him. He looked down at me with that ever present smile on his lips. He took a drink of screwdriver so I did the same, then he took my hand again. It was comforting having some contact with him, plus it was innocent in the sweetest way. We walked closer into the crowd, Blake looked oddly out of place to me, getting long stares from the rest of the party goers. Then I realized that everyone was staring at us. It was a very self conscience moment. The I spotted Cater and his wife Evelyn. Cater was a short middle aged man with a long white beard and glasses. He always had a camo jacket or vest on and a bandanna. Evelyn was short and three times the size of her husband. She was a very nice lady all the same. "Hey hey Layla. You look pretty good for a girl who just got the shit beat out of her" Cater said in a slow spaced out way that he always talked. He reminded me of a younger Tommy Chong. "Hey Cater, I feel pretty good too" I said as I gave him and his wife each a little hug. "Hey who tall dark and bald?" Evelyn asked with a beer in her had. "Oh this is Blake, Blake Cater and Evelyn" I said using my hands to exaggerate my movements. Blake held out his hand to shake each of theirs. What a polite guy huh? People were walking by listening to the conversation. "Hi how you doing?" Blake said as he shook there hands before the stoner older couple realized who he was. "Oh yeah your the new guy huh? we heard about you, didn't you beat the Muster brothers up last night?" Caters said patting Blake on the back for a job well done. "That would be me" Blake said smiling brilliantly. God I liked him so damn much. "Well Blake there’s steaks burgers, a keg of bud, a keg of bud light, a keg of Coors light, anything you need just help yourself. There a creek just down that path" Cater said pointing to a beaten out path between two trees. "Just be careful of gators if you decide to walk down it and go swimming. We have one rule here…. have fun" Then Cater and Evelyn were off back into the crowd disappearing. "This is very interesting" Blake said as he looked down at me. Over the next two hours Blake and I ate some good home cooked food, talked with some locals, smoked another joint, and best of all my peers seemed to be accepting him fairly well. At about nine or ten at night things started to get well intense. Blake and I started to dance, I think Al Green’s “So tired of being alone” was playing. I became very aware of him and his toned body. Then there was something in the air there hadn’t been before, lusty goodness. Blake’s arms were around me one by the waist the other across my back. My arms just reached his neck so I wrapped my arms around his neck. No matter if he was much taller than me we made dancing together work and in fact it all felt quite natural. Like we’d been doing it all our lives. “I’m really enjoying myself, being here with you babe” Blake said into my ear. I was in totally heaven and the five or so mixed drinks I’d had over the past 2 hours were really starting to take their course. I was buzzed. “Are you drunk?” I asked him in response. He snickered at me and pulled me closer. “So what if I am?” he asked me, and I was almost at a loss for words. I could tell by the way he spoke, the way his eyes caught mine that he was enjoying the closeness too. “Nothing I was just wondering” I answered. The music was blaring and I broke eye contact. I spun my head around from side to side catching a glimpse of Felicia dancing with her boyfriend, Drew. Harlow was doing shots at a picnic table with Randy Marshall and Nick Bellflower, both hard working men who happened to be best friends. I always checked at parties on my friends. Call me a mom or worry wart but I’ve seen some bad things happen to good girls just because they were drunk. “Are you?” Blake asked me bringing me back down to the moment. I looked back up at his beautiful face always with a smile on it. “Maybe just a tad” I said playfully with a mischievous smile on my face. “I’m hammered, but don’t tell anyone” he whispered in my ear and then the song cut out. “Georgia Peach” by Lynard Skynard came on over the speakers system. “Oh No” I said instantly and I wiggled free from his arms. “What?” he asked me looked curious. Then around him everyone started to scream and jump around like idiots. “WHOO HOO” was all you could hear. “When Lynard Skynard comes on is when things get wild around here. Around this time of night that‘s all they play” I yelled to him since the music was much louder now and the crowd was getting rowdy like we tended to in the back woods. Then a though flickered through his head. I could just tell by the way he looked to the side then back at me. “Wait here, I gotta run to my truck. I’ll be right back” he said before I even knew what he was saying to me he was gone. That was when Harlow made a mad dash for me. “wow he is something else” was all she could say to me, her thin mouth turned up in a grin. Harlow was wasted, and she smelt like a brewery. “That he is, I really like this one. What about you and Randy” I asked her looking over to the 20 something waiting for her to return. Randy was a good catch for Harlow, hard working road crew worker, a house, new truck, and no kids. “We’re just hanging out. He’s gonna drive me home cause I’m too wasted” Harlow told me and I smiled at her. Then I saw my date Blake coming through the crowd with a bag of his own in one hand and my cooler in the other. He went straight for me nodding friendly at other guests. Harlow waved me good bye and walked back to Randy. “Let’s go” he said almost like an order. So I followed him to the path. He reached in his bag and pulled out a flashlight. Looks like I wasn’t the only one who came prepared. Without a word we walked down the dark path only lit by a small flashlight and the moonlight. I trailed behind him a bit because it was easier to just follow his shining head. It was about 1000 ft to the creek and I followed him knowing what was on his mind. By the time we reached the little pool of water that drifted off into a stream I was ready for another drink. By the moonlight I mixed us each another drink. We couldn’t even hear the people or music anymore. “Check this out” Blake said to me and reached in his bag. He pulled out a portable IPOD stereo. He placed it on a rock and turned it on. In a moment the small clearing was pulsing with the sound of Placebo “Every me and Every you”. “I love this song” I said to him and he chuckled. Then he was next to me faster than my eyes could track. I felt his fingers on the straps on my dress, then it slid down as he let the straps fall down my arms. I was in my bra and panties. Then he put his face close to my neck and I swear he inhaled me. I began to feel nervous. Nervous that I may not be able to keep my hands off him. “I thought it would be nice to have some alone time, thought it would be good to take a dip” he said to me as he pulled off his shirt. To my extreme surprise his chest was completely covered in tattoos. Intricate tribal designs. I couldn’t help but admire in the moonlight. “Wow” I muttered under my breath. “You like them?” he asked me. I reached my hand out to touch his stomach, I wanted to feel them. His skin was almost hot to the touch, but his 6 pack was so smooth. “Yeah I do. Do you have anymore?” I asked him. He smiled and I could see his bright teeth soak up the moon’s rays. Blake was still a big mystery to me. We hadn’t compared our past yet. Hopefully I would know more about him soon. He turned around so his back was facing me. His broad back was covered with the same style of tattooing. Black tribal designs that matched his coloring perfectly. Then he slid out of his Levi’s and he was just in silk boxers. His legs too were covered. “How bad did all that hurt?” I asked him only ever gotten one small tattoo of a rose on my stomach which wasn’t too pleasant. “Some spots were worse than others. The art is what is important to me. I drew each one of these, that’s what I do I am a graphic artist.” I was learning a little bit every hour about my mysterious man. I felt very bare and his eyes drifted over me taking in my mile of skin. “That sounds really cool. Bet you went to college for that” I said itching for more information. He gave his usual little chuckle. “Yeah I did for a little while but college wasn’t for me. Did you go to school?” he asked me and I contemplated telling him the short story or the long one. “For a little while, and I did really well. I just couldn’t afford it and my brother tried helping me out best he could but it wasn’t enough.” I had opted for the short version. The long one would come later sometime. Then I felt his warm hands pull me closer. Then our flesh was pressing together, and I felt a jolt below my waist that was unfamiliar. I reached my hand up and placed his on the side of his smooth cheek. “You are really way too good to be true” I blurted out not even thinking, alcohol sometime slows my tact. “She’s Electric” by Oasis began to play. “Why would you say that?” he asked me sounding curious to my reasoning. He was rubbing his hands down each of my arms and I tried to think of what to say next. “Well you come into town rescue me from some assholes, you seem to like me as far as I can tell, your handsome, you wear suits, I just know that when something good happens to me there always a major catch. Do you have a kid or an ex-wife? Are you ex-con? What?” I said hoping to get to the bottom of it all, find the flaw that was always expected with men. “I did rescue you, I did that cause I couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. I do like you a lot. I liked you from the moment I saw you sitting outside your work looking like a rose in a barren garden. Then once I met you under not so great circumstances, I liked you even more. My Grandmother raised me and taught me that all men should know how to dress, that’s why I wear suits. Not all the time though. As for kids, I have none, although I might want one someday. No ex-wife and actually no actual ex-girlfriends either. I’ve always been independent and a loner. Not to say I haven’t dated but I’ve never found exactly what I was looking for to take things to a serious level. I can’t tell you if I’m too good to be true but I will promise you that I will always respect you and do my very best to make you happy. That is if thing work out the way I want them to” Blake said as he continued to rub my arms. That was the most he’d ever spoke to me in one shot, the way he sounded as he expressed himself reminded me of poetry. “That’s some of the sweetest stuff anyone’s ever said to me” was all I could manage out of my mouth. Looking at this 6ft 5in beautiful man who had plans for me I didn’t even know about. I think it was at that point I decided that I would make him mine any way I could but I had a suspicion he would come all on his own. “Your kidding me right?” he said chuckling. and I want you to know got made my mind up now, but need more time, and I want you to say, do you know what I’m saying, but I need more, Coz I’ll be you and you be me, there’s lots and lot’s for us to see, and lots and lots for us to do, she’s electric can I be electric too? was being sung in the back round and it just seemed so perfect. The whole scene was perfect at least to a simple country girl like myself. “No I’m not kidding at all. I don’t date, guys around here are ahh repulsive. Call me picky or what have you but I have no interest in guys who’s idea of a goodtime is getting drunk and driving through the mud, or cow tipping” I said to him looking him straight in the eyes. I wanted him to read in between the lines. He nodded looking thoughtful. “Well I can assure you I don’t drive my truck through any mud and I never have been cow tipping” he said and we both laughed. Then I left the vicinity of his body and jumped into the water. That enough talking for now. The creek water was chilly compared to the air or Blake body temperature. He followed me in slashing about when he hit the water. The sweet sounds of Bradley Noel singing “Blue Fish” came on over the IPOD. Then he was in front of me in the small pool of water. I could see him pretty well since the moon was just about full. His put his big hands on my cheek and leaned down. I knew what was going to happen, our first kiss. When our lips met it was nothing short of sweet. It was just a innocent tender lingering kiss. I felt waves of pleasure shoot up and down my body. When he pulled away after a wondrous moment of untainted feeling I knew he was the man I was meant to kiss. I was born to kiss those lips. “That was amazing” he said almost in a whisper. We looked at each other for a minute longer, and I knew he had felt what I did. Moments like this had never been part of my life before then and I everything seemed so clear at that moment. After the tension cleared the air we began swimming around, splashing each other, laughing and I mean I was having genuine fun. He picked me up clear over his head and tossed me into the deep part of the water. I felt almost like a kid again. After awhile we made our way back on shore. I put my dress back on and he re dressed as well. I took a seat on a big boulder and Blake sat beside me. We each finished our drinks and I lit the last joint I had rolled. “So what is your plan for me anyways?” I asked him while I passed him the joint. He turned to me face to face. “Well I was hoping you’d decide to be my girl, and we’d take things from there” he said with such confidence that I couldn’t say no. I looked at him basking in the moon’s glorious glow, how could I ever tell this man I wouldn’t be his girl. I smiled at him so genuinely as my heart melted slowly. “What do you mean be your girl” I said deciding to play it coy. He seemed to like that card when I threw it at him. Then he took my hand and gripped it tightly making sure I had his full attention. “Well that would mean we’d spend all our free time together, I’ll take you places out on the town, I would protect you, give you all I have to offer, that is if your up to it. So tell me Layla do you want to be my girl?” man he was so sure of himself. I liked that, confidence. I thought about the quickness in which our relationship had matured in the 24 hours since I had met him. In all reality it seemed awful fast but the circumstances of last night had heightened our connection by a considerable amount. “I’ll be your girl on one condition” I said to him and I did have a condition. “What’s that?” he asked me his hand still holding mine. “I want to come first, no matter what and I need your complete honesty” that may sound selfish but it’s not. I’ve never had anyone put me first in my life and I’ve always wanted that feeling of comfort and belonging. Maybe he could be the one who did that for me. God knows I needed some form of love in my life. I felt totally at home with him and I barely knew him. “Well I have no family, I am the last of my aristocratic blood. I have few friends, and no obligations to anyone. So I intend to put you first. I know this all seems so fast but I feel like I’ve known you for my entire life. I have never felt so comfortable with a woman like I do with you. I am just very drawn to you in the most purest sense of the word. Like I’m a ship at sea during a night storm and you are the lighthouse guiding me ashore. I know you can feel it too” Blake was starting to open up slowly but surely. He said just the right thing as well so I had to tell him yes. “I’d love to be your girl” I told him and from that moment on I was Blake Montague’s girl. After we talked a little more we made the trek back to civilization hand in hand, now a couple. Instead of putting up a tent we just blew up the air mattress and stuck it in the bed of his truck. I was tried and so was he. It had been a great though no matter what. His stripped down to his boxers, and I dressed down to my undies. Then we went to sleep cuddling and I tell you it was the best damn night of sleep I had my entire life. It was the first time I had ever slept all night long with a person of the opposite sex, and the warmness of his body was so amazing. Simple untainted bliss, with my boyfriend. LOVE BUZZ PART3 I didn’t wake up the next morning till Evelyn poked at me. I shot up right away and lifted my head. Blake started to stir beside me. “Well Honey you and your man there should come inside and have yourselves a good breakfast. Theres steaks, eggs, and some fresh bisquits. Come child get up” the plump woman commanded me with a mother’s no bullshit tone. I couldn’t help but raise myself right up. Blake did the same strenching his marvelous tattooed physique. I looked down at him and felt so tender at just the sight of him. Feeling such a thing was new to me just like so many other feelings I was having about my new boyfriend. His eyes met mine and at the same time we both smiled. “Good morning Babe” he said to me. I leaned down on my elbow and planted a quick kiss on his wonderfully sculpted lips. I didn’t want to prolong a kiss since I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet. Blake ran his fingers through my hair. “Morning handsome” I told him back and he kissed me again. With a good morning greeting behind us I reached for my duffle bag. |