Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1598069-Gemma-Johnson
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1598069
This is about a girl losing her 1st love. I will get the rest done soon.
Let me make myself clear from the start. This has many
real events in it, but the names don't match and you wouldn't know what was real and what wasn't unless you knew me.

Gemma Johnson is a typical high school student. She isn't the best at sports, she isn't really thin like the rest of her classmates, but she uses her head. She gets
good grades and has real friends.
Gemma was a blond with beautiful green eyes, that lit up a room. With her blond hair, that looked like the sun, and her green eyes, that shone bright, Gemma was always catching people looking at her strange.
Gemma had never had a boyfriend, until she was going into 8th grade. His name was Dasin Scott. He was funny, not so smart, cute, and loved her for her. Maybe thats why she just couldn't let him go.
Gemma's dad, Jaithlin Johnson, liked Dasin. He knew that Dasin made his oldest daughter happy, so he was happy. Jaithlin just didn't want Gemma to get herself hurt.

The Johnson family contained five members. Jaithlin, Sarah, Gemma, Kelly, and Lucy Johnson.. Jaithlin and Sarah had been married for 12 years. They had gottin married when Gemma was 2 years old. Jaithlin was 39, Sarah was 33, Gemma was 14, Kelly was 11, and Lucy was 9.
The three sisters did fight but not often. They loved each other and never tried to hurt one another on purpose.
Gemma had two really close friends Jennifer Heart, who had a thin figure, violet eyes and an adults face. And then there was Tory Louis. She was chubby and not the prettiest. She acted like she could control anyone and everyone. But these were the only friends that Gemma had.

It was a stormy night and Jennifer had just gotting off the phone with her mom and dad, who would be late coming home, when she heard a knock on the front door. Jennifer wasn't expecting anyone to come over so late. When she opened the door she found that it was Gemma and she was crying hard.
"Gemma? Whats wrong?"
"Its... Its Dasin. He got in some trouble. Now he has to make a choice. He either has to go to juvy or..." Gemma was just too emotional to finish.
"Gemma tell me, please. You know you can trust me."
"He has to finish a five month boot camp. Jen what do I do? I think I love him. But now he has this and... oh Jen I should have known this would end badly!"
"Gemma follow your heart. I hear that it can help make tough decitions."
Gemma that night called her mom and asked to stay with Jennifer for the night and was allowed to. But the next
morning would be so much worse than that night had been for Gemma.
The next day Gemma got a call from her mom.
"Mom? What's up?"
"Well, honey. Gemma, Dasin was found shot in an alley by his house. They said that he could have lived if someone had been there to help him. I'm so sorry."
"Mom can I stay at Jen's house for a little longer?"
Gemma got to stay and as soon as she got off the phone she fell to the floor as her knees buckled. When Jennifer walked in she was still like that but now she was crying.
"Gemma what happened? "
"Dasin was shot in an alley by his house and they said that he could have lived if someone had been there to help him but there wasn't. Jen last night I was suppose to go
to the movies then walk home with him. I could have been
there for him."
"Gemma you didn't know. It's not your fault and
if you were there the person probably would have shot you too. So be lucky your alive. I am."
"But he can't be dead. They have to have the wrong name."
"Gemma they usually get those things right. I don't
think they're wrong. I wish this wasn't true. I'm sorry."

When Gemma went home her mom was sitting on the couch crying. Gemma just went over and sat with her mom and cryed and let everything wash over her.
When they both finally stopped crying their eyes were red and sore. They didn't want to talk much so they just went to bed. When Jaithlin got home Sarah came down and told him what happened.

"So how is she?"
"Oh Jaithlin, I don't think she's going to be
able to forget this easily."
"Well I sure hope not. You don't love someone and then forget them easily. It's just not right. Is she awake?"
"I have no clue." She looks up to the stairs. "You should go and talk to her."
Jaithlin slowly made his way up to the room. Gemma ways laying in bed and had heard every word her parents had said. Now she just lay there thinking of all the good times her and Dasin had had together.
"Gemma you awake?" A knock on the door.
"Yeah. You can come in."
As she was sitting up to make room for her dad he came in. He was a tall man, with blue eyes. What was left of his hair was blond. He always wore a Buffalo Bills hat and he had a beer belly.
"You hanging in there sweetheart?"
"Yeah dad. I'll be fine. How was work?"
"Well it was work but thats not what we were
talking about. I know you loved him, honey, and I can't
begin to imagine the pain that your in, but your going to
have to live on. Show whoever did this that your not going
to give any ground."
"Thanks dad. Can I go to Bed? I've had a long day."
"Yeah. Love you, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."
The next day when Gemma woke her face and some of her bed were wet. She got up and walked downstairs, still in her green pajamas that matched her eyes best, to get her day started.
"How did you sleep last night?" Sarah was
looking at her closely, but when their eyes met she could
tell her daughter had had a very bad night.
"I slept fine. It was my bed that had a bad night. I have to change the sheets."
"I can do that. I have to change your sisters sheets and stuff anyway."
As their conversation went on Gemma for the first time in a long time really looked her mother over. Sarah was not thin either, but it was just that fact that made her beautiful. She had long brownish red hair
that reached down to her waist. Her eyes were brown, which always made eveyone curious because Gemma had bright green eyes and no one else in the family did. Sarah's face was something to behold. It was absolute beauty. It was rounded at the top and then came to a fine chin that rounded a bit too. Her face though was covered in freckels which only added to the beauty.
"Well what are your plans today?" Sarah was trying to keep Gemma talking so that she wouldn't think of anything, which was really working plus the observations of her beautiful mother.
"I was going to get a hold of Jen and Tory, if you didn't mind."
"No its fine you go and have fun. Enjoy your day and keep your head up." Gemma knew exactly what her
mother was talking about, it was so clear. But Gemma
didn't mind she was fine and was going to be fine.
© Copyright 2009 Kissalicious (storyluver at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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