Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1597099-Awakening-Trilogy
by Cosmo
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1597099
Awaken Trilogy - A work of fiction currently being wriitten for release in December 2009
Introduction to the Awakening Trilogy

By: Vance A. Davis

September, 2009

         The two-story, blue Victorian house with white trim located in the College Hill district of Wichita, Kansas was not a home regarded as holding a secret. This is the home of Dr. Richard Arlin, 45 years of age; medium cut brown hair, clean shaven, a pair of wire rimmed glasses, medium build and height. A bio-engineer at Wichita State University, working on the latest technology of medical breakthroughs in replacement surgery and its components like hips, bones and even potentially organs without rejection issues. The doctor and his family are having a late night dinner.

         “Dad, how are the tests going?” Ricky asked, 16 year old son of Dr. Arlin. He is a very good looking teenager with long brown hair, clear blue eyes, athletic build and a little taller than his father.

         “We recently ran into a problem with the DNA coding which can cause the manipulated DNA to break apart and we believe it has to do with the Introns.” The Dr. stated matter-of-factly. “We have not figured how to bind the sequences with other components let alone fully understand the problem we have.”

         “Isn’t that the junk DNA dad?” Saley asked, as her mother stared at her 12 year old daughter. Saley is blond, grey eyes, slender yet athletic young lady who likes to where jeans or dresses equally. 

         Kerry, the 39 year old mother of these precocious children hesitated, “Sal, where did you learn about junk DNA?” she asked, “At school?” Kerry is like an older version of daughter with blue eyes, curvy body and still weighing like she was the college cheerleader that she was.

         “No Mom, I dream about them. They remind me of the Velcro sound.” Saley stated laughingly remembering.

         At that same moment we hear a choking sound from Dr Arlin whom has spit his peas everywhere.  This of course caused everyone to laugh because one lone pea, half-chewed, landed right in the middle of Kerry Arlin’s forehead as she crossed her eyes trying to view the indiscretion at the dinner table, the pea.

         Saley and Ricky both stop laughing and look almost straight up towards the ceiling. Saley, with a scowl on her face whispers to Ricky, “I don’t like being watched.”

         High above Wichita, Kansas is the HTVS-11R scanning for unusual activity in the mid-west of the United States. It travels in a reverse figure eight in a geo-synchronous orbit to cover the most area in a short period. It sends reports on a real-time basis to a computer (CRAY V15X) that determines the information received and routes readable data to a windowless office located in the basement of Building 2 of the NSA complex in Maryland.

         ||The Human Transthermal Viewing Satellite (HTVS) was a project developed from research by Dr. Evian Remould of France and Dr. Rebecca Atchinson of the United States. This was part of President Reagan’s Star Wars Directive and later added to President Bush’s “New World Order” program under the Population Management Program at the UN.||

         *Dr. Remould specialized in Brain Functionality and Brain Mapping, he is now deceased. He had stated to colleagues that he found children that were born from 1956 up to the present were operating new areas of their brains that were considered useless and some were showing remarkable skills thought beyond a child’s ability. New tests were finding even pronounced changes in following generations and especially in children born to the previous generation. Statements made by him put the figure at around 18% to 25% of the population was affected. He died at the age of 68 and neither the speech nor the research was ever found. His other breakthroughs though led to the tracing the patterns of the brain, its energy use and the ability to correlate the parts of the brain to activity of action or thought even in sleep.

         **Dr. Atchinson is a remote viewing scientist and is well versed in optics among other smaller details. Not much is known about her personally except she worked on special projects within the Pentagon and JPL. Her last station was in Wichita, Kansas in the “Black Hole” rumored to part of the Boeing group of companies making or researching new missile technology. Within a week of Dr. Remould’s death Dr. Rebecca Atchinson disappeared.

         ***Their research was used to develop HTVS satellites program and vision because of Presidential and the “Black Hat’s” belief of imminent national/international disruption of societies delicate balance by way of alien interference and potential attack.  Presidents all the way back to President Kennedy forward started an initiative to research, build,  and prepare for war without the knowledge of the American people. Every President after Kennedy has added to the program and in turn has caused the United States to go further into debt. President’s Reagan “Star Wars Initiative” moved the Program into a dim light and led to the change in Russia and Europe. A target date, 2012, was set to finally determine the threat as actual or imagined. New programs were started like building and repairing the Hubble, the new space station, joint ventures in science, weapons research, travel technology, and human research. In many ways the conspiracy theorists do not have everything wrong; they are just are looking in too many directions.

         “Roger!” hollered a man sitting at a computer console, “get your ass over here now.” A man of medium height and build, mixed heritage of African American and Native American, with clear blue eyes and carrying  a sense of knowledge where none may be seen.          

         “What the hell is the problem now Therm?” stated Roger Vinklewait, special agent to D.S.S. (Department of Science & Space). He is a tall, slender man with black hair and brown eyes. He was recruited out of Maryland University into the CIA and then transferred to D.S.S. 2 years ago.

         “C’mon Rog,  seriously we have the recordable 12th action in the past 30 days that we have received from our HTVS (Human Transthermal Viewing Satellite) and this was over Kansas of all places,” Stated Special Agent Thermopolis Adams-Syth.

         Inside a small room, no windows, at NSA (National Security Agency) on the 5th basement floor of the Golden towers, building 2, both agents were on their first rotation month of duty manning the special satellite designed to track human functions of the American populace. Although it was still experimental, after several years of research and at least 2.5 billion dollars in research, development and placement, it was actually picking up a distinct action that should not be appearing at all. Since this was the 12th action in 30 days the agents were required to report directly the Director of D.S.S. who was at this time of night most likely out to another dinner with his wife. A decision had to be made soon.

         The decision was made for both of them when Satellite HTVS – 11R’s alarms went off.

         When they both quickly looked at the satellites control board it showed an electrical discharge that shut down its scanning capability. They looked at each other and called the D.S.S. director, General Hallowell.

Therm dialed General Dresden Hallowell, who is in charge of the DSS, “Yes sir, Stage 2 was reached and confirmed, but we lost scanning capability with HSTV-11R.”

         Quietly General Hallowell’s voice was heard, “Stage 1 was in operation for 3 years and failed. Now you tell me we have reached a Stage 2 event. Do you have any clue as to what the trigger was that shut down the scanning” he asked.

         “No Sir, not at this time. The first recordable Stage 2 event was captured in Hawaii on August 1st, 2009, second in New York City on August 5th, third in Dallas, Texas on August 7th, fourth in the Hopi lands in Arizona on August 10th, fifth in Billings, Montana on August 12th, sixth did not occur until the 19th of August in California and then we had 3 events at the same time in the Arizona and New Mexico and the last three over the past week in the Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas. Sir, there is no pattern to these events that we can determine,” stated agent Thermopolis Adams-Syth, “and sir this is the first loss of ability on any satellite in our system in the United States.”

         “Agent, please bring your report directly to me at my office in 2 hours and I want both of you to hand it to me personally, I have another job for you.” ordered General Hallowell.

         “Yes Sir.” stated Therm.

         As he lowered the phone he looked a Roger and said to him “We have a new job. Knowing Hallowell it will not be joy ride.”

         “Maybe we will find out what all this BS is all about for once, I am tired of the rumors that were looking for Aliens among us crap.” stated Agent Roger Vinklewait.
© Copyright 2009 Cosmo (vadavis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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