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Rated: E · Sample · Drama · #1596868
How do you gain control when you never had it?
      Once we got to the stadium, my stomach felt like there was an angry lion trying to rip its way out. The game had already started, so it wasn’t hard to slip in without paying. Yeah…guilty of ripping someone off. My bad. My nerves were so frayed from being around a lot of yelling and screaming, that I hesitated when they started the trek up the bleachers.
      “Uh, guys…I’m going to…um…”
      Angela rolled her eyes. “You can destroy anything and yet you’re afraid of crowds?”
      “Angela, how many times do I have to tell you: that’s why I don’t like crowds.” I turned to walk away.
      Matthew caught my arm. “Come on, we’re here with you.” He smiled and I sighed and shook my head.
      “This is the worst idea I believe you’ve had yet…which is saying something.” I smirked.
      “Hey, I’m not that bad!” He wrinkled his nose.
      “Okay, fine…give me a sec though. I’ll meet you up there…I just need to gather my nerves.” I smile apologetically and headed for the bathroom.
      The man over the speaker yelled, “Touchdown!” And I jumped. The crowd started roaring and I covered my ears and started running. My pounding headache was returning.
      Behind me I could hear him talking, “And that starts halftime folks! Don’t forget to pick up a hotdog at the concessions stand while you’re taking a break!” I groaned inwardly; now not even the bathroom would be empty.
      I reached the bathroom first and avoided touching anything. Let’s just say it wasn’t the cleanest place in the world. One of the fluorescent lights above the sink blinked like it was about to go out, the once pure white walls were tinged with black streaks and an overall grayish hue, and some of the stall doors didn’t stay shut. There were sharpie marks and key carvings all over the walls and doors, along with wads of toilet paper that were most likely used. And there were lipstick kisses on the mirror…lovely, simply charming. It wasn’t exactly the kind of place I liked to be.
      Gripping the edge of the sink, I glared at myself in the mirror. “Okay, Erida, suck it up. You can do this! You’ve been through worse without any accidents!”
      “Oh look, the freak’s talking to herself,” A voice laughed from the doorway. I turned to see two cheerleaders standing with their noses up in the air. Two carbon copies with only one difference: one was a blonde and one was a brunette.
      “Is that all you’ve got?” I slammed a hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow.
      “Should we speak slower so you don’t have to pretend to understand?” The brunette one faked a pouty face.
      “Please, do.” I could feel the blood pressure pounding in my head; not a good sign.
    “Oh, and that outfit is terrible. Try not looking like someone picked you up off the side of the street and you got your clothes out of a dumpster at Wal-Mart.”
      “Here’s a piece of advice for you,” I swallowed, a bead of sweat dripping down the side of my face. It was getting pretty impossible for me to keep from breaking something. “Get your nose out of the clouds before an airplane hits it.”
      They couldn’t seem to find a comeback to that, so maybe they would leave. No, of course not, they chose this moment to make the stupidest decision of their entire lives.
      The blonde one flicked her hair over her shoulder. “Don’t hate us because we’re not freaks like you.”
      A sudden pain stabbed both of my temples, and I grabbed my head in both hands. “Go away!”
      “Oh my gosh, she’s like…spastic.” One of them laughed. “Get your camera phone out.”
      “Already out.” I really wanted to hurt them.
      “No! Go away! Trust me!” I opened my eyes and everything flashed green. I managed to grind out one more word. “Run!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. They stayed rooted to the ground and screamed their lungs out. Like that would help.
      I felt myself completely lose control and my hands flew from my sides. My feet left the ground, and they screamed even louder. I supposed my eyes were glowing bright green right then, like they do when I’m really ticked.
      And then the real fun started. Both of the mirrors crashed in at the same time that the doors flew off their hinges. One of the doors stuck above the cheerleaders, wedging them on the floor but not injuring them in any great way. The lights popped and sparks showered down on me, burning me a little.
      When the ceiling tiles started coming undone and flying around the room, I could tell this was really bad. Worse than any other time ever; I was coming undone.
      The wall suddenly crashed in, but it went right through me like I wasn’t really there. The ceiling caved completely, but the girls were safe because of the door that had fallen on them. I felt the vibrations rack through my entire body as I took apart the entire school. Everything started swirling around me, like an angry tornado trying to tear me apart.
      Small pieces of glass sliced my skin and chunks of plaster bruised me, but nothing seriously hurt me. Suddenly, the green faded and the natural colors mixed together as I fell from the air and passed out.
      My parting thought echoed around in my head: what have I done?
© Copyright 2009 Amy S. Harrison (minilove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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