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by kevin
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1596031
In a world that has changed, the survivers must learn and grow, in order to survive.

Earth, the home of humans, earthlings, Terran’s, and all other things that might be considered normal. However, in the year 2007, things were not be the same! After an event of cataclysmic proportions, the people of earth will need to rely on some unknown, outside help if they are to survive extinction. In addition, the last great hope will fall upon the offspring of this world, if they are to have a chance.

However, things are not always, what they seem! In addition, sometimes, machines are more than just wires and bolts; as well as, beasts do not always have fangs or claws either. So as to live in the new world, things must adapt and change, or make way so that those that can will!

                                                  Beginning a new
                                                              Ch. 1
At the end of 2007, a comet of intense size and strange elemental composition had collided with the sun! Creation a massive shockwave that had spread across the entire galaxy of the Milky Way. Affecting every planet that it encountered, including that of the earth, the shockwave drastically changed everything in its wake. So much so that to ensure the survival of man, all of the children where put into cryogenic stasis pods, and slept while the world changed.

However, over the years as man slowly died out, the children remained inside sleeping and unharmed! For the next five-hundred years while they slept, changes took place, which changed the earth far beyond what it once was! So it came to be, that after a thousand years since the shockwave had hit the earth, new changes and evolutions where the end result of a new era for the planet earth.

Now that the earth had reached its point of growth, an alien race determined that the earth was now ready for their intervention! So taking their place on the earth, the aliens had begun constructing massive kingdoms on the earth and that of the moon. When they where done, there existed twelve kingdoms in all. Basing the twelve kingdoms on the already present eleven elements that existed on the earth, the aliens had added one final element bringing the already present elements to the total of twelve.

Now that this was done, the aliens wanted to ensure that their intervention was not in fact in vein! So the aliens had awakened all but half of the children that where asleep. Enhancing the children’s minds that where now awake, the aliens had taught the newly enhanced children all of their wisdom that they could handle. In addition, it came to be, that the enhanced children could only learn twenty-five percent of their wisdom that the aliens where offering.

So as not to face the reality of dread, the aliens trained the awakened children of not only of their wisdom, but also of that of other alien races. However, to be sure that they did not stray to far from their origins, the aliens had made sure that the awakened children knew everything of their own wisdom!

As time went by, so did the growth of these children. And after twenty years of being on the earth, the aliens left and Entrusted the growth of the human world and existence to the now Entrusted adults. Therefore, for the next ten years, the Entrusted adults grew in mind and body! Moreover, it came to pass, that the Entrusted adults had created great things.

However, these things did not just involve wisdom! However, it also included athleticism, competition, and defense. Therefore, as these things grew, and the Entrusted adults reproduced, the question of what happened to the other half of the sleeping children was now present.

So a worldwide search had been commissioned by the twelve leaders to find these children. In addition, for the next three years, over seventy-five percent of them where found. However, unable to enhance their minds as the aliens had done to them, these awakened children where trained to the best of their ability! But not just regular training as they would get in school, they where trained for a variety of things.

However, unlike the enhanced minds of the children that are the offspring of the Entrusted adults, these children could only learn a small fraction compared to them! And because of this, the awakened children where handled differently. Since now that, the Entrusted adults could teach any child that was of the age of ten all of the knowledge that was normally gained by going through school for twelve years, in a mater of a day!

Then genetically assigning the children to what best fit them, the entrusted adults saw a future of perfection. Now because of this, there turned out to be two forms of levels that were assigned to them! There was basic, and then there was advanced. If you where an awakened child or the offspring of an awakened child, you could only train in the basic ways. However, if you where an Entrusted adult, or one of their offspring; then you where expected to train in the advanced form.

About ten years had gone by since the order to find the sleeping children, was given. And more than ninety-nine percent of them where found! Then the question of where the other one percent of them remained! So marking it down in their historic records, the twelve leaders had let it be known that the remaining sleepers where marked as n/a. Meaning that they had most likely been removed or that there where simply a miscount!

So as the next eight years had gone by, advancements had continued! And one of the things that grew in advancements was their most valued competition. In fact, it was an honor to compete in what is known as mech battles. Now with these advancements, you could change the elemental type of your mech just by using a metalo stone. So in a near by empty spring field, a mech battle between an Entrusted friend and an awakened was about to take place.

Feeling the warm morning sun on their face, smelling the sweet smell of wild flowers coming into bloom, and hearing the fresh new grass crunching under their feet, the two Mechanist could not have asked for a better time. And as they quenched the taste of thirst from their mouths with water, the two Mechanist stood eagerly ready to begin their battle.

“Ok Yuri, I will show you why you Entrusted’s don’t know everything.”
“Why do you persist on such foolish things Tom? Don’t you know that I will feel bad when I make a liar out of you?”
“A liar am I? You’re one to talk, especially with that outfit your wearing.”
“What’s wrong with what I'm wearing?”

“Come on Yuri, who wears blue and white jump suits when they battle? And that hair, does it always have to be so perfect and blue?”
“You talk as if your clothes are any better!”
“They are better.”
“You call wearing the same blue jeans and t-shirt better? And lets face it Tom, that black jacket and shades makes no since.”

“Well at least my hair doesn’t look like it was painted on.”
“Your right Tom, it doesn’t.”
“Of course it doesn’t!”
“No, it looks more like a green hair piece that a hedge hog would wear.”
“Ok that’s it! you can talk about my clothes all you want, but I draw the line when you start talking about my hair!”

“Struck a nerve did I?”
“Your damn right you did!”
“Then I can only think of one way to settle this Tom.”
“Lets do this then.”
And as the two Mechanist summoned their mech’s to the field, an unknown destiny laid in wait for them!

“Ok Tom, I will start this off if you don’t mind.”
“Please do Yuri, but hurry! I am growing impatient over hear.”
”Ok Vector lets show him why we can’t be beat. Vector, prepare to receive.”
Holding his battle gauntlet up, Yuri inserted the Emerald metalo stone. Then pointing the palm of his left hand at his mech, Yuri elementalized Vector into a land mech.

“So that’s how you’re going to play it huh Yuri? Come Vortex; let’s show him how it’s really done!”
Holding up his battle glove, Tom placed an amethyst metalo stone in the palm of his battle glove and closed his left hand around it. Then pointing the back of his left hand at his mech, Tom elementalized Vortex into a wind mech.

“So you plan on using a wind mech against my land mech huh Tom. Don’t you know that wont work!”
“Please Yuri, both you and I both know that a land mech is weak against a wind mech.”
“Let us see if you are right then shall we?”
“Yes lets!”

Therefore, as Yuri started the battle by having his mech use Gaia crusher, Tom had his mech jump out of the way and use Cyclone boom. As Tom’s mech scored a direct hit, Yuri countered by having his mech use Rock barrage. Knocking Tom’s mech out of the air, Yuri had his mech move in for the win. Then catching Yuri by surprise, Tom’s mech grabbed Yuri’s mech and lifted off into the sky!

Then as Tom gave the order to use Twister slam, Yuri gave the order to use Deep impact. And as the two mechs hit the ground hard, a small quake was felt! Not a big enough quake to do any harm, but a big enough one to uncover something that was buried in the ground.

Calling back their mech’s, Yuri and Tom looked at the fissure that had opened up from the battle. And inside, they had seen a concealed room! In addition, the two had also seen a cryogenic stasis pod that held a boy that looked to be about the age of twelve. Quickly running to report what they had found to the authorities, Tom stayed behind to keep an eye on things!

And as Tom waited, he noticed five strangely looking stones that laid near the stasis pod. After finding something he could use to climb with, Tom made his way down. Standing in the musty and dim lighted room, Tom quickly made his way over to where the stones had laid. Looking at the stones oddly, Tom began noticing things about the room! there was three walls in all that had strange scientific work posted on them. a partial wall could be seen buried under what looked to be a cave-in.

Next to two of the walls, were rusted worktables that had more strange papers laying on them. and on the other wall, was rotted out wooden crates that contained a numerous amount of items that Tom did not recognize. And in the center of the dust filled room, was the stasis pod, along with a small dust covered metal stand that the stones laid on top of. Slowly making his way back across the broken tiled floor, Tom decided to wait for Yuri to get back.

Meanwhile, as he waited, a gritty taste of dust had filled his mouth. Licking the inside of his mouth to rewet it, Tom looked up at the stasis pod. Feeling the cold dampness on his skin, Tom soon came to realize that this sleeper must have been asleep in that pod for some time.

And as Tom continued to stare, the sound of complete silence continued to fill the room! continuing his stare at the sleeper, Tom was experiencing the fact that he had never seen someone sleeping inside a stasis pod before! But as he stared at the boy in the stasis pod, he was startled by Yuri yelling at him.

“Hey Tom, what are you doing down there?”
“I have found something incredible!”
“What did you find Tom?”
“I can’t tell you, you will have to come down and see it for yourself!”
“Ok Tom, hold on. I will be right down!”

Making his way down, Yuri joined Tom in the concealed room. Looking up at the sleeping boy that had been wrapped in a lab coat, Tom and Yuri could only wonder what it must be like to have someone staring at you while you slept! With sandy brown hair, and a look of pure innocence imprinted upon his face, was the sight that Tom and Yuri gazed upon. However, after staring at the sleeper for a little bit, Tom remembered about the stones. Quickly turning his attention away from the sleeping boy, Tom insisted on showing Yuri what he had found.

“Hey Yuri, take a look at these!”
“Why, those look just like metalo stones!”
“Yeah I know.”
“Well if they are, how did they get down here I wonder!”
“More importantly, don’t you think you should ask the question, what do they do?”

“We will never know Tom.”
“Well there is one way to find out!”
“You don’t mean we should just take them do you? What if they belong to this sleeper?”
“Come on Yuri, this sleeper is a sleep! He most likely doesn’t even know what a metalo stone is.”
“You’re probably right Tom. But we should at least leave him one.”

“Are you feeling guilty for taking them Yuri?”
“No of course not, but these stones are probably all he has left.”
“Ok Yuri, we will leave him one stone. But the other four belongs to us.”
“Of course, where not saints!”

Therefore, as Tom and Yuri gathered up four of the five stones, they climbed back up to the surface and waited for the authorities. Then as the authorities did arrive, Tom and Yuri told them what they had found and how they found it.
Calling back to the palace of the Tech Kingdom, the authorities informed the Tech ruler of what has been discovered and how it was discovered.

Informing the Authorities to detain the boys that had found the concealed room and the stasis pod, the Tech ruler sent out a team to investigate the sight. After looking over the sight for the next week, the research team had reported that the concealed room was some type of lab that experimented with energy. And that the boy that was inside the stasis pod was probably the son of the researcher.

So giving the order to awaken the boy, and process him through the higher learning program; the Tech ruler was surprised and concerned about why this boy wasn’t with a larger group! More importantly, how did a single metalo stone get in the room with the sleeper, especially since metalo stones where just created a few years ago.

But as he told himself that he would worry about it later, the Tech ruler had given the order that the boys that had found the concealed room was to be rewarded with a free mech upgrade, and plus one reward from each of the other eleven kingdoms.
Moreover, when asked about everything else that was inside the concealed room, the Tech ruler said to pack it all up, and have it ready for the boy, when he has been brought up to speed!

Therefore, after escorting the boys to their homes and explaining to their parents of what they had found and what they have been rewarded with, the boys began their travel to get their reward. However, while they journeyed, the sleeping boy was freed from the stasis pod and taking into the main magistrate building. First, the boy was taking through reanimation!

Next, the boy was scanned by the most sophisticated medical Technology there was. Finally, after his scans showed that he was able for mind programming, the magi placed the boy in the comatose pod and bombarded his mind with alpha and omega waves. When the magi had finished, the boy knew all of the history that humanity has gone through plus all of the basic knowledge to move on in his life.

So after placing the boy in a recovery room and waited, the chief medical magistrate had gone over the boy’s bio scans. After finding a strange and peculiar reading from the bio scan, the chief medical magistrate reported it to the Tech ruler. Then after going over it with the chief medical magistrate, the Tech ruler ruled that the boy was to be trained in the field of mech’s.

Because of what they had found from the scans, the Tech ruler was surer now than he ever was that this boy was placed in that concealed room for a purpose. Therefore, the Tech ruler ordered that all data that was concealed in the room with the boy was to be sealed away forever and never to be seen again. However, the stone that was in the concealed room along with a few other things was to be given to the boy!

Not until the boy was to be fully trained at the mech academy. Because the boy was now in fact alone in the world, the ruler order that the boy was to be adopted to, an Entrusted family that just recently lost their son to the monsters of the wastelands. Shortly after awakening from his sleep, the boy began noticing things about where he was! How the smell of the room seemed to be that of clean and sanitation. And how the feel of the cool air in the room, seemed to make him want another blanket. But none of which, had compared to the silence of the dim lighted room.

The boy almost felt as if he was, in a tomb or something! But the way the bed felt as he laid on it, along with all of the machines that was monitoring him, seemed to suggest that he was in some type of hospital. It wasn’t much later, until the tech ruler had came by to meet with the boy, while the chief medical magistrate had set things up with the Entrusted family.

Meeting with the boy, the Tech ruler quickly found himself fond of the boy. If it were not for the law that rulers cannot have children, then the Tech ruler would have adopted the boy himself! After ordering some food to be brought down, the Tech ruler spoke with the boy for as long as he could.
“How are you feeling?”
“I feel stiff and cold.”
“That has to be expected. You did just come out of stasis sleep!”

“Stasis-sleep? Wait how do I know what stasis sleep is.”
“You do not know how you know that.”
“No… wait I do! Why have you done this to me?”
“We did not place you in the stasis pod.”
“No I mean, why did you put this knowledge into my head!”
“You do not know why it was done.”
“No I know why you did it! I want to know why you chose to do this to me.”

“Well as you now know, any one that is of the age of ten must go through this. This way the individual can explore more out of life without having to go to school to gain the knowledge that you posses.”
“That is not what I mean Tech ruler!”
“Then just what do you mean boy?”

“First, my name is not boy! It’s… I do not know my own name.”
“Are you sure, you should at least know your own name before you where placed in the stasis pod.”
“I did know it! I knew a lot of things, but when you wiped my mind and placed this knowledge into my head, I lost it along with everything else that I knew.”

“But how could you have known anything besides your name and other basic living memories.”
“I would like to give you an answer, but someone wiped my mind and filled it with this flawed data.”
“I am sorry for this, but as you know, you do not have any parents any longer.”

“Yes I know, they where killed off during the great change!”
“Yes, that is correct. However, because of this, we cannot have you living without parents. Therefore, we have provided you with an adopted family. You should also know that you will be attending the mech academy.”
“And just why was this chosen for me?”

“Well unlike the knowledge that we had placed in your mind, choosing your life’s goal has solely been chosen for you from your bio scans of your genetic code.”
“Are you saying that, my genetic code has told you people that I am to be a Mechanist.”
“Yes, that is correct!”
“Look, its not that I do not appreciate what you have done for me, now that my mind has been wiped of the memories that I once had, I feel like I am lost.”

“I know it must be frustrating, but we will help you all we can.”
I thank you Tech ruler, but right now, I just want to be alone!”
“Of course, but before I go I would like to give you this.”
“What is it?”
“This is a stone that we had found in the room that you where in.”

“Is this a metalo stone?”
“We are not sure what kind of stone it is! We just know that this stone was in the room with you. I feel that it is most likely the last thing that you have from your previous time before you went into the stasis pod!”
“I see, well I thank you for this then. I do not recognize it, but if it was mine before I went into the stasis pod, then maybe I will not feel that I am lost after all.”

“I am glad you feel that way.”
“Just one more thing Tech ruler?”
“Yes what is it?”
“How was this family chosen for me?”
“This family has just lost their son. And I felt that it would benefit you both if you where adopted to them!”

“I see! Then I ask you this; what was their son’s name?”
“I believe that his name was Jason.”
“Then if it is ok with them, may I use the name Jason to both be called and to honor them for giving me a home!”
“I'm not sure, but I think they will approve. But let me ask them first!”
“Yes of course, I wouldn’t want to intrude on something as fragile as such.”

“I will get back with you and let you know.”
“Thanks Tech ruler!”
“You know you can call me by my name.”
“And what is your name?”
“My name is Marcus.”
“Ok Marcus, I will.”

“Ok great! So I will check on that for you, and get back with you ok?”
“Yeah Marcus, sure thing.”
And as the Tech ruler left, the boy looked down at the stone that he had held! And as the boy looked at the stone, he drifted off to sleep from the exhaustion of the day. But while the boy slept, the other two boys where just finishing up their tour of the kingdoms and receiving their rewards.

After getting back to their homes in the Tech kingdom, Yuri and Tom wanted to try out those stones they had found with the rewards they had gotten. So after going to the practice battle arena, Yuri and Tom prepared to battle.
“So Tom, what field should we use?”
“Let’s use the stadium in the rock kingdom.”

“Ok now should we use their rules there, or should we go free for all?”
“Let us do this as a free for all Yuri.”
“Ok Tom. Now how many points do you want to set it to?”
“Let us do first knock out.”
“Bold today aren’t we Tom!”

“Well we start the mech academy in a couple of weeks. And I just figured that we should be at our best when we get there.”
“You have a point there Tom! Very well, first knock out wins. Now the only question is who will start?”
“Let's set the computer on random and we shall see!”
“Ok Tom, I am starting the computers random selection.”

And as the computer started, it began to flash back and forth until the computer had chosen Tom to start the match. Preparing for the battle, Tom looked at Yuri not as a friend, but rather as a rival. Since they have both strived to exceed the other!
“Ok Yuri, it looks like I will be starting things off!”
“Well go ahead Tom, and let's get this started.”

“I just have one question before we start.”
“Yes Tom, what is it?”
“Should we use both stones in this match, or just one?”
“Well we don’t know what will happen when we use them, so let's go with one stone for now! But let's wait to use them until the last moment ok?”
“Yeah Yuri, sure thing.”

So after ironing out the details, Tom and Yuri summoned out their mech’s for the battle. Starting the match as he was chosen, Tom decided to use his new upgrade and attack with saber strike. Of course, the attack made contact, but Yuri used his upgraded mech’s new ability, and automatically switched into its preprogrammed element of tech, and became a techno mech.

Then with the order to use megalomax, Yuri’s mech severely damaged the left arm of Tom’s mech. When it looked as if Yuri’s mech was going to make the final blow and win the match, Tom placed the strange stone into the palm of his battle glove, and pointed the back of his left hand at his mech and unleashed the power that was in the stone. However, the stone didn’t do as they had thought it would!

In fact, a change took place that they would not understand. Tom’s mech had completely formatted into a new type of mech. This transformation was so great in fact, that when the mech’s formatting was complete, a burst of energy had shot back from the mech and into Tom’s battle glove. Changing it just like it changed Tom’s mech. He now possessed the battle link!

And as the two were surprised, they looked back and forth at Tom’s new battle link, and Tom’s formatted mech. Then they stared for the longest time at Tom’s mech and knew that there was no element present nor was there a classification for this new mech! When Tom asked his mech to identify itself to him, the mech only responded by saying: “I am Maximus, the armor mech! And you have summand me here my Mechanist!”

Shocked by this news, Tom and Yuri could only wonder what other surprises this newly reformatted mech had waiting for them, and as for the newly awakened boy, a fate most dire laid in wait as the unexpecting boy slept.
© Copyright 2009 kevin (gigas at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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