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Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1595803
A Brave Little Pirate Lass Makes A Voyage
Wee Pirate Lass

Day has gone for a maid at rest,
cliffside in a hillside green.
In a cottage she dreams of a treasure chest,
that only her eyes have seen.

With a vast "Heave-Ho!", candy cutlass in tow,
and a cookie as patch for her eye,
Departs now she to where dragons be,
set sail on a lullaby.

Till she's spied afloat in her homemade boat,
of washbucket and clothesline,
By pirates in ship who spied the slip,
of a maid but three feet high.

She dodges away from scurvy men,
and hides between the rum kegs.
She tells her dolly to be quiet and then,
a pirate walks by on peg legs.

Then someone grabs the wee pirate lass,
tis a blue-eyed captain with black mustache.
He asks if she would be his dinner guest,
and tour his ship from belly to crow's nest.

It wasn't long before the men burst into song,
dancing round the deck in a piratey jigs.
The captain picked her up and took her to sup,
on roast whale and a pie made from dried figs.

Her put her on his lap showing a treasure map,
where they had buried their coins of gold,
In a treasure chest found by a hard quest,
through waters strewn with sea monsters untold.

He takes from his red coat a golden ring,
placing it on her curious thumb.
He says fortune and luck will it bring,
to her and her poor widowed mum.

He places her back in her washtub boat,
and she sails away to her cottage home.
Sailing on tender dreams she does float,
missing the poor sailor father of her own.

She wakes in her cottage by the seaside,
feeling a lump in her nightdress she does find,
A gold ring and a treasure map hidden inside,
with picture of the captain who was so kind.

Going into her mums room she finds her,
crying and looking at a picture in her hands,
of a man with blue eyes and a dark mustache,
who vanished while sailing to far away lands.

She gave her treasure to her mum, poor thing,
the map and the ring shiny and perfectly round
Her mum asked where she found her wedding ring,
and the paper giving her title to land all around.

After many hugs she was put to sleep,
but as fate would have it happen,
She went sailing into the navy sea deep,
searching for her father the captain.

Off she goes where the salt wind blows.
set sail on starry bright seas,
While she holds up high her pert little nose,
and cradles on doll on her knees.

With a vast "Heave-Ho!", candy cutlass in tow,
and a cookie as patch for her eye,
Departs now she to where dragons be,
set sail on a lullaby.

Author's notes:
I'm sure there were a few pirates with kind hearts too. Many had children
whom they saw very little of, or never met due to long voyages and distancing
themselves from the law.Their children often labored hard themselves to help
their mothers. Jesus promised he would be a father to the orphan, and a husband
to the widow. He said that if a man can give good gifts to his children,
than imagine what He will have for us if we trust Him? Separation from God leads
to the same expression of emptiness and alone-ness, much like orphans.Lamentations 5:1-3 -NIV
1-Remember, O LORD, what is come on us: consider, and behold our reproach.
2-Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to foreigners.
3-We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows

Matthew 7:9-11-NIV
9-"You parents--if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead?
10-Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
11-If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children,
how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to them that ask Him?.

Psalm103:13-Aramaic Plain English Bible
And as a father shows compassion upon children,
Lord Jehovah shows compassion upon his worshipers.

Jesus Christ was accused of property infringements, and was wanted by the law many times
before being punished and dying in public shamefuly. Having changed water into wine, turning
a few fish and two small loaves of bread into a huge banquet, healing countless people
without a doctor's license, and without paying any merchants,
He rattled some businessman's and politician's cages. Christ had a heck of a time staying
ahead of those seeking to kill him. He crossed seas to get away from persecutors and witness
to those who wanted His saving grace. Yes, you could say that Jesus was one mighty and
righteous pirate in a sense too.
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