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Rated: GC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1594640
Part two of Tim Chapman Fan Fiction
An Uncles Betrayal Part 2  (also from Tim's POV)

The following Saturday

Tammy decided since Duane Lee already knew she was back that maybe we needed to tell him about us. She wanted to wait till they all got back from Kona.  Leland, Duane Lee and Dog were all there picking up some of Leland’s jumps that were running loose.  So that leaves me all by myself to handle the jumps here in Honolulu.

Stop running. Tim screamed as he ran through the house. Don’t make me mace a girl. He growled chasing her through the living room

Go to hell!! She retorted jumping over the sofa and around the dining room table.

Ok now, don’t make this hard on yourself. He calmly explained standing on the other side of the table. You have nowhere to go. Tim said setting down his mace can leaning over with both hands on the table.  Let’s not make this hard.

FUCK YOU!! She replied her eyes darting to either side of her figuring out where to run.
Come on honey, don’t do this.  Tim pleaded slowly reaching for his mace can. He watched her eyes focus on the patio door on the other end of the kitchen.  He turned his foot toward the kitchen ready to pounce when she ran.  Come on sweetheart you don’t want to this. Anger building in his voice as she began to move.

I’m not going to jail. She snapped back as she pretended to head for the kitchen. Dumbass! She screamed as he jumped out to grab her while she ran the other way.

Fuck! Tim growled in frustration as she ran the opposite direction heading for the front door. Oh no you don’t. he screamed running across the couch trying to stop her before she bolted knowing he had no back up today.

See ya. She laughed grabbing the door knob as he leap off the couch grabbing her shoulders from behind holding her against his chest.  With a swipe of his boot she was on the floor getting cuffed.

Sit. He demanded walking her to the couch.

Fine. She sighed as she dropped back on sofa hanging her head in shame.

Now why are you doing all this? He calmly asked her lifting her chin up to look in her eyes.

I don’t want to go back to jail. She softly whispered pulling her face away from his fingers.  Could you cuff me in front please. She quietly asked rolling her shoulder as if they bothered her.

Yeah sure, stand up. He replied quickly moving the cuffs in front of her and sitting her back down.  Is there anything on you that you don’t want to go to jail with. He asked sitting down on the coffee table in front of her.

No sir. She answered staring at her feet in embarrassment.  I’m sorry I ran. I was really scared. I didn’t mean to miss court Mr. Chapman.  I really didn’t. She confessed glancing up at him.

I know, but you should have called me. He sighed adjusting his utility belt.  Is there anything you want before I bring you in.
Mr. Chapman, do you have a girlfriend. She asked looking at floor.

Yeah, hun I do. He said with smile.

Do you love her? She asked looking him in his eyes.

Um yeah, I do. He answered, surprised by the question.

Well, once I go to the jail I’ll be there for a while.  A long while. She said trying not to smile.

I’m sorry hun but all that could have been avoided. He said beginning to get uncomfortable.

You asked if I wanted anything before going to jail. She snarled hooking her cuffed wrists around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist.

Um, I told you hun I have a girlfriend. Tim snapped trying to peel her off of him.

Listen, I’m going to be in jail for a very long time, how would she find out. She seductively whispered as she kissed his neck making him gasp.
Oh dear god. Tim groaned as she sucked on his neck. You know, what she doesn’t know couldn’t hurt. He moaned sliding his hand around her hips and ass sinking his teeth her shoulder sucking hard leaving a purple mark.

I need to get fucked before going to jail.  I promise I won’t run. She pleaded rubbing herself against him getting very aroused.

Do you want to stay out of jail? He asked pulling her hard against him showing her how aroused he was.

Of course I do. She answered quizzically.
You fuck me anytime I want it and never tell my girlfriend, I’ll make sure you stay out of jail. He demanded holding her face hard staring into her eyes.

Anytime you want, anyway you want she answered unhooking her arms from his neck. I’ll even fuck your girlfriend and let you watch she whispered undoing his belt.

I don’t think my girlfriend would go for that. he smiled grabbing hold of her wrists.

I rather just fuck you anyways. She said with a shrug.

Good. He said pushing her off his lap and dragging her by her cuffs looking for the bedroom. 

You know I’ve fantasized about being with you since you came and got me out of jail. She confessed fiddling with his zipper.

No. he snapped pushing her hand away. You can wait. He snarled as he untied her halter top watching it fall open. Damn girl. He moaned rubbing his hands over her bare breast.  I’m going fuck you hard. He groaned angrily shoving her on the bed fastening her cuffs to the headboard.

Oh god Mr. Chapman, I like it hard.  I want you to hurt me.
Oh trust, I’ll make you scream. he said biting her nipple tugging till she moaned.
Fuck me now, she screamed as she squirmed under his body. I want you soooo bad. She begged grinding her hips against him.

Is that so? He whispered as he sat up undoing her pants sliding them off.  Mmm..I love the tattoo he growled looking down at her dropping his utility belt to the floor followed by his pants.

I’m glad. She purred as he bent down dragging his tongue across a solid red heart on her hip.

Tattoo’s are pretty sexy.  He mumbled while pulling off her pink silk panties. 

You like what you see? She inquired watching him looking down at her while sliding off his boxers.  I sure like what I see. She smirked.

Shut up, you talk way too much he snapped angrily  as he laid on top of her sliding his hand behind her neck before thrusting deep inside her.  You don’t talk. He demanded fucking her hard.  All I want to hear is you begging for more and how hard you want it.  He almost yelled as he thrusted so hard  the head board rattled.

Oh god, Don’t stop!! she screamed over and over till they both were laying limp trying to compose themselves.  That was amazing she giggled.  I need to let you chase me around the house more often. She said with a smile kissing his neck making him laugh.  What’s so funny Tim.

I’m sorry Tammy.  Tim said laughing hard rolling to his back.  You’re a pretty good little actress baby girl. He smiled sitting up undoing her handcuffs.

You weren’t so bad yourself, she chuckled rubbing her wrists.  You actually scared me with that mace can.

It was empty baby. He answered kissing the inside of her wrist.  I didn’t put them on too tight did I.

No baby, it was fine. Tammy said wrapping her arms around his neck.  I think we need to play bounty hunter naughty fugitive more often. She said laughing.  Next time I’ll be the bounty hunter. She says laying her head on his chest.

That wouldn’t work though, I wouldn’t want to run from you.  Tim says holding her tight kissing the top of her head. I guess I should get up since I promised to make dinner if you pretended to be my naughty fugitive.  He laughed rubbing her back.

That’s right, you’re making dinner tonight.  Hmmm. Let me think what do I want? Tammy said with a chuckle.

You can think all you want, but you’re getting spaghetti. Tim asserted getting up sliding his boxers and jeans back on.

Fine fine…I’m going to borrow a pair of your sweats baby. She sweetly smiled blowing him a kiss as he walked out the room.

You know you were a pretty sexy little fugitive Tammy.  Tim yelled from the kitchen as he started making dinner.

You know baby, I was thinking you gave in awfully quickly to your fugitive should be concerned? She laughed walking out his bedroom as the front door flew open.

TIM!!! Leland yelled scanning the room looking for his uncle finding Tammy froze in her spot.

Uh, oh um..Leland.  She stammered as he stepped back trying to stop his brother from walking in.

Get out of my way brah. Duane Lee demanded pushing past Leland making him stumble, Tammy stepping back hoping to duck back in the bedroom unseen.

Tammy, did you say something? Tim asked walking out of the kitchen. Noticing the boys in his living room. 

Tammy!!  Duane Lee yelled with a smile grabbing her into a bear hug.

Um, Hi Duane. She said looking at Tim begging for help with her eyes.

Oh my god kitten, I can’t believe you’re here. He said smiling taking her face into his hands.  What are you doing here? 
Were you looking for me. he asked begging  for answers.

I thought you two were in Kona? Tim interjected pulling Tammy away sensing she wanted his help.

The guys I was looking for turned themselves in. Leland answered still in shock. We thought maybe you’d want to go grab a few beers with us. He continued knowing at that point it wasn’t going to happen.

You look amazing Tammy. Duane Lee sighed looking into her eyes.  I’ve held my breath for two year hoping to see you again. He said pulling her to the couch. Look Kitten, I still have your ring. He smiled showing her his key chain.

I um..Duane I..She tried to speak not knowing what to say to him.  She pulls her hand away getting up from the couch.  I got to go Tim. She said sliding on Tim’s flip flop and grabbing her purse running out the door.

Tammy, wait where are you going?  Tammy!! Duane Lee yelled running after her.

What’s going on Tim? Leland asked quizzically as Tim rushed passed him following Tammy and Duane Lee across the parking lot.

Tammy, Kitten stop please. Duane Lee pleaded running up wrapping his arm around her waist holding her to him.

Duane please let go of me.  She softly asked putting her hands to his chest pushing him back.

I don’t understand Kitten, why won’t you talk to me? He sadly asked

Tammy!!!  Tim called running up to her car.  You don’t have to leave. He insisted pulling her from Duane Lee’s arms.

Why do you keep pulling her away Tim.  I’m trying to talk to her. He asked.

Tammy, come back inside. Tim asked sliding his hand behind her back ignoring Duane Lee.  There is no reason for you to go.

I’ll call you later Tim. She replied softly laying against his chest.  I really have to go. She insisted standing on her toes kissing him goodbye.

Ok, I understand I guess. He said with a nod. I love you baby girl. Leaning down to kiss her again.
Love ya too Timothy. She smiled before jumping in her car to leave.

I felt Duane Lee’s eyes burn right through me when I kissed her good bye. I wasn’t sure what to say, I watched her car make the turn out of my parking lot. I looked at Duane Lee who was just staring at me in shock. I couldn't take the look in his eyes, I looked away to see Leland on top of the stairs wide eyed and slack jawed. 

Duane Lee…Tim started to speak as Duane Lee turned and walked away.  That went well. He mumbled to himself walking back up the stairs past Leland.

You knew how much she meant him Tim. Leland snarled grabbing Tim’s arm.

You don’t understand Leland. Tim firmly stated walking off slamming his door shut behind him.

3 Days Later

After I went back in my apartment I laid back on my couch rubbing my face in frustration, trying to figure out what to say to make everything right.  I wanted them to understand I didn’t know who she was when I met her.  I didn’t realize she was THAT Tammy.  By the time I did I was already in love with her.  I never wanted to hurt him.  I laid low for a few days hoping to let him cool off.  To make it worse my heart is breaking, I haven’t talked to Tammy since she left.  I got a couple of texts telling me she loved me and she’d call soon but she hasn’t yet.  It’s been three days, hopefully I can talk to him now.

Morning guys.  Tim reluctantly said walking in the back door.

Morning Young Blood. Dog smiled patting his old friend on the shoulder.  I’m not quite sure if your safe here yet. He said trying to laugh, knowing a war is going to break out at any moment.

So I guess you heard what a son of a bitch I am. Tim replied letting out  a deep breath.

Yeah, we heard and heard and heard and….Dog chuckled

I get it.  He’s still pissed. Tim mumbled

That’s an understatement.  Good luck my friend it was nice knowing you. Dog sighed as he shook his head and walked away.

Duane Lee, can we…Tim started to speak.

Don’t you dare fucking talk to me! Duane Lee jumped up and yelled.

Duane Lee, please listen..Tim tried to speak.

I said don’t talk to me! He growled in Tim’s face. I have nothing to say to you.

Then don’t say anything, but please let me speak. Tim pleaded looking into his nephews anger filled eyes.

What! Duane Lee snarled

I didn’t know Brah, I didn’t know she was that Tammy when I met her.  By the time we figured out who the other was it was too late.

Too late? Duane Lee replied irritated.

Yeah brah, I’m sorry but when we realized it I was…Tim stop not wanting to say the words.

Was what Tim? He demanded to know. You were already fucking her?  What?

No that’s not it. Tim calmly replied trying not to yell back.

Then what was it? Duane Lee demanded.  Damn it Tim you’re the one that wants to talk, so talk.  Why was it too late. 

Were suppose to be family brah.  You don’t do that to family.

I was already in love with her. Tim finally said while exhaling a deep breath looking at his feet.

I knew when I said those words it would hurt him.  That was the last thing I wanted to do. I looked up to see a terrible look
in his eyes.  He looked almost possessed. I actually felt a wave of fear wash over me.  You could feel the silence in the room.  Everyone afraid to speak or even moved.  Lyssa came  bouncing through the front door with a huge smile on her face then froze in her spot when she saw our standoff.  Neither of us dared to move. I took a deep breath and looked down trying to get the courage to say something.  I watched his hands ball up and his knuckles go white as he clinched his fists tighter.  I was sure he was going to hit me. I took a deep breath preparing myself for the blow.  I was willing to stand there and take it like a man.  Maybe I deserved to be hit.  If it’ll make him feel better then let him hit me. I stood tall looking him in the eyes ready to take whatever he has. He opened his mouth as if to say something.  He let out a sigh before falling back on the couch dropping his head staring at the floor. Still no body moved, no one wanted to be the first to break the tension.  I took a deep breath to say something but the words wouldn’t come out.

I really am sorry. Tim finally said watching Duane Lee throw his hands up almost as if he was surrendering.

I got it. Duane Lee whispered as he got up to answer the phone.

Give him time. Dog said to his old friend tapping his back.

I really am sorry. Tim sighed still trying to redeem himself.

There a guy line one. Duane Lee grumbled looking at Tim, tossing the receiver on the desk as he walked away.

Hello, this is Tim Chapman. He answered.

Hey baby. Tammy said with a smile.

Hello sir. Tim replied not wanting anyone too know who it was.

Sir? She chuckled.  When I heard Duane Lee’s voice I made my neighbor ask for you.

Good idea. He replied trying hard not to smile.

Timothy. She said almost singing.

Yep. He replied spinning his chair to face the wall so no one saw the smile creeping on his face.

You still owe me a spaghetti dinner. She laughs

Yes sir, I do. He said with a smirk.

I miss you Timothy. She sighed.

Me too. He whispered sadly.

Do you still want me to move in?

Of course. He replied happily.

I’ll be at your place when you get home tonight. She said.

Ok, I’ll talk with you then sir. He said trying to sound as serious possible.

I love you Tim. She chimed blowing kisses over the phone.

I love, I um I’d liked that too.  He huffed realizing what he almost said.

Bye baby. Tammy laughed.

Bye. He sighed hanging up the phone.

Everything alright Tim. Leland asked watching Tim’s reflection in the picture frame knowing who he was talking to.

Oh yeah, every things fine. He nods.  Just a client. He replied hanging up the phone.

It was her wasn’t it.  Duane Lee snapped.

You answered the phone Brah. Did it sound like her. Tim said walking away not wanting to lie to him anymore.

No I guess not. Duane Lee sighed sadly.

Listen Duane Lee, I know your mad at me.  But I never wanted to hurt you brah.  If I knew who she was the first night I met her I would have never gotten involved with her.  You have to believe me.

I get that Tim, but once you found out you kept seeing her. Were suppose to be family Tim but most importantly we were friends. Duane Lee sternly stated. Bros before hoes brah.

Ok, so what do you want me to do.  Do you want me to break up with her. Do you want her to be hurt.  Do you want me to break her heart. Tim said almost yelling, tired of being made to feel guilty.

Of course I don’t want her hurt, but I also didn’t want my uncle to betray me.  Duane Lee angrily snapped back as he stormed out of the room.

I knew he was right, maybe I was being selfish but I fell in love with Tammy.  I had finally found my soul mate. He didn’t speak to me the rest of the day.  Tammy text me a few times to let me know she was at my place and that she loves and misses me. I spent most the day avoiding everyone else not wanting to get looked at like I just stole a child’s puppy. As the day ended I quietly left not saying goodbye to anyone. I quickly drove home, ran up the stairs and into my apartment.  I walked in smelling her homemade bread baking in the oven and I could hear humming in the kitchen.  Coming home to her made all the stress from today melt away.

Smells great.  Tim tells her hugging her from behind.  I thought I was making dinner.

I figured you were having a rough day.  Tammy replies turning around wrapping her arms around his waist.  How bad was it? She inquired.

I really don’t want to talk about baby girl. He sighed holding her tight.  It wasn’t pretty.

I’m really sorry I’m causing all this grief in your family. She stated stretching up to kiss him.

No need to be sorry, it’s not your fault. I should have told him as soon as I knew who you were. Tim smiled hugging her.  So your moving in? He happily added.

Yep! Tammy chuckled. When do you want me too.

Um, a month ago when I first ask you. He answered with a chuckle. How about this weekend since I’m not working.

Alright. She smiled.  I’m going have a lot of packing to do. She added excitedly.


I got up early and rented a moving truck before heading over to Tammy’s small apartment.  She was sitting on her floor taping and marking  her last few boxes. I glanced down at box of trash sitting by the door and noticed a photo album sitting on top of the trash.  I picked it up thinking it was an accident, setting back down on top of a stack of boxes.  She looked up at me the doorway and smiled, getting off the floor to hug me.

Pretty much everything is packed. She said throwing her arms around his neck.  Just few little knick knack here and there.

You seem very happy today baby girl.  Tim replied before leaning down to kiss her.  I think you threw your photo album away accidently. He added pointing the album he set on the boxes.

No, it wasn’t an accident. I threw it away. Tammy stated.  My mom brought it to me today. She thought I’d want it. She continued trying to reach for it.

Why do you want to throw it away? He asked taking it from her flipping it open. Oh, they’re pictures of you and Duane Lee. He sighed flipping through the pages of pictures, stopping to read the newspaper clipping of the wedding announcement.

That’s the past, you’re my future. She softly smiled taking the album from him dropping it in the box of trash.  My mom wanted to know I was making the right decision moving in with you.  She figured looking at these photos would let me know if was I truly over him or not.

And? Tim asked hesitantly afraid of her answer.

Nothing.  I felt nothing. She answered.  I almost feel guilty for that.  Tammy sighed looking at the photos in the trash.  I tried to call him Tim.  I wanted to explain to him why I walked out on our wedding day.

What did he say? He asked feeling slightly irritated she called Duane Lee.

Nothing, he hung up as soon as he heard my voice. She said with a shrug. I just wanted him to stop being mad at you.  If he hates me, that’s fine.  I can’t stand him being mad at you.

Let me worry about that ok.  Let’s just get you moved in. Tim said hugging her tight lifting her off her feet.

She took out all the trash while I loaded boxes and totes full of her stuff into the back of the moving truck. Her neighbor helped me move her furniture and loaded it up while she stuffed what little groceries she had left into a cooler. After about an hour or so we stood in her door taking one last look around at her now empty apartment. She followed the truck back to OUR place to start unpacking and begin our life together.  We decided to use most of her furniture since mine was old and worn out.  While she ordered us some lunch I began dragging my old stuff out to the dumpster.  I couldn’t believe this day was here.  While I was throwing out my old stuff she was carrying in some boxes till our food got here.  We took a break and sat on the floor of my empty living room to eat our lunch.

Look like Tim’s getting new neighbors. Leland said pointing the moving truck in front of the building.

Or losing some. Duane Lee added parking his convertible next to the moving truck looking over at the purple Bug parked a few spaces down.

Are you sure about this brah? Leland sighed patting his brothers shoulder.

Yeah. He nodded.  It’ll be the best for everybody.  Everyone can get on with their lives without any stress.

Do you want anything to drink baby girl? Tim asked walking to the kitchen to grab a beer.

No babe, I still got my bottled water. Tammy said getting up to answer a knock on the door. Oh hi Duane. She said trying to smile.

This is yours Tammy. Duane Lee said placing her old engagement ring in the palm of her hand looking at the empty living room.  Keep it, wear it, melt it, sell it, pawn it, I don’t care. Hell, throw it away if you want.  But it’s yours. He said in a cold tone.  Where’s Tim?

Uh, um…Kitchen.  Tammy stammered a little surprised by his cold demeanor.  This can’t be good. She mumbled to herself noticing Leland sitting on the step outside. So, I suppose you hate me too? She asked sitting next to Leland.  OK, Don’t talk to me, I guess I deserve that. she sadly said staring at the diamond ring in her hand.

He loved you Tammy.  He loved you more than life itself. Leland grumbled.  He was going to quit the team for you, because he knew how it worried you. He said shaking his head.  Now your dating our uncle.  Can you imagine how he felt seeing you kiss Tim.

I loved your brother too.  I really did Leland.  But not how he loved me. Tammy said trying to make him understand.  I realized it was a mistake to get married and I could bare to see the hurt in his eyes.  I left so he could forget about me and move on. She finished.

But he never got over you. I don’t think he ever will. Leland snapped at her. Now on top of it all, he finds out he’s been betrayed by his uncle.

Now listen to me Leland.  No one betrayed him. Tammy angrily grumbled.  I didn’t know Tim was your uncle when I met him. We didn’t figure out who the other was till later.  My heart was invested at that point.  It’s not fair to ask me to leave the man I….

Come on Leland, I got a lot to get done before Friday. Duane Lee said jogging down the stairs pass Tammy.

You all are not being fair to us. Tammy yelled trying to make her point one last time as Leland shook his head following his brother to his car.

You look angry baby girl, I’ve never heard you yell before. Tim said pulling her up.  Is everything ok?

Yeah, I’m done trying to defend myself.  If they want to hate me then fine.  She said wrapping her arms around Tim’s waist laying her head on his chest.  So what did Duane Lee say?

He asked me if I really loved you and told me to take care of you. Tim said with sadness in his voice. He told me I better not ever hurt you.

So he’s ok with us now?  No more stink eye at work? She asked with a smile hoping everything was going to be fine.

No, not exactly.  He’s moving back to Colorado to go work with Bobby. Tim sighed.  He told me he can forgive you for moving on but he can’t ever forgive his uncles betrayal. Tim said watching his nephews car pull out of the parking lot.


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