Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1594417-Its-not-too-late
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1594417
It's about a girl, running away from home, well her dad's home.
"Leave me alone dad!" I shout slamming the door in his face, i didn't want to talk to him. Ever again.
"What did i do!" He shouted from the other side of the brown wooden door. I'm not going to answer, why should i? He can figure it out himself. I grab my black backpack and pack everything thats important. My phone, some clothes, and a few other essiantals. I haul it over my left shoulder and open the door, he's still standing there. Scowl
"Where are you going?" He demands standing in her face
"Why do you care!?" I scream back before stomping down stairs. I'm out of the door before he has time to stop me.I stand there, not knowing what to do next, i can't even drive. So my only option is to walk. Sigh. I guess i should run for a bit of it, so he cant catch up with me. My breath is slowling, but thats okay, i don't have to run anymore. Hopefully. I get out my cell and flip it up. No messages. Ha! He's moved on already. I punch mums number in and wait in the freezing cold. Finally she answers.
"Oh sweetie hey!" Shes putting it on
"Hey mum" I reply
"Whats up darling? Is it important"
"Well kinda..."
"Oh, well do you mind if we talk about this later?" I can hear a man in the background
"Who's with you?" I ask, frowning. I didnt know she was seeing anyone
"No-one, it's... the cat" My face twists into confusion
"The cat is saying ...... i love you baby? Hmm interesting mum, you should enter him into a competition!" I say sarcastically. She laughed! Laughed!
"Haha. No i dont think so sweetie" She believed me
"Nore do i. Have fun with your boyfriend" I say sourly
"Wha? Wait!" But im already gone. I throw my phone into the snow

I run my hand threw my mouse coloured hair. What am i going to do? I sigh. I'm looking around but i cant see anything, just tree's and snow. Great. What direction do i go in? I'm not even sure where im going, Just getting away from him. I was going to go to mums but she's..... busy. Right, i take a deep breath and put my right leg forward and start to walk. Hoisting my backpack up so it doesn't fall down.

I've been walking for hours. No sign of civilisation. This is going excactly to plan. Not. Not even one house light! Not one. Its so freezing out here, i have to find comfort sooner or later or i might just die. This was a bad idea. I should've just stayed at dads. I'm going to rest, yeah that would be good, get some sleep. Carry on tomorrow. I can see better when the suns shining. I lay my bag down carefully and get out a chocolate bar. Carefully unwrap the wrapper

"That looks nice" I suck in a deep breath. Someone said something. My eyes search everywhere, a young boy comes out of the .... bush? Bush boy. I frown at him
"Just saying!" He says smiling and walking towards me. Should i run? He might be some crazy bush boy!
"What do you want!" I ask carefully. Studying his face. He shrugs
"I dont know. You seem lost and i dont think that chocolate bar is going to fill you up" He answered, looking completely calm. I swallow a bit of the chocolate bar
"Yeah well i dont have anything better!" I reply. Maybe he has food! He smiled,
"I do" My eyes lit up. He laughed and walked towards the bush. His home. I scramble to my feet. Grabbing my bag and dropping the chocolate bar.
"Don't go!" He smiled and pushed the bush out of the way. There was a city, full of lights, cars. How could i have been stupid. I've been sitting here right next to civilisation. I could hug the bush boy.
"Thankyou Bush boy!" I squeal before walking towards the city
"Bush Boy? Wha? Wait Up!" But im already gone. Running towards the wonderful lights. Full of happiness

© Copyright 2009 Billlie (billiee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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