: Diane  
: 08-28-09 @ 9:11am : those with patience and those without.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 08-28-09 @ 9:18am : ...those who can see clearly that there are two kinds of people and those who are unable to make that distinction.
: Dad  
: 08-28-09 @ 10:35pm : ....Those who think like I do, and those who are wrong.
: THANKFUL SONALI Love my family  
: 08-29-09 @ 11:44am : Those who have already added, whom I thank! AND those who are going to add, whom I thank already!
: Emilyisawesomeagain  
: 08-29-09 @ 12:30pm : those that worship me and would like to put a crown upon my head and feed me grapes (seedless of course) one by one while I smile a condescending smile, and those who don't
: SilverMoon  
: 08-29-09 @ 6:18pm : Those ones who think outside the box, and ones that are stuck in it.
: Annette ~ back 3/24  
: 08-30-09 @ 8:27pm : Those who dwell on the past or talk about the future, and those who live life today.
: mARi😭DiagnosedDepression  
: 09-01-09 @ 12:52am : There are two types of people... The Dreamers and The Doers!! *smile*
: Humming Bird  
: 09-04-09 @ 9:59pm : Those who like helping others and those who don't
: Humming Bird  
: 09-04-09 @ 10:00pm : Those who like adding insult to injury and those who don't
: LJPC - the tortoise  
: 09-14-09 @ 12:37pm : The winners and the losers. And the wannabes and the bes! {e:smile}
: LJPC - the tortoise  
: 09-14-09 @ 12:40pm : Those who read the instructions about WritingML, and those who don't...
: Karen Lightnhart  
: 09-14-09 @ 4:36pm : ...ketchup people or mustard people
: Just an Ordinary Boo!  
: 09-15-09 @ 5:39am : Those who can eat what they please and not put on weight (Grrrrh!) and those who put on weight if they think of eating! (Guess which is me!)
: Joy  
: 09-19-09 @ 10:52am : Those who start wars and those who practice peace.
: Kate - Writing & Reading  
: 09-19-09 @ 11:05pm : Those who say, what if...; and those who just do it.
: Kate - Writing & Reading  
: 09-19-09 @ 11:17pm : Those whose cup is ever half-empty; and those whose is always half-full.
: Petra Pansky  
: 09-21-09 @ 12:39am : Those who are energized by being around other people and those who are drained by them.
: Petra Pansky  
: 09-21-09 @ 11:50pm : Those whose toilet paper tears from the back and those whose TP tears from the front.
: StaiNed  
: 09-22-09 @ 7:31am : Those who can drive and those who think they can.
: ShellySunshine  
: 09-22-09 @ 2:33pm : Those that are funny and those that think they are.
: sssam-on the way back  
: 09-23-09 @ 8:11am : those that enjoy the viewing rainbows and those that only look for the pot of gold at the end.
: Pat ~ Rejoice always!  
: 10-01-09 @ 1:09pm : Those who love poetry and those who don't.
: Leaf  
: 10-02-09 @ 9:01am : givers and takers.
: Just an Ordinary Boo!  
: 10-07-09 @ 9:48am : Those who talk of doing and those who do.
: Winnie Kay  
: 10-19-09 @ 9:27pm : Those who say, "I know how you feel," and those who say, "Tell me how you feel."
: Joan  
: 10-19-09 @ 9:33pm : Those that love plants and those that love animals.
: Raven  
: 10-19-09 @ 11:06pm : Those who like football and those who like soccer.
: ~MorningStorm~  
: 10-21-09 @ 3:48pm : Those quick to answer because they're sure they know it, and those who really know the answer but are afraid to speak up in fear that they are wrong.
: Caledonia Lass  
: 10-21-09 @ 5:57pm : Those who struggle with doing the right thing every day and those who do as they please.
: Prosperous Snow celebrating  
: 10-21-09 @ 10:54pm : Those who question reality and those who don’t.
: Bakhtawar  
: 11-05-09 @ 10:06am : ... those who learn to smile out at the world while feeling miserable and those who stick to their conditions making their misery worse than it was before...
: Bakhtawar  
: 11-06-09 @ 2:28pm : ...those who dream, and those who stive to achieve them...
: Dad  
: 11-08-09 @ 8:55pm : ......those who like baseball, and those who are unhappy.
: anna  
: 04-14-10 @ 7:27am : Those who see and those who notice.
: Prosperous Snow celebrating  
: 12-27-10 @ 9:33pm : ... those who see a bright future and those who can’t see through the fog the present.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 02-10-11 @ 4:11pm : Those who are age 50 and younger and those who are over 50--with both of these two groups falling into so many other categories such as those also listed here (though not always in strict black-and-white fashion).
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 02-12-11 @ 11:50pm : There are two kinds of people here in the restaurant: those who will order dessert and those who won't.
: ~ Aqua ~  
: 09-04-11 @ 9:00am : Religious and Non-Religious
: ~ Aqua ~  
: 09-04-11 @ 9:01am : Those who talk too much and those who keep silent
: unseen forces  
: 09-05-11 @ 5:22pm : wicked and righteous
: Sunny  
: 12-31-11 @ 10:40pm : The givers and the takers
: ashandilgith  
: 06-10-12 @ 1:59am : Those who know they are loved and those who feel not
: Alala  
: 06-10-12 @ 3:34am : those who "get it" and those who don't
: RICH  
: 07-12-12 @ 3:40am : Us here, and them there.
: pandan  
: 07-29-12 @ 6:34am : Those who are smiling and those who are whining
: Alala  
: 07-29-12 @ 7:51am : Those that "get it" and those who don't
: ruwth  
: 01-05-13 @ 8:29am : Those who write and those who don't.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 04-09-13 @ 3:55am : Those who are overly concerned about "getting it" and those who already got it.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 04-09-13 @ 10:46pm : Those who know this In&Out is active again and those who don't
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 04-20-13 @ 11:05pm : the Bold and the Beautiful
: Remembering  
: 08-06-13 @ 5:36am : Those that seek to be good people and follow the rules and
the bad people who do not feel the need to be limited by rules.
: Soh ~ Luminousa  
: 11-07-13 @ 8:51am : those who are committed and those who are not
: Soh ~ Luminousa  
: 12-22-13 @ 6:01am : Those who pretend to be 'know alls' and those who do not
: ♥HOOves♥  
: 01-15-14 @ 4:22pm : ones who like cows and those who do not
: Acme Spire  
: 01-24-14 @ 7:18am : The "active" and "inactive" minds. It is not about how smart, but how much you are able to stop ignoring.
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 01-25-14 @ 2:16am : Those who claim to have the answers and those who don't even know the questions
: Joto-Kai  
: 02-10-14 @ 11:42am : Those who respect you as an equal, and those who belong in a chain gang in a third world country.
: RatDog  
: 02-17-14 @ 5:27pm : Those who are neat and organized, and the rest of us.
: eyestar~*  
: 04-17-14 @ 8:04pm : human {eg cows}and humanoid {eg horses} {e:wink}
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 04-28-14 @ 8:37am : Those who know nothing about everything and those who know everything about nothing
: Jack-check out 7YS  
: 07-04-14 @ 3:19pm : Those who live and those who exist
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 07-04-14 @ 5:47pm : Cat people and dog people
: Prosperous Snow celebrating  
: 07-15-14 @ 10:50am : Those who drink coffee and those who don't.
: *Jenny*  
: 03-06-15 @ 1:18am : Those who are optimists and those who are pessimists.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 03-06-15 @ 7:29am : Those who let old In&Outs die and those who revive them after 6 or 7 months have passed.
: bejjinks  
: 02-25-16 @ 12:28am : Those that won't hug you because hugs aren't religious and those that won't hug you because hugs aren't kinky. Think about it.
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 02-25-16 @ 5:32am : Those who have an active Facebook account and those who think Facebook is a monumental time waster.
: JaceCar  
: 04-10-16 @ 4:34am : Those who have something productive to add or give, and those who are a constant drain on others.
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 04-10-16 @ 8:10am : Those who hear and those who listen.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 04-10-16 @ 1:21pm : Those who eat to live and those who live to eat.
: Petra Pansky  
: 04-12-16 @ 12:19pm : People who drive and pedestrians.
: Petra Pansky  
: 04-13-16 @ 4:32pm : People who spend their money on useful pursuits, and university grads.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 07-27-16 @ 5:36am : Those who posted here in April and those who waited until July.
: Prosperous Snow celebrating  
: 07-27-16 @ 6:28pm : Those who celebrate every birthday and those who remain 49 all their life.
: Innerlight Author  
: 10-20-16 @ 9:48am : Those women who stay young naturally and those who have plastic surgery( beauty).
: Christopher Roy Denton  
: 01-30-17 @ 7:16am : Those who like Marmite and those who do not (You really have to be British to get this one) ;)
: Prosperous Snow celebrating  
: 02-12-17 @ 10:41pm : Those who drink coffee and those who sleep their life away.
: Dan I Am  
: 02-27-17 @ 3:13pm : Those who divide people into two types and those who don't.
: Prosperous Snow celebrating  
: 02-27-17 @ 8:12pm : Those who celebrate any holiday and those who don't need an excuse to celebrate.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 05-16-17 @ 6:12am : Those who have heard of Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness and those who haven't.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 05-16-17 @ 6:25am : Those who believe that (when it comes to being POTUS) The Orange Tweeter is for We The People and those who believe that he's for the birds.
: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 05-16-17 @ 12:02pm : Those who let sleeping In&Outs snooze, and those who wake them up.
: AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan!  
: 05-16-17 @ 5:04pm : Those like all of us who hang around here like flies cruisin' a cow-pattie & those who are missing out on tons of fun & inspiration and need to get their butts (and the rest of them) over here to experience the magical, mesmerizing insanity of it all...
: Samberine Everose  
: 08-17-17 @ 1:57am : ...and these are male and female. {e:bigsmile}
: Samberine Everose  
: 08-17-17 @ 2:06am : .. those who see that thorns have roses and those who see that roses have thorns. {e:smile}
: busybutterfly  
: 08-23-19 @ 11:56am : Those who leave and those who stay.
: busybutterfly  
: 08-23-19 @ 11:57am : Those who love and those who are loved
: Xiea  
: 01-11-20 @ 3:24pm : ...those who can make decisions, and those who simply can't?
: Vaishali  
: 04-08-21 @ 3:48pm : Those who lead and those who follow.
: Max Griffin 🏳️🌈  
: 05-29-21 @ 8:49am : There are actually THREE kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
: ☮ The Grum Of Grums  
: 05-29-21 @ 9:22am : Those who participate and those who spectate.
: jaya  
: 06-02-21 @ 2:34am : Those who are physically hungry and those who are spiritually hungry.
: Sunny  
: 06-11-21 @ 8:58am : Takers and Givers!
: Alex Morgan  
: 07-15-21 @ 12:33pm : Those who can extrapolate from an incomplete set of data
: S 🤦  
: 04-02-23 @ 10:42pm : ...those who can count, those who can't count and those who don;t care about numbers.
: Dave Ryan  
: 12-22-24 @ 6:18am : Those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.
: Ichabod Crane  
: 12-22-24 @ 9:19am : Those that talk the talk and those that walk the walk.
: St. Patrick's Sox  
: 12-22-24 @ 3:21pm : Those that want a pet velosaraptor those that don't.
: St. Patrick's Sox  
: 12-22-24 @ 3:22pm : Those that have control of autocorrect, and those that donut.
Total Displayed: 100 |