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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1594332
The power to know all
Chapter 1:
         “One day the world shall be plunged into destruction and reborn anew. Let the people‘s hope burn brightly when the weak raise their swords against the strong.  Shine brightly the day when the pawn becomes king.” These were my father’s last words before he died.  I sat there at work pondering these words over and over, trying to uncover my father’s final farewell.  I was lost deep in thought, until I heard my boss roaring from across the room.
         “Raphael, where are you, we got orders to fill?  I don’t pay you to sit there and think”, he shouted.
         I silently rose to my feet and began flipping burger patties onto the grill.  As I muttered some choice words under my breath, I overheard the conversation of the people at the tale closest to the grill.  It seemed another country with a psychotic dictator had gotten his hands on a powerful weapon and was planning on using it.  It seemed to be the normal thing nowadays, as the whole world was inching toward an all out war.  The people of the world have become paranoid due to constant fear of dying.  Even high officials have blacklisted people who have some connection, either by blood or marriage, with radicals and terrorists.  I have become one of these blacklisted people, as someone I knew went against the government, and in doing so, ruined my life.  I was immediately expelled from the University I was attending, my family was separated, and now I live by myself in the slums of New Liberty, California.  I could barely get any work, but I was lucky enough to get hired at a local burger joint in the slums.
         Finally my shift was over.  I stormed out of the restaurant and headed home.  The sun was slowly descending in the sky as I walked along the empty side walk.  As I continued my stroll, I picked up a newspaper lying on the ground and decided to see if anything reassuring going on in the world.  The date was March 21, 2019, today’s date.  As I scan the head lines for something interesting, but the news was all the same, fear and panic.  I quickly crumbled the paper into a ball and threw it in a pile of garbage that was laying along the street.  It was just another day in my life.  I went through this pattern everyday, a lifeless set of movements day in and day out, I was close to being a zombie.  I prayed something new would happen or I wouldn’t want to go on living.
         About one block from my apartment, I heard the roar of a truck engine and the screaming of its horn.  I quickly turned around to see an armored heading toward the sidewalk where I was standing.  Without thinking, I quickly dove out of the way before the truck came flying onto the sidewalk and crashing into the side of the building.  I got up slowly, my body was covered in scrapes from skidding on the ground, I turned around to see smoke pouring out from the hole in the building.  I dashed over to see if the driver was ok, but there was no space between the broken brick and the steel truck for me to slip through.  I ran to the back of the truck to see if I could get in through the back.  However, there was no back door to the truck.  There were no hatches, no windows, no openings around the area where the cargo should be.  I tried to find someone who could call for help, as I did not own a cell phone, but there were no people around.  I began to panic, I started thinking of ludicrous plans to try and save the driver.  In my desperation I started pounding on the side of the vehicle.  I continued to pound louder, out of the corner of my eye I could see flames dancing through the little space in the wall.  As I turned to run away to save myself, I was projectile into the air by some unknown force on my back.  I landed hard into the windshield of a police car that had appeared upon the scene at that moment.  I ripped through the windshield as if it were paper, landing awkwardly onto the passenger seat with my legs sticking out from the glass and my head pushed against the officer’s shoulder.  He quickly got me out of my predicament and laid me down next to the police car.  He was trying to question me, but I couldn’t hear him at all as there was a loud ringing in my ears.  As I saw his lips forming words, I could feel warm blood gushing down past my nose and dripping off my jaw bone.  I was unable to move my left arm as I felt an excruciating pain from twitching it, I assumed it was broken.  The back of my legs stung against the jagged concrete street, as the broken glass had torn the flesh off.  Still dazed, I turned my head to the armored as the officer turned and reached for his gun.  A large spider-like machine had broken out of the armored vehicle and was tearing up the area.  By now, several other officers had appeared and had opened fired upon the mechanical beast.  The creature continued its rampage, unfazed as the bullets ricocheting off its metallic skin.  Its long, large legs pierced through the ground as it walked, and it began retaliating by launching football sized missiles that destroyed several police cars upon impact.  As I continued to look around, I saw a girl cowering behind an overturned car.  I got up slowly, ignoring the agonizing pain throughout my body, and snuck over to the girl not to allure the beast’s attention.  I snuck up behind her and covered her mouth so she wouldn’t scream and alert the monster.  She struggled and knocked her head to see into my eyes, I quickly moved my mouth close to her ear.
         “Come with me, I’ll take you somewhere safe, you can trust me,” I whispered.
She stopped struggling, stared at me for a second, and finally nodded in agreement.  Without saying another word, I squeeze her arm tightly and sprinted in the direction of my apartment.  I pushed my strength to its limit, the adrenaline coursing through me to silence the pain in my legs and back.  I dared not look back to see if the police or that monster, were pursuing us.  The only thought in my mind was to get away from that place.  After several minutes of intense running, we finally reached the entrance of my apartment building.  I burst through the front door, speeding past my landlord, who was screaming at me for making such a ruckus.  I darted down a hall for the stairs.  We ascended them with the quickest of footing, which would have normally sent me tumbling downward.  We headed up to the third floor, then down a small hallway, and finally came crashing through my door into my room.  I released my grip on her arm, took several steps forward before my strength left me and came crashing down upon my couch.  My legs both stung and ached.  My back felt as though it were about to snap.  I was gasping for air as blood continued to gush from my forehead.  I managed to turn my head away from my couch curtains onto the face of the girl that I just rescued.  She approached me gazing upon all my injuries, but then she turned her attention to my room.  She turned her head about slowly, as if scanning the place for something.  Without saying a word she darted off into another room.  I couldn’t see what was happening, but I could here the sound of drawers being opened and items being snatched up.  Then she came out with a pile of various items and headed toward the kitchen, where she dumped them all on my counter.  Then I heard her open my refrigerator and cabinets, shifting through them, and placing various objects onto my counter along with the others.  Then I began hearing the sounds of my stove turning on, running water, knives chopping things up, and other bizarre sounds.
         “What on earth was this girl doing,” I thought, “Is she thanking me by making me something to eat, what a strange girl?”
         After several minutes of hearing these noises, the weird girl came out holding something carefully in her hands.  She then turned on the lights on in my room, and I could see her quite clearly. 
         She was tall and thin, wearing a strange black jacket that had what appeared to be small metal rings along the sleeves down which hung slightly past her hands.  The jacket itself was rather tight on her, revealing many of the curves of her body.  It then was loose around her hips and had long black tails, like a tux, hanging down to the back of her knees.  Her pants were black as well with small chains in the same fashion as the sleeves.  These pants were once piece with her shoes, which had slightly elevated heels.  A golden line ran from the tip of her shoes up her pants where it met a white belt with metal spheres around it.  The golden lines reappeared on her jacket and curved about symmetrically, creating a butterfly wings along each side of the zipper, which was zipped up to it tip where the jacket was inches away from her chin.  She wore no makeup, yet she was rather pretty.  Her skin appeared to be tan at some point, but had faded some time ago.  Her lips where proportioned to her face and where full and moist.  She had a cute little knows, and bright green eyes that dazzled in the dim light.  Then I saw her hair, which was an unusual color and style.  It was dark blue.  It was straight as it fell down past her shoulders, where it fanned out a bit against her shoulder blades.  Her bangs curved down and to the side of her face, covering much of her forehead.
         She then knelt down and helped me sit up.  She sat down beside me, holding up what she had been carrying to me.  It looked like a hand made syringe, put together with an array of household items.  Inside there was a black liquid that was unknown to me.  Before I could say a word, she jabbed the needle into me and injected the fluid into my body.  My body felt like it was on fire, but then I felt a weird sensation on the back of my legs.  I grabbed my foot and lifted my leg up to see what the sensation was coming from.  My eyes grew wide as I saw what looked like my skin stretching like putty and covering the wounds.  When the sensation was gone, I jumped to my feet and started moving my body around.  My back no longer ached, my arm wasn’t broken, and there were no cuts on my body at all.  I was full of energy, I started jumping around like a maniac.  As I made my third lap around the room, I stopped when I came to a realization.  I turned and looked down at the girl, who was sitting there smiling at my excitement.
         “You were the one who created that mechanical creature that attacked me and the cops”, I asked?
         Her eyes immediately darted away from mine, and she bit her bottom lip.  She glanced down at the floor and dipped her head down a bit.
         “That is none of your concern,” she answered coldly.
         I knew from her answer that it was indeed true.  I sat down on the coffee table in front of her, slouching over and folding my hands together in front of my chin.  I had some more questions that needed answering.
         “Why were you held in that armored car?”
         “That is none of you concern,” she answered again.
         “Where the police after you?”
         “That is none of you concern.”
         “Did you cause the truck to crash?”
         “That is none of your concern!”
         “What on earth are you?”
         At that question she picked her head back up and looked at me.  She was rather flustered and tears were swelling under her eyes.  I knew I had said something rather hurtful, but I was rather scared at who, or what I had brought home.  I moved from the coffee table and knelt down in front of her.  I then placed my hands upon her shoulders and gazed into her eyes.  She looked rather shocked at my gesture.
         “Then tell me this…what is your name,” I asked?
         She was even more shocked by my question.  Her eyes darted away and she blushed.
         “My name…is…Bellime,” she said as her eyes moved back and met mine.
         I said, “That is a unique name, just as unique as mine.  My name is Raphael Phantom.  I also wanted to say thank you for healing my wounds like that, that is quite a talent you have there, be sure to keep it safe.”
         She leaned forward and rubbed her eyes in my shirt.  I could feel her warm cheeks against my chest and her soft hair tickling my neck.  She then looked up at me and smiled.
         “No one has ever complimented on my abilities like that, or thanked me for helping them out.  And I also want to thank you for rescuing me,” she said.
         I took her hand and helped her to her feet.  I then led her to my bedroom and told her that she could sleep there.  She turned to thank me and then crawled onto the bed.  I turned out to the door when she called out goodnight.  I mirrored the gesture and then headed for the couch.  I plopped down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling.  Thoughts of the events of what had just unfurled were racing around my head.  I spent some time to gather my thoughts, but before I knew it, I was fast asleep.
         The next day I woke up to the sound of rumbling coming from outside the apartment, I looked out the window and there were tanks and soldiers rumbling down the street.  I quickly ran into my room to see if Bellime is still safe.  Sure enough she was still there, fast asleep, cuddling with a pillow in her arms.  I hurry back into the living room and dive for the television remote to turn on the news.  I turn to the news station, where there is a live news feed explaining what is happening.  There is a man standing at a podium giving a speech.  He is a tall, muscular, middle-aged man with dark skin, black hair, and fierce brown eyes.  His hair is short cut and groomed like a royal.  His bangs were long and connected to his thick mustache.  He wore a General’s uniform, which was decorated with an array of medals. 
         “I will not go into much detail about what has happened, but I will say that we are facing a crises that can destroy the entire country,” he says in a thunderous voice.  “We have verified that the target is somewhere in the city, so our plan is to block off all routes that lead in and out of the city.  We will ravage this city in order to save the country.  New Liberty will be destroyed.”

Chapter 2:
         It had been three weeks since New Liberty was cut off from the world around her and was left for dead.  Each week the General tightened his grip around the peoples throats in an attempt to exterminate Bellime.  We no longer had  running water, electricity, or heating in the city.  Many already had died from rioting against the military, and being shot down like vermin.  In fact, I was the only one in my apartment that chose not to take up arms against the military.  I took the opportunity to gain all the food supplies in the apartments.
         Bellime and myself spent all our time in the apartment.  She continually played with all the appliances I had in my room, while I simply sat and waited.  The day they cut the power in the city, Bellime turned to me, looking for some reassurance.
         “How are you planning on getting out of here,” she asked?
         To much her dismay, I didn’t give her an answer she was looking for.
         “I’m just going to sit here and wait for my impending doom,” I answered, rather coldly.
         She did not like my answer as I assumed, as she got up off the couch she was sitting on and approached me in the kitchen.
         “Your simply going to roll over and die,” she asked?
         I looked at her and gave a swift nod           and she started spewing some notion about treasuring life.  I did not really pay attention to what she was saying, instead I finished off the left of my meager meal.  I then placed my finger on her lips to quiet her down. 
         “If it is my time, then I will go with open arms,” I said.  “There is no point in trying to fight an army.  It is impossible for one man to challenge the world, so I would like to keep as much of my remaining life as possible.  Besides, if your going to ask me questions, I should at least get some answers from you.”
         She became rather frustrated by my remarks and stomped off into the living room.  I started cleaning up my plates and threw them in the sink and grabbed a towel on the counter to clean off my hands.  As I went to set the towel back down, I noticed something was out of place.  I realized that my toaster was missing from it normal spot.  I glanced around the counter to see if it had been moved for some reason, but alas, it was no where to be found.  I knew that Bellime was the culprit behind it.  I walked into the living room, and I found her lying on the couch again.  As I went to open my mouth to ask her, I felt something heavy land on my right shoulder.  I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see a bug like eye staring back at me.  Without even thinking, I grabbed it and threw it across the room.  It crashed into a pile of old pizza boxes in the corner by the door.  I stared, rather frightened, as a robot designed to look like some sort of beetle emerged from the pile of boxes.  Its entire body was a silvery metallic.  It was about the size of a large football, and it only had had four bug-like legs instead of six.  Its head was oval shaped with two green bug eyes and two silver antennas jetting from the top of its head.  It shook its head like it had a headache.  It looked up at me and made a weird growling sound.  It then looked to Bellime and scurried over to her, climbing up the side of the couch and curling up by her head.  I was completely flabbergasted at what I just saw.  I motioned Bellime to come with me, fearing that I might anger that thing again. 
         We walked into my bedroom and quickly shut the door.  I turned to talk to her.  She was already sitting on my bed, twirling and admiring something in her hand.  I saw what it was and quickly snatched it out of her hands.
         “How dare you take things that don’t belong to you,” I demanded?
         She put her head down and gazed at the floor, waiting for her punishment.  By that time my little burst of anger had already died away.  I looked at what I had taken from her.  It was a chain necklace, made from bright shimmering gold.  There was one chain that was somewhat larger than the rest.  Hanging from it, was a black king chess pieces.  The black coat shined magnificently from the small sliver of light that crept through the cracks of the blinds.  I looked back at Bellime who had been staring at me while I was examining it.  I put the chain around my neck and I sat down on the other side of the bed.  She looked at the chain with a puzzling stare.
         “That is an interesting necklace Raphael, did it belong to someone important?”
         “Yes,” I said, “ It belong to my father, before he died.”
         “It must be very important to you,” she remarked, “What was he like?”
         I stood up and walked over to the window.  I gritted my teeth because I knew that I couldn’t lie again to someone about him.  I spun around to face her again.  She looked rather confused at the matter.
         “I will answer your questions only if you answer mine first,” I said.
         She nodded in agreement.
         “How did you make that healing serum, I asked, “How did you make those robots without a lab or anything, and why is the government after you?”
         “Because I know,” she answered, “I simply know what is necessary to make them and which items around me contain what I need.”
         “How is that even possible,” I asked.
         “With these,” she answered, pointing to her eyes.  “These are special cybernetic eyeballs that replaced my real eyes long ago.  They can scan and analyze everything in my surroundings and store it into my mind, then my mind can understand the data stored in order to do various things.  Like that little pet I made, I knew how to design and build one, and I found all the parts I needed from your toaster and other appliances in your apartment.  The government captured me because I know how to build weapons as well.  These eyes give me the power of “All Knowing” as I like to call it.
         I stood there rather stunned.  It seemed like a completely farfetched idea, but it did make sense.  Some of this had to be extremely complicated, and it would be basically impossible for a top robotics expert to be able to design something like that out of appliances, let alone a young woman.  While I was trying to absorb what she had told me, she started leaning towards me, trying to get me to keep up my end of the bargain.  I let out a deep sigh and began.
         “My father was a rebel leader that fought against the United States government over three years ago.  His organization was crushed and he was executed.  My family was then black listed and separated.  This necklace was his charm that helped him win support across the nation.  My father was the Dark Hand’s leader Michael Damon Phantasma, and I am his son, Raphael Di Phantasma.”
         She was astonished by my claim, although I was surprised she would even know who I was talking about, as I didn’t know how long she had been captive.  I leaned against the wall, arms folded, eyes closed, and head tilted down.
         “It is impossible for one man to change anything,” I arrogantly remarked.
         There was a pause, then Bellime answered my remark.
         “But what if that one man knows how to?”
         I picked my head up and opened my eyes, she was standing a few inches away from me.  I unfolded my arms and looked up straight.
         “What are you getting at,” I asked?
         “I have had these eyes for a long time now,” she said, “I have, on occasion, studied them, and now I am capable of making these eyes myself.  If you want, I can give you this ability.  All the necessary components are in this building, I just need to know if you want to.”
         I looked at her amazed.  Could it be really that easy, I thought?  I could do everything that she is capable of.  It seemed like god was giving me a gift from above.  I opened my mouth to answer, but Bellime continued to talk.
         “However,” she said, “I will only give you this if you promise me that you will change you fate and we both escape this city together.”
         Shocked, I asked, “You mean you know how to get out of here?  Then why haven’t you?”
         She looked at me with tears swelling in her eyes as she answered, “I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
         I stood there in silence, could I really do this?  Would it be possible for me to change my own fate?  I needed to know.
         “Alright,” I said, “I will take eyes and I will escape with you by my side.”
         Her faced beamed with happiness.  She ran out the door and into the living room.  I went to follow her, but she barged back in again with all my kitchen knives in her hands.  She threw them down onto the dresser next to my bed, then looked up at me.  She grabbed my arm and motioned for me to lay down.  I looked nervously as she began sorting through the knives.
         “Have you ever done surgery before,” I asked?
         She looked down at me and unreassuringly said, “Nope.” 
         She then looked up at the ceiling and yelled, “Now, B.U.G.S.!”
         I looked up to see that little beetle hanging over my head from my ceiling.  Before I could say anything, B.U.G.S. curled up into a large ball and came crashing down onto my head.  The last thing I remembered was a sharp pain in my head, then, darkness.
         I came to at some point later.  There wasn’t much light so I assumed it was either morning or dusk.  As I sat up, my head ached tremendously.  I staggered to my feet and searched the dimly lit room.  I walked over to my dresser and noticed something glowing in the corner of my eye.  I looked to see myself staring at a reflection of me from a mirror.  I walked over to see my reflection, something I haven’t down in ages.  I was still as tall as ever.  I was still thin, although it seemed that I had built up some muscles in my arms and chest.  I wore my usual navy blue jeans, black sneakers, and black shirt.  I had my special silver buttoned down collard shirt on, which brought out my black king chain. My hair was still the same shade of dark brown.  It was unkempt, with it hanging down partway down the back of my neck and the sides hanging over my ears.  My bangs laid against my forehead, covering most of it.  My skin was slightly tanner than Bellime’s, and my face was clean shaven.
         I started looking for the faint red glow I saw earlier.  I looked back into the mirror, surprised when I found the source.  In my left eye, the color glowed a menacing crimson red.  My other eye was the same hazel as it had been before.  Out of the corner of the mirror, I saw Bellime’s reflection.  I turned around and headed toward her.  Instead of her green eyes, both glowed the same menacing crimson red as mine had.  I wanted to ask her, but she knew exactly what I was going to say.
         “The glowing red is a tracker that allows us with the eyes to tell who else has it,” she said, “Unfortunately, there were only enough materials to make one eye for you.  When we get out of here, we’ll make you the other one.  By the way, your eye will take an hour before it activates so it won’t scan anything until then.”
         I let out a sigh and headed into the living room with her.  She laid on the couch and I paced back and forth impatiently.  Time seem to drag as I waited impatiently for my eye to activate.  Thirty minutes had passed, when we both heard commotion a floor below us.  Before we have time to react, the door burst open, and several soldiers barged into the living room.  Two grab and subdue Bellime, while the rest point their guns at me.  Behind them I see the General, smiling greedily when he found us.
         “Good job soldier,” he says to the one closest to him, “It was wise that you alerted me that the target was seen sneaking about the apartment, you will be rewarded handsomely.”
         “And as for you,” he turns to me, “You are here by sentenced to death for harboring such a hazardous weapon.”
         Bellime shouts out, “No you can’t!  He has the power to!”
         The General looks at me, studying me over and then nods to one of the soldiers behind me.  Bellime is blindfolded and gagged, and they take her out of the room. 
         “Bellime,” I shout out, as I feel something hard slam against the back of my head, then, nothing.

Chapter 3:
         I come around to the sound of two people muttering to one another.  I opened my eyes slowly and glanced from side to side.  The back of my head was pounding from the blow I had taken. 
         “Where am I,” I groaned, picking up my head to see where I was?
         I see a soldier turn and look to the sound of my words and hits me across the face.  I fall over in my chair and hear Bellime’s muffled scream as I hit the ground.  I picked my head up to see her tied down in a chair with her mouth covered by a bandana.  The General is sitting next to her, his eyes focused on me.  He motioned to the soldiers and they pick me back up and set the chair back onto its four legs.  The General then got up from his seat and stepped over to me and sat down across from me.  He leaned forward and looked me directly in the eyes.
         “Do you have the power too,” he asked?
         I looked over his shoulder to see Bellime.  She nods her head and wants me to do the same.  My eyes go back to the General’s.  I scowled at him and he smirked.
         “No,” I said coldly, “I don’t have this power you keep on raving about.  I barely know that woman, let me just go home and live out the rest of my life.”
         He leaned back into his chair and folded his arms, still smirking.  I look over at Bellime, who had tears swelling due to my harsh words.  The General rose to his feet and the two soldiers to my left moved to attention.  He walked over to the one and held out his hand.  The soldier reached to his side and placed a pistol in the General’s hand.  The General in one motion turned and shot me in the shoulder.  I let out a cry of pain and tipped my chair over from jerking.  Bellime gave out another muffled cry, as the soldiers force the chair back up and sloppily stopped the bleeding.  I looked to the General, who was frowning down on me and wiping off the blood that had sprayed on him.
         “So you really don’t have the power,” he said gloomily, “We don’t have any more use of you now boy.  You already know too much, and there is no point in letting you back into a city that had been hit by a “Poison Gas” attack.”
         “You scum,” I shouted, “Your going to keep the cruelty quiet by claiming it was a poison gas attack?  What about news cast that took place three weeks ago?
         “That news feed only was witnessed by the inhabitants of the city, and we immediately had all those participating executed secretly,” he said calmly, “These lives were necessary sacrifices to ensure this girl didn’t fall into enemy hands.  Now it is time to take this girl back so she can start making us new weapons.  But there really was no point in telling you, knowing that you’ll be dead soon.”
         He motioned to the two soldiers and they untied me and lead me out of the room.  We made our way down a long hallway, both soldiers standing in front of me, with guns at the ready.  I walked with my head down, staring at the rope that bind my hands together.  As we made our way to the end of the hall way, the soldiers pushed open a door and lead me through it.  They pushed me against the wall.  I spun around to see the soldiers had readied their weapons to fire on me at any second.
         “Was this really the end,” I thought?  “I was going to die at the hands of the corrupt General.  This couldn’t be.  And what about Bellime…what was going to happen to her?  I promised her…I promised that we would this place together.”
         I stared angrily at the soldiers, they both were smirking at me, mocking my frustration.  I looked down at their guns.
         “If I can only dodge the bullets,” I thought angrily, “But I don’t know how…I want to know…I need to know!”
         At that instant small numbers and text appeared like an invisible screen over my field of vision.  The numbers and words were flying on and off the invisible screen, but I was able to read it all.
         The 500-F.M.T are a automatic rail type gun.  Bullets travel at speeds of 500 ft/s and there is .124 milliseconds time gap between each bullet fired.  There is a .0045 second time gap between the trigger squeezing and the first bullet leaving the chamber.  Guns are elevated at 4.6 feet of the ground.  Gun left is elevated .015 degrees above the horizontal plane, while the other is .089 degrees below the horizontal.  Distance from desired target is 20 feet.  Air resistance is negligible.  Brain signals to squeeze trigger will reach muscles in .0032 seconds, and trigger squeezed in .0035 seconds.
         It felt like the data was being sorted within my mind.  Then calculations were racing in my own mind.  Knowledge I had gained from high school and college buzzed in my brain.  Calculus, Physics, Trigonometry and Probability; topics that I had buried deep in the subconscious of my mind were being used once again to ensure my survival.  Then a data box appeared in the right corner of my vision.
         Ducking in .0036859 seconds to height of 5 feet and running 2.5 degrees to the left at a speed of 5 ft/sec will yield a 98% survival rate.
         My brain registered the answer and my body obeyed.  I followed the data to a tee.  The bullets whisked over my head, clipping only a few hairs.  I darted off in the direction commanded, both soldiers stunned that I had dodged their assault. 
         Both had dropped their guns and tried to face me in unarmed combat.  As both soldiers charged at me, the eye began rescanning them, all the way down to their nervous system.  I could see the electronic signals the brain was sending out to the muscles and was capable of predicting their movements, and how to counterattack.  The one soldier came at me straight on, but I dodged and gave him a quick jab to the throat.  The other tried to catch me off guard with an uppercut, but I caught his arm and slammed him against the wall.
         Knocking out both, I grabbed both their guns and made my way back into the hallway.  It seemed that some soldiers had heard the gun shots, as more had stormed into the hallway.  They caught sight of me and tried to alert the others.  Luckily for me, none were armed, so I ran at them, hitting some in the back of the neck with the butt of the guns, and shooting others in the limbs to hinder their movements.  Just by watching the two soldiers only once, I had gained the knowledge on how to fire these guns with excellent precision, making me highly accurate.
         I made it burst through the one door, back into the room that Bellime had been in.  She and the General were still there.  The General rose to his feet to attack, but I had already fired several rounds at him.  He stumbled backwards and toppled over the table behind him.  I hurried over to Bellime and undid her ties.  She smiled brightly, but turn her head when we heard the sound of the wooden table being blown to bits by a barrage of bullets.
         The General had gotten back to his feet.  We looked in horror, as his left hand had been replaced by a Gatling Gun.  His military jacket had been torn away where the bullets hit, revealing a metal plate.  The General was grinning from ear to ear.
         “You are one quick man,” he shouted gleefully, “But bullets won’t be working on me.  Check out this metal body and this gun, your looking at the world’s first Cyborg.  I’m all revved up and ready to blow you flesh bags away.”
         He aimed his arm at us and opened fired.  I quickly grabbed Bellime and darted out of the way.  My eye kept on scanning his body, my mind rapidly absorbing the data, but unable to counter attack.  His mechanical body had major flaws in its structural design that would prove fatal, but it was too difficult to get anywhere near him.  With Bellime’s arm gripped tightly in my hands, we darted out of the door and into the hallway, trying to escape.
         “Bellime, can you build anything we can use against him,” I asked loudly?
         She looked down at the gun still in my hand and nodded.  We ran through many corridors hoping to elude the General.  We entered an empty room and I set  the gun down and grabbed any type of metal I could fine in the room.  I sat next to her as she began to work, hoping to gain the knowledge as well.  As I watched carefully, I saw her roll up her left sleeve and she dug her fingers into her skin.  I watched shocked as her skin tore back revealing a metallic arm.  She then fiddled around into a compartment and pulled out several wires and other tools.  I looked at her strangely, she must have noticed, because she turned and looked at me.
         “I lost from my elbow down in an accident,” she said casually, “So I built this mechanical replacement which also helps with making machines.”
         I nodded and continued to watch her.  Several minutes went by when we heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway.  I knew right away the General was getting close.  I tried coming up with some way to buy Bellime some time.  I burst the door open, and sure enough the General was ready for me.  He now had two gun turrets emerged from his shoulders, and he used them try and gun me down.  I darted back and forth, miraculously dodging the onslaught of bullets.  The calculations continually produced smaller and smaller yields of survival as the General began firing wildly.  As I pressed my feet against the wall to change direction, I felt three bullets graze the side of my arm.  I stumbled and was hit with more bullets, luckily all had missed my vitals.  I fell to the floor and the General laughed menacingly. 
         I laid there gritting my teeth to endure the pain.  The data was perfect, yet my body was unable to keep with the commands.  I thought that this was the end as the General pressed the end of his gun against my head.  I closed my eyes to except the worse, when I heard him let out a scream.  I opened my eyes to see him staggering back with Bellime firing an electrode disturber gun at him.  His body was flailing, unable to control himself.  Bellime shouted over to me and threw me what looked like a small dagger.  I grabbed it and lunged at him, ramming the dagger in his chest by the area in his heart.  It pierced through his metal chest and there was a small explosion.  The General coughed up blood and fell back.  I stood over him as he made one last attempt.  He reached his hand and grabbed at my jacket.  He ripped my shirt and held my chain in his hands.  He looked astonished at the sight of it, then he looked up at my face.
         “You…where did you get this,” he asked?
         “This was given to me from my father,” I answered, “My name is Raphael Di Phantasma.”
         The General grinned and said, “So, the son follows in the father’s footsteps…It is a shame…that I won’t…be there…to see you…be…execu…”
         The General’s arm fell to the ground and he breathed his last.  I turned to Bellime and grabbed her hand.  We walked out of the General’s mansion and into the night.  I kept my promise to her, we were finally free.

*There is more to it, but I couldn't fit it all on this storage*
© Copyright 2009 Raphael Phantasma (phantom2012 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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