Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1593370-Games---2077--Uncompleted
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1593370
You think the future is a fun and idyllic place? Think again.
As a writer to a local newpaper, I have seen and covered many things. Wars, Genocide, the scum of humanity.

So, when A friend suggested I do a story about a game, I was sure this would be easy. But, being used to surprises, I decided to follow his advice and picked up this game. The best way to do the story willbe a simple journal that keeps tabs on this game and my progress within,

Day One:

Today I went to a store, to buy the aforementioned game. Simply titled "Life", I was ready to see what this contained.
The clerk, a weedy man of no more than 20, seemed to hand me the game with suspicion, as if this was a drug deal and I was about to arrest him on the spot. I paid for the game and left, unsure of what to think of this situation.
As I arrived home I began unwrapping the cellophane and discarded it neatly next to me on the couch, As the disc slowly slid into the console, I wondered why there was a disc at all. At this point, most games had been available, all but the best gaming stores had died, and the few left sold general household items in addition to systems.

The screen went black for a few seconds, as I got up to remove and check the disc for imperfections, White lettering appeared, then,.a sprawling view of a city scape was offered to me along with the words "Press start"
I did and moved on to character creation, the view of the city had now turned to night as I heard several gunshots. I modeled my character after myself, and then was presented with the option to begin.
My character appeared in the night-lit city looking confused, Suddenly, a gunshot ringed behind me, and maneuvered my in-screen character into a alley-way as my assailant ran after another random user.
Checking my inventory, I found $30 and a handful of tokens "What are *these* for?", I wondered before a voice interrupted me, "Wares, sir" I quickly turned to see a random seller offering me a "Medical hypo" I bought it and the creaky voice said "Thank you., Now $30 left. As I an out, A shot ringed out and my character knelled over. He was shot, mashing everything on my controller, I couldn't revive him, paramedics came, and took him away. "I guess they'll revive him at the virtual hospital", I thought. I decided to go to bed.

Day Two

Today, Today, I nearly died.

As I was walking to a store a ffew feet from my house, I head a minor sound, I didn't think anything of it, although, I seemed to walk a bit faster, then I heard the sound again, and felt immense pressure on my gut.
Uh-oh, I thought, I've felt this before, Immediately, I fell over, Someone had shot me.
Of course, stomach wound aren't *that* dangerous as long as I can get to a hospital, But that didn't look like it was happening. I reached in my pocket to find my cell-phone and insted felt a small circular object, as I tightened my grip around it, I blacked out.

Later I woke up in the hospital, apparently , a concerned neighbor had heard the firing, found me, and called the paramedics.
I won't be released for a few days, so I'll rest easy, thank god I had asked someone to go to my home and retrieve the journal, this will help my dampened spirits!

Day Three
Today I learned who shot me, It was some random fan who want enamored with the idea of me, and had tried to shoot to get my attention.
Anyway, I will not be able to play "Life" for a day or so. But I think my recovery matters more.
© Copyright 2009 wininwe (winwinwe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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