Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1592717-Assistance-Love
by Pim
Rated: · Other · Writing · #1592717
Love, sad story
This story is called "Assistance Love." It's about this girl named Pim, she is a poor girl who needs a job to pay for the bills from the hospital, because of her dad's sickness. Than her best friend, Marige, told Pim that Pim should be an assistance at Chang Mai for a famous singer. Pim thought that she is too poor to get that job. Margie says that only if Pim wants to help her dad. So Pim decides to get the assistance job. Soon Pim got to Chang Mai, Margie handed a letter to Pim, she told Pim to give them the letter to read, so Pim can get the job. Soon Pim was walking looking at the address on the paper looking where to go. Soon a guy named Bie came running from his fans and Suddenly bump into Pim. They both fell down together and Bie landed on top of Pim and Accidentally kiss Pim on the cheeks. Soon the fans was getting closer to Bie and Pim. Bie quickly got up, pull Pim's hand, drag Pim's hang and force her to runaway with him. Pim screamed so loud to Bie to let go of her, but Bie wouldn't. Than Bie drag Pim behind the bush and they both hide behind the bush. Pim was trying to screamed for help, but Bie cover her mouth with his hand. Pi tried to move and tried to hit Bie, but Bie held on to Pim tighter. Soon all the fans ran pass Bie and Pim, than Bie let go of Pim.

"Who do you think you are!" Yelled Pim to Bie.

"Do you know who you are talking to?" Yelled Bie to Pim. They both were fight so long that Pim was going to report to the police. Soon Pim asked Bie for money because he have dragged her and left all her stuff behind. Bie didn't let.

"If you don't pay me, than i'll go report to the police that you tried to do disgusting and bad things to me!" yelled Pim. Bie thought for a bit.

"If she tells the police, than i'll be Embarrass, because I'm a famous person, and i'll be all over the news" thought Bie in his mind. He quickly took out some money and handed to Pim. Soon Pim got to the Practice Ave. Place. She went and interview with the workers for the assistance job.

"NO!" the manager says. Pim cannot have that job because the manager thought that Pim was just a fan person, and they can't accept a fan person to be an assistance or else the fan person will always bother the famous person.

"I'm saying for real, I'm not a fan! I'm from Lao, and I'm just here to get the assistance job" complained Pim to the manager.

"Sorry, don't use that lied against us, it will not work, and all these fans kept on saying things like you too, that they are from other places just so they can get the job" said the manager.

"I'm not a fan! I'm just a regular person, and i really need this job to help my dad" said Pim. The manager asked if Pim knows Bie. Pim says "NO."

"Don't be kidding, everyone knows Bie Sukrit, he is a famous singer and actor" said the manager.

"But I don't know Bie Surkit though, and I never heard of him before" said Pim. Soon Bie came up to Pim.

"Hey!" shouted Bie to Pim. Pim and Bie starred at each other.

"It's You!" they both gasped at the same time. Pim than refuse not to have the assistance job. Soon Bie was getting information about Pim.

"Hey!" shouted Pim to Bie.

"Doesn't mean that I was hurt doesn't mean you have to get information about me!" yelled Pim to Bie. Bie soon asked Pim if she wants the assistance job.

"NO" shouted Pim. Pim refuse to be the assistance for Bie. Bie says "Fine! if you don't wanna help your dad in the hospital" said Bie.

"How did you know" wonder Pim.

"The letter says it" answer Bie.

"And it says, it's from your friend Margie" said Bie. Pim still refuse to be the assistance. Bie says that he would pay Pim $30,00 each month. Soon Pim begin to take the job just to help her dad. Soon Pim became an assiatance for Bie. Than there was a woman named Pancake, she really loves Bie but Bie only loves her as a sister, because they both were once a couple, but a guy named Pong came and stole Pancake away from Bie. So now Pong and Bie were enemies, and Bie don't love pancake anymore. Pancake soon thought that Bie loved Pim because Pim and Bie are always together, so she did evil things trying to make Pim get fire from Pim's assistance job, but it never works. Soon Bie pays $60,000 for Pim's bill at the hospital for Pim's dad, and now he wants Pim to pay him back the $60,000, because he payed for Pim's dad's bill. Pim didn't know what to do. Bie soon offer Pim to marry him for fake. He says that if Pim be his wife, he would pay lots of money for Pim, so Pim won't really have to pay Bie back the $60,000. Than Pim decides to marry Bie for fake. She says that whenever she have enough money to pay Bie back, she wants a divorce. Soon another woman named Alexandra, her face looks exactly like Pim's face. So she capture Pim into this building and make Pim stay there for 2 months. Alexandra capture Pim because when Pim wasn't marry to Bie yet, Pim was flirting with Alexandra's boyfriend, Pong. Than Alexandra pretend to be Bie's wife of Pim. Because of Alexandra's face looks exactly like Pim's face, Bie didn't recognized it. Alexandra did lots of bad things to make Bie divorce her of Pim. Soon Alexandra murder Pancake because pancake was always trying to be mean to her. Soon the police found out that it was Alexandra of Pim who murder Pancake, because of Alexandra's earring fell whiled killing Panacake. Bie soon got mad at Alexandra of Pim. Soon Alexandra hurry back to the building where Pim was and set Pim free. When Pim returned back to Bie's house, Bie forces Pim to leave. Pim asked whats happening, why is Bie yelling at her? Bie called the police. Bie told Pim to have a divorce, cause he doesn't want a killing wife. Pim crys and says "Bie, before you divorce me, think first, cause i've been capture for nearly 2 months, and you don't even care, than how can 'I murder Pancake!" cry Pim to Bie. Bie ignore and told Pim to sign the divorce paper.

"Bie, one day, you'll regret it, once you knew the truth, it's too late for you" cry Pim and studdenly signed her Signature on the divorce paper, than the police took Pim away to jail. Soon whiled Pim was in jail, she watched the T.V. The news says that "Famous singer Bie Sukrit's wife have murder Pancake" Pim gasped. The news show up a picture of Alexandra of Pim. Pim gasped. She realized that the person in the picture is not her, because Pim has the marriage ring that Bie give it to Pim, but in the picture of Alexandra, she doesn't have the ring. Pim soon told the police, but the police wouldn't believe her. So Bie came, and Pim told everything to Bie, but Bie wouldn'y believe her anyway, but Bie was confused too. Bie soon went on the internet and search for a girl named Alexandra. Soon he found Alexandra's place where she lives. Bie quickly went to Alexandra's house. He begin pretend to act nice to Alexandra. She thought she would go take a shower of getting ready to have something fun with Bie. Whiled Alexandra was taking a shower, Bie quickly begin to find proof of Alexandra killing Pancake. Suddenly, Bie found the Weapon Alexandra used to killed Pancake. He gasped. He quickly called the police, and soon Alexandra was in jail. Pim got out of jail and she pack all her clothes and ranaway. 2 months later Bie found Pim in a apartment, Bie begs Pim to come back and marry him again, but Pim didn't let. Soon Bie's concert was coming up. Bie begs Margie to get Pim to come to his concert. Than Pim came to Bie's concert. Bie started singing. Pim began to starred at Bie singing, than started to cry, than she began to walk out of the concert, Bie began to sing "But before you go," sing Bie. Pim stop walking and turned to Bie. "i want you to remember that you'll be a memory inside my breath" sing Bie starring at Pim. Pim began to cry more starring at Bie. "I will remember you until my last day, my heart will probably go on with times, one day there'll probably be someone coming, as long as i'm breathing I won't forget you..." sung Bie starring at Pim.

Soon, Pong came and capture Pim, he called Bie to come and rescue Pim, if Bie don't than Pong will kill Pim. But Bit would have to bring $100,000 to Pong, so Pong would let Pim go. Soon Pong end up in jail. Bie begs Pim to come back to him. Than Pim began to smiled and marry Bie again.....

© Copyright 2009 Pim (kongcheethao at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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