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815 reasons to be happy |
1. exercise balls 2. blue nail polish 3. skinny jeans 4. Converse Shoes 5. Doctor Who 6. Lost 7. Pushing Daisies 8. Keane 9. Michigan 10. Harry Potter 11. Dewey decimal system 12. Binary notation 13. #13 14. awesome glasses 15. brown-haired blue-eyed people 16. tulips 17. William Burns 18. T. S. Eliot 19. Frank Lloyd Wright 20. Vincent Van Gogh 21. YouTube 22. giraffes 23. Apple products 24. mushrooms 25. Charlie the Unicorn 26. Florence Foster Jenkins 27. Italy 28. Germany 29. New York City 30. Seattle 31. France 32. New Zealand 33. matching salt and pepper shakers 34. everything Asian 35. Switzlernad 36. Austria + Viennese Balls 37. mismatching earrings 38. mismatching socks 39. good/happy/funny websites 40. Wikipedia articles written by people with brains 41. funny/stupid YouTube comments 42. #42 – the answer 43. 3 Musketeers bars 44. anything green that is non- repulsive 45. non-chain happy shops 46. BlaBlas 47. escalators 48. art 49. good restaurants 50. smiley faces 51. POM 52. Kombucha 53. murals 54. frescos 55. San Pelegrino lemonade 56. #56 57. seeing the moon and sun at the same time 58. fried food 59. spiky/colored hair 60. natural tans 61. colored mascara + eyeliner 62. Emma Watson 63. Johnny Depp 64. David Tennant 65. midnight premieres 66. Shirley Temple (girl + drink) 67. tables with chess/checkers/board games painted on them 68. Dumbledore 69. Potter Puppet Pals 70. Pigmy Puffs 71. Wombats 72. Chinchillas 73. Japan 74. Bollywood 75. McDonald’s drive-thru rap 76. Flight of the Conchords 77. Egypt 78. Opera 79. Andrew Lloyd Weber 80. amazing composers 81. Russian Literature + Art 82. music 83. The Killers 84. The Beatles 85. Weezer 86. Queen 87. Adobe Photoshop 88. Cameras 89. Motion City Soundtrack 90. Audrey Hepburn 91. Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire 92. sunglasses 93. Spongebob 94. Pink Panther cartoon 95. “fail” 96. stars 97. the 1920’s – 60’s 98. perfect curls 99. Ninjas 100. turtles 101. colorful cottages 102. kiwi (bird + fruit) 103. Victorian fashion 104. books 105. old cooking utensils 106. pineapple 107. TapTap/DDR/FFR 108. flamingoes 109. happy fruit 110. 11:59 especially on New Year’s Eve/birthdays 111. Mitch Hedberg 112. Good headphones 113. Tevas 114. Snails 115. colorful bugs 116. inside of shells 117. Notebooks 118. Sharpies 119. sandbox volcanoes 120. left handed writing 121. rules of division 122. Monty python 123. Emmy Rossum 124. Big Towels 125. Morton Salt Girl 126. clear umbrellas 127. sparkles 128. common sense 129. Real and colorful shutters 130. funny people 131. irony 132. super long passwords 133. playgrounds 134. water parks 135. sour skittles 136. oreos 137. staying up late 138. secret tunnels 139. trees 140. 3 AM 141. vintage or antique everything 142. travel magazines 143. KitchenAid mixers 144. the name Jane 145. cute children 146. magic hair skizzles 147. collages 148. artists 149. writers 150. swings 151. maps 152. mountains 153. cool lunchboxes 154. roasted marshmallows 155. popcorn 156. plantains 157. English British spellings 158. polka dots 159. berries 160. streams 161. shrubberies 162. huge gardens 163. ferris wheels 164. rides 165. antique carousels 166. duck sound with grass 167. blue pianos 168. reversed colored piano keys 169. ornate churches 170. long flights 171. good action/sci-fi/scary movies 172. technology 173. Pirates of the Caribbean 174. Honeybees 175. garlic 176. mangoes 177. vivid colors 178. gel pens 179. Matsuri Hino 180. Maraschino cherries 181. musicals 182. pinef orests 183. napkins 184. doodling 185. study hall 186. intricate love triangles/squares 187. Helena Bonham Carter 188. classic arcade games 189. Winnie the Pooh 190. Happy crackers 191. hummus 192. complex/amazing/happy houses/architecture 193. birds 194. Tildes 195. asterisks 196. umlauts 197. fabric stores 198. wallpaper 199. peace 200. last day of school 201. being sneaky 202. Hoops and Yoyo 203. Smosh 204. Niga Higa 205. singing/amazing/homemade cards 206. grassy hills 207. listening to people argue in Korean 208. strange coincidences 209. Mirandasings08 210. hats 211. collections 212. empty beaches 213. Daleks 214. going far when you don’t know/care where you’re going, you just want to go far 215. smeg refrigerators 216. pixar 217. The Sims 218. Guitar Hero 219. Apples to Apples 220. cheesy stories 221. happiness 222. perfectly smooth gum/dove chocolate wrappers + gum wrappers folded up to look like they still have gum in them 223. laughter attacks 224. fluffy pillows 225. stained glass/fused glass 226. corn on the cob 227. big comfy sweatshirts 228. any kind of awesome sock 229. plaid/argyle anything 230. Ingrid Michaelson 231. girl afros 232. Bones 233. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 234. old Disney movies 235. Breakfast at Tiffany’s 236. fleece pajama pants 237. Albert Einstein 238. E. Degas 239. Oliver Sacks 240. Mahatma Ghandi 241. anything related to Tibet except for China being an idiot (just kidding China, we love you!) 242. finding pennies heads up/laying pennies down heads up 243. super shiny pennies 244. the fact that the capital of Taiwan is Taipei 245. dolphins 246. pufferfish 247. seahorses 248. jellyfish when they aren’t stinging 249. stingrays 250. brightly colored nylons 251. ping pong 252. foosball 253. kick ball 254. subways + other public transportation 255. being independent 256. biking 257. running 258. candy canes + candy sticks 259. chocolate + everything related to chocolate 260. jukeboxes 261. galleries and museums in general 262. amazing Opera houses and concert halls in general 263. disco balls 264. ice skating 265. real/first snow 266. thunderstorms under ideal conditions/any rain in ideal conditions 267. bonfires 268. fruit favored popsicles 269. pie 270. Lee Pace 271. Artemis Fowl 272. kindred spirits 273. monopoly 274. winning 275. being happy with losing 276. mini golf 277. bumper cars/boats 278. -279^3 279. lipstick/gloss etc. 280. awesome heels 281. taffy 282. dandelions 283. awesome shoelaces 284. books that change your life 285. perfect movie 286. fairytale endings 287. real endings 288. beginnings 289. knowing it’s not the end 290. staying up late even when you’re tired/not being tired when you stay up late 291. lists, making of 292. naps 293. making words out of calculator numbers 294. waking up early and being productive 295. water wars 296. lyrics 297. playing games with/amusing yourself 298. gum 299. tea 300. coffee 301. poppies 302. saris 303. suitcase sets 304. cute dresses 305. lotion 306. hand sanitizer 307. shiny things 308. sparkly things 309. fountain pens 310. awesome band names 311. post-it notes 312. intelligence 313. bangles 314. mini safety pins 315. lacy curtains 316. Amsterdam 317. road trips 318. rolls royces 319. convertibles 320. tetris 321. signature phrases 322. watercolor 323. custom clothing 324. having fun 325. foreign languages 326. ice 327. glow in the dark anything 328. yachts 329. martinis etc. 330. chat that works 331. determination 332. the painting ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’ + thusly inspired converse 333. pocket watches/normal watches 334. crazy dreams 335. puddles 336. British actors/people/accents 337. old bicycles 338. rainbows 339. rain boots 340. cool decks of cards 341. cute baby clothes/shoes 342. sunsets/sunrises 343. fluffy clouds 344. skiing 345. Tim Burton 346. Izze 347. solitaire 348. leather journals 349. really tall bookshelves 350. puzzles 351. candy stores 352. quilts 353. libraries 354. bookstores 355. yummy bread 356. foghorns 357. glass bottles 358. record players 359. garage sales 360. sponges 361. spiral staircases 362. old fashioned soda 363. malts 364. milk 365. compliments you actually care about 366. birthdays/ birthday cake 367. yelling into fans 368. upside down umbrellas floating in water 369. zippers 370. window ledges 371. magnets 372. pressing buttons 373. palindromes 374. cognates 375. false cognates 376. Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonynge 377. long conversations 378. kites 379. memories 380. paper airplanes 381. model airplanes 382. airports 383. fountains 384. code names 385. secrets 386. inside jokes 387. beads 388. frogs 389. teepees 390. lambskins 391. scarves 392. frosting 393. bats 394. tiger balm 395. shopping for school supplies 396. first day of school 397. cameos 398. cameo appearances in movies 399. writing letters 400. getting mail 401. incorrect pronounciations 402. raspberries 403. blackberries and cream 404. Beatrix Potter 405. Anne Hathaway 406. brownies 407. crepes 408. whipped cream 409. nutella 410. roadside attractions 411. waterfalls 412. gift shops 413. gift certificates 414. Amazon 415. free samples 416. slumber parties 417. loud background noise 418. silence 419. being in crowds 420. being alone 421. funky doorknobs 422. little fake half house things at hardware stores 423. contacts 424. yellow 425. embroidery floss 426. llamas 427. sheep 428. alpacas 429. elephants 430. Ikea 431. yarn shops 432. typewriters 433. compasses 434. artistic insanity 435. keychains 436. ugly dolls 437. penguins 438. Playmobil 439. Legos 440. glue 441. freckles 442. duct tape 443. masking tape 444. poker 445. scales 446. good concentration 447. fish scales 448. foreign accents 449. homemade cards 450. gas masks 451. history 452. the history channel 453. fashion/haircutting/modeling dumb/entertaining TV shows 454. good smelling flowering trees 455. hugs 456. cobblestones 457. ivy climbing up buildings 458. rose trellises 459. corners 460. indie documentaries 461. foreign movies 462. covered/cute bridges 463. stress balls/toys 464. credits at the beginning of a movie 465. people named Kevin 466. watching all the credits 467. sheep 468. Schnauzers 469. parrots 470. asian dolls 471. matreshka dolls 472. kinder eggs 473. choco cat + other asian cartoon characters 474. sales 475. trench coats 476. Shel Silverstein 477. Dr. Seuss 478. Edgar Allan Poe 479. big pockets 480. braids 481. brains 482. citrus fruit 483. graham cracker pie crust 484. cinnamon rolls 485. Altoids 486. German pastries 487. marzipan 488. huge porches 489. friendly strangers 490. butterflies 491. haircuts 492. ice cream trucks 493. ornate dining rooms 494. miniature rooms 495. intensity 496. laid back-ness 497. random advice 498. flashlights 499. starbursts 500. dancing 501. yearbooks 502. vests 503. shallow, catchy pop music 504. silk sheets 505. loud electronic/techo/dance music 506. snap peas 507. huckleberries 508. Catan 509. coffee mugs 510. smoothies 511. camisoles 512. shaving cream 513. last/1st row of theater 514. Greece 515. waves 516. arrows 517. Velcro 518. light up shoes 519. eggplant (fruit + color) 520. seafood 521. leeks 522. Mercedes Benz and other expensive cars 523. Dalai Lama 524. scented candles 525. imbroglio 526. dictionaries 527. encyclopedias 528. thesaurus 529. octopi/squids 530. mooses + elk + caribou 531. Frappucinos 532. Pez 533. World Market 534. Whole Foods 535. Trader Joe’s 536. painting palettes 537. art supply shops 538. Lava 539. 24 hour time 540. pull cord lights 541. Cirque du Soleil 542. Mummenschanz 543. Canada 544. the Space Needle 545. electric fans 546. Calvin and Hobbes 547. Dilbert 548. Pearls before Swine 549. making videos 550. ships in bottles 551. piggy banks 552. pinstripes 553. amazing ties 554. needle threaders 555. wire 556. confetti 557. sand mandalas 558. mandolins 559. Sudoku 560. Batman 561. Vampire Knight 562. Anime 563. L 564. Fancy Pants 2 565. The Impossible Quiz 566. colored pencils 567. life 568. friends 569. Halloween 570. writing parties 571. Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blog 572. red bean pastries 573. hot cocoa 574. jump drives 575. “paint” on PCs 576. riddles 577. political jokes 578. Hufu 579. coke w/ lime 580. Ben and Jerry’s 581. Hot Box 582. tubing 583. capture the flag 584. roller coasters 585. being weird 586. making up words 587. Venice 588. lying in bed after you wake up 589. packing 590. going to target with friends 591. reading 592. fireworks 593. treasure hunts 594. chunky peanut butter 595. push pops 596. Otto Matic 597. perfect apples 598. melon/watermelon 599. Hulu 600. nurseries 601. hide and seek/sardines 602. footie pajamas 603. mini coffee makers 604. chai 605. postcards 606. ticket stubs 607. laughing until you can’t breathe 608. tire swings 609. fall 610. spring 611. winter 612. tic tacs 613. summer 614. clothing tags 615. drink umbrellas 616. evil J 617. cool toothpicks 618. anklets 619. hair bows 620. Severus Snape 621. Coldplay 622. Hydrangeas 623. REALLY good strawberries 624. cute purses 625. music videos 626. SkyBurger 627. cod screen savers 628. Tide laundry soap 629. boating 630. posters 631. haircuts 632. Architectural Digest 633. breath savers/life savers 634. fried ice cream 635. pizza 636. couscous 637. writing sevens with a dash in the middle 638. tiny hammers 639. Nalgene bottles 640. Wired magazine 641. waterguns 642. rock climbing 643. sky diving 644. solar/lunar eclipses 645. national parks 646. button up shirts 647. rollerblading 648. sledding 649. little buses 650. smart cars 651. cotton balls 652. makeup remover that works 653. old old old pickup trucks 654. bands that have unique live shows 655. music festivals 656. strange/yay shop and brand names 657. pins (buttons) 658. chocolate bunnies 659. guinea pigs and other cute tiny furry mammals 660. shake shingles 661. shake shuffle on iPod 662. being super obsessed with things 663. forums 664. Comic Con 665. ribbon 666. fake evil # 667. stickers/bumper stickers 668. cacti 669. Ewan McGregor 670. Nicole Kidman 671. James McAvoy 672. beards 673. empty children 674. barns 675. owls 676. bokeh 677. singing loudly 678. gelato/sorbet 679. dollhouses 680. leaves 681. caramel rolls 682. omelets 683. Frisbees 684. perfectly whit ehair 685. driftwood/ driftwood art 686. gravel roads in the middle of nowhere 687. silver clay 688. fireplaces 689. really tall slides 690. Jeopardy 691. “Top 5” polls from facebook 692. desktop backgrounds 693. corkboards 694. Montana 695. Mountains 696. super fine sand 697. sailboats 698. maple candy 699. sprinklers 700. series with lots of books in them 701. geometric patterns 702. little bed and breakfasts 703. hay rides 704. baby horses 705. toffee 706. donkeys 707. brich houses 708. lighthouses 709. quizzes/surveys 710. baseball 711. fiddlehead ferns 712. sour clover 713. Cute Korean People 714. bells 715. happy espresso makers 716. BLTs 717. gingerbread houses 718. the Onion 719. lamp posts 720. Mr. Tumnus 721. holding glasses up and missing your mouth 722. grammar 723. free stuff 724. Arugula 725. drawing on hands 726. random colored doors 727. random buildings at the end of roads 728. Paris 729. canals 730. drawing on hands 731. alleys with secret stores 732. filing cabinets 733. Abbey Road 734. skylights 735. rusty cool junk 736. long wonderful descriptions of food in books 737. bread pudding 738. random theories 739. bubble bath 740. violin shops 741. street signs 742. high ponytails 743. yellow pansies 744. soccer 745. dinner parties 746. strange/good smells 747. blood oranges 748. the Olympics 749. Heath Ledger 750. Meryll Streep 751. Enchanted 752. Amy Adams 753. music you think you hate but end up liking 754. simplicity 755. baking 756. cool magazines 757. sewing 758. shoes 759. medals/trophies/ribbons 760. vintage lamps 761. happy craziness 762. equations 763. hamburgers 764. pickles 765. capers 766. pesto 767. olives 768. French pastries 769. chocolate muffins 770. yogurt 771. chocolate covered marshmallows 772. HobNobs/digestables 773. potatoes 774. calligraphy 775. power points 776. dry-erase boards 777. atlases 778. pillars 779. cupolas 780. boardwalks 781. Hot Tubs 782. ginger beer 783. mint 784. basil 785. Sunday comics 786. gliders/hammocks 787. merry-go-rounds at playgrounds 788. magic tricks 789. The Illusionist 790. cotton candy 791. feet 792. awesome graffiti 793. homemade pizza 794. being in love 795. vintage camera collections 796. Flickr 797. currants 798. avocado/guacamole 799. beans 800. sushi 801. cool rocks 802. hazel/green eyes 803. mini nail clippers 804. Hayley Mills 805. Frost/Nixon 806. train stations 807. crayons 808. makeup counters 809. swiss army knives 810. electric scooters 811. happy people 812. Cinnamon Toast Crunch 813. fire 814. high tech kitchen utensils 815. Being alive |