Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591126-Introducing-Joy
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1591126
An introduction speech for the Paper Doll Gang
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you to someone I have come to know as such a "beautiful" spirit. That is really the best way I can describe her to you.

She hails from northern Indiana, having made it full circle in life..and I mean..she made a 'fullllll circle'(chuckling)..Born in Indiana...she moved to the south as a child...moved out west as a young adult, only to find the man of her dreams, who also came from Indiana...and finally settled together back where they both came from...in Indiana...Ha! Tell me that isn't 'full circle"!

Although they haven't any children of their own...this beautiful spirit holds a great love of children, and has for years, worked with their local church youth group. Not to mention their furry child that they share the warmth of their home with...their black lab. She's a dog lover and a great humanitarian!

Someone who prefers the simple things in life...the smell of sawdust will make her happy! How simple is that?!....She loves spending time on a lake in the mountains with the love of her life...her husband, of whom she has said... is "the 'greatest' inspiration" of her life. I have to share with you, however...that although he may be her inspiration, she has been truly an 'inspiration' to me, and anyone else who has been fortunate enough to get to know her.

She is truly an artist in every sense of the word..from her career at home as a hair stylist and makeup artist, to her creation of weaving words into inspirational stories and beautiful poetry. Truly, her soul goes into each creation on paper. She is an accomplished writer. Writing her first song when she was all but four. I do believe she holds a song in her heart, as her life sings of love and joy.

A woman with great compassion and passion, as well as a zest for life....truly living up to her name for she is a 'joy'.*Smile*...with great honor, I introduce to you ...Joy

Word count: 330
© Copyright 2009 SummerLyn Guthrie (summerlyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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