Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1590817-Dreamers-Tale
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1590817
My attempt at bringing a dream to paper.
~Part 1~

As I pulled myself from the jeep the desert heat overwhelmed me. It was blisteringly hot and the sun, blindingly bright. All around was nothing but sand and clear blue sky. Something had drawn me here. I could feel it. But what? I could feel a presence in the sand, all around, but i couldn't quite place it.

I began walking, going somewhere but at the same time nowhere. My jeep became a dot on the horizon and I was becoming frustrated. Why was I here?! What had I come to find? In an instance all was dark.

When I awoke I found myself a  few yards from the jeep. Something didn't feel right. I got up dusting the sand off me and made my way to the jeep. As approached I peered through the open front window, searching for the thing out of place. Finding nothing I turned around to walk away but something caught my eye. I didn't turn around. instead I found myself petrified staring into the rear view mirror.

In the mirror, I couldn't make out much, but what I saw was enough. I saw a face. A female face. I couldn't make out the eyes, hair or nose really. What i saw was the mouth. The lips where coated in a fine layer of lipstick, and she had healthy coat of makeup  applied but none of this caught my eye as much as the skin I could see. It was pale white. A shade to match a cadavers. The women in the backseat was dead.  The macabre thing was that her mouth was moving, saying things i couldn't hear nor understand. It was a grotesque sight and i turned and ran.

I had only just started running when i tripped and fell to the sand with a thud. As I turned to see what had tripped me a gaped in horror. It was a hand reaching from the sand, desperately trying to grab ahold of something. To drag it down into the sandy abyss. I blacked out again.

When I awoke I was in the same spot I had awoken before. I stood up again and made my way towards the jeep, only this time more cautiously. I slowed as I neared though, eventually coming to stop about 10 ft. from the vehicle.  A puddle had formed spreading through the sand. A black liquid seeping from the jeep. I was awestruck, scared, and petrified at the same time.

I heard a noise then. Very out of place for barren desert. I turned around and was shocked at what I saw. My best friend Rick was parked on the side of a road that had just appeared out of nowhere in a very nice sports car with two beautiful women in it. (Quick note~ In my dream I am 22, so thing of it as Rougrats: All Grown Up in a way. xD). The strange thing was. This didn't seem out of place at all.

"About time you showed!" I called out to him grinning.

"Sorry, trafic was.... er. bad." He responded hoping back into the drivers seat as i jumped into the back rolling my eyes. I grinned over to the women next to me before looking back out into the vast desert.

Rick followed my gaze. "Sucks about your car."

I sighed shrugging and said, "Stuff happens."

And with that Rick hit the gas and we were off on the endless road to nowhere.

~Part 2~

We soon arrive at a beach, full of sunbathers, swimmers, and children. There is a breeze in the air and the atmosphere is chilling. Everything seems paler, almost faded in a way. I get out of the car and look around, taking in the surrondings. As I walk towards the beach it's as though sound is muted and everything is in black and white. I Turn around and find the parking lot empty. It's just me. Im not suprised, I've had this dream before.

With a feeling of dread i make my way past the muted people and down to the shore. I stand in the shallows, feeling the water on my bare feet. Frowning slightly I look out into the waters and in the distance i see a group of kids playing.

With a sense of urgency now I wade out into the water. It's up to my waist and I can make out the amount of kids now. 4. One turns his head to me and we our eyes lock for an eternity. A mental picture comes to my mind. (This was very odd because in my dream I was remembering the actual outcome of this dream the last i dreamt it.) A silent beach black and white, the water is eirely still, A womans scream echoes through my head as she cries over a lost soul.

I shiver and snap out of my memories. Looking up i loose all breath for a moment. The Water is a mirror of my mental image. It is deathly still. Not a thing moves. The child I made eye contact with just moments ago is gone.

I have no air left. I'm drowning, just like the little boy. Reaching for something I canot have. The light fades and i am envoloped in nothingness. But no... Not this time. I refuse. I struggle, i reach further. I see the light. It's shimmering. But no it's the surface of the water. The ripples. The sun's rays reflecting off the surface. With a final effort I break through it.

I gasp for air and it fills my lungs. The sound has returned with the colour. I am swimming now desperately. No! Not this time! I dive and the erie calm has returned. I hit the sandy bottom and scan through the clear greenish water. I see the boy. Pale, floating, his eyes closed mouth open.

I grab him and push off the bottom sending us both to the surface. When we return to our world, now I hear screams.

"Tyler!!! Oh Tyler! My son!!

I craddle the child in my arms as i wade to the shore. I am met by a crowd and screaming women. Slowly i lay him down on the sand, fearing all is lost. The silence returns, the color fades to black and white. I am alone again. I turn to walk away but hesitate. I glance one more time to the boy. He opens his eyes.

I smile to myself, and walk away slowly. Soon I am gone. I have vanished.
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