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Rated: E · Non-fiction · How-To/Advice · #1587700
Ten important tips to help you permanently lose all your excess weight.
Contrary to common belief, weight loss doesn't have to be a hard work. To lose weight gradually and permanently, you only need to know these ten essential tips.

1.Eat only when you are hungry. Although it sounds obvious, many people eat far more than they really need. The ignorance of this important step is the number one reason why people gain weight.

2.Eat slowly. Try to extend the time it takes for you to finish your meal. You should spend at least 20 minutes eating. Twenty minutes is the time it takes for your body to send you the signal that you are full.

3.Eat consciously. When you eat, you should pay attention to the taste, texture and smell of the food. Such eating will give you a great pleasure. Try to be entirely involved in the eating process and avoid doing anything else. If you listen to the radio or read whilst eating, your eating will become unconscious and you will fail to notice when you are no longer hungry.

4.Know when to stop eating. Whilst you are eating, pay close attention to how hungry you  are. When you feel that your stomach is full or about to be full, you should stop eating no matter how much food you still have left on your plate.

5.Don't starve yourself. Starving is the worst weight loss tip anyone can give you. When you deprive yourself of food, your body goes into the survival mode and it starts storing food from anything that you eat. Once you go back to your normal eating habits, you will gain more weight because your body will store even more fat for possible future starvation.

6.Throw away scales. Weighing yourself has more minuses than pluses. Fat weighs exactly the same as muscle. Therefore if you lose fat but gain muscle, scales will show no change in your weight. The best weight loss indicators are your clothes, the observations of your friends, family and yourself.

7.Tackle emotional eating. You can eliminate emotional eating habit by calming your emotions and learning to control them. The best way to achieve this is by using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or by meditation.

8.Prioritise. If losing weight is your number one goal, you will find it easy to replace unproductive activities with the ones that will get you closer to your goal. For example, instead of watching TV, you can go for a walk. Setting priorities right will have a significant impact on your weight.

9.Change your attitude. Your determination to lose weight will speed up your weight loss. Needless to say, your doubt and pessimism about your ability to lose weight will slow down your progress.

10.Be patent. The change in your weight will not happen overnight. You should maintain your good eating habits and you will soon lose more and more weight without ever gaining it back.

Once these essential weight loss tips are part of your daily routine, it will be easy and fun to shed all those pounds once and for all.

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