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1st episode of the 12 episode first season of the fanmade audioplay. |
Scene 1: Outdoor Cafe SOUND: various conversations can be heard in the background. Becca I already had my stuff delivered to our room on campus. I am so ready for the year to start! ANGELICA Yeah, I wonder how classes are going to be. BECCA You're worried about classes? I am talking about the guys Angelica. The parties! We're freshman...this is like a throwaway year for us. ANGELICA Well not all of us are inheriting an empire after college and can slack off. I need to get my degree to get a job. BECCA There's no guarentee you will even get one with a degree. Just gimme a call and I'll get you a job at one of my family's hotels. ANGELICA I doubt it Becca. I'd rather make my own way. My mom always told me...(feeling sick here)...told me... BECCA Are you OK? ANGELICA I-I think so. WAITRESS Is your meal OK ladies? BECCA Obviously not. Look at her, she is sweating like a pig! ANGELICA I feel...hot... SOUND: A swoosh-like sound as fire engulfs Angelica. BECCA What the hell? Angelica, you're on fire! Quick, stop, drop and roll or something! And you, don't just stand there lady, throw some water on her! SOUND: Water splashing, hissing as it evaporates. BECCA Angelica! ANGELICA It's OK...I-I can turn it off. I just have to calm down and concentrate. BECCA The fire, it's going down...it was...from you?? ANGELICA Becca, I- BECCA You're one of them! One of those mutant freaks! They're all over the news and you're one of them! ANGELICA Becca- BECCA You stay away from me! SOUND: Heavy footsteps approaching. Cop Excuse me miss. We're going to need you to come with us. ANGELICA What? Let go of me! What are you doing? COP You're under arrest. ANGELICA For what? COP Attempted arson. Now come on. SOUND: The background conversations have switched to comments about mutants, as the heavy footsteps fade. WAITRESS More coffee sir? Nick Fury Yes, thank you. WAITRESS Can you believe that? A real life mutant here. I thought they were made up to get ratings. NICK FURY Nope, they are very real. WAITRESS And look at you. Mr. Calm. Like seeing a mutant on fire didn't phase you one bit. NICK FURY Trust me, I have seen worse. SOUND: cell phone ringing. NICK FURY This is Fury. Black Widow Colonel. NICK FURY Operative Widow. You should not be using this line to contact me. BLACK WIDOW You were not answering official lines and this is important. We need to meet. There is trouble. Scene 2: Waterfront SOUND: WATER. NICK FURY Cliche, but it works. BLACK WIDOW Colonel Fury, we have a problem with North Korea. NICK FURY We always have a problem with North Korea. And them detonating nukes recently didn't help matters. BLACK WIDOW Well I had been keeping tabs on them from over there recently and I saw them recieve some unusual deliveries. Biological. NICK FURY And the point of origin? BLACK WIDOW Possibly Germany. Scene 3: Briefing Room SOUND: A pen tapping on a desk. Walker Bo! Enough with the tapping already! Franks Sorry John. You know how I get before a mission. Danvers We all have our habits. Ease up seargent. WALKER He's getting on my nerves and I don't need them rattled. SOUND: Door opens and closes. All Colonel Fury. NICK FURY You read the mission briefing? WALKER North Korea is adding biological weaponry. NICK FURY We don't know for certain and do not need speculation. WALKER Who wants to speculate? I say we bomb them like we should have done when that sawed-off nutcase dictator starting flapping his gums years ago. We're going to war with them eventually. DANVERS Yeah with that kind of thinking. WALKER Don't take shots at me because I have the balls to do what needs to be done Carol. DANVERS That's Major Danvers, Seargent Walker. I have rank and you will respect it! NICK FURY Enough, both of you! This is not a pissing contest. This is real world shit here so knock it off! Danvers/Walker Sir. NICK FURY We don't know what they are doing there but I want you to find out. You go in and get the usual video, audio, everything and you get out clean. Understood? ALL Sir. NICK FURY I want you in the air in 20 minutes. Move out. SOUND: Door opens. Footsteps as the squad files out. NICK FURY Major. DANVERS Sir? NICK FURY You watch it over there and you watch him. If the mission goes south, you know what will happen. DANVERS Yes I do sir. And it won't. NICK FURY Good. Scene 4: North Korean Lab SOUND: Lab equipment Commander Kim How are the test subjects? Scientist Amazing. Their speed, strength, stamina has increased ten-fold since the injection of the DNA. Commander KIm Amazing indeed. I am glad to hear the German came through. SOUND: Lab door slides open. Footsteps. Baron Strucker I'm hurt Commander. You actually doubted my word? COMMANDER KIM You come from one of the countries who has saw fit to oppress the leadership of my country. You'll pardon my skepticism. BARON STRUCKER Come from, but do not agree with the current regime. COMMANDER KIM Touche. I am very impressed with the results of the DNA enhancement. This is proving to be a good partnership. BARON STRUCKER Well Commander, you provide the lab equipment and the test subjects and I provide you the most important piece, DNA from the frozen corpse of America's first and only super soldier. Captain America. COMMANDER KIM I heard stories of him growing up. He perished in Germany. BARON STRUCKER He failed to save himself when battling the Red Skull. My organization un-earthed his body last year. The frozen block of ice we found it in preserved the body. We had begun reverse engineering but ran into a number of roadblocks. COMMANDER KIM The negative results of the serum I imagine. It has already killed a number of the test subjects. BARON STRUCKER As I figured it would. You'll forgive me if a reason for our arrangement was the preservation of my own countrymen. Once you perfect the formula I am happy to properly compensate you for your losses. COMMANDER KIM Yes, well we are close. Come, let us discuss this compensation. SOUND: lab door slides open. Footsteps fade as the two men leave. BLACK WIDOW That was Baron Strucker. Holy shit. FRANKS (through comm-link) I'll say. The body of Captain America? Using his DNA to make super soldiers? Man I need a second to process all this. WALKER (through comm-link) Get over it Franks. We have to locate the body and get it out of here. I am going after Strucker and the Commander. DANVERS (Through comm-link) No. Our mission is to collect data. Bo, you link up with Widow and get the visual data. Try and get into their computers, find the body location. And then we get out of here. WALKER (THROUGH COMM-LINK) I'm not going to sit here and twiddle my thumbs. DANVERS (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Walker don't do anything. Walker? Seargent? Dammit! Widow, Bo, move quick. I will try and find him. Scene 5: Truck SOUND: Rapid fire typing. FRANKS Sounds like we're going to be getting out of here hot. Makes me sorry we have to take this damn ice cream truck to the extraction point. Guard Check point, this is Unit 3-2, I am looking at a vehicle that should not be in this zone. Investigating. Over. FRANKS OK Widow, I am dialed into you. Just run your pocket cam and the images will be sent to the computer here. Widow (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Right. SOUND: truck DOOR OPENS. GUARD What are you doing there? FRANKS Oh shit! VOICE: gun fire. Automatic fire, followed by a quick handgun pop. DANVERS (THROUGH COMM-LINK) What the hell was that? Everyone check in. FRANKS It...it was me Major...I think we have been made. I'm hit. Pretty...pretty bad...I... DANVERS (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Franks? Bo?! Dammit. Everyone out. Widow, Walker, abort and fallback to extraction point now! Scene 5: Commander Kim's Office COMMANDER KIM About this compensation Baron, I would assume it would be an understanding that you would not use your resources in aggression against my country. BARON STRUCKER Likewise Commander. I am sure our plans are vastly different anyway. And we can talk things out like civilized men whenever there may be the possibility of interaction. COMMANDER KIM I agree. SOUND: Alarm klaxons begin to wail. COMMANDER KIM What in the world? SOUND: activates comm-link COMMANDER KIM What is going on? What caused the alarm? GUARD (through comm-link) American forces have been discovered on site sir. COMMANDER KIM Secure the lab at once. Find them and kill them! BARON STRUCKER An American black ops team. Highly trained I am sure. It might be too much for your guards. COMMANDER KIM Nothing is too much for me. I knew once I started down this route I would have to upgrade my security force. SOUND: a second comm-link is activated. COMMANDER KIM Electrix...Dragonfly...we have intruders. Fine and eliminate them. Scene 6: Laboratory SOUND: Heavy gunfire back and forth in the lab. BLACK WIDOW I'm pinned down in front of the lab! DANVERS (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Walker, use the locater, assist Widow out of here. WALKER (THROUGH COMM-LINK) A little busy Major. Do it yourself. DANVERS (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Dammit. Hold tight Widow I am on my way. GUARD (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Stop right there! DANVERS (THROUGH COMM-LINK) No! SOUND: Several rounds are fired. A body hits the ground. GUARD (THROUGH COMM-LINK) She's dead. Find the rest! Go! BLACK WIDOW No! Walker, we don't have time for your insubordination crap. It's just me and you. Now converage on my signal and let's go! WALKER (THROUGH COMM-LINK) Fine. SOUND: a grenade explosion, followed by footsteps running. BLACK WIDOW That concussion grenade got me past them, now I just have to survive to get out of here! Scene 7: Hall SOUND: Footsteps coming in as Walker makes it. He fires a few shots behind to cover himself. WALKER Widow? SOUND: Footsteps as Widow joins Walker. BLACK WIDOW Take cover behind those crates, there are more behind me! SOUND: footsteps then gunfire for a few moments. There are several hits and silence not long after. BLACK WIDOW Walker? WALKER I'm OK. Took a bullet to the shoulder, but I've had worse. Let's move it. Electrix Tsk tsk tsk. Look at the mess you have made of the place. Bullet holes and blood everywhere. BLACK WIDOW Who the hell are they? They aren't dressed like North Korean guard. WALKER They're dressed for holloween. Dragonfly You can make this easier on yourselves if you just kill yourselves now. We're just going to make you suffer. A lot. WALKER Fat chance! SOUND: walker squeezes off a few rounds. A moment later, Electrix returns fire with a burst of electricity. His body lands in a heap on the floor. BLACK WIDOW Walker! DRAGONFLY I'd worry more about myself if I were you. While Electrix likes to shoot from a distance, much like you American soldiers do. I like things up close and personal. SOUND: Dragonfly unsheaths a sword. DRAGONFLY Rrraaaah! SOUND: hand to hand fighting sounds. The swishing of the sword and the sound of it hitting Black Widow's armored forearms. ELECTRIX Hmm, are you still alive there? Maybe I need to turn up the voltage. WALKER Long...long as you turn down your mouth. SOUND: Electrical blast. Followed bY Walker screaming. DRAGONFLY You've got skill, I will give you that. But I'm just a little faster and more agile then you average ordinary person. SOUND: a couple quick hits and the sound of Black Widow hitting the ground. DRAGONFLY You lasted much longer than I expected. I will give you that. Near as I can tell I broke your nose, a few ribs, punctured a lung and swelled your right eye shut. BLACK WIDOW A little blood is not going to slow me down. SOUND: A swift kick to Black Widow's stomach. BLACK WIDOW Ooof! DRAGONFLY You and your bravado. I know you can smell your comrad's flesh burning. The rest of your team is dead. You might as well give up. SOUND: a small device hitting the ground. A moment later the device explodes. Smoke dissipates. DRAGONFLY Ah you bitch! Electrix, get her, I can't see anything from the blast. ELECTRIX Well I can't see through the smoke. Scene 9: Jungle SOUND: boots crunching over sticks and leaves. Black Widow pants as she runs. BLACK WIDOW Have to activate...the tracking signal...extraction point...half mile ahead... SOUND: Black widow activating the tracking unit on her belt. BLACK WIDOW Can't black out...have to...keep running...almost there... SOUND: Aircraft engine overhead. BLACK WIDOW Made it. SOUND: Black WIdow hits the ground. Pilot Get her in here now and let's get the hell out of here! |