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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1582111
part 3 of my story
Note: This is part 3 of this story.

Chapter 7

Trouble in paradise


I said “I still think this look won’t work in getting pass everyone. I’m trying to sign up for training. They probably will ask for a background check. I don’t have any false documents.” Shiva said “That is true. I completely forgot about background checks. Well I don’t know what to do then…Wait I forgot about something. You wait here I’ll be right back.” Shiva ran into a doorway that seemed to go downstairs into a lower level. So this place has at least three different floors. I wondered what type of plan Shiva had this time. Shiva came back into the room from a different doorway behind me. Shiva said “Found one part of it. I’ll be right back again. Going to get the final part I hope.” Shiva ran out the front door this time. What are these parts? More important, what do these parts do? How did I get myself into all this trouble? All of these are wonderful questions that I can’t answer.

I heard more than just Shiva’s voice outside. I walked quietly to the door. I kept moving around trying to find a hole so that I could see outside without getting caught. After ten seconds I found a small crack in the door. Now where is Shiva…ah there she is. There were two other people there as well. One was a one arm man in a wheelchair. I’m guessing that’s her father. The other guy seemed to be a higher in command in the police force on this world. It seemed like she was in trouble with them but it was hard to tell. All three of them headed to the door. I got up and got upstairs as fast and quietly as I could. I saw Jacob and the others finding a place to hide. They must have been watching as well. I saw a closet and decided to hide in there instead of trying to witness with my own eyes and ears. I opened the doors and it was full of clothes. Well I couldn’t be seen easily in here at least. I closed the doors with a small opening. I brought out my secret camera. It was a tiny fly. I just hoped no spiders would try to make it a meal. I took out my control device with a screen and speakers. I activated my little friend and sent him down stairs. “You know there are suppose to be no secrets!” Shiva said “Can’t I have a little place to myself and relax a bit?” I didn’t see them but at least I could still hear them. Except for Shiva I still couldn’t tell who was who. “You will not be allowed to come back here as a punishment.” “Wait that is a bit too much for a punishment…” “No, it is not. We made rules for a reason and she broke them. That will be her punishment and there is no changing it. Now let’s leave and let her gather her items. There will be ten minutes before I come back to use force.”

I moved the fly again and watched the front door. I saw them leave while Shiva stayed behind crying. I brought back my little device and put them away. I tripped on my way out of the closet. I was able to catch myself before I slammed into the ground. That was too close. I pulled myself back to my feet. I quietly stepped down the stairs looking around to see if someone else was watching. I saw Shiva grabbing a few objects with tears still in her eyes. One of the stairs gave away and made a sound that gave away my position. Shiva jumped and looked at me. She laughed a minute later about something. I said “First you were crying now you are laughing. What is so funny this time? First Jig laughs at me and now you are as well. What am I doing that is funny?” Shiva said “I don’t know why Jig laughed but I know why I did. Your failed attempt to sneak down here is what I thought was funny. Also how did you know I was crying?” I brought my little devices and showed her. “Well that explains how you know then. I’m going to leave most of my stuff here just in case something happens. Then your friends upstairs have some items to do whatever.” I said “Thank you for that. Also before they interrupted, you said you had a plan with some items of yours. Wondering if you still want to try it?” Shiva said “Yes I do still want to try. We must leave now though if you want to try. We don’t have much time to sneak you to the final part and get the permission of Jig to do so.”

Need Jig’s permission to do what? More questions were forming than being answered. I followed Shiva outside and she went straight to Jig. I was moving with caution because I was not sure if they were still around watching. I caught up to them when I was sure the area was clear. I saw Shiva whispering something to Jig. Jig’s head flew back and his eyes were wide open. They stayed quiet for a few minutes. Their faces and poses kept changing though. It was like they were talking but I lost my ability to hear it. Both of them turned and looked at me. My eyes widen and I put my back against a tree. I keep switching on who I was looking at. Shiva smiled as I was wondering what was going to happen. Shiva tossed me an item. I thought I could attach it to my arm if needed but I first needed to know what it was for. Shiva said “Ok, I got Jig to agree about this. We both trust you enough to let you know a few secrets of our own. Dragons are born with a special gift on this world. No one but me knows Jig’s gift. Everyone thinks he can’t do anything but breathe fire like other dragons on this world. Earlier you thought you saw something but then thought your mind was playing tricks with you. That was Jig that you saw.” I said “Huh? What you mean it was Jig I saw?” Shiva said “Well Jig’s gift is that he turns invisible. He does that when he gets nervous or scared most of the time. You can still see him but only if he moves, but even then it will be hard to see him.” I said “Wow that is useful but…” Shiva said “With that item attached to a part of you, he can use his gift to turn you invisible as well. Please be careful with it because it’s the only one I made.” I said “Well that is useful as well. Now I see what you are trying to do. Turn me invisible to sneak pass everyone and get to the computer that you know about.” Shiva said “You do catch on fast. There’s a problem with my plan though.” Figures there is always a catch. “Well you can still be heard and felt. You’re going to have to avoid talking, breathing too hard, and touching anyone or sensitive objects.” I said “I thought it was going to be too easy. Now a challenge is added to it. I’ll try my best to avoid doing those.” Shiva said “Good, now attach that somewhere on you. It will hurt at first but it will be worth it if we can get that information. With that information we might be able to clear your name as well as find the truth about this organization.” I said “Ok, I might be able to attach this to my robotic arm.”

I slipped the glove off my arm and started to think about how I could attach this. After a minute of thinking my arm began to change. It started to form a new hole in my arm. It looked like the shape of the item Shiva gave me. I slowly put the item into the slot. I heard a loud click and I jumped. Shiva said “What just happen?!” I said “I’m not sure about how my arm did that but I believe that it just created a slot so the item will work with me. Also it locked into place so it would not be damage on the trip.” Shiva said “Wait, you don’t know what your arm can do?” I said “I know some of what it can do but not all. There was so much, I never had a chance to learn it all. I am pretty sure the rest of it is on that disk though.” Shiva looked at Jig. Jig looked at me and closed his eyes. I started to feel different. I hurried and slipped on my glove. I noticed my hand started to fade away. I sat there quietly till I couldn’t even see myself. Shiva said “Still there Silentwolf?” I said “Yeah I am. I’m still by the tree.”

Shiva said “Ok follow me onto Jig, we have to get going.” I followed over to Jig. She climbed up with no problem. I said “I have a problem. I have no idea how to get onto Jig because I can’t even see where I’m stepping.” Shiva said “Here grab my hand and I’ll pull you up.” She reached down and waited for me to grab on. I reached out with my right hand and tried to grab on without hurting her. She felt me bump her hand. She grabbed it and yanked me up. I landed on my chest on Jig. I started to get on correctly. I wrapped my hands around Shiva to hold on. Shiva said “Once we take off you will have to stay quiet. So if you have any questions you might want to ask them now.” I said “Yeah I have one question. How did I let you talk me into this? I still hate heights.” She laughed while saying “Ok here we go”. Jig lunged into the air and flapped his wings.

I still felt sorry for her because she lost one of the secret places because of me. It was my fault that she was there in the first place today. Wait, how did her father get there in a wheelchair? I said “Shiva we need to turn back now! I just figured something out.” Jig turned around and started to decline. Once we landed I jumped off. I ran back to the cabin. I opened the door and ran inside. I said “Jacob you here? Hello, anyone here?” I ran upstairs searching for any of them. I noticed everything was messed up. There was a struggle up here. “Silentwolf are you in here?” It was Shiva from down stairs. I replied “Yeah I’m upstairs. Come look at what happen.” I heard footsteps coming upstairs. Shiva gasped “What happen here?” I said “They came back and raided the place. They took my friends.” Shiva said “I think they might come back. I really am in trouble now I think.”

I heard the door open downstairs. “Shiva I know you are here alone. Come downstairs. We need to talk about these children we found here.” Shiva said “Ok Father I’m coming down” She bumped into me. She whispered “Sorry, come with me and stay quiet.” She grabbed my hand and yanked me to the stairs with her. She let go at the top of the stairs and went down slowly. I followed quietly down the stairs. Shiva’s father said “Now I see why you kept this place a secret. You did not want to let anyone know about those kids.” Shiva said “Now Father let me… Shiva’s father quickly replied “No need to explain. You found them and wanted to take care of them yourself. So that is why you built this place to keep them safe and happy. We have an orphanage for a reason. I asked the Captain to take back the punishment and take these kids to the orphanage. He agreed to it but he is going to be making sure you don’t hide any other kids in here. So you are allowed to be here but you must not keep any secrets from us. Are there any other secrets that I don’t know about?” Shiva looked relieved. “No there is nothing else Father, I have a question for you. What do you think about the person that is wanted?” Shiva’s father answered “That is an interesting question. I’ll answer it anyway. I think we should talk with him and see where he is from. He does not look that old. Too bad the Captain does not see it that way. He thinks he is a menace like that other organization.” Shiva said “Well what would you do if you saw him and had a chance to talk with him?” Shiva’s Father looked puzzled but answered “Well, I would try to find out where he is from and why he is here. Like try to get to know him better. Now why are you asking these questions?” Shiva said “Well I was wondering if you can be trusted with another secret of mine.”

I noticed I was starting to become visible again. I said “Uh oh.” Her father’s eyes were wide open. “Well you did say you want to get to know me a bit better. I guess this is a good time to find out. Guess I should start with my name. I’m Silentwolf, what is your name?” Shiva’s Father answered “I am Brian, nice to meet you Silentwolf.” He seemed a bit scared “So where are you from and why are you here?” I said “Well, to be honest, I’m from another world. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to scare people here. I’m just trying to relive my life and start fresh. Those orphans that the Captain took are my friends and I treat them as family. Is there anyway I can get them back? I already lost my family. I don’t want to lose my friends...” Shiva said “Silentwolf I think you need to show him what happen to your arm.” I said “Are you sure you want me to do that?” Shiva said “Yes I am very sure. He should also know what the organization has done to you.”

Brian said “Organization has interfered with you life as well?!” I said “Yeah they have changed my life a lot. They tricked me and lots of other orphans. I was told that dragons from this world killed my family. I found out that was nothing but a lie. They trained me to kill the dragons but in the process I lost my left arm.” Brian said “What do you mean you lost your left arm. It is right there.” I said “Here let me show you what I mean.” I slipped off the glove and revealed what was really under it. He gasped in horror. Brian said “Now I see what you mean. How did you create this arm though?” I said “I did not create it. The organization made it. I believe it is on this disk with everything else about them.” I showed the disk to him. I slipped my glove back on Brian said “You’d better sneak into town and get it into the computer. It may clear your name for sure. Here is a key to get in a secret way I created. I was no fool when I created it. Here is a map to get in.”

He handed me the map. I handed it along with the disk to Shiva. I said “Just in case I get captured. I am going to need a friend to clear my name.” Shiva said “I understand completely.” There was a slam behind me. “There he is! He was holding Officer Shiva and her father hostage.” I turned around and saw the Captain. I said “No wait a minute here! I’m not holding anyone hostage.” I felt a lot of electricity running throughout my body. I fell to the floor and blacked out.



Chapter 8

Troubles with the rescue


Shiva’s View

June 15th, 12:36 pm. Personal Log 1024

Silentwolf was knocked out by the shock gun the captain was holding. I said “Wait, Silentwolf was not holding us hostage like he said. He is just a scared young boy trying to find a fresh start.” Brian said “This is true, Now let him go.” The Captain said “No I am not letting him get away this time. Last time we let someone go they betrayed us and tried to kill all of us. I believe that last guy’s name was John.” I said “Silentwolf is different, I swear. I got to know him and I found out… Captain said “No I’m not going to hear unless you have evidence. Now I’m going to take him to solitary jail. He will get one visitor of his choosing. Good bye.” I watched as he grabbed Silentwolf and left the cabin.

I said “Father what should we do?” Brian said “You should hurry and get into town and hope he chooses you for a visitor. Also you’ve got to get to the computer and find some evidence off that disk. Now get going before his sentence gets chosen.” I rushed outside to my partner Jig. I used my thoughts to talk to him. “Jig Silentwolf has been captured along with his friends. We need to get into town and hope one of us is the visitor of his choosing.” Jig said “By all means let’s hurry. Who knows what will happen to him. Hop on, we will travel faster by flying. I am glad you are not afraid of heights.” I said “I agree there. I am not sure what it is like to be afraid of heights.” I climbed onto Jig’s back. He took off into the air.

I looked around at the skies searching for the Captain. His partner was always fast but the skies are clear. He had to be somewhere in sight. We were closing in on the city and still no sign of him. Jig started to land so I stopped looking and prepared for the landing. Just as we landed I saw the Captain. Where was his dragon partner? I slid off Jig and walked to him. He looked like he just came from a battle. I said “Captain what happen to you?” The Captain said “Silentwolf put up a fight once he woke up. That shock did not knock him out for long. How the heck he got so strong I will never know. Also once I got him locked up he requested that you visit him.” I said “Ok I’ll go right away. Where is he being kept?” The Captain said “He is in cell 10234127. Good luck with him.”

I ran back to Jig and climbed back up. Jig said “What happen to the Captain?” I said “Silentwolf attacked him. I doubt that he did it for no reason. Silentwolf is being held in cell 10234127. He requested that I go visit him.” Just as I explained where Silentwolf was, Jig took off and I slipped and I held onto his tail. Jig said “Sorry about that. Should have warned you first.” He moved his tail so I could get back onto his back. We landed in the wasted part of town. He put him in the worst cared for cell block. It had the most security out of all the cell blocks though. We landed at cell block 10234127. I got off Jig and walked over to a guard. I said “I am here to see Silentwolf. He asked me to come visit him.” Guard said “He is not here. He got moved to cell block 11536.”

I ran back to Jig and got on. I said “He got moved to cell block 11536. I don’t know why he did but let’s head there.” Jig took off to the skies. Cell block 11536 was clear across town. I wondered why he got moved. Maybe he can tell me once I find him. Maybe he broke through the thin walls in this cell block. Cell block 11536 has reinforced walls for those that can. We landed in the western part of town. At least this part of town was nice and well cared for. I saw a guard patrolling the area. I got off Jig and ran to the guard. I said “Is Silentwolf in cell block 11536?” The Guard said “Yes he is. He has been requesting you. Where have you been?” I said “The Captain sent me to cell block 10234127 saying he was there.” The guard said “Yeah he was until we had to move him. Ask him yourself what happen. Maybe he will tell you the truth instead of his false story.”

The guard led me to the cell where Silentwolf was being held. He opened the door and let me inside. The door slammed behind me. Good thing this place was sound proof. I could talk to Silentwolf in private. I saw Silentwolf sitting on a chair waiting. Silentwolf said “Hey I wondered if you were going to show up.” I said “Sorry I got directed to the wrong cell. What happen to the Captain?” Silentwolf said “I woke up flying on a dragon and he put me in a choke hold. I punched him in the face to get him off me. Good thing we were over the lake because he fell off the dragon and into it. The dragon grabbed me with its tail and threw me into a tree. Then I woke up in a broken down cell block. I leaned against a wall and it gave away. The guards did not believe me about that. They used another one of those shock guns before they even tried to transfer me over here.”  I said “Well that is interesting to know. Do you know when you are going to trial?” Silentwolf said “Yes tomorrow at 9am. Now I remember what I need to tell you. The Captain is part of the organization. He asked me about the disk and I refused to tell him. I wonder how he even knew about it. I was put in a choke hold after that. When he was choking me I saw the tattoo on his arm as well!” I said “What?! So he is with them. Are you completely sure about that?” I watch him activate something on his left arm. A screen popped up in front of me. I saw what the image was. It was the Captain choking him. I saw the tattoo on his right arm. Silentwolf was right about him. Something beeped on my arm. I looked at it and it was my alarm clock. Shoot it was 8:00pm already. I am running out of time. I said “I believe you now. Time is running out for me to gather evidence for you so I’d better get going. I promise I won’t let them win this battle.” Silentwolf said “Good luck and watch out for The Captain. I bet you he will try to stop you from getting to a computer.”

I just nodded and knocked on the door to be released. No answer. I said “I guess this is how The Captain is stopping me.” Silentwolf said “I won’t let that stop you from getting out of here. There is a vent up there. Follow me to a way out.” He broke open the vent and crawled in. I climbed up as well and got in. It was a very tight squeeze but at least I was in it. He had a flashlight and I could follow him easily because of that. After crawling through the vent shafts for a while, Silentwolf looked through a vent and gave an all clear. He popped it open and jumped out. I followed him outside. Silentwolf said “Don’t worry about me. I am going to stay here and look like a good prisoner. Meanwhile I need you to sneak into the computer room without getting caught by anyone. I really do mean anyone but your partner. Who knows who is in the organization on this planet.” I said “I will take that advice and use the secret way into the computer room. Good luck with surviving the guards here.” Silentwolf said “No worries about them, now hurry out of here before a guard comes around.” I watched him jump back into the vents and seal it off.

I sneaked into a bush and checked the area for any guards. I saw none. I said “Jig if you can hear me come to the east side of the building. Try to keep it quiet as well.” Jig said “What happened? Why did you not come out from the door you went in?” I said “I’ll explain as we leave here. Now hurry please. Time is running out for all of us.” Jig landed and I ran to him. Once I was on he took off into the skies. Jig said “Where are we heading so I don’t fly in circles all day long?” I said “According to the map we need to land in the forest by the lake. Ok here is what is happening. We can’t trust anyone anymore. I found out the Captain is really part of the organization. Who knows who else is as well. We need to hurry and use stealth if we want to survive now.” Jig said “Seems like our world just turned upside down.”

Jig could not have been any more right about that. Betrayed by someone I thought I could trust the most. If this was a nightmare, I wish I would wake up already. We landed at the lake. I looked at the map again. It looked like the passage way was hidden in a tree that was over by a bench. I found the tree next to the bench. Now how do I open it…hmm should I try feeling around? I found a hidden switch when I tried feeling around. The passage way was not big enough for Jig. I said “I’m sorry Jig. I am going to have to continue alone. Meanwhile you should disappear so no one knows we have been here ok? Jig said “It is ok. I will disappear like you ask for both our safety.”

I watched Jig disappeared. I took a couple of steps inside the little room and the light I had went out. The doors shut on me. I felt a downward motion. I got it, it was an elevator. The doors opened and I found myself in another hallway. It looked like an old mine shaft. No tracks for any mine cars. I followed it about 400ft. I found another door at the end of the hallway. I tried to open it but it was locked. Oh yeah I forgot about the key that I have. I tried it on the door. After a minute of messing with it I got the key to work. I opened the door and saw the computer room inside.

I walked in and inserted the disk on the computer. I wasted no time opening up the files inside it. Wow there is over one million gigs worth of stuff on here. How the heck did the organization fit all this information on one disk? I searched for hours trying to find Silentwolf’s profile. I found it at 3:46am. All this is enough information to prove he is innocent of any charge the Captain will place against him. Oh my, I can’t believe who really killed his family. It was the…


Silentwolf’s view

June 15th, 12:36 pm

I felt a jolt of electricity flowing through me. I blacked out seconds afterwards. I woke up flying on a dragon. “Well you woke up sooner than I thought you would. Now hand me that disk you stole Silentwolf.” I looked up and saw it was The Captain. I said “First I am interested in your name. You already know mine.” The Captain “Fine, you won’t live long anyway. My name is Justin. Now give me that disk or else!” I said “I can’t give you what I never had.” Justin said “You know what I’m talking about. Hand over the disk you stole that has top secret military information.” I said “I never stole anything. I am still trying to figure out what…” I was in a choke hold. I couldn’t breathe. I needed to get out of this grip. I saw the same tattoo that John had on his arm. He was no friend, he was an enemy. I moved my left arm and punch him in the face. I heard some bones breaking and for once it was not mine. I watched him fall off the dragon. I looked over and noticed we were at low altitude and he fell into the lake.

I felt something grab me. I looked at what was taking my breath away again. It was the dragon’s tail. The dragon did not look very happy. It threw me a ways and into a tree. I heard the tree snap. I was already in pain after hitting the tree. I had a feeling that it was going to hit me again. I felt something heavy land on me. I was in a lot of pain right then and I started to black out.

I woke up in another room. I saw Justin just about to turn around. Justin said “You don’t stay down for long.” I said “No I don’t. I see you only have a broken nose. I could have sworn I did more damage with my strength.” Justin said “Unlike you, I heal very fast. I saved and healed your life because I still need you alive. I also searched you and you don’t have the disk. Who did you give it to?” I said “I never had the disk you are talking about.” Justin looked angry. Justin said “You know what? I’ve had it with you! I am going to make sure the Judge will punish you dearly. I will also make sure your friends won’t save you.” He stomped off to the door and exited the room.

I decided to take a look around the room. This place was pretty run down. Was that mold on the floors? They really needed to clean up this place. The paint was chipping off. The bed was busted and covered in…um I don’t know what that is. I put my hand on the wall to lean on. I heard some cracking sounds. Uh oh, that did not sound good. I fell through the wall and onto the ground.

I woke up to guns pointing at me. I put my hands up. I said “Sorry about the wall. You really should take better care of this place and it might not fall apart just by touching it,” A guard said “You are trying to break out of here and cause trouble. So don’t even bother to try to lie to us.” I saw the guard about to pull the trigger. I ducked and rolled to my left. I saw another hole in the wall form. A guard grabbed me from behind and tried to hold me. His buddy came over and aimed a stun gun at me. I jumped out of his grip and he held me in the front. I felt his body starting to fall to the ground. I dropped him and got ready to fight his buddy. I saw that he was about to fire again. I grabbed his gun and broke his hands. I smacked him in the face with it. I felt something hit me in the back. I dropped to my knees then to the ground. My vision started to go black once again.

I woke up in another room. This room was very clean. I leaned against the wall again. Well these walls seem to be a lot stronger. I couldn’t hear anything from this room. I looked around the room. I saw a bed, a chair, and a vent. Well there was nothing much to do but wait. I sat down in the chair and just waited for something to happen. I sat here waiting for hours. I heard the door open and slam shut. I saw Shiva standing at the door. I said “Hey I wondered if you were going to show up.”… You already know what happened so I will skip ahead a bit. If you forgot, go back to Shiva’s View. To continue just read down below.

8:04 pm

I jumped back into the vent and put the vent back into place.  I crawled all the way back into the room I was held in. I climbed down and placed that vent back into place as well. There was nothing more I could do but to wait. I went to the bed and decided to lie down. Man this bed was hard as a rock. I got back up and tapped very lightly on the bed. It was a rock. Well a bed is a bed I guess. I laid back down on the rock bed. I closed my eyes for the night.

Chapter 9

The battle for truth

“Wake up already! Your time in court has come.” I got up and stretched my stiff body after sleeping on a rock. Four guards surrounded me and forced me outside. They chained my hands together. I saw officer Shiva with her partner Jig coming towards us as we were going to them. The guards handed me over to Shiva and left. Shiva said ‘You have caused so much trouble in one day that the whole town is coming to see your day in court.” I said “What can I say? I am just a popular guy.” Shiva said “Yes you will be very soon once I show the evidence I found to clear your name and to lock away Justin for good. Now get on Jig and let’s get going prisoner.” I did what I was told. I understood that she had to act like she knew nothing yet until we got to the court room.

I started to hear something inside my head. I tried to listen but it was hard in this wind. Mystery Voice said “Silentwolf can you hear me?” I said “Yes I can. Who is this?” Mystery Voice “I am Jig. The dragon you are riding on.” I said “Oh, sorry. You’ve never done this with me yet so I did not know.” Jig said “This is how dragons talk to humans. Shiva was able to gather evidence to help defend you. When the judge asks for you to find someone to help defend you, ask for Shiva. I will automatically be with her because we are partners. Did you get all of that?” I said “Yes I understand. Ask for Shiva when I get asked for a defender. You will be with her because you’re her partner. Also did you get informed about Justin, the Captain?” Jig said “Yes I did, that traitor. We’ve got to try to save his partner. I am not sure if he knows yet.” I said “I am not sure either. I do know that the dragon does not like me. When I punched him he fell into the lake then I got grabbed by the dragon’s tail. I got thrown into a tree.” Jig laughed a bit then said “Dragons are very loyal to their partners. At least till they find out their partner is untrustworthy which rarely happens. We are almost there so I need to stop talking with you for now. I wish you luck in today’s trail.”

I will need the luck for sure. For all I know the judge could be part of the organization as well. I need to stand on guard from everyone but Shiva and Jig. At least I could trust them. Wait a minute; Shiva did say everyone would be there. I hope my friends will be there as well. Then I know I will have some backup. I wonder what type of evidence Shiva found on that disk. I hope it is good enough to convince the town to trust me. We started to land so I’d better get ready myself. Anything could happen in today’s trail.

It was such a rough landing that I almost slipped off. I jumped off and waited for Shiva. We were in an open field loaded with chairs. People were filling up those chairs quickly. I scanned the crowd searching for my friends. I saw them in the 5th row back on the right hand side. They looked very worried. I didn’t blame them. They had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen.

Shiva said “Come on prisoner, get moving.” She pushed me ahead and I stumbled in the process. I can say this for sure, she is good at acting. I am just going to have to play along. I kept walking to a chair that was facing everyone else. I turned my head looking at peoples faces. Most of them were scared while some remain calm. I think I saw one person smiling at me but I am not sure. When I got to the chair I had my handcuffs removed. I heard gasps in the audience. I just quietly sat down and closed my eyes waiting.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. I opened my eyes to look at who it was. I said Justin coming towards me and he did not look happy at all. Behind him was another person that I never seen. He was dressed very nicely so I’m guessing he was someone important. Mystery person said “I am Judge Roy, and I need to know who you are going to pick to help defend yourself?” I said “Hello Judge Roy. I am Silentwolf and I want Shiva to help defend me please.” Judge Roy said “Hmm very polite. Captain please bring Shiva here to help this young man out.” Justin said “As you command Judge Roy. Shiva will you come up here and help defend Silentwolf.” Shiva walked over here and was being followed by Jig. Shiva said “We accept helping Silentwolf.” I watched Justin and Judge Roy take their places at a table around 10-13ft away from me. Shiva whispered “Don’t worry about a thing. Even if the captain did rig this he can’t stop the vote of the people. They control who we trust and if they don’t trust you, then the judge will say what your punishment is. I found evidence that I can throw this whole trail at Captain Justin there instead. It is going to start soon. You will find out as we go.” Judge Roy said “Ok I declare that this court room is in session. Now Captain, what are the charges that you are placing against Silentwolf?” Justin said “I am charging him for assault against me, breaking out of prison, stealing top secret military information and for impersonating a citizen of this town.” He showed some papers to the Judge then handed it to the people. It was being passed down to everyone.

Judge Ray said “Ok, what does the defendant have to say about this?” Shiva whispered “He means you to talk this time. Just tell him the truth and everything will be fine in the end.” I got up and said “I did not steal any information and I did not impersonate a citizen of this town. I did break out of prison by accident. I also did assault the Captain there.” I heard some more gasps in the audience. Shiva whispered “They can’t say you were not honest. That is a plus for our side. Now let me show our evidence to throw this full court room around.” Shiva said “Judge Ray I have evidence that can clear Silentwolf of all charges.” She took out some papers and walked over to the judge. The judge took the papers and looked carefully. Judge Ray said “Ok these clear him of stealing top secret military information and impersonating a citizen. This does not clear the other charges that he admitted he did.” Shiva took back the papers and handed them to the people. Shiva said “Silentwolf can you show the video clip you showed me about the Captain please” I took off the glove on my arm. Everyone freaked out in their own way. Judge Ray yelled “Order in this outdoor court room!” Everyone calmed down very fast. I activated the hologram program and set it back to where I met the Captain on the dragon ride.

I noticed the Captain trying to sneak away during the video. I stopped the video and said “Hey Captain Justin, where do you think you are going? I may be new but I’m pretty sure you are not supposed to leave when a court room is still going on.” Judge Roy said “Captain please take a seat where Silentwolf is. Silentwolf come closer and reply the video from the beginning please.” I did what he asked. As soon as I saw the captain sitting I started the video again. Judge Roy requested “Freeze the video please.” I stopped it and wondered why. ”Can you zoom in on that red spot on his arm please.” I said “Sure thing Judge Roy.” I zoomed in on the arm and focused in on the tattoo. I notice everyone was shocked.

I heard clamping noises behind me. I turned around and saw the Captain locked up. I said “Looks like the organization loses this time.” He just laughed. He said “You fool. I trained you and you still have not figured out who I am. I designed these traps on the chairs and I know how to get out.” He busted out of the chair. I got ready for a battle. Justin said “Enough with my code name on this planet. My real name is Nicodemus. I’m pretty sure you remember me now Silentwolf. I did train you and all.” I said “How the heck did you survive Nicodemus? I know I left you and John knocked out at that base of yours.” People started running away and hiding. I heard screaming as well. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and got ready to attack. I had to stop before I hit Jacob and the others. Jacob said “Sorry but I thought you could use some help.” Shiva and Jig ran by us as well. Shiva said “Count me in also. I am not going to back down on the vow that I made about protecting everyone in this city.” I whispered “I will take him head on while someone sneaks up behind. I know all his moves and he never watches his back while he is concentrating on a target in front of him.” Jacob said “I’ll do it but I am going to need help from Jig if that is ok of course?” Jig nodded his head. I said “Ok my life depends on you and Jig now. Good luck.” Jacob said “Good luck with you too.” Shiva said “Hey can I do something?” I said “Sorry Shiva but you did not spend years of training like I did with Nicodemus. Now I need to hurry.” I know she was saying more but I ignored her.

I ran at Nicodemus cutting him off from holding anyone hostage. Nicodemus said “You are a fool to face me. I trained you and know everything you can do.” He threw a punch at me. I grabbed it with my left hand. I tried to crush it. He slipped out of my grip and jumped back. Nicodemus said “You are a lot stronger than when we last met. I don’t know how you became so strong in such a short time but I do know you can’t overcome the master.” I said “The reason why I am stronger is because I have something worth fighting for. Unlike you, I care for others.” I threw a punch at him this time. I was able to hit him dead in the chest. He flew back into a tree and got right back up unharmed. Shoot, I forgot about the healing powers he had. I said “Those powers of yours will save you from me but it won’t save you from everyone.” He ran back at me while saying “Are you sure about that?” He tackled me to the ground. I felt some ribs break. Now pain started to go all throughout my body. Where the heck was Jacob? He said he had my back. I kicked off Nicodemus. My pain ended and I got back up. Nicodemus said “How can you be standing without feeling any pain?” I said “Wait you did not just heal me?”

He jumped back up and said “No, I guess the legend is…” I saw his eyes widen. He dropped to his knees, than onto his face with a sword sticking out of his back. Jacob said “I told you I had your back.” I said “You could have let him finish about the legend first since you took your sweet time.” Jacob said “Sorry but it was my only chance to do it.” I said “I understand that. I wonder what the legend was that he talked about.”

There was a voice from behind “I believe I can answer that Silentwolf.” The voice sounded familiar. I turned around and saw John! I said “How the heck did you and Nicodemus survive after all I did to you?” John said “Silentwolf I am impressed with your skills for sure. You were able to defeat Nicodemus without a scratch. Now let me tell you why. You were born with a gift. This gift allows you to copy other people’s gifts and use them yourself. I just found this out today. You are the one in the legend who was given that gift.” The other three kids with Shiva appeared right in front of him. “Now I am going to take care of these traitors and let you and Jacob suffer for a while.” He stabbed them all in the back with multiple swords. No! How did he move so fast?!

I rushed him but before I reached him he disappeared into a green vortex. Jacob ran to the kids and I ran to Shiva. I said “Shiva, are you ok? Can you hear me? Come on say something please.” Shiva said “Tell Jig this word, Shivanobito.” She handed me the disk and died right there. I said “Jacob did any of the kids survive?” Jacob said “I’m afraid not.” I felt tears in my eyes. How many people must I lose who were nice to me. Now I should tell Jig Shiva’s last request. I got up. I put away the disk and walked over to Jig. I said “Jig can you hear me?” Jig said “Yes I can. Will Shiva and the others be ok? I said I am afraid that they are dead. Shiva asked me to tell you this word as her last request. Shivanobito. Jig said “I understand what it means. You’d best prepare yourself for all of our memories. I said “Wait, your memories?!” I started to feel a lot of information being jammed into my head. I saw both their good and bad times. Memories kept flashing into my mind. Then it finally stopped. Jig said “Sorry about that, but I made a promise to Shiva that I would do that to the person she trusts that information to. Now you know all she knows. Instead of you trying to search your mind to find out who killed your family I will tell you. The organization set up the whole thing and made sure it looked like an accident. John personally killed your family. He did that to all the kids you saw there. I am very sorry that you must feel all this pain on your own.” I can’t believe the organization that I teamed up with did it. Now I need to keep searching for John and make sure he pays. Jig said “I know your thoughts. I am still sorry that I was the one that had to tell you. To make it up to you, I will come with you because I now have no reason to stay here. I need a new human partner and you’re the only one that knows what I can do. I hope this is ok with you as well.” I said “Yes it is ok. I can use all the help I can get now. I am also sure you want to avenge your partner’s death. I need to go talk to Jacob so I will be back in a minute.”

I ran back to Jacob. I said “Hey Jacob I found out who killed our families. It was John and the organization.” Jacob said “I can’t believe I trusted him. John lied to us about everything. Do you have that disk still?” I said “Yes I do but it will do us no good right now. We need to check Nicodemus for a portal device. I am pretty sure he has one on him.” Jacob said “I get it now. I hope he has it because I want to get back at John as well.” We both ran over at Nicodemus corpse. We search for 10 minutes. Jacob said “Hey look at this.” I stopped searching and looked up. It was a mini version of the portal I saw at the organizations base! I said “Jacob you found it! May I please have it?” He handed it over to me. I attached it to my arm right next to the item Shiva gave me.

I completely forgot about the people that were watching. I looked around and some of them were coming back slowly. One of them asked “Is it over? Is the organization finally dead?” I said “I wish the war was over but it only has just begun.”


         Date: Far Future

         Location: World of Nuve Startdom…Translation…Second Chance

I closed my Journal and slowly walked out to the window. I open my Journal and started to write what I saw. It was peace and happiness everywhere yet again. If only I could go back in time and saved my world from destruction but at least I was able to save 1000s of others. I hope I can finish writing about my past later before my final battle but for now this is my final entry.

Author Notes

I mainly want to say thanks for everyone that supported me in my life to keep on writing. Most of all I want to thank you the reader for taking the time to read this book and write me what you think of it and what I can do to improve. I shall always encourage everyone to believe in the impossible because you shall be surprise what is really real and what is truly fake. My next book I am already writing as you read this and be warned not everything has a happy ending or maybe this next one does you will never know till you read it. I just hope I have improved on my writing skills so more and more readers enjoy these stories.

Book 2


These are documents of my life and what I lived through. I hope these are helpful to anyone that is also in this war. I hope it does end soon. I never will tell how I trained or my training secrets for many reasons. If you are trying to track where I am…good luck is all I can say. Mainly I write these to show even in the darkest times there is still hope for a victory. Good luck to all trying to survive this war against the Red Snakes. Also be warned of the Green Mongoose. They are very tricky indeed.

Ending Note:This is part 3. Part 1 and 2 can be located in my profile if you are interested in them.
© Copyright 2009 silentwolf123 (silentwolf123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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