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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1582110
Part 2 of my story.
Note:This is Part 2 of the story. Part 1 cant be located on my profile.)

Chapter 5

A new world


            9 years later


            Today’s date is September 28, 9:58am, my 16th birthday. It’s been nine years from the day I learned what my arm can do. Nine years of pain to learn the training to master them. Now I can do them without having to think hard about it. Now it’s time to finally get the revenge I’ve been training for.

            About two weeks ago I was informed that today will be the day, the day I get to get the murderer or murderers that killed my family. At 10:00pm I would get briefed on where they were and how I would get to them. Finally, it was my chance to meet them face to face.

            I prepared myself for the travels coming ahead. I put the map I had in the secret compartment in my left arm. I found a tracking device in there. It was best to leave it there for now. Don’t need any trouble from them when I’m this close.

            More footsteps in the hallway, better get ready. I quickly slipped on the arm glove. John opened the door. He waved his hand for me to follow him. I got off the bed and hurried after him. We went to a room label B946. Inside the room were a projector screen, a projector, a chair, and Nicodemus with a pointing stick in his hand. I noticed a strange tattoo on his arm that looked the same as John’s tattoo.

I sat in the chair and Nicodemus grabbed a control for the projector. The screen changed to a new slide. It had a blurred picture on it. Looked like some sort reptile with wings. Nicodemus said “This is what your enemy looks like. We call them vermin. Most people called them Myths in books. You would commonly know them as dragons.”

I said “Wait, dragons are myths though. Are you trying to pull a prank on me?!”

Nicodemus replied “No, now calm down. Might as well explain a little bit more. The people of this world do not know of the secrets that are kept from them. This world is only one of millions. Each world is different in its own unique way. We have figured a way to travel between them. The dragons somehow found a way as well. They had been going world to world killing innocents all over. This even continues to this day and second as we chat. Understand it a bit more now or just having a hard time believing this?

I said “I’m having a hard time believing this. I need proof.”

Nicodemus said “Ok, I’ll give you proof but first I’m going to tell you their weak spots on their scales.” A new slide appeared on the screen. He moved next to the screen and said “This is the main weak spot. Anywhere underneath the dragon is where the scales are thin and weak. Be warned of the fire that they can breath. Sometimes it is some other element that they control. We have created a new cloak for you that can be used as a shield for what the elements the dragons can control. Just cover yourself in it and the elements won’t hit you.” He pushed a button on the control. It opened up a wall with my cloak on a hook. I walked over and tried it on. Behind it was a sword. I have no idea what it was made of but it felt so much lighter than the one I trained with.

“Now follow me to the portal that will give you access to the other worlds.” I followed him to a new part of building I have never seen. There were black with red lines for a design on the walls. The doors where numbered with different color codes on them.

I entered a room that had a warning sign on it. Inside the room was huge. At one end there was a half ring on the ground. On the other side of the room were some computers. Nicodemus pointed for me to go the half circle thing while he went to the computers. Nicodemus said “Almost forgot, take this with you.” He tossed me a button. “Use this to get back once you are done with your mission. I really suggest you don’t come back till you’re done. John is not happy with unfinished stuff.” He started to mess around with the computer. I couldn’t really tell what he is doing. I said “How will I find them?” Nicodemus said “You won’t find them, trust me on that. They will find you. I will be tracking your lifelines from here. I’m not sure if I will be able to contact you once you go into that portal and to another world. Remember this, the worlds you travel to will be different in many ways and can affect how you walk, talk, breath, fight, your strength, and how fast you are. Any questions before I activate the portal?” I said “I have all I need to know. I just hope I am ready once I am found.”

He flipped a switch and the half circle started to make sounds. Electricity started to fly from the circle. I was in horror as the electricity started to form the other half of the circle. The circle started to change colors into a green vortex. That green vortex started turning into a black and green swirl. I was so in shock while watching it that I did not notice Nicodemus walking up behind me. He shoved me into the portal and I think I heard him say good luck but I heard nothing. There was no sound in here. I couldn’t even hear myself talk out loud. Well at least I can still talk to myself in my head so I can get a plan started. All I see is the black and green portal I walked into.

Nicodemus seem to be lying about something. I don’t trust this organization at all. I’ll bet they don’t trust me either. I’m probably just a suicide test subject to them. Just to see if I can kill one of these dragons. What if the dragons really did kill my family though? I can’t miss the chance to be able to avenge them. That’s the thing, I don’t know. I don’t know the truth about the events on how my family was killed. I got rushed out of the crime scene before I found out how they died. Someone had to know. There is no way that no one knew. I’ll bet the organization had to clean it up to prevent people knowing the truth. What is the truth though?

A bright light hit my face. I think that’s the exit out of here. The light grew brighter and brighter, I couldn’t see! It was so bright I couldn’t see anything. My eyes were burning. I closed them till I did not see the bright light on my eye lids. I opened them and saw a forest around me. I heard some voices. I walked toward where I was hearing them from. I got to the edge of the forest and saw an amazing sight that I thought I might never see. It was a city full of people. I didn’t see any cars. They were riding something for sure. I brought out my binoculars to take a closer look. Dang it, I need to adjust these so I can see, not have blurred vision. There we go. Wait a minute; I know those things they are riding on. They are dragons!

How can this be possible?! I was told that they were killing humans. Here is proof that they are at peace with them. I decided to walk down and walk among them. Maybe I could find out more info about this place. As I reached the city, I got intercepted by some sort of guard that was riding a dragon by the looks of it.

She said “Stop where you are. Who are you and where are you from?” I said “I am Silentwolf and...” I really got to think fast. “Um… I don’t know. I can’t remember.” I was starting to shake a little. I need to get control fast or I might get busted for the worst. She said “Well I’m Officer Shiva and I am going to ask you to come with me. Get on Jig here.” I said “Jig? Sorry I don’t get what you mean.” Shiva replied “My partner here” She was patting the dragon’s neck. She reached her hand down to help me up. I grabbed it and was yanked up fast onto Jig. Jig started walking forward into the city. I stayed quiet and looked around.

Shiva said “You act like you’ve never seen a dragon before.” I said “Yeah, I have not seen one before to be honest.” I was caught off guard as the dragon stopped walking. Shiva looked at me with open eyes. She said “Well, if you were wise you wouldn’t say that again. Around here people are nervous about outsiders. You’re still a kid so I don’t think you are a threat to anyone. Just keep it quiet and try to blend in better, ok?” I said “Ok I will try. Let’s just say where I’m from, sadly dragons were not around. I don’t know why but that’s just how it was. I kept on getting told stories that they keep on killing people. That’s why I’m so nervous.” Shiva said “Interesting. I’ve never heard anything like that before. I have a quick question. Do you still believe those stories?” I said “No I don’t. I have not seen any proof that they are even aggressive.” I felt a jerk forward. Shiva said “Well that’s a good sign. Don’t tell anyone about our chat. Just remember this, around here dragons are our friends and help us in a lot more than you can ever imagine. Here, I will let Jig show you what I mean. I mean if you will be so kind to Jig?”

I felt something in my head. I started to see memories in my head. These weren’t mine. This is from Jig’s point of view. I’m guessing that humans and dragons were working together to make some sort of treaty. It was hard to see because Jig kept moving his head to look at one person then to a dragon. Some new images came to my mind. It was the start of the city. Many buildings were in construction for both humans and dragons. The humans were gathering the parts and holding them together while the dragons helped seal them together and lift heavier parts. More images came to my mind. It was a time of war by the looks of it. Death and destruction were all around. Jig seemed to be limping. Another human who was with him was also hurt. A lot of blood was coming from the human’s right arm. They were both trying to survive and get medical help. Jig moved his head to the left. I saw one human with a dragon fighting another dragon. The human got hit by one of the dragon’s tails. The human flew towards Jig and was scrapping across the dirt. The human on the ground really looked badly hurt. The other human near Jig ran to the human on the ground. It seems like that armor was not that strong yet. My view switched back to the dragons that were fighting each other. Jig moved his head back to the humans that where hopping on. He started to fly and that’s when I found myself staring at Shiva.

I said “That… I mean… It was wonderful to see humans and dragons working together but…” Shiva said “but what?” I said “I saw one of the battles. A human was with jig while a human with a dragon were fight another dragon. The human got hit and was badly hurt.” Shiva “Oh, I know that battle. That only happened 30 years ago. Sorry Jig showed you that horrible battle. I remember it very well as well as Jig does. I was the person with Jig and the person that got hit by the other dragon was…my dad. Don’t worry about it. He is still alive but disable from the waist down. His right arm is destroyed as well. I still wish there was a way to restore his right arm.”

I said “Think we can go somewhere more private than this? I’ve got something to show you but don’t think it would be a good idea in this crowded area.” Shiva said “Hey Jig, can we go to our secret location?” I heard Jig make some sounds. “Come on Jig, just this once please?” Jig started to fly and I instantly put my arms around Shiva. She started to laugh at me. I said “Not funny. I dislike heights just to let you know.” Shiva said “Oh, sorry. It won’t be long.” I took a dare and looked down. We were flying over the forest and a lake. I saw a meadow in the distance. Jig started to descend as we got closer to the meadow. I closed my eyes and waited for the landing. The imagines that Jig gave me came back to my mind when I thought about doing what I was about to do.

Shiva said “You can let go now, we landed.” I said “Oh, sorry. Just those memories came back to my mind from Jig here.” Shiva said “Let’s forget about those for now. You said you had something to show us?” I said “Yes I do. What I’m about to show you may frighten you. This is a warning.” I jumped off Jig and walked away about 10-15 feet. I took off my cloak and set it down on the ground. I slowly slipped off my arm glove. I kept my head down and keep slowly taking it off. Once it was off I set it down as well. I brought my head up to look at their reactions. Shiva’s face was in terror. I could not tell about Jig. He still looked the same as always. I felt horrible for showing my arm. I put my head back down. I sat down and just put my hands carefully over my face. I felt like crying for causing the pain to them but I just could not find any tears.

I felt a hand of my shoulder. I said “I think it was a mistake for showing this. I did not wish to cause more pain or fear. I feel so horrible about doing it.” Shiva “What you did was alright. I was just shocked that you lost you arm as well but was able to rebuild a metal one. How did you do it?’ I said “Well I did not. An organization that brought me here made it. I can steal the blueprints off them I bet.” I brought my head up and looked at her in the eyes. Shiva said “What organization?! Do you know the name?” I said “No I don’t. I was sort of forced into it. I did notice a tattoo that they keep on wearing. It looked like a big red snake in an S shape around a sword.” Shiva backed away from me very quickly. She said “Your… are one of them. Your kind is not wanted around here.” I said “My kind? What am I? I don’t know why I’m here anymore. I don’t know what I am anymore.” Shiva said “Don’t play your pity acts on us. It is what you are trained for. Now they are using kids, how pathetic.” I said “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. All they told me was that dragons killed my family. They have killed many. I was going to put an end to them but I… I can’t.” Shiva said “What? What lies have they told you?” I said “What me and many other kids have been told that our parents been kids by something. I was told dragons killed mine. I don’t know what to believe anymore.” Shiva said “They have tricked you. I’m still not sure if I can trust you. If you were trying to be good, you’d better save the other kids before they lock onto their lies and go to their doom.” Shiva and Jig left me alone here. I put all my stuff back on and started to walk away. I pulled out the button Nicodemus gave me. I saw Shiva hidden in the forest trying not to be seen. I also pulled out a gun from Nicodemus that I had hidden on myself. He had given me this gun two months before this happen, during my practice training for survival in the wild. I’m still shocked that he never noticed I still have this. It has three shots left in it. Should I just end my life now? Everything I told was a lie by the looks of it. What about the other kids though? Shiva was right about them. They are walking to their dooms for a false cause. What about her father? I can get the tech blueprints needed to recreate his arm and maybe repair his legs so he can walk again. Maybe in the computers they have information on who really killed my family.

I brought out a piece paper and a pencil. I wrote,

Shiva, I’m sorry for the trouble I caused for you. I have made my choice now. I’m going to try to save the kids and try to get back here to give you the blueprint to replace your father’s arm. Hope you will live the rest of your life happy. I’m not sure if I will stay alive much longer. I’m about to face the organization head on…alone. Not sure if this will be my last, but goodbye and thanks for showing me the truth. From Silentwolf.

There, my message has been written. Now where to hang it? This tree to my left will do just nicely. Took a pin I had on me and pinned it to a tree.

I grabbed the button control again and pushed it. The green vortex returned right in front of me. I walked in as soon as I could. The green vortex was all around me again. I saw the bright light coming again. I closed my eyes and waited for to be over. What I’m about to enter could be my final battle.



Chapter 6

Freedom or Death



I decided it was best to play along with them to get more information about this place. I just needed to get to those computers then make my escape with as many kids as possible. I was able to open my eyes without being able to get blinded. I saw Nicodemus at the controls. Nicodemus said “How did your mission go? I lost track of your location and could not get any updates.” I said “It was a pain at first not knowing where the enemy was. I did get them at the end. Too bad the blood was like acid or I could have gotten some proof.” Nicodemus said “Yeah that I can understand. Follow me back to your room. You earned a rest.” I said “I do need to go back one last time after my rest. I believe one may still be alive. I want to double check my work later.” Nicodemus said “Ok you will later. For now just follow me.” I followed him back to my room. He left the room shortly afterwards.

I quickly got out the map from my arm. I unfolded it searching for the computer room. It’s a separated building. So now I have to find a way out of here while…shoot, there are more footsteps coming this way. I quickly put away the map and hid it back in my left arm.

Nicodemus came in with John. John said “You have failed to make sure you got them all.” Nicodemus said “There is one job you can do to make up for this mistake. Just come with us now.” I got up and walked with them. We entered a door close to the building exit. I looked around the room and saw five kids tied up in chairs. Nicodemus said “These five are traitors and disobeyed for the last time. Your job is to end their miserable lives here and now.” I was in shocked for sure. They were going to make me kill these kids. Worst of all, one of them was my friend. Jacob was there staring right at me. Tears were coming from his eyes. I said “May I look at the weapons I can use to kill them with?” Nicodemus opened a closet door. I saw some masks in there with gas containers, perfect to knock out Nicodemus and John here. How to get them on them without getting killed myself.

Nicodemus pointed at the items inside the closet. I walked over to look at what I had to work with, a hammer, a couple of different types of daggers, a mop, the gas canisters, and some masks that were attached to nothing. These masks were made in case there was a leakage in the tanks. There were only five masks though. I can live without one. I said I was going to free the kids even at the cost of my own life.

I placed the mop between the two daggers to hold it in place. I placed the gas canisters right at the bottom of the mop. I carefully placed the hammer at the top so once I left this room hopefully it would fall and punch a hole in the canisters. Ok, now I have everything set. Now it’s time to grab the masks and get ready to place them on the kids. I left the room with the masks. Nicodemus said “What are you doing with those masks? They can’t be lethal.” A huge clanking sound came from the closet. I’d better hurry! I quickly placed the masks on the kids. I was thinking of the gas masks and one pop onto my face. I completely forgot about my robotic arm. I quickly untied Jacob as John and Nicodemus fell to the ground. Jacob started to untie the ropes on another kid. I helped out with the others.

Once everyone was untied we moved into the hallway. I brought out my map. Jacob said “Where did you get that?” I said “Don’t worry about it we are here.” I marked where we were with a green marker. “You need to get to the portal. Just press this button and you will be taken to a new world. Just say Silentwolf sent you and make sure you only tell that only to Shiva or Jig though. I’m pretty sure they are going to be close by somewhere. They know you are coming. Now hurry, go to this location.” I marked it with a black marker. “Oh almost forgot, when you go into the green vortex, be sure to close your eyes when you see a bright light. You will go blind for a while if you do look into it. I learned that myself. Good luck my friends. I will go there as well some other time.” Jacob asked “What about you? Where are you going?” I said “I’m going to hack into the computer and find out everything. They lied to us. I want to know the truth before I leave. Now go!”

I watched them follow the map. I hoped they could fight off any guards. I’d better go with them to make sure. I started to run but something grabbed a hold of my left leg. It was John. I said “You just don’t give up do you?” John said “Not…while…I still breathe… I will make sure… you pay for this.” I kicked his head to knock him out again. I forced his hand off me. I started again to run after Jacob and the others. I stopped at a corner of the hallway. I heard voices on the other side. I used the camera on my left arm to peek around the corner. A hologram of what the camera sees popped up on my arm. I saw Jacob and the other kids captured by some guards. I put away the camera and got ready for a quick battle.

I pulled out the gun again. There were only three guards and I only have three shots. I’d better make them count. I started to aim the gun and slowly went around the corner. I saw one guard about to kill a kid. I fired one shot at his head. It was a hit but it got the other guards drop the kids and started to run at me. I fired another shot and hit one guard in the chest. I could not fire my third in time. I got tackled and dropped my gun. The guy was able to grab my neck and tried to choke me. I punched him in the stomach as hard as I could with my left arm. I felt him let go and hit the ceiling.  I rolled away as fast I could. I felt something hit the floor hard. I quickly got up and looked for where he was. I did not see him but I did see Jacob with a gun pointed right at me. I heard the gun fire. I paused for what felt like a minute. I checked my body, I felt no pain and saw no marks on me. I turned around and saw one of the guards with a bullet in his shoulder blade.

I pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed him in the heart. I said “I guess we are even Jacob.” Jacob said “I guess we are.” I said “Ok let’s get going. Once I know all of you are safe I will go back and grab the information.” Jacob just nodded. We all started running to the portal room. Once we got in, I realized this was a bit too easy. Where was everyone? I ran to the controls and tried to figure them out. I slipped on the floor and hit my head on the wall. The wall opened and revealed a secret computer. I got back up and walked to it. They left it logged on with all the files opened. I found a CD in the drive with all the files in it. I guess they were trying to download then delete but failed to do so. I’ll just keep the CD and delete their files like they were going to do. Ok now to help everyone get out of here.

I said “Ok Jacob push the button and let’s leave. I got everything I need to come with you at the same time.” Jacob said “Ok will do. So who really killed our families?” I said “No, I only got what was on that computer but no time to read. This place is on lockdown. Hey what’s that ticking sounds?” We all looked around. One of the girls found the source of the sound and lets us know with a loud pitched scream. We all ran over to check out what that was about. It was a time bomb! We only had 30 seconds before it went off. Jacob quickly pushed the button and everyone ran into the green vortex. When we got through the portal, we were in the meadow again. I checked the tree and the note I left was not there.

I said “Well, we are free to do what we want now. Just need to find my friend so we can get some help on what to do.” Jacob said “Yeah any idea where your friend is at?” I said “Nope, remember I was only here for less than a day” I thought I saw something move in front of me. When I looked around I saw nothing. Jacob said “What is it?” I said “I thought I saw something move over there. I think my mind is playing tricks on me now.” I jumped when I heard a growl from behind. I instantly turned around and stood in front of the others. Jig was there laughing now by the looks of it. I said “Hey Jig what’s so funny. Scaring the heck out of us like that.” Jacob “Th-th-is is yo-your friend? The organization told us that they are…” I said “Forgot everything the organization told us. They lied to us. I learned that truth from Jig here.”

Shiva came out of the forest. Shiva “Welcome back. I got your note that you left. I see you won the battle. I just have one question about that. Will the organization follow you?” I said “I don’t know. Before we left, we found a bomb. I was able to take a quick snap shot of it with the camera built in on my arm. Maybe you know what it does.” I used the holographic projector to show the image to everyone. Shiva “I know what that bomb is. That bomb is used to destroy worlds. Did you defuse it?” I said “No I did not know how and no time to learn. I hope that organization was not holding us at our home planet. All those people…but before we left I was able to grab all the information onto a disk from their computers. If we can get to a computer I might be able to help build another arm for your father. I also learned the truth of who really killed our families.” Shiva “I hope so about your world. Follow me. I know where we can get to a computer. I think first we need to drop off your friends here to a safe location. There’s a cabin in the woods. It is just about a hundred feet over there.”

Shiva started walking into the forests. I started to follow when I noticed the others were not following. I walked back and started to push them to go. Trying to keep up with Shiva was a pain with everyone trying to stay still. After walking for a little bit I saw the cabin. It was huge. A two story cabin was standing in the middle of the forest. There were four glass windows in the front of the house. Shiva said “This is where I run to when I am too stressed out or just want some time alone. This will be a perfect place for your friends to hide as I sneak you into town. Someone saw you come out from the forest and into town. They took a few pictures but they did not see me with you. There’s a reward for your capture. Be thankful you have to be alive and unharmed for the reward to be claimed.” I said “Well I seem to be a very wanted person. The organization wants me dead now I bet. Now people in this area want to capture me. What is going to happen next I wonder?” Shiva said “I know what is going to happen next. You are coming with me into town and we are going to upload that disk to a computer for everyone to find out the truth, the full truth of what this organization is really up to.”


Ending Note:This is part 2. Part 1 and 3 can be located on my profile if you are interested in them.
© Copyright 2009 silentwolf123 (silentwolf123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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