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Rated: E · Bulletin · Writing · #1581533
Ten cash awards include First Prize of $3,000! 5,000 words max. No minimum.
The Tom Howard Poetry Contest for Verse In All Styles and Genres, plus The Tom Howard Short Story, Essay & Prose Contest are now open for entries. For the new Prose Contest, the prize pool has been increased to $5,550 (including a First Prize of $3,000), yet entry fees remain pegged at $15 for each short story or essay up to 5,000 words in length. You'll find full details at respectively http://poetrycontests.exactpages.com (you will need to scroll halfway down the page for the Tom Howard Contest) and http://shortstorycontest.0catch.com  [Note the "0" is a zero, not a capital "O"].

An exclusive site for the Tom Howard Poetry Contest is http://tomhowardpoetry.bravepages.com

Alternative sites are http://writeway.exactpages.com (for both Poetry and Prose contests) and http://www.winningwriters.com (you will need to click the contest of your choice on the left of the home page).

Just a reminder that all subjects and genres are welcome: comic and humorous stories and essays, mystery, science fiction, romance and other genres. Even newspaper and magazine articles and interviews. And even one-act plays. The only restriction is that entries must not exceed 5,000 words.

Needless to say, the judges are human beings, not robots. We all have our likes and dislikes so it's a good idea to take a look at some of the entries that have won prizes in previous contests.

"Watching Time", our latest anthology of winning prose, has once again almost completely sold out (unless you want to pay ridiculous prices of $75 or more. And would you believe some keen collector just paid $149 for a copy offered by a marketplace seller! Plus postage!). The good news is that Amazon has obtained stock. So once again Amazon has this book on sale for only $12.95. Please click this link:

WATCHING TIME: Anthology of Prizewinning Essays & Short Stories

Another piece of good news concerns the reprinting of "Mr Christian and the Bag Lady", an earlier collection of Tom Howard Prose winners. This particular anthology has been out of print for years. But here it is, now offered at Amazon:

Mr Christian and the Bag Lady: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Stories

Finally, and also at Amazon, is a new, expanded edition of my "Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS". The book has been completely revised, re-written and re-set. Despite all this, and an additional 20 pages of helpful text, the price has been lowered to only $12.50 officially, but Amazon at present have the book on sale for only $11.25!

Write Ways to WIN WRITING CONTESTS: How To Join the Winners' Circle for Prose and Poetry Awards, NEW EXPANDED EDITION.

ASIN: 0557023254
ID #109753
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: johnhowardreid Author Icon
Review Rated: E
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 12.50
© Copyright 2009 johnhowardreid (rastar7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1581533-5550-Prose-Contest-Now-Open