Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1578824-Something-To-Eat-3
Rated: E · Fiction · Writing · #1578824
Sophia grows in her relationship with Todd and it's going straight to her waistline...
Part 3 of Something to Eat (rates and/or reviews would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much! And sorry for the lack of indentation. I have no idea how to fix that.)

After school, Sophia changed for soccer practice. She dressed in the corner with her back turned to the rest of the girls. She picked out the biggest shirt she could find so her bulge would be concealed. She pulled back the excess fabric and saw her small, curved tummy. In the middle she saw the concave circle of her descending belly button. She held it with both hands and her fingers sank in a bit. She was fascinated by its softness. She drummed her fingers across it then snapped out of her moment when she heard someone coming up beside her. It was Heather, co-captain of the team. She had her arms crossed over her tight tank top that revealed her flat, muscular chest. She smirked and shook her head from side to side. Her polished nail reached out and poked Sophia in the stomach.

“I guess I’m gonna have to make you run a few extra laps.”

Sophia slapped her hand away. “I can take whatever you throw at me.” Heather glanced at her shirt again.

“From the looks of it, I’m sure you can.” She grinned. “See you on the field.”

Sophia muttered under breath as she tied up her hair and cleats and jogged outside. She joined the other girls that stood on the side line. Heather stared at Sophia and Sophia glared back. She didn’t exactly know what Heather’s problem was with her, but it she wanted a fight Sophia would be willing to give her one. Coach Everson came out of the locker room last. The girls settled down as she paced in front of them on the grass.

“We’ve come far in this season. I’m not going to give you the speech too early, but we’ve come far this season.” A few cheers rang out then returned to silence. “Only one game is in our way and we’ve played them before girls. We might’ve lost to them, but we’ve practiced. We stay strong, we last long, then we’ll win the championship.”

The girls pivoted the headed down the line behind Heather. It was a challenge for Sophia. As she jogged, her belly jiggled with every pounding move. Needless to say, she was experiencing growing pains. Her calves ached from their lack of use over the weekend and Sophia bit her lip from the pain. She knew that she would soon be numb to the feeling. There was always pain from soccer. At first, she breathed through her mouth, but now she was breathing from her nose.

Sophia glanced at Heather as she turned the corner and passed the goal posts. Her calves and biceps flexed with her forward motion. Sophia rolled her eyes. Heather knew she was probably hard as an asphalt slab. Her boyfriend probably hated it. If she even had a boyfriend.

Heather headed into the middle of the field. They did stretches and as they finished up, Coach Everson told them to break up into teams. Heather, of course and co-captain, Kelly, were team leaders. They divvied up the players while the picked girls whispered to their team leader who to pick. Some made faces when a certain person was chosen. Kelly picked Sophia, but Sophia thought that was obvious because Heather wanted to pound her into the ground for gaining a few pounds. She shrugged, surprised that she didn’t care that much about soccer than she thought. But she still wanted to make it to the finals.

Kelly put Sophia in the back with two other defenders. Sophia was a good defender. She preferred taking someone down than running to steal the ball from them. Heather chose center midfield as her territory. She’d probably do a little scoring if she could.

Heather’s team got the ball first because Kelly picked first. The game had started. Heather’s team tried to penetrate the defense, but Sophia wouldn’t have it. She stood her ground and kicked the ball to her wing. The game was 2-1 with Kelly’s team leading and a few minutes to go.

Somehow, Heather trapped the ball in her chiseled abdomen and it fell to her feet. She dribbled the ball past Kelly and the other halfbacks. She beat her cleats into the ground, cradling the ball close to her instep. If a girl crossed her path, she simply tapped the ball to the right and moved out of their direction.

Sophia watched her approach, wondering why it had to come to a face-off. She had to guess if she was going to shake left or right. Which one? Sophia guessed left and met Heather’s elbow right in her chest. Sophia’s back slammed right into the ground and her brown eyes watched an upside down Heather take the ball in for a goal.

A second later, Coach Everson blew her whistle and called a foul on Heather. Kelly’s team got the ball back and ended with them winning. Sophia lay on the ground for a minute or two, trying to remember the directions for breathing. In and out. In and out. She rolled to her side and felt her stomach make a soft moan. She was hurt and hungry. Kelly came over to her and helped her up. She patted her back.

“Taking one for the team,” she said. Sophia gave her a nod and watched the losing team take two laps around the field.

Sophia opened the passenger side door of her mother’s car. She was beaten and battered from battling Heather. And soccer practice. Her mother made a face at her dirty cleats.

“Think again. You better put them in the trunk.” She popped the trunk. “Must be half-crazy,” she muttered.

Sophia hauled her tired, extremely hungry body to the trunk and yanked off her cleats. They weren’t even that dirty. The ground was too dry. She tossed them inside and slammed the trunk shut. She got in and they drove home.

“What did you want for dinner?” Her mother asked before she made the left turn out of the school parking lot.

“Todd said that he would come over and make dinner for us.”

“Aww, that’s nice of him. I wish I could stay and eat with you, but the shoes are finally twenty percent off a Macy’s and I have a gift card!” She grinned, holding the red Macy’s gift card beside her head. Sophia rolled her eyes.

“Oh, I thought it was something serious…”

“I always said that Todd was a keeper.”

“You never…I don’t remember that conversa—”

“Well, I do.”


When they got home, Sophia took a long, hot shower. The water trickled down her hair and skin. Sophia lifted her head so the water sprinkled over her face. She rubbed her ravenous belly as her hunger rose inside her. She was especially hungry today because of practice. She wondered when Todd would come over. Sophia shut off the water, stepped out, and headed to her room. She quickly got dressed, pulling on a vee-neck shirt that concealed her plump stomach. She could begin to pinch some of the fat. She tried to get on a pair of jeans, but they were near the point of unbearably tight. Sophia wasn’t surprised. She flopped onto the bed and sucked her belly in so she could zip them up and button them.

Sophia checked her self in the mirror and admired her new curvy bottom. She smiled to herself. She knew that would be one thing she would look forward to. Her stomach growled, sending her a reminder. She rushed downstairs with her wet hair soaking into the fabric and reached in the container and took a brownie out. She crammed it into her mouth, chewed, and swallowed. Her stomach was still unsatisfied. She went for the last one when she heard the bell rang. She snatched the brownie up and gobbled it down. She finished, wishing she had some milk, and opened the door.

Todd held up a pan with foil on it and handed it to Sophia. She carried it into the kitchen and lifted back the foil. Spare ribs. She stuck her finger in, dipped it into the barbeque sauce, and stuck it in her mouth. She swooned over the tangy sweet taste. Todd watched her and shook his head.

“Don’t worry about me. I can handle bringing in the rest of the food.”

“Okay.” She pulled out a rib and began eating.

Once Todd got everything out of his car, he closed the door behind him. He came into the kitchen, but Sophia was already seated and chomping on a rib. They were so sweet, but had a little bit of kick in them. When Todd began eating, Sophia had already eaten four. She dropped the fifth naked bone on her plate and went for another. Todd slowly ate.

“Where’s your mom?”

“Shopping.” Sophia answered through bites. “Her loss.”

Todd smiled. “Your gain.”

Todd was pleased that her mother wasn’t there. More food to fatten Sophia with. Todd lowered his corn on the cob and pictured the transitions of Sophia’s impending bulge. She would be categorized as pudgy, which she was increasingly approaching, with a layer of fat beginning to process of teetering on the edge of her jeans and threatening to pour over. Her jeans, all of them, wouldn’t have wrinkles because her recent fleshy padding would fill them like icing in a frosting bag.

Then she would expand to being chubby as her cheeks permanently rounded and her chin curved out into a second one. Her stomach would be too noticeable to conceal and spherical, softened and squishy to ample proportions. After that, there would be no returning. Sophia would be fat and would be entirely his to continue gorging on his cooking concoctions. Todd grinned to himself as he heard the smacking of Sophia’s lips as she finished her ninth rib, unbuttoned her jeans, and reached for another rib.

“You didn’t even look to see the dessert I made for you—I mean, you and your mom.”

Sophia’s eyes widened. “Brownies again?”

“No. Cupcakes—” Before Todd could finish, Sophia squealed, climbed over the table, and kissed him.

“You shouldn’t have.” She said, pecking her barbequed lips against his.

“I was compelled.” Todd picked up his corn from his plate. “Anything I can do to help.”


Tonight, Sophia was downstairs before her stomach could complain. Her fingers were peeling back the cupcake wrapper before her belly made the slightest grumble or pang of hunger. She had settled into a routine and her routine had settled onto her stomach. Her fourth meal.

Sophia shoved the entire cupcake in her mouth and chewed while unwrapping another one. The buttery goodness melted in her mouth and the chocolate frosting lined the top of her throat and tongue. Her knees quivered as the confection slid down her throat. Sophia downed a swig of whole milk and bit into the second one. She gazed at the two dozen cupcakes that Todd had left before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She continued with the third and fourth, losing count as the entire experience blended together in a saccharine stupor.

Sophia tossed the wrappers on the floor as she devoured cupcake after cupcake. After she gorged herself on half of the cupcakes, she stroked her stomach. She hadn’t intended to eat so much, but she couldn’t control herself. Once she had one, she had to have another, then another until Sophia struggled to add one more into her overfed tummy.

Sophia lowered herself onto the floor. She rubbed her stomach with both hands since one couldn’t cover the entire task. She sighed, feeling the pain dissipate with every rub. She glanced down and noticed that her camisole had receded higher up on her as her belly had expanded. It had no definition, save for the supple, ever accumulating layer of fat on her entire midsection.

Sophia blushed and pulled the bottom of her shirt down only to have it creep back up. The fat around her bellybutton jutted out as if puckered for a kiss. Sophia couldn’t even see the end of her belly button anymore. It had sunk deep into the fat. Sophia then touched her legs, noticing their added bulk.

She rested there, thoughtless about the weight she probably had packed on, stroking her stomach. The fourth meal had stretched her stomach more than any fourth meal before that, supplying more space for her eager and escalating intake.

After a while, Sophia managed to get on her feet. She picked up the wrappers, tossed them into the trash, and closed the plastic bin so the other cupcakes could remain safe for her fourth meal tomorrow night. She crawled into bed and pushed the elastic band on her sleeper shorts underneath her stomach so she could breathe. Sophia fell asleep almost immediately as if her body were was waiting her to finish and catch some much needed rest.


“Sophia.” Sophia woke to the sound of her mother yelling up the stairs to her. “Sophia.” Sophia rolled over onto her back. Her stomach swayed, catching up to the rest of her. Sophia squinted enough to let some sunlight in, then she closed her eyes again. “Sophia!”

“Waa,” Sophia grumbled back.

“Why are there all these cupcake wrappers in the trash?” With that one question, Sophia’s eyes tore open and she jolted to a sitting position.

“What’d you say?”

“I said why are there so many wrappers in the trashcan. Both you and your father can’t hear. You must’ve got that from his side of the family…”

“Um…uh…Todd ate some and I ate four,” Sophia lied again. She cringed, remembering how many lies she had told her mother.

“Todd can eat,” Sophia’s mom shouted back. “Greedy gut.”

Sophia glanced down at her own belly. “Yeah.” The meal from last night had settled, but her stomach hadn’t lowered as much as she thought it would. Soon, not even a sweat shirt would be able to cover the insatiable influence food had on her. As she thought, Sophia’s tummy rumbled, ready for breakfast. Sophia thought of the cupcakes and her mouth watered. She craved breakfast too.

After getting dressed, brushing her teeth, and waiting for her mother to leave, Sophia rushed downstairs and rummaged through the cabinets to find a pan. She had fifteen minutes since her mom woke her up early to investigate the cupcake wrappings.

Sophia cracked five eggs in the pan and stirred them while caressing her famished, paunchy midsection which was hidden underneath her sweatshirt. She adored treating her belly with special attention, fondling and squeezing the flab and nudging her side to see how much of her fingers would disappear. Sophia grabbed a box of pancake mix. She measured the mix as she ate her eggs and cooked six sausage links. Her hands trembled from the excitement of making breakfast, and, most importantly, eating it afterwards.

When she finished her eggs, she felt no where near satisfied. She hoped that the rest would appease her until lunch. Sophia hummed to herself as she poured the batter for a pancake. She made enough batter for six to eight, but the pan was only large enough to cook one at a time.

Sophia glanced at the clock. Ten minutes until the bus came. She turned up the heat and watched the bubbles rise to the top. She shoved her spatula underneath, checked the bottom, and flipped it over. Maybe I could get Todd to pick me up for school again, she thought. Sophia knew that Todd went out of his way to drive to her house, but he probably would oblige. Sophia grabbed the phone and dialed his number. After three rings, Todd answered the phone.

“Uhh…” Todd managed to say. Sophia smiled.

“Good morning to you too.” She scooped her pancake and set it on a plate and poured another one in the pan. “Aren’t you supposed to be awake?”


“I thought so. You’re sleeping in?”


“Well, you would’ve had get up after a while.” Sophia shoved a sausage link in her mouth. “Can I ask you something?” She said between chews. Todd shook himself awake when he heard the sound of Sophia munching on food.

He wondered what she was eating, whether she made breakfast or she was eating a cupcake before school. It didn’t matter. He plan had gone beyond him and now Sophia was willfully participating as well. He couldn’t wait to see her and see how large she had become. He envisioned leaning in for a kiss and sneaking in a touch of her stomach to gauge her progress. He would bury his face into her doughy middle and simply relish it. Todd rested on his elbow.


“Could you pick me up for school—”

“Of course.”

“Thanks. I owe you one…two.”

“No. We’re even.”

Sophia paused in mid-chew. “How could we be—”

“Okay. See you soon.” Todd hung up the phone before she could finish. He stared at the phone in his hands wondering for the first time what Sophia would think if she knew that he was deliberately supplementing her consumption. How would she react? Todd shrugged the question off, knowing there would be no way she would find out. No possible way.


Sophia had gained weight. Todd noticed the second he saw her open the door and let him inside her house. Even though she had on a sweatshirt, a slight definition of her stomach made an appearance when she would walk or sit. Even her cheeks were plumper. It made him smile to see how his efforts paid off.

“Smells good in here,” Todd said and noticed that half of the cupcakes were gone.

“I made breakfast for myself. And I never make breakfast.”

“You must’ve been starving.”

“Yeah.” Her voice sounded concerned, but blissful too as if she couldn’t decide on an emotion.

Todd shoved his hands in his pockets, breaking the silence. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah,” she said. Sophia grabbed her book bag and she and Todd left for school.

Class was no different than a normal day for Sophia. She made it to her fourth period class without any complaints from her midsection and she didn’t suspect any because of the breakfast she ate beforehand. Though, the breakfast along with the heat and Mr. Dyson’s monotone voice in World History made her drowsy. She never expected her morning meal would have such an affect, but it did. She had a hard time concentrating. She tried moving and blinking, but eventually she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

While she was sleeping, Sophia dreamt she was in a field of pastries. She began to eat them and as she did, her body began to swell as the food changed to fat on her body. Her cheeks puffed out and her arms wiggled with the added flab. Her chubby fingers continued to reach out for another and another, but the food never seemed to be out of reach. It moved towards her. Her belly grew as well, rubbing against her thighs and—

“Sophia.” The sound of Mr. Dyson’s voice startled her awake.

“Sorry,” Sophia said, wiping her mouth. Students around her chuckled as she could feel the blood spread to her cheeks.

“Fall asleep again and you might miss your soccer game due to detention.” Mr. Dyson continued with his lecture. Sophia stared at the table when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

“You must’ve been hibernating after packing on the pounds,” Heather whispered to her. Sophia balled her hand into a fist, imagining it connecting with Heather’s face.

When the bell rang, Sophia rushed out of the room still embarrassed by Mr. Dyson catching her sleeping. She had three more days before the soccer game and she couldn’t jeopardize her chances. She thought about not having a midnight meal or running a few extra laps when she got home.

Sophia continued contemplating while she waited in line with Todd for lunch. Todd didn’t make lunch that day so he opted to buy her lunch instead. Today’s special was pizza and meatloaf. Todd shuddered.

“They call it a special, but they have pizza and meatloaf every Tuesday,” he said. Sophia nodded, half listening and pushing my tray down the counter.

“Three slices of cheese,” she said to the lunch lady. The lunch lady gave her a look, but piled them on one plate. Sophia grabbed a container of fries, a salad, and a slice of meatloaf, and a bottle of Coke. She glanced at her boyfriend. “Must be hungry today or something.” Todd grinned.

“Must be.”

They headed to a table and Sophia began eating. Todd pushed around his slice of pepperoni on his plate as he watched Sophia consume her lunch. She cradled a slice of pizza in one hand and held a fry in another, dunking the fry in to ketchup every so often.

The pizza tasted like cardboard with a sprinkle of cheese on top and the fries were cold, but Sophia was hungry so she didn’t care. Her hunger made the food taste better as if her constantly unsatisfiable crater she called her stomach.

She snuck her hand under her sweat shirt to rub her rounded belly. She knew that her stomach wasn’t going down after a meal anymore. It was only going to continue outward until she wouldn’t be able to see her chubby legs. Sophia was so enthralled in her eating that she didn’t notice her onlooker concentrating on her completing her meal as she recounted her lethargic bout in History class.

“He said that if I fell asleep again that I could miss the soccer game due to detention,” she managed to say through chews.

“That’s messed up,” Todd said, struggling to sound concerned. Sophia swallowed and grabbed her second slice.

“I know, right?” She shook her head. “I can’t miss that game, Todd. I can’t.”

“But you can miss my birthday...two times.”

Sophia lowered her pizza and made a face. “Todd.”



“Sophia.” Todd didn’t mean to get into an argument with Sophia. Up until then, he was holding back his composure about the game, but hearing her speak about it with such a neediness made his mixture of anger and jealously resurface again. Sophia stared at him.

“You said that you were okay with it.”

“Sorry,” he said. Todd stared at Sophia as she packed second slice into her mouth. She had already devoured the fries and the meatloaf. Now she had moved onto the salad.

Todd thought about how she had a hunger for soccer. He needed Sophia to have that same hunger for food. Well, that was apparent seeing how she continued to gain and her midsection bulge began to swell and thicken, her stomach stretching and making opportunity for more food.

But she still had her mind on the field and the game. He had three more days to lure her over. He couldn’t come tonight, but he could bring breakfast over in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, and dinner in the evening. Todd smiled to himself.

“Are you going to finish that?” Sophia asked, pointing to his pizza. Todd handed the plate over to her.

“No. All yours.”


Sophia stood beside the counter, staring at the crumbs at the bottom of the container, comprehending that the dessert was gone. All of it. Sophia remained motionless as if waiting for more to appear so she could devour them as well. She bit her lip. Her stomach wasn’t full and she needed that feeling, she was addicted to that feeling.

It was midnight and Sophia was downstairs as usual attempting to ease her aching anguish. Sophia headed to the refrigerator and opened the freezer door. Cold air wafted onto her chest and face as she peered inside. Beside the icemaker was a tub of Rocky Road ice cream. Her mom bought it for Sophia a month ago, but Sophia never ate any. Sophia nudged the door closed and pulled off the top.

A thin layer of freezer burn collected on the surface, sprouting into crystalline spikes. Sophia grabbed a spoon from the dish rack and scooped up a mound and shoved it in her mouth. She scooped up some more as the ice cream dribbled down her chin. Sophia hadn’t noticed because she was cramming another large spoonful past her lips before the first scoop had been swallowed.

The cold globs slithered down her esophagus straight to her seemingly bottomless pit. Sophia massaged her round belly, making room for more. She sighed, consuming the cool delight, shivering from the chill of that luscious cream, milk, and sugar. The ice cream was messy too. Her lips and chin was covered in Rocky Road. Her fingers were wet and sticky as she struggled to grasp the container. Her camisole even had drops of marshmallow and vanilla sprinkled on it.

Sophia scarfed down almost half when her lips quivered and she felt stuffed to the verge of bursting. Sophia licked the spoon and tossed it into the sink. She closed the container and put the Rocky Road away. Sophia’s mind was reeling. She had eaten half a carton of ice cream and ten cupcakes and she didn’t feel ashamed. It felt so good.

She wanted more, but there was no more room. Sophia licked her lips and fingers and even her camisole, prolonging the moment. She climbed the stairs and went to the bathroom to wash her face and hands. She flipped on the light and finally had a chance to see the damage. Ice cream had dried around her mouth and hands. Her camisole was spotted and wet from her licking it.

Sophia leaned over the counter to wash her hands when her stomach brushed the cool countertop. It was becoming an obstruction. She leaned further and her fat moved around the counter, coating it. Sophia pulled back and grabbed a wash cloth and washed her face. The lower half of her belly poked out from underneath her night shirt like a tube of fat around her waist. The camisole not fitting was normal now. If she pulled it down then it would be tight and uncomfortable and probably slide back up.

Sophia found it better not to restrict her tummy and let it spread and grow. She stroked the visible part realizing that it was also beginning to widen. Her love handles were becoming distinguishable. She squeezed her side, taking in how far she’d come. And to think that she once wanted to end her after hours snacking. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t.

The hunger pains would worsen and she wouldn’t get any sleep. Her body would writhe from such withdrawal. And she needed that feeling of fullness, jolting her taste buds with the different flavors of food while the food disappeared into her ever expanding midsection. The entire process was a high too precious to come down from.

Sophia yawned. Her body was exhausted from the feeding so Sophia turned to head to bed. She was reaching for the light when her mother opened the door to her bedroom and stumbled out into the hall. She made a grunting noise from the light in her eyes, squinting enough for the direction to the bathroom. Sophia’s mom paused two feet from her daughter.

Sophia’s heart leaped into her mouth and her throat clenched. Her mother was in front of her, able to see the “greedy gut” that Sophia was both physically and figuratively. Her mother squinted to her face.

“Sophia,” her mother breathed and somehow, deep down inside, Sophia was afraid for the worst.

To be continued…
© Copyright 2009 jeaninetb (jeaninetb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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