Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1578024-Inside
by Nayen
Rated: E · Fiction · Dark · #1578024
Storie of a girl with a demon living in her Entry for The League of Young Writers Contest

Today started like any other, but that was about to change.

"Okay Demlings," called a older spirit demon to the younger ones. They were in a hospital yard around noontime.

"Today is the day you have been waiting for. Today is the day you will find a body to possess. In this building is a bunch of newborn humans. You will go in and find a human to live in. Then when your shell dies you will have enough energy to become a full fleged spirit demon and live in the land of Ixrale with the other spirit demons. Any questions?"

"Can we posses animals?" asked a demling in the mix of demlings.
"For the last time Grex!" the spirit demon sighed "The only thing young demlings can possess is humans! Any other questions?"
"When do we start, Iymia?" asked another demling bouncing up and down.

Iymia sighed. "When I call your name, go on in there and find a newborn if there aren't any more questions." She paused for a moment. "Alright, first off,  Oliro" Oliro hesitated then floated through the wall into the hospital.

"I have a question, Iymia!" a small demling called.
"What? The time for questions is over!" "But- What if the humans see us?" the demling called nervously.
"The humans will not see you unless you want them to. Helas, your turn" Iymia called. Another demling floated through the wall into the hospital.

"Reya, Jertu, Krawt, Mipyo!" Iymia called, one after the other. Four more demlings out of the group. Only eight were left crowded around Iymia.

"Neicda, Grex, Cerlie, Teury!" Four left now. "Weasr, Qetri!" Weasr and Qetri floated through the wall. The last two demlings whispered to each other.

"Will you wait for me?" one of them said. "Yeah,if I can." said the other. "Haryo!" called Iymia. "Good bye!" called Haryo to the other demling "I'll wait for you if I can!" and melted through the wall.

"That leaves you Jerya," Iymia said to the little demling. "Go on, good luck, see you in Ixrale!" and with that she was gone, just gone, no poof of smoke or anything fancy like that.

Jerya pulled in a deep breath and went through the wall into the hospital.

"Ah!" Jerya exclaimed as soon as she was in the hospital. The sudden whiteness of the walls startled her. Groups of anxious people walked up and down the hallway talking in low voices. Occasionally some doctors or nurses would come down the hallway.

Jeyra, forgetting that she was invisible to humans, flew around in a frenzy, flying into people and things as she went. It didn't matter though, they couldn't feel her, they kept on walking. But to Jerya it was terrifiyng. She'd never seen a human before, let alone touch one! I don't remember what to do! she thought panic washing over her. Where's Haryo!

She flew down several hallways searching, searching. There were people with flowers, people crying, people in funny gowns. There was a lot of people everywhere.

Jerya flew all around, flying through solid walls, through windows, through people sometimes! All until-

"By the darkest soul there ever is." exclaimed Jerya. "I'm outside again!" And sure enough she was, only not in the place she started out from. "Huh, I do not want to go back in there, no way in Ixrale!" She paused for a moment. "By golly, what is down there?" Jerya sad to herself eyeing a little building down the hill where she stood.

"Why I belive I'll go check  it out, since there's no use going in there." she said looking darkly at the hospital. And off she went, down to what she didn't know was a middle school.
Seria woke up to her alarm clock going off on the other side of the room. If she didn'tgetit soon, her parents would wake up.

"Grr." she mumbled and jumped off her top bunk onto the floor, landing with no sound. It was her way of waking up in the morning. She walked over and picked up the alarm clock, then threw it across the room.
"Dumb thing, bus doesn't come 'till 7!" The clock just laid there blinking 5:32 A.M.

"Might as well get up and used to the day." Seria mumbled pulling some clothes out of her wardrobe.

Once Seria was dressed, she went upstairs to get some breakfast. Seria's room was in the basement. She turned the corner and walked up the rickity stairs up to the landing, remembering to skip step number five, that was the most rickity one. 

All alone, she thought, well jeez, who would get up this dang early!

She poured her cereal into a bowl and got ready for a day that would become more jumbled than a box of cherios in a cement mixer. 

*Check4* Work in Progress *Check4*
© Copyright 2009 Nayen (nayenkado at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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