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The cure for a worldwide plague may be worse than death. |
The Cure Word count-992 “Lady, show me a list of all persons with the last name Crowe, released from quarantine in the region” I commanded. The list filled the entire wall-screen. I sighed, “How many are there?” “Fifty-thousand, four-hundred and ninety-two” came the sterile, female voice of my pc. Windows 2025 was a decent enough system but I hated the voice interface. It sounded like a cross between a woman and Robbi the robot. “Of the names listed, how many are female?” “Twenty-nine thousand, Four-hundred and ninety-two” “Well, That’s a little better.” I knew that if Tabitha had survived the bovine-flu plague and quarantine, she would still be in the region, and probably trying to find me. Until recently the world was back in the dark ages. No cell phones, landlines limited to local areas only, and the Internet was a no-surf zone. The government had control over everything. But week ago, the quarantine and Internet restrictions were lifted. Before I continue I decided to call Tabitha’s parents and see if they’ve heard anything. “Lady, pause search, and dial the Crowe’s residence in Connecticut” The connection only took a second and Mrs. Crowe picked up after a couple of rings. “Hello” “Hi Mrs. Crowe, its just me again, I was wondering if you were able to get any information from the CDC?” “No.” her response was as sharp as a dagger. “Well it’s been a whole week since the quarantine was lifted. And Tabitha was one of the first to receive the cure, don’t you think we should have heard something by now?” I tried to keep my voice calm but was failing miserably. After a considerable silence she finally spoke. “Jason, I know you loved Tabitha, so did we. But this thing has been hard on everyone all over. I think its time you let her go.” “What? Why? Is there something you’re not telling me?” I didn’t mean to scream but I did. “She’s gone Jason. Just let her go.” The loud click echoed in my ears. She hung up. I’ve been engaged to her only daughter for the past thirteen months and she just cut me off as if I were a stranger. Something was wrong but more so I knew Tabitha was alive. I decided to try Mrs. Crowe again but got no answer. Mrs. Crowe and I were never the best of friends, but we did have a mutual respect for each other, at least I use to think so. I had a nagging feeling that she wasn’t telling me the whole truth. I was determined to find out what happened to Tabitha. And I knew exactly where to start. “Lady, continue search.” It only took a millisecond for the information to appear on the wall-screen. I studied the names, which were only listed with the first initial, and the last name Crowe. “Lady, remove all names that have a first initial other than “T”. I watch the wall –screen as the list shrinks. My hopes started to rise. “How many names left Lady?” “Five-thousand, two-hundred and one.” “Of those list the ones under the age of 30?” It was shot in the dark, but worth trying. “That information is restricted by the Federal Government and the CDC,” said the cold, mechanical female. “Screw the damn CDC and Feds.” I had gone as far as the Net would let me. Desperate I decided to do something dangerous… and illegal as hell. “Lady, insert a tracer program into the Crowe’s phone and Net systems. Notify me of any connection with the quarantine zone.” With that done, I switched the wall-screen to television mode just in time to catch an emergency broadcast. The Caption beneath the reporter was in loud bold letters. -CURE FOR BOVINE-FLU FAILS WITH SEVERE SIDE-EFFECTS- “Lady, increase volume.” I scream just as the picture goes black. “What happened?” “Transmission terminated at source.” It was the government and the CDC. If the virus had mutated and people had died they wouldn’t want people to know. The truth hit hard. Tabitha was gone. I sit motionless on the cold leather sofa staring at the black wall-screen when the impossible happens. “Incoming transmission from blackout-zone to Crowe residence intercepted,” said Lady, her voice sounding like music. “Trace the transmission.” “Transmission traced and address isolated.” My heart races. “Can you show me the transmission?” “I can show only the last transmission sent from the quarantine zone.” “Fine, …show me.” The words leap at me from the wall-screen. -I LOVE YOU MOM- Tabitha was alive. “Lady, activate keyboard.” The holographic keyboard appeared below the wall-screen and I begin to type furiously. -Tabitha, I love you and need to know that you are okay. Why haven’t you contacted me? You mother led me to believe that you were dead. Please tell me where you are and what the hell is going on. - “Lady send the IM to the transmission source in the quarantine zone.” I watch the screen in fearful anticipation. The response finally appears. -Jason how did you find me. You're putting your life endanger by communicating with me. I won’t let you risk your life or your freedom. Besides I’m not the woman you fell in love with, not anymore. I know how stubborn you are so I will have to make you understand. - I was about to respond when Lady’s voice chimed in, “You have pictures.” The picture of my Tabitha unfolded before my eyes. I almost fainted. Bile rose in my throat as I took in the horror. Her eyes were tiny, like those of an animal. Her skin was thick and had a pinkish hue, coarse hairs sprouted from various areas around a short thick snout that was once her nose. “Your transmission is being traced,” said Lady, her voice seemed cold and distant. The government’s transgenic retrovirus cure had failed and created a transgenic human-porcine freak, probably millions of freaks. Tabitha was right. They would be coming for me. |