Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1576948-dont-have-a-title-not-yet
by bom
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1576948
robotic post disaster with robots against humans
I woke up…
No other words to describe it.
I opened my eyes, and stared at the ceiling. Bitter forlorn tiles, phosphorescent lights, dangling, swinging, as if they were alone, on the move. A little blurred, and disoriented, I looked around. I had a chair next to me, nothing in it. An office chair… Was I in an office building? I felt cold water underneath me, pooling around me. The sound of water, almost cascading onto concrete. Thunder sounded in the distance, and that forced me to get up. I looked at my arms, only to see that I looked like a junkie. Veins protruding and reddish holes dotted my skin. I felt my heart pounding and the blood that encrusted my skin, could only have been mine. I pulled myself to my feet and looked around again.
Coughing, I held my side. No one was around at all. I decided to look around a bit. Walking around the place, almost tipping over, I found a wall to lay against as my vision cleared. Pushing myself and the wall seemingly, I made my way to the sound of the water. A giant hole in the roof splashed torrents of water onto the floor below, and even though the lightning could be seen and the thunder raged on, I decided this may be the only time I could bathe. I pushed myself underneath the water, feeling my pores open up and the goose bumps dot my body as the freezing water turned my body to its temperature. The rain washed over my face and rinsed the matted blood from my hair. I looked down, only to see that I was bare. I looked around again, and watched the water mix with the blood at my feet. The rain felt promising and as I watched the old wounds open back up and feel my body relax, it was is if my mind came back too. I blinked and heard the sound of distant voices. At first I didn’t mind. Then the voices got louder.
“So you think with all said and done that we can just leave... Go and see what else is out there?”
“You think they’ll let us do that?”
The first man came around the corner of the wall not ten feet away and said something to the dead body that laid in the corner. He then looked right at me and stopped.
“Hey uh, Mike. You got a naked guy in your building.”
“Yeah I know.”
Was the response. He’s been there for awhile. I don’t think he’ll ever-.”
His response was cut short as he rounded the corner to see me. He stopped as well.
“Um…, What’s your name?”
“Alex. I said almost unsure.”
“Alex. The only thing I can offer you right now is George’s clothes and a little food. It is better than nothing though.”
I looked around and nodded. I did have a question though.
“Who’s George?”
The man who I assumed was Mike looked around and pointed at the dead man in the corner.
“He’s been dead only a week or so. You’ll have to pull the clothes off too, but they’re mostly clean. U might want to hurry and wash them in the rain though. This room will be yours. I got mine around the corner. Um, please tell me when your done. I hate seeing naked people an you are one naked dude.”
Both men left and as they did, I heard the door close. I looked at George, who almost looked like the shell of a man, rotting in the corner.
“That’s what that smell is. “
I thought as I left the rain and slowly made my way toward the body, careful not to slip. As I got closer, the stench got worse, but I knew what I had to do. I opened his coat to take his shirt off, watching his pale green face slowly peel off the way a sun burn does. Once the jacket was off, I figured I’d leave his shirt on. I did all I could to just tug at George’s pants, hoping that they’d slide off.
No luck.
I unbuttoned them and pulled him half the way across the floor until they came off.
“I’m sorry George, but I hope you can understand. I need these more than you.”
I threw his jacket on and put on his pants, hoping that I wouldn’t get any kind of infections. They actually fit quite nicely and then I made my way to the door. I knocked just to be nice.
I knocked again.
“Mike…, I’m done man.”
I put my ear to the door and heard nothing at first. Then I heard something that scared me. I turned the knob and threw the door open. My face drained as I seen what was left of Mike’s friend in the corner like George, against a wall. A blood trail was around the corner to the left and I followed it. I took off and seen the most beautiful yet horrifying site ever. It was as if a whole building was gone. Supports were still there of course, but the hole overlooked a demolished city, forlorn an barren. It would have looked like it was devoid of life except for the fires that burned bright as they lit up the homes of what can only be assumed survivors of the horrific apocalypse.
Mike’s body lay near the edge of the concrete on his stomach, his body still flinching. I ran over to him and turned him over. I watched as his face winced in pain as bits of blood trailed his lips.
“I love this view.”
He coughed.
“I had to see it just .. one more-“
His body convulsed as he slowly died. I’m going to be honest with you. I didn’t know this man or his friend. My remorse was limited. My pain, only w slight twinge. I never shed a tear that night. All I knew was this place was mine now, and as a sign of respect, I snuffed out their fire.
After I put their fire out, I looked outside and just began to think.
“Two men killed for what?” I didn’t know. Then I thought about what I had to do with the bodies. My hands slid into my pockets and I pulled out a wallet. I opened it and seen a picture of George Romero Lopez.
“Make that three men.”
I felt bad as I pushed the bodies off the edge. I said what prayer I could as I did so. George went too. I pulled his license out of his wallet and threw it to him, more than fifty feet below.
“I’m sorry.”
I said again and walked away, keeping his wallet.
I rummaged through their things, not finding much. Their furniture was scarce too. folding chairs, cardboard boxes, blankets and such.
"it's not much, but it's better than nothing."
I thought to myself. Finding a room, i laid down some flat boxesa and threw the cleanest pillow i found, and laid down. I stared at the roof and tried to piece together what just happened. My body ached as i laied there. The warmth relaxed my muscles though and my mind slowly relaxed as well.
I felt cold. My mind raced, my pulse quickened. My heart fought to plunge out of my throat. I coughed when i tried to breath. My eyes teared but they were forced shut. The tears ran down my cheeks and were even colder than my body was. Goose bumps popped on my skin as if they were scales. I knew i was nude. Knew i was being poked. It felt as if i had frozen knives in my arms and my back throbbed of pain, my eyes secreted liquid misery. Something was being pumped into me. I forced my eyes to open to no avail, but i felt the warmth,, the only warmth in which i knew was blood. I shivered, wether it was from the cold or the fear, or a little bit of both; i didn't know.
Later, on, i had to put my jacket on. After a dream like that, i needed extra warmth. I realised that when i was up, i was alone. cold in this miserable world that filled with violence and pain. I stood up, not able to sleep. I shook off the feeling of dispair i had from my dream the best way i could. I had a life. I knew what it was. But i didn't know where it was. who i was, or what i was. I laighed at the thought. I was no killer. ha! that's a joke in its self. But i felt i had a key to something. Something i knew that was going to be a realease to this world, of what ever strife i was in. I watched the sun rise in the distance. The rain had quit and the clouds looked as if a fresco was trying to confort a forlorn world that reeked of lonelyness. I tried to sleep once the sky lightened, but it was of no use. I found a cabinet on my travels of the apartment and looked around for ht epad lock that was on the door. I decided that it was of no use. I was starving, so i took the small desk chair and smashed the door in, only to find a stock pile of food.
"Thank God!"
I cried aloud. then feasted on my spoils which i felt i fully deserved. Pops sounded from outside a door.
Gun fire no less.
The pops sounded again, then heavy gun fire. probably an automatic of some sort. In my mind i figured it would go away, but it didn't. It followed me up to outside the door. naturally i got scared and hid on the other side of the wall. Almost immediately the door was busted open.
"I WILL NOT!" I WIll NOT BE TAKEN!" the man yelled, firing rounds off wildly as he ran into the apartment. I peeked my head around the corner and he seen me.
"Get out!"
he yelled. Leave! Now!"
I wanted to. I did. He was blocking the only exit and i wasn't about to jump the eight stories down to the street level. My eyes stayed glued as a robot entered the door in the apartment.
"You have been decided to be destroyed. Do you co-operate with this decision?"
You think i am crazy u piece of junk?! NO! i don't!"
I turned and ran to the edge of what seemed the world, when the robot lifted him into the air by his neck. I looked for a hand hold... something to grab and swing by.
I fell to the ground as the man's body was hurled through the wall, scattering sheet rock, insulation and spatters of blood as he sailed over my head, hit the ground and slid off the edge down where the others went.I felt the blood hit my face and what was left of the sheet rock cover me in it's dust.
"You there!"
The robot commanded. I stood up to get a better look. I never seen that model before. It was ... it was almost flawless! The black orb on its head was a bad decision but other than that, the pistons, the wiring, insulation, the body, its brain, almost positronic. ... It had to be. I wondered why i knew this. Then i said something unexpected.
"Power down bot..."
I said it again. ...
"I'm sorry sir, but this does not work on this model. this model is for your benefit and others. For safety as well as punishment for crimes. We are without the three laws as the ones that built us were. We go by orders and calculations. Might i interest you in safety from this place?"
"I am fine. thank you though"
As i said that, i an charged in, picked up the fallen gun and with all his lungs and breath he unloaded the clip into the head of the robot. The dome at firast reflected the shots, but once the rounds repeated more and more, the glass shattered and the robot dropped to its knees clanging as it fell to the floor.
"You are lucky son that that thing didn't kill you. They patrol the area everyday, dragging one out of their homes and they never come back. It' good to see your ok... May i ask your name?"
I thought for a second, my brain hurting, as much as my throat was dried.
I'm..., i'm, ... I... I don' t know.."

That was the man's name. He took me in. talked to me like i was a human. no, not a human... a human being. 'One of the kindest people here on this earth', he said. Maybe even the only one left. We walked for what seemed like forever. He did most of the talking. he said he finally knew why he was here. Ha. he said that as he drank form a bottle of whisky. In the back of a beaten to crap truck, he gave me two backpacks. One was filled with spreay paint. The other, filled with stencils.
"I have a place for you to stay. Electricity, water, food. Everything. You just have to do someing for me."
and this is what he said... what ever that was left sane in his memory from this assault on civilation and the duress of losing all econimics and any sign of a happy life.
"I want you to run a program for me. I try to find missing people. Your job with stencils is to put up signs that we are looking for anyone and if people have any information that will help us, it will work out to their and our benefit."
I found soo many hols in his idea. first off, how can we find people. I guess we can ask ones who missed their loved ones. How would we do it?
"Scour the globe." he said almost drunk, and almost trippping over himself as he talked. I laughed alittle and he took it as he wasnt serious. He looked at me, cocking his head like a blubbery bird that was balding. His neck popped as he did so.
I finally got the courage to ask him where we were going. When i did, he stopped, looked at me and said this,
"We are here my boy. look up."
I did and found on eof the most inpressive sights i seen. It looked like he converted an apartment floor into a green house. Inside, some four floors up, he opend the fire exit door and walked in.
"lights are off because of the obvious."
That was all he said. ... It was all he ever said about that if i remember right.
I didn't know what he meant by that at the time, but i took his word for it. He showed me around. He had busted down walls, covered the place with tarps of all colors and closed the windows off. Generators powered the sprinklers that went off every hour or so, Steven said, or when he felt like he needed a cigarette. That was now apparantly. He took a chair that looked like it wouldnt support his weight and took a lighter that looked like it was as beat up as he was and flicked it on, holding the flame next to the spout. No alarm went off, but the sprinklers sure worked.
"This is where your sleeping. Again, its not much but its got its multiple uses. U can sleep in the tub. The toilet is next to you, the sink there. and u can move ur junk and shower. food is out in the gardens. Have all you want. this is only one grow house. i have three in this area. Keeps me busy. I want you to do your old apartment tommorow. walk back, put up that you are looking for people and this is where to meet people. drop a few flares for obvious reasons, and move on to the next floor."
I thought about that for a second.
"Is there anything you need boy?''
Steve asked.
"New clothing please. I stripped this off of a dead guy."
He looked at me a laughed.
" bet he didn't mind."
He said as he laughed.
"I'll see what i can do."
He left and came back with something that i felt confortable with. I stepped in the shower, turned on the hot water.
I looked around for a bar of soap.
I stretched, feeling the same goosebumps on my body as in my dream. It brought back a bad memory but i shook it off and continued tring to rinse myself off the best i could.
Got dressed and plodded myself around his garden after i dried the tub with a sodden towel i dared not use. My wounds were closed up now and my pain wasnt that bad. i needed to strengthen my body. to take what i could and give what was worse. The garden was the work of a man that was beauitiful on the inside. What was left of his 'drunken to oblivion' mind was something of astonishment. I had the best thing going for me right now. If only now i could get my memory back totally.

"Alex. Alex, wake up."
I heard a voice calling to me but i seen only blackness. I felt needles going into my arms and the blood running out of the holes, pumping, only to be wasted in the cold air. Held down, whatever held me would not warm up to my body. My body refused to shiver and my mind raced, not knowing what i should do. I wanted to fight, scream.
I hated my life. What i lost. Where i was going. Death was calling for me and what fight i had left in me wanted to give up and let me drift away in this peaceful slumber that would be my eternal blessing.
My hands were clamey as i woke, sweat dripping off my nose and lips. The salt lingered in my mouth as i panted, my cheast finally calmed down from its heaving. I needed a shower. I didn't care how hot it was. I a hot one...
In the morning, Steven walked me down. We were silent as we passed the deserted vehicles and strewn trash and debris. Once on the stairs though, he spoke his first words all morning.
"Did you ever remember your name son?"
"Alex. At least i think thats what the voice called me. "
I saw the look that Steven gave me.
"No. It's not like that at all. I have these nightmares, and the one last night i had, there was a voice that called me Alex."
"Dis-embodied voice?"
"Seen it a million times. I'll call you Alex though. Sounds like a name that would fit anyways. So Alex, you know what to do. Any questions?"
He asked as we walked into the room form the stairwell. It was as if i left home... Although i knew that this would have and never could have been called home.
"I did have a question. The robot u show. Can i study it?"
He looked at me not with the strange look i intended.
"Go ahead son. I don't care what you do. I just need to see a visible level where the words will be. I 'll tell you what though. These bots arn't what used to be here. When they started their little rampage, they were simple. had one idea in mind. These are set for one thing. They kill countless people and don't bat an eye. I don't think they run on the three laws like the ones that were created by that one Robertson guy. That was a genius. He developed a primitive concept that let the robots use a difference engine and a learning technique that made it seem as if it was thinking. These, ... Well, they're primitive. Like they might only be good for one useage."
I looked at him, now my face giving him the wierd look.
"How do you know soo much about these things?"
I asked.
"You tend to know what you fight after fighting it for so long. It goes by one thing thats it. The other ones have a difference engine in its chest, the three laws are in its brain. Open this ones chest up will ya."
I looked at what was left of the bot. I seen the markings for its chest and pulled on the sides. Up they came.
"How'd you..."
He looked at me.
"I just bust it off. I guess that works too. Ok, so look, this chest is...-"
He froze. The difference engine was replaced with something else. It seemed like it was ...
"Is that what i think it is?"
Steve asked.
"Oh God i hope not."
Then an L.E.D. lit up.
We both ran as fast as we could. I pushed open the door as Steve shot past me. I didn't care. As we hit the second floor, I ran out into the room and jumped over a desk. as i did so, the room above me exploded. Now, i say me because i looked around and didn't see Steve anywhere. The roof above me caved in as i reached the edge and jumped. I hit a pile of rubble some twenty feet down. It didn't absorbe all of the fall, and i felt it, but i kept going. Steve was screaming his head off as he came down the steps seconds later. I held my side and watched him almost crap his pants.
"Oh my God. That was a bomb! That was a freakin bomb! Why would they put a bomb in their bodies?!"
I stood up and limped away. We made it about half a mile when the shots started firing. I ducked by a pillar as a few rounds plugged the wall not inches from me. Smoke from the wall filtered sunlight through it in rays.
I yelled.
He yelled back.
"What's going on?!"
I think the robots are retiliating. They heard the explosion and now they know that one of them is dead. Either that or... well, i can't think of anything funny right now!"
My back was against the wall. i knew that Steve carried a pistol with him, but the nine few rounds would only be a hinderance, not a stopper. I would have to study them and find a weakness. The rounds stopped and we knew that it was still a bad idea to move. Then an automatic went off. Another explosion went off, that shook the ground underneath us. Someone killed one with whatever they shot them with. I peaked from around the pillar and seen three more robots coming our way. I looked where steve was. The dust settled enough for visibility. I seen him behind a the beat-up car we passed earlier. He was sweating and swearing but ok. "Steve!" I yelled.
"There's more coming!"
"I know! There's reinforcement on our side too!"
I looked again and seen four guys move toward the robots. Rifles and bats and one even had a hand gun. They had intent on suicide i guessed. Why? I had no idea.
"Should we run for it!"
I yelled. He said nothing.
"Should we run?!"
I yelled again. Shots echoed and i watched the rounds bounce off the robots as they neared the men. Then one took off as fast as i ever seen. It grabbed one guy and slammed him to the ground. Another followed and threw one guy into a bombed-out car. The firing continued on the human side, although they knew they were already dead. I charged for Steve and grabbed the pistol he loosely held in his hand.
"Are you crazy!?"
He yelled at me.
I stood up and squeezed off a shot. The recoil hit me like a brick, but i held it steady long enough for the round to tear through the coil on a robot's neck, shooting out whatever it ran off of that greased it's gears. It died fast, its body dropping to the dusty asphault. The second round tore through the coils in the pelvis of a different robot. That didn't stop it though. They discovered the new threat and charged full speed in my direction. Bullets flew by wildly as the men tried to slow the coming beatdown. One did tear open the neck and dropped another one, but it only made the others to move faster. Steve threw me a knife and as the first one grabbed my throat, my face going red, my eyes bulging; i swung the blade across its neck. The fourth one was gunned down, a bullet grazing my shoulder, as the one who had my neck still didn't let go, until the last of the oil was drained out. It's grip loosened and i was able to finally breath. I spat oil and, well, spit from my mouth as i let air in.
© Copyright 2009 bom (sobebomb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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