Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1576451-Havent-decided
Rated: · Fiction · Other · #1576451
Just a little something I have been messing around with. ( not done )
A thick fog surrounded the old navy blue Chrysler New Yorker, swallowing its headlights as we made our way up the gravel road. The old cracked cream colored vinyl that covered the seats creaked as I shifted my weight to find a more comfortable position. I wore a navy blue zip-up hoodie over top of a black tank top and a pair of faded blue jeans. My curly black waist length hair was pulled back in a loose braid, leaving a few stray strands to frame my face. I have a small nose, upon which dark framed glasses sit accentuated my deep grey eyes, as well as well proportioned rose bud lips. Morgan sat beside me staring out the window at the thick dark green for drifting by. She wore black cargo pants and a red low cut long sleeved shirt. Morgan has dark brown eyes set beneath well groomed eyebrows; and a narrow nose above full pouty lips. Her long poker straight hair hung loose around her shoulders as she tapped her long black fingernails on the armrest.
We had been in the car for two hours since leaving Venis. It was just after sunset when Morgan and I convinced our real-estate agent to drive us to our newly acquired castle. How we had come across the castle was completely by chance. It was two weeks ago when Morgan and I decided to go into old French quarter in New Orleans; we thought it would be fun to go into one of the infamous 'Vampire Bars'. I followed Morgan to the counter where she proceeded to order a vodka cooler and a brown cow from the scrawny bartender who kept leering at us.
Sitting at the back of the dimly lit bar Morgan turned to me “Sydney, do you remember that old Gothic castle we always dreamed of owning?" 
"Of course I do; I still want it" I laughed
"We sound as if we're teenagers again and not the twenty two year olds that we are, dreaming of what we most likely will never have."
"So you'd love to own a castle!" A deep voice rang out to my left.
Startled I turned to find a man sitting at the table next to us staring intently. The man was approximately forty years of age; had long shaggy black greasy hair, piercing green eyes set in a weathered face 10 years too old for the man, torn filthy clothing hung limply from his thin frame.
"Can we help you with something?" I asked cautiously
"I have some information that just may get you two your precious castle." The man wheezed.
"Go on!" Morgan prompted
"There is a deserted castle for sale five hundred miles from Venis I'm sure the real-estate agent would be more than willing to part with the property."
"Really and why would that be?" I interrupted
"I don’t know much, but what I do know is that no one has occupied this castle for more than four weeks at a time. That is if they can last that long. All the previous owners have been reported missing and have never been seen since. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone, but then again look at who I am talking to. I wouldn't have expected to find two lovely young women in a place such as this."
"Who would we see about purchasing this castle you speak of?” I asked watching the man intently.
The mysterious man reached into the pocket of is dirt crusted pants and pulled out a rather plain business card and flicked it down onto our table.
"Now how do we know what you've been telling us is true, and not some joke?" Morgan asked as she turned to look at the man only to find that he was gone. "Okay Sydney I'm leaving now."
"Right behind you!"
Morning came with Morgan and I sitting at the kitchen table staring holes into the business card we had acquired the night before.
"Sydney, are you seriously going to call that number?” Morgan asked as she sipped her third cup of coffee that morning
"Give me one reason not to, I mean what have we got to lose? its just a number!"
"Did you not hear what that man last night said? Let me refresh your memory in case you forgot. He said and I quote ' All the previous owners have been reported missing and have never been seen since'."
"Morgan, who's to say that the man wasn’t some nut job alright, the man could have found this card lying around somewhere and swiped it for all we know. The number on it may in fact be for a real-estate agent who may or may not have a "haunted" castle sitting in his listings just waiting for someone to take it off his hands. The only way to find out if that man last night was in fact telling the truth or telling us a nice little bed time story, is to call the number."
"Alright, but I get to call."
"Be my guest."
Picking up the cordless phone Morgan proceeded to call the number.
"Hello, may I please speak with a....."
"Mr. Robert Keenan" I supplied
"...A Mr. Robert Keenan? Thank you... Ah yes Mr. Kennan, I'm calling in regards to a castle 100 miles outside of Venis that is apparently for sale......I've heard. But my friend and I are very interested and don't believe in silly rumours" Morgan explained patiently. "Yes we'll be there in half an hour."
"So it seems that he was telling the truth fancy that."
"We're to meet Mr. Keenan at 12 O'clock at the Rue Royale. He's a private real-estate agent, and has a partner based out of Venis who just so happens to be in New Orleans for today and tomorrow." Morgan explained as she retrieved her coat from the front hall closet.
We arrived at a café on the Rue Royale at twelve O’clock pm. Upon entering the café two men caught my eye. The man closest to the entrance looked to be in his late 40's to early 50's and was about 6 feet tall, had slicked back greying hair, kind brown eyes looked out from beneath perfectly groomed eyebrows, a crisp black suit adorned the man’s sturdy frame. The other man looked to be in his late 50's with short neatly styled silver hair, bright blue eyes sat beneath sliver bushy brows, reading glasses hung from the breast pocket of his blue slightly rumpled suit. 
"May I help you?" The receptionist inquired politely.
"Yes, we have an appointment with a Mr. Keenan" I supplied.
"Ah yes, right this way please." 
Following the receptionist we were soon standing in front of the two men that had previously caught my eye.
"Mr. Kennan, your 12 O’clock is here."
"Thank you Marie," Mr. Kennan smiled passing her a substantial tip. "Good afternoon ladies. I'm Robert Keenan and this is my associate and good friend Jasper Gottier. Please sit down.” The older man introduced himself and his partner.
"I'm Morgan and this is Sydney." Morgan introduced us.
"It is a pleasure to meet the both of you. “Mr.Gottier spoke revealing a thick European accent.
"Would you ladies like something to eat or drink? Or would you prefer to get straight to business?" Mr. Kennan asked politely.
"I'd say let’s get down to business!" I looked over at Morgan who nodded her agreement.
"Alright then, the castle is located 100 miles outside of Venis, the closest town is an hour and forty five minutes away! So you would be in a rather secluded area. I know you have heard a few rumours about the castle, which are all unfounded; I won’t try to change your minds in this matter. The price that we are asking for the property, which by the way if a complete steal taking into consideration the immense size and the fact that it is completely furnished is approximately one hundred thousand dollars. I'm afraid that I do not have a photo of the place I hope that shouldn't be a problem. There is also a caretaker that keeps the place in order, he would vacate the premises should you feel it necessary; assuming you decide to purchase the place that is."
" I think that one hundred thousand is do-able!" I supplied thinking back on our investments and how far they had taken us.
"If you are serious about purchasing the castle sight unseen then we can draw up a rough contract tonight and then make arrangements to make it official." Mr.Gottier replied.
"I have a few questions I'd like answered first; such as the condition of the castle, whether or not there is electricity, plumbing, running water? Has there been any significant modifications to the exterior or interior we should be informed of?"
"The last that I have heard the castle was furnished in an old gothic style from what I understand; there is also plumbing, running water and electricity." Mr.Gottier assured us.
"Have you ever seen the castle besides in a photo?"
"No I haven't, but I have spoken to the grounds keeper a few times, there he has no reason to lie."
"Alright, what do you need to know from us?." I questioned.
"Mr.Gottier and myself shall draw up the contract tonight while you two get your finances in order. Should you leave us a telephone number where we could reach you I shall call you tomorrow morning to set up the contract signing and the transfer of funds." Mr. Kennan drew the meeting to a close.

Two O'clock the next day we received a phone call from Mr. Kennan. After I had hung up the phone I went in search for Morgan who had mentioned earlier that she was going to attempt to clean up her room.
"HOUSE KEEPING!" I yelled over the music blasting through the door.
"Do I get a mint for my pillow?" Morgan laughed as she opened the door to reveal the mess that was her room.
"I see you've been busy."
"Yeah real busy! What did you need?"
"Mr. Kennan just phoned and we have an appointment with him and one of his associates at the Federal New Orleans Bank Branch at four O'clock pm."
"Sounds good, all of our funds are in order we just need to give the word and the money will be transferred to the right people, once we have all the information." Morgan informed me.
"Excellent! I have a mover on hold for us, but the soonest that they will be able to move everything for us is in three weeks. We will hopefully be at our new castle by then, so we will just have to take all the things that we will really need and that will fit into a duffle bag."
"Do you think that we should start calling our families yet, or should we wait until the deal is final?"
"I think we should wait."
Morgan and I arrived at the bank with five minutes to spare. I didn't see Mr. Kennan but a man in his mid thirties came rushing over to greet us. He was Morgan's height, five feet eight inches, he wore a navy blue suit and had short dirty blond hair with bright brown eyes set in a thin drawn face.
"Would you two happen to be the ladies purchasing the Castle in Italy?" The man asked looking us over.
"Yes we are!" Morgan supplied.
"I am John and I will be handling your finances today!" John motioned us towards the back of the bank. We followed John into one of the many back office's, which contained a dark oak coffee table, a black leather couch and a desk that matched the coffee table, the floor was hardwood covered by a beautiful jade throw rug. Moments after seating ourselves Mr. Kennan chose that moment to enter the office.
"I apologise, I got caught in traffic! Have I missed anything?" Mr. Keenan took a seat.
"Not at all were we just about to begin!" I smiled at Mr. Keenan
We remained in the office hashing out all the details until seven O'clock. Upon the completion of the contract signing Mr.Gottier informed us that he would be the one to escort us to our newly acquired property, once we met up with him in Italy in two weeks time. He had also given us two one way first class tickets to Italy as a thank you for our business.  The next two weeks flew by with amazing speed. Morgan and I spent most if not all of our time sorting through our belongings and packing them away.
The morning of our departure I did one last walk through of our apartment to make sure that everything was in order; finding nothing out of place Morgan and I headed to the airport.  Arriving at the airport we had no problems navigating terminals and security. We took our seats in first class, put our seatbelts on and settled in for the flight.  Upon landing Morgan and I were greeted by Mr.Gottier. He suggested that we stay the night at a hotel and proceed to our new property in the morning but we were to eager to see our estate.
I was pulled from my reverie by the vehicle rolling to a stop in front of an old iron gate that would grant us access to the castle that lay in wait beyond them. In places the iron was so badly rusted it looked as if it would crumble with the slightest breeze. Vines entangled between the great iron bars prevented me from reading the plaque that lay nestled amongst the forest lining either side of the road as far as the eye could see.
"Well ladies welcome to your humble abode" Mr.Gottier smiled at us in the rear view mirror. Pulling a out a pink furry key chain Mr.Gottier got out of the vehicle and unlocked the gate;  climbing over the seat I drove the car through the gate parked it and waited for Mr.Gottier to get back into the car.          
"You don't mind if I drive do you?" I revved the engine.
"Uh, no go ahead!" Mr.Gottier climbed into the passenger seat.
We arrived at the castle five minutes later. The castle itself was made of real stone slabs. Several gargoyles spread erratically over the castle's surface clung to the castle walls; a fierce granite gargoyle kept guard above the large double doors. A large stairway covered in leaves and stray stones sat neglected in front of the main entrance; on either side of the entrance Ivy grew up the stone.  Dark torn drapes hung in dirt crusted windows.
"Well ladies this is it"
"It’s gorgeous!" I turned the engine off and sat staring at our new home.
"What are we waiting for?" Morgan asked as she opened the car door.
Following suit Mr.Gottier and I got out. Opening the trunk Mr.Gottier began removing our bags and setting them at the bottom of the stairs. Taking the keys out of his pocket Mr.Gottier gave them to Morgan.
"This is where I must leave you, however I shall call in the morning to see how you are faring. I will lock the gate behind me and leave the spare key on this side of the gate!" Shaking our hands Mr.Gottier then got back into his car and drove back the way we had come.
"Can I help you?" A condescending voice rang out behind us.
Turning Morgan and I came to face with a man cloaked in black, barely visible amongst the shadows.
"How did you get past the gate?"
"We used the key! And if you don't mind me asking why are you on our property?" I asked cautiously
"Your mistaken no one owns this property."
"I'm going to hazard a guess and say that Mr. Kennan and Mr.Gottier forgot to inform the grounds keeper that the castle had been purchased and that we would be coming!" Morgan turned to me.
"I have the deed to the property in my bag here if you would like to see it." I spoke to the man.
"I assure you that won't be necessary; welcome gracious ladies!" A commanding voice boomed out of the darkness.
Stepping out of the trees the man lit the lantern he'd been carrying. Holding the lantern up so that Morgan and I could see his profile. The soft glow of the lantern revealed dazzling sapphire eyes, full kissable lips, high cheekbones and long straight golden brown hair that fell unfettered around his lithe form. 
"Please forgive my apprentice; he is very protective of his home.  I am Julien the grounds keeper and this is Dominic." Julien smiled charmingly motioning to Dominic. Following Julien's gaze I turned to find Dominic revealed in the low glow of the lamp he carried.
"It’s nice to meet you Julien, Dominic; I'm Sydney and this is Morgan" I introduced us.
"The pleasure is mine I assure you! Dominic if you would take Sydney's bags we'll get these ladies settled in for the night." Julien instructed Dominic while relieving Morgan of her bags.
"That won't be necessary I'll carry my own bags; thank you anyway!” I spoke out.
With a shrug Dominic fell in behind Julien who had led Morgan up the stairs to the door. Once I had joined Julien, Morgan and Dominic at the head of the stairs Julien pulled out a rather full circular key ring; finding the one that he sought Julien removed it, unlocked the door and handed the key to Morgan. Pulling open the heavy wooden doors Dominic motioned for us to precede Julien and himself into the castle. Upon entering the first thing that I noticed was the grand staircase that branched off into two different directions upon reaching the top. To the left of the doorway stood a gargoyle holding a beautifully carved wooden clock in its out-stretched hands. Woven tapestries depicting various historical events hung gracefully upon the walls.
"If you would be so kind as to follow me I shall show you ladies to your rooms for tonight!" Julien started up the staircase.
Reaching the top of the stairs Morgan and I were directed to our right. A long richly furnished hall stretched before us. A deep crimson carpet ran the length of the great hall; plush old furniture sat unused along the walls decorated with antique oil portraits and dated tapestries. A full suit of amour shone brightly in the meager lamplight beckoning us closer. With Julien once again in the lead we were soon standing in front of the seventh door on the right.
"Sydney this shall be your room for this evening, tomorrow you may choose any room you wish to reside in." Julien smiled turning to Morgan “Morgan my dear your room will be across the hall from Sydney's, you may choose another room suitable to your needs tomorrow as well."
"This is where we leave you tonight." Dominic handed Morgan and I each a key. "May you both have pleasant dreams!"
"Sleep well my beauties!" Julien smiled.
"Good night Julien" Morgan beamed.
"Good night Dominic; I'm sure we'll meet again in the morning."
Taking our respective keys Morgan and I retired for the night. A giant four poster canopied bed draped in black velvet dominated the large room. Windows stationed on either side of the bed were covered by thick heavy black drapes. An oversized oak hope chest with roses in various stages of bloom carved into the sides and a thick padded top was positioned at the end of the massive bed. Walking further into the room I noticed a set of stairs along the left side of the bed. An over-stuffed armchair sat in front of a large empty fireplace, A poker lay neglected in front of the fireplace. Six feet from the fireplace an open door revealed a luxurious bathroom. 
“Well this is it Sydney!” I sighed contentedly

I awoke at 5:30 am to soft tapping at my door.  Fighting my way through a sea of blankets I hurried to the door, to find Morgan standing there. Morgan wore a black long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a pair of black lace up boots. She had pulled her long hair back into a ponytail and wore minimal makeup.
“I couldn’t sleep” Morgan pushed past me into my room “Nice room.”
“Thanks” I followed her in.
“Well what are you waiting for go get changed so we can go check out our new home.” Morgan flopped on the end of my bed.
“Right whatever was I thinking sleeping is for losers” I rolled my eyes.
Emerging from the bathroom clad in jeans, a black tank top and a pair of black low heels. I had pulled my hair up into a messy bun.  Pulling my makeup bag out of my suitcase I took a seat in front of the vanity; and quickly applied my makeup keeping it light and simple. Snapping my bag closed I turned to Morgan “Shall we go?”

The kitchen was large with an island taking up most of  the room. Cabinets lined the wall to the right of the door. Nestled into the corner was a modern stove and a refrigerator separated by a short stretch of counter. A winding staircase lay directly across from the door winding down to the floor beneath us.  A massive window spanning from floor to ceiling took up most of the far wall. Opening the fridge I found that it was fully stocked. Spotting a carton of orange juice I turned to Morgan. “Would you like some juice?”
“I’ll find the cups!” Morgan began looking through the cupboards; she finally found the cups above the sink. Taking the cups from her Morgan I poured us both a glass.
“Good morning ladies! I trust that you slept well.” Dominic entered the kitchen.
“I slept very well thank you!” I smiled.
“Same here” Morgan supplied “Orange juice?”
“Yes thank you that would be wonderful”
“Do you have a coffee maker around here anywhere?” I asked sitting at the island.
         “No we do not have a coffee maker; I can’t stand the stuff.”
“That’s just because you haven’t tasted my coffee yet!” I smiled. “I guess that means that I have to go into town and pick up a coffee maker and all the goodies that go with it before I go exploring our new home”
“If you wouldn’t mind I would like to accompany you into town I have a few things to pick up.” Dominic requested.
“The more the merrier”
“Excellent I’ll go grab my coat and then we can go.” Dominic smiled
“Morgan; will you be coming or will you stay here?” I asked
“I think that I will stay here and have a look around. See if I can find anything interesting.” Morgan declined.
“All right then I guess I will see you when I get back then. Later!”  I followed Dominic out into the hall.

I stood on the front step while I waited for Dominic. Sitting on the stone steps I surveyed the surrounding area. The tall thick line of pine and oak trees alike lining the either side of the cobbled drive giving the castle an impenetrable wall of privacy didn’t look so forbidding in the bright morning light. Walking down the steps I turned to look at the castle. Even in the bright sunlight the castle looked dirty and neglected from the outside at least; Morgan and I would have to fix that. Getting the feeling that I wasn’t alone I turned to find Dominic standing in the door way watching me.
         “So are you finally ready to go?” I inquired
“Yes I do believe that I am!” Dominic smirked descending the front steps. Falling in beside him I followed Dominic around the side of the castle. As Dominic and I walked a slightly overgrown pathway leading around the castle I noticed that there was a surprisingly well cared for garden all along the side of the castle; sporting white roses and an assortment of other equally beautiful flowers.
“Dominic?” I grabbed his attention. “Why is it that the garden along the side of the house seems to be lovingly tended, not a weed or an overgrown plant in sight; but the castle itself is in such bad need of repair. I mean the curtains in the windows are all raged and torn not to mention the windows themselves are incredibly dirty and neglected. Why is that?”
“There is only so much that we are able to do in a day Sydney!” Dominic chided gently.
“Obviously but you have been here for years.” I pointed out.
“We’ve just never gotten around to it. With all the things that require our attention a few dirty windows are the least of our worries. Ah here we are.” Dominic and I rounded the back of the castle to find a weather worn wooden garage stationed roughly ten yards away.
  The wooden doors moaned and groaned ominously as Dominic and I pulled the doors slowly open. Panting with the effort I sat on an empty water barrel just inside the door as Dominic moved further in to garage. Well cared for tools hung upon pegboards above the work benches piled with all sorts of tools and gadgets. Carefully making my way past the riding lawn mower gleaming in the sunlight I found Dominic pulling off a car cover to reveal a forest green 66 Chevy impala in mint condition. Moving around the vehicle to get a better look at it I saw that the interior was polished black leather, and to my delight it was a standard.
“Dominic this car is the car of my dreams!” I practically drooled. “Can I drive?”
“Sure just don’t wreck my car” Dominic laughed handing me the keys.
“As if I would” I smirked getting into the car. Shaking his head Dominic climbed into the passenger’s seat. “Make sure you put your seat belt on Dominic.”
“Right” Dominic complied as I started the engine.
Backing out of the small garage Dominic and I were soon flying down the highway towards town.
“How long does it take to get into town?” I questioned Dominic as I pushed one hundred miles per hour.
“It depends on how fast you’re willing to drive. If you follow the speed limit of sixty miles per hour it will take you three to four hours depending on the weather, though if you are willing to speed which I can’t help but notice you are I believe that we will make it in under two hours.”

Pulling into the dark little town there were a few cars lining the narrow deserted streets. Old buildings in desperate need of repair sat upon the edge of the uneven cracked sidewalk. Few lights shone through curtained windows giving the impression that the town was not as deserted as I had begun to think. Sun faded banners plastered across the buildings advertised an annual sale where everything in store was thirty to fifty percent off the regular price. Catching a glimpse of someone in the bakery window I turned to look only to find that whoever it was had pulled the blinds; the only trace that someone had indeed been there was the blinds swinging gently from side to side. 
“The hardware store is up here, it’s the fourth one on the left!” Dominic instructed.
Pulling into a vacant parking spot across from the hardware store I got out of the car and walked across the street to get a better look at it. Discolored, chipped and cracked bricks freckled the front of the building while a sun rotted old sign swung pitifully upon one thin chain above the entrance as the wind started to pick up. The windows had seen a better day as it seemed as if someone had taken to throwing rocks at the windows leaving cracked and shattered glass in their wake. The right window was covered with plywood seeing as what was left of the window lay scattered across the sidewalk.
“Shall we go in?” Dominic prodded opening the door.
“You go ahead I’ll be right back!” I looked back the way we had come. “I have something that I need to do”
“Alright; don’t be too long I don’t want to be here anymore than I have to be” Dominic entered the store.

The door clanged shut behind me as I entered the tiny bakery. The savory smell of fresh baked bread filled the air making my mouth water. Shelves on either side of the door were filled to capacity with every type of baked goods you could imagine; you name it there it was on a shelf. A gigantic counter separated the store front from the kitchen in the back. An abundant assortment of baked goods such as; pies, cookies, tarts, donuts, squares, strudels, and cupcakes were artfully arranged upon the counter. Behind the counter the kitchen was spotless nothing out of place, everything sparkled it was so clean.
“Hello?” I called out walking further into the store.
“What do you want?” Croaked an old women standing up from behind one of the large mixing tables and shuffled to the counter.
“Hi; I was thinking of purchasing some of your goodies…”
“Either you are or you aren’t make up your mind” the women cut in.
“Yes I would like to buy something” 
“What did you want?” She asked placing a pastry box on the counter as she grabbed a pair of tongs from beneath the counter.
“I will take four dozen of your chocolate chip cookies, two dozen oatmeal cookies, a dozen of your cherry strudels, two of your apple pies, two dozen donuts, and twelve loaves of bread. Please and thank you!” I smiled.
“You eat all that and you’ll weigh four hundred pounds!” The women began filling my order.
“It’s not all for me. My friend and I bought the castle about four hours from here so I thought that I would stock up.”
“Arcana Castle?” The women gasped wide eyed.
“If that’s what it’s called then yes that would be the one. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“You already have!”
© Copyright 2009 Emerald (emerald at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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