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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1575073
Post S7, Buffy and the gang discover rogue slayers and Faith shows up unexpectedly
The Slayer Wars:
Absolute Truth

Chapter One

         “Holy crap,” Buffy muttered in astonishment.
         “And so say all of us,” Xander added, as he, Buffy, Dawn, Willow and Kennedy stared blankly at the enormous mansion before them. 
         “Giles told us he bought a house, but he never said it was a freakin’ castle,” Dawn said.
         “Oh please,” Kennedy yawned.  “My parents’ place was way bigger than this run-down old shack.”                                                                      
         “Sweetie,” Willow began, “this is huge.  I mean, it’s huge in an opulent, French-revolution-causing way, but this is huge for Giles!  I mean, Giles has only ever lived in a dark, shoebox apartment just outside downtown Sunnydale.  It would take you a week just to walk to the mailbox from here!”
         Looking around, the group could see spacious green grounds stretching for miles, surrounding an old stone mansion that stood impressively before them.  As they pulled their luggage from the trunk of the cab, the front door of the mansion opened and a familiar British voice greeted them.
         “Oh good, you’ve made it,” Giles said, smiling warmly as he approached them.  Giving Buffy and Dawn quick hugs, he shouldered a bag and led them towards the house.  “I trust you had a good trip?”
         “Oh sure,” Xander shrugged.  “No big whoop, although the pretzels were stale and I had to sit next to an old lady with no concept of fresh breath andwherethehelldidthishousecomefrom?!”
         “Really Giles,” Willow chimed in, “when I was here in England last year you didn’t say anything about having a house.”
         “Or that it was big enough to house the population of Tokyo,” Buffy added.
         Giles shrugged.  “It’s no big deal, really,” he said.  “I saved up my back-pay from the Watchers’ Council and when I returned last fall to investigate the First, I thought we might need a contingency plan, should something occur that would require us to leave Sunnydale.  And here we are.”
         “You could have told us,” Dawn said.  “Would it have killed you to say ‘I’m back and while I couldn’t get any information on the First Evil on my trip, I did manage to buy out the Queen of England’!”
         “It’s really not a big deal,” Giles insisted as he, Dawn and Kennedy entered the house with their bags.  “...besides, the Queen wasn’t selling - she said she was waiting out the market.”
         Xander, Willow and Buffy paused at the front steps.  Xander spoke softly, “I wonder what the others would say if they were here.”
         Willow smiled.  “Anya would probably accuse Giles of holding out on her with the Magic Box.”
         Xander chuckled and smiled sadly.  “Yeah.  Tara would just be sweet and polite and say ‘You have a great house, Mr. Giles.’”
         What would Spike have said? Buffy wondered.
         The three friends stared thoughtfully up at the stately stone house before them, remembering their lost friends.
         “Faith would find the innuendo, even in all things old, British and Giles,” Buffy said.
         “Say, how is the Dark Side Slayer and her Principal of Love doing?” Xander asked as they continued into the house.
         “Sickeningly happy,” Buffy replied.  “I had an email before we left and they’re happy as puppies.”  A questioning look from her friends forced Buffy to explain. “Puppies who love to travel the world killing demons, training young Slayers and doing it like bunnies.”
         “So are they puppies or bunnies?” Xander asked.  “Jet lag has limited my ability to keep up with your metaphors.”
         Buffy shrugged.  “I dunno.  You know, I gotta tell ya, I would have never put those two together, but they seem to be perfect for each other.  They’re both great fighters...”
         “...who’ve had a brush with the dark side,” Willow added.
         “Yeah, but they’re so evenly matched,” Buffy continued.  “I mean, aside from that whole ‘I’m good but I can be real bad’ vibe they’ve got going, they complement each other: Faith needs someone who can kick her ass when she needs it, and Wood needs someone who can keep up with him.  In this world, and in our world, I’d say that’s about the best we can hope for.”
         The three friends followed the rest of the group through the main lobby and up a large staircase to the second floor.  Giles opened a set of heavy wooden doors and, curious, they all followed behind him.  “Welcome to the new Watchers’ Council and School for Slayers.”
         The wooden doors opened into an expansive training room, complete with weapons, gymnastics equipment, workout machines and other exercise and training equipment.  “Giles, this is amazing!” Buffy exclaimed.
         Giles smiled.  “Well, if you like it Buffy, I know the girls you’ll be training will love it too.”
         “I’m so excited to be teaching!” Willow nearly bounced with excitement.  “I can’t wait to have all the girls walk into my room, carrying their little satchels and books and number two pencils!”
         “I’ve got to get you out more,” Kennedy dead-panned.
         “I’m excited too, Willow,” Dawn chimed in.  “And I’m soo glad that I’m not banished to the stacks anymore.  I finally get to do something!”
         “Yeah well you just remember what we talked about,” Buffy interjected with a semi-serious tone.  “Just because you’re helping to teach a class doesn’t mean–“
         ”–that I’m an adult, I know,” Dawn interrupted.  “Blah, blah, blah.”

         Later that night, Buffy was helping Willow unpack.  “You alright?” Buffy asked.  “You’ve been kinda quiet since dinner.”
         “Mostly tired,” Willow answered.  “And Kennedy and I had another fight earlier.”
         Buffy paused.  “What’s up with her?  She’s been picking at you a lot lately.”
         Willow sat heavily on the bed.  “It’s probably just the stress of moving and all that,” Willow said half-heartedly.  “But, she has seemed kind of distant lately... like she wishes she were somewhere else.”
         “Have you talked to her about it?”
         Willow hmphed.  “Kennedy’s idea of talking is either kissing or kicking, so we haven’t been too big with the communication lately.”
         “I know how that goes,” Buffy muttered, remembering her and Spike’s exchanges the year after she died.
         Willow glanced up at Buffy.  “How are you doing?  I mean, about Spike.”
         Buffy looked down and paused.  “I miss him, Wil.  I don’t know if that means I have... I mean had... feelings for him, but I miss him.  I miss having him around.”
         “He did know how to liven things up, didn’t he?” Willow offered.
         Buffy grinned.  “Yeah.  And even though he was unpredictable, I always knew he would tell me the truth.  No matter what it cost him or how much it hurt, he always told me the truth – and there was something infinitely comforting about that.”                              

Chapter Two
         New Slayers began to arrive at the new Watchers’ School almost immediately.  Thanks to Faith and Wood’s travels and Giles’ excellent network of contacts, word soon got out and girls from all over the world were flocking to the school to learn about their destiny and their new powers.  The Scoobies were busier than they had ever been before.  Buffy taught both the physical and mental training classes, while Xander and Dawn were in charge of the research classes (“Isn’t it ironic that the kid who made the donut-run to get out of research is now teaching a class on... research?!” Xander giggled.)  Willow taught the magic class, aided by a disgruntled Kennedy, who thought she should be teaching her own class.
         “I just don’t get why I’m still a side-kick!” she fumed the day Giles and Buffy made the assignments.  “I should be teaching my own class on how to kick evil ass!”
         “Sweetie–“ Willow began.
         “Don’t ‘Sweetie’ me!” Kennedy raged.  “I’m the best of the new crop of Slayers - I deserve something!  Buffy’s not the only Slayer now, ya know?!”
         “Kennedy,” Giles started, “it’s not that we don’t think you’re able, it’s just–“
         ”Save it, okay?” Kennedy stomped away.  “ I don’t have to take orders from you.”
         Buffy stepped in her path.  “But you do have to take orders from me.”
         Kennedy smirked at her.  “Did you forget?  You’re not the one and only anymore.”
         “No,” Buffy spoke threateningly.  “But I’m the oldest and longest running Slayer and this is still my watch.  So you need to lose the Whitney Houston attitude and follow orders.”
         “Or what?” Kennedy scoffed.  “You won’t hurt me.”
         Buffy’s eyes narrowed.  “Care to test that theory?”
         “Okey dokey,” Willow nervously interrupted.  “Let’s turn around and release those alpha-Slayer impulses somewhere less breakable, ok?”  She quickly grabbed Kennedy’s shoulders and steered her out the door.
         Buffy exhaled loudly.  “That girl really gets on my nerves.”
         Dawn piped up.  “Yeah, she’s a lot bitchier than you–“ Buffy shot her a look –“Yul... Yul Brenner...?”
         “What in the world does Willow see in her?” Xander gestured after them.  “Even I can’t see the good in that relationship.”
         “She does seem rather, um, pushy,” Giles said.  “Although, it’s been my experience that Slayers like to have their way,” he teased. 
         Buffy’s eyes flew open in protest.  “Like to have their own way?  Giles!  Hello to the sacrifice!  The overwhelming and repeated sacrifices I’ve made as a Slayer.”
         “Yes, I know, Buffy.  I know,” Giles chuckled.  “Thankfully, though, now there are hundreds of girls throughout the world who can help shoulder your responsibility.”
         “Well, let’s just hope they’re more like Buffy and less like Kennedy,” Xander said.  “If I have to listen to more of her whining, I’m gonna go Van Gogh.”          
         Giles, while supervising all the activities at the school, was also using his spare time to re-establish the Watchers’ Council.  Packages were arriving daily with books, talismans, and other materials that would be housed in the school library.  Giles had recently conquered the complex and tricky world of cell phones and seemed now never to be without his, always checking on the arrival of a package or the whereabouts of an important contact. 
         It was through this constant communication that Giles learned some disturbing news.  One evening about a month after classes had begun, he called Buffy to his office.  “Buffy, I’ve had some rather distressing news today and I think you should know about it.”
         Buffy frowned.  “Giles, you’ve got serious face.  What’s going on?”
         “Well, it’s about our new Slayers.  Not ours here at the school, but the ones we haven’t been able to reach yet.  It seems that some of them are getting out of hand.”
         “What do you mean ‘out of hand’?”
         “Well, we don’t know for certain yet, but my sources have described several reports across the world of young girls performing incredible or impossible feats of strength, speed and skill.”
         “So what’s so bad about that, Giles?” Buffy asked, relaxing into a chair.  “They’re just flexing their new muscles.”
         “I’m afraid it might be more than that, Buffy.  You see, these girls are using their new Slayer powers to commit crimes – robbery, vandalism, and a few people have gotten hurt.”
         Buffy frowned again.  “How do they know it’s new Slayers, and not something else?”
         “Various reports all say the alleged suspects are young girls, between 12 and 18, who for all intents and purposes should not physically be able to do these feats with which they’re accused.  For instance,” Giles picked up a newspaper clipping from his desk, “this girl picked up the back of a police car, preventing it from chasing after the getaway car in a bank robbery.”  He paused and picked up another piece of paper.  “This girl fought off four military personnel when she was asked to leave a restricted area, and one of them had to be rushed to the hospital.”  Giles removed his glasses.  “These girls are loose canons... shooting first and asking questions later.  They’re misusing the Slayer powers that we released to them, and I’m afraid they could become  a real threat.”
         Buffy sat silent, lost in thought.  After a moment, she spoke.  “Since no major damage has been done yet, let’s take it slow.  Investigate these reports, talk to your sources and let’s make sure it’s actually Slayers doing these things.  In the meantime, let’s have a Scooby meeting and sort all this out.  Maybe we can find a way to communicate with all of them or teleport them here or something.”
         “Agreed,” Giles said.  “I do hope this is just a minor concern.  I know you were looking forward to a little time off.”
         “I guess it wouldn’t really be a year in the life of me without some major trouble a-brewin’,” Buffy sighed.
         That night as she lay in bed, Buffy sighed again in frustration.  It seemed no matter what she did or what kind of help she had around her, she was always forced to be the Slayer.  Even when she thought having other Slayers would alleviate her burden, now she discovers that some of them might be misusing their abilities and she would have to intervene once again.  And this conflict was perhaps her most complex – how would she interact with these girls – human girls – who chose to be evil?  At the very time she thought her life would get simpler and things were on the mend, the lines became blurred: she found herself once again in a place where she needed wisdom and truth.  As the oldest and most experienced Slayer, she was expected to give those things to the others; but who would provide for her?  As she fell asleep, Buffy thought of the one person who always got her to the truth... Spike.

Chapter Three                    
         Buffy called a Scooby meeting first thing the next morning.  Slayer classes were cancelled and per tradition, the gang met in the library.  Giles informed them of the reports he had heard.
         “So you’re saying there might be all these super-deformed Slayers running around there?” Dawn asked.
         “That’s what all the evidence points to,” Giles said.
         “Man!” Xander exclaimed.  “We can’t do anything right!  We try to give all the potentials in the world a little girl power and now they’re out there using their ‘grrr’ power to steal and destroy.  Evil, a couple hundred, us, zip.”
         Kennedy spoke up.  “I don’t get why we’re even having this conversation.”
         Everyone’s head snapped in her direction.  “Look, they’re just girls having a little fun with their new powers.  What’s the big?”
         “I thought that at first too, Kennedy,” Buffy began.  “But now I’m not so sure.  I get wanting to test out your new strength... see how far you can go.  But these things are clearly beyond what being a Slayer is all about... and also, against the law.  Hence the issue: how do we deal with a potential enemy who is human, but using superhuman strength that we gave them to commit human crimes?”
         “As a former Big Bad,” Willow spoke up, “these girls could be very dangerous.  I mean, think about what awesome power they have now.  I know how addictive that can be... you just want more and more until nothing matters but getting what you want, no matter who gets hurt in the process.  We need to be careful.”
         “I agree,” Xander said.  “I don’t like the idea of these girls just taking whatever they want because they have Slayer abilities.  I say we come down hard on the side of ‘Against’.”
         “I don’t know, Buffy,” Dawn began slowly.  “I don’t think you can be too hard on these girls.  I mean, no one’s been hurt too bad, right?  And we shouldn’t be the judge on what’s appropriate behavior - for a Slayer or for anyone.”
         “But someone has to be,” Buffy replied.  “I mean, I know I’ve done some pretty bad stuff,  but someone has to do something about this.  And the way I see it, we’re the ones who made their power possible and since I was the active Slayer who gave the power, I think this is our responsibility.  Don’t you?”
         After a heavy pause, each one nodded in agreement.
         “So the next question is, how do we proceed?” Giles asked.  “I spent all night digging up anything I could on these reports and the evidence all points to new Slayers as the culprits.  How do we prevent this from happening again?”
         “We need to find them... talk to them,” Buffy said.  “Show them how to use their power for good.  They’re just misguided and confused and–“
         ”Don’t be naive, Buffy,” Willow interrupted.  “These are human girls: human girls who are making the choice to behave this way.  They know it’s wrong, but they choose to do it anyway.  They may need more than just a talking-to.”
         “Wil, what’s so wrong with picking a fight every now and again?” Kennedy suddenly asked. 
         “Kennedy, these girls aren’t so much picking fights as they are destroying and stealing – two things generally considered in the civilized world as wrong,” Xander remarked.
         “Been there, done that,” Dawn interjected. “Stealing is way wrong and can get you in all kinds of demon-raising trouble.”
         Kennedy barreled on.  “Yeah, but it’s not like they’re killing anyone or trying to take over the world.  I mean, what–“
         Willow had finally had enough and raised her voice.  “Kennedy! You can’t always get what you want in this world – it doesn’t and shouldn’t work like that.  Try to understand that.”
         Kennedy’s mouth snapped shut, and the rest of the gang sat uncomfortably silent.  A blink later, Kennedy shot up from her chair and stormed out of the room. 
         “Just let her go,” Willow said.  “She’s being selfish and needs to cool off.”
         Giles cleared his throat.  “Yes, um, well... where were we?”
         “Stern talking-to’s for the rogue Slayers,” Xander said.
         “Ah yes,” Giles replied.  “I agree with Willow.  A lot of young, headstrong Slayers would likely not respond well to a speech about the consequences of their actions.”
         “Well, what do we do, Giles?” Buffy asked, exasperated.  “The human authorities are obviously incapable of handling criminals with Slayer strength.  How are we supposed to punish them and make it stick?”
         “You’re the Slayer, Buff,” Xander said, “you tell us.  What would be a fitting punishment for a Slayer?”
         Buffy paused in thought.  “Well, I would say taking their power away.  But if they’re anything like me, that would be a blessing – to have a normal life.  That may be the very reason they’re acting out – they just want to be normal again.”
         “Honestly, Buffy,” Dawn began, “you can be so dumb sometimes.  Have you been listening to Giles’ stories about these girls?  They’re obviously not like you because they are enjoying their Slayer powers way too much.  I say taking away their powers would be the perfect punishment.”
         “Wait a minute,” Xander spoke up.  “First we give them power then we take it away?  I don’t like the sound of that.”
         “We would be playing God,” Willow said.  “I so don’t want to go there again.”
         “Agreed,” Buffy said.  “Even though we allowed all these young girls to inherit the legacy of the Slayer, it’s not our place to take it away from those who we don’t think are worthy.”
         “So what do we do?” Dawn asked.
         Just then, the library door opened and a young teenaged girl entered.  She handed Giles a slip of paper.  “They said it was urgent.”
         “Thank you,” Giles absently replied as he opened the note.  He waited until the girl had left before he spoke again.  “There’s been another attack, “ he said gravely.
         “Giles, what’s wrong?” Buffy asked, worried.
         “This time, someone’s been murdered.”
         A heavy silence fell on the group.  “What happened?” Buffy asked cautiously.
         “A European diplomat,  his girlfriend, and a bodyguard were found stabbed on a roadside in Italy,” Giles spoke slowly.  “The motive is apparently robbery.  Witnesses have reported seeing the diplomat’s sports car being driven by a young woman less than 10 minutes after the attack supposedly happened.”
         “Oh no,” Buffy sank back into her chair.
         “What do we do?” Willow asked softly.
         “The police can’t handle it, and talking’s no good,” Buffy said.  “We don’t take their power away and I’m sure they won’t just turn themselves in.” She stopped.  “The only sure-fire way to get through to a young Slayer is a good beat-down” She stopped.  “But what am I supposed to do - beat some sense into all of them?”
         “If you speak-a the same language...” Xander remarked.
         “A battle to the death with maybe hundreds of young Slayers? I don’t think so,” Buffy refused.
         “Buffy, you said yourself that a Slayer understands violence,” Dawn said.  “Maybe a death-match is the only way to get these girls’ attention.”
         “I can’t believe you guys are suggesting that I have to fight and possibly kill Slayers!  Human girls, just like me... and you want me to kill them?!”
         Giles began furiously cleaning his glasses.  “It’s not that we want them dead, Buffy.  But there may be some truth in what Dawn’s saying.  A Slayer’s first instinct is to fight.  That’s the basic spirit of the Slayer - to engage the enemy in battle.  Human authorities certainly don’t have the ability to catch or detain these girls.  You may be the only one in the world who has the skill and experience and strength to stop them.”
         Buffy stood and strode threateningly into Giles’ personal space.  “I will not kill those girls.”  She stood furiously staring him in the face, then turned and left the library.

Chapter Four
         After the meeting broke up, tensions were high among the Scoobies.  Giles shut himself in the library, gathering more information about recent rogue Slayer activities.  Everyone else retreated to their rooms, anxious to avoid any further confrontations.  Buffy remained in the training room, repeatedly pummeling the punching bag.  I can’t believe they actually suggested I kill those girls! Buffy thought.  What are they thinking?  How could they even think such a thing?!  She punched her target mercilessly.  After all these years, they still don’t have a clue what a Slayer is all about... what I’m all about. 
         A memory flashed through Buffy’s mind: “... I know a thing or two about Slayers.  Had some good times with one or two of ‘em...”
         Spike, Buffy realized.  Why do I always end up thinking about Spike?  Buffy stopped her assault on the punching bag and let her hands drop.  She stilled the swinging bag in front of her and stared at it.  Because I miss him, she admitted.  He always had my back and he always told me the truth – no matter what.  She paused.  I wish I knew the truth now, she thought ruefully.  Just when I need some kind of truth the most - or at least someone to support me - he’s gone... forever.  She sighed.  Even though there’s a world of Slayers running around out there, I’m still alone.  With a huff, Buffy viciously attacked the punching bag once again.
         When she emerged a few hours later, Buffy heard agitated voices coming from Willow and Kennedy’s room.  She paused, put her ear to the door, and listened.
         “...All I’m saying is they’re Slayers, and Slayers are entitled to a little bit more than everybody else,” Kennedy said.
         “Slayers have a tough job, Kennedy, I get that,” Willow answered, “but that does not give them the right to take whatever they want.  The world doesn’t owe them just because they won the Slayer lottery.”
         “Yes it does!” Kennedy shouted.  “The world does owe us something!  It’s our job to save the world from evil and destruction and you say we shouldn’t get anything in return?!”
         “We don’t do what we do for a reward,” Willow said firmly.  “That’s not what being a Slayer or helping a Slayer is about.”  She stopped and stared, shocked at Kennedy’s question.  “Who are you?”
         “Who are you?” Kennedy retorted.  “‘That’s not what being a Slayer is all about.’  You’re not a Slayer – you have no idea what having that power is like.”
         Willow’s tone darkened.  “And you have obviously forgotten my power.”
         Kennedy paused slightly.  “I have power too, and all you and your stupid goodie-goodie friends do is shut me down!”
         “Well you don’t deserve your power,” Willow shot back.  “Your Slayer strength should be the first to go.”
         “Well go ahead and take it, witch!” Kennedy dared, arms flung open in defiance.
         “Don’t do this,” Willow warned her.
         “Don’t do what?” Kennedy taunted her.  “Don’t tempt you? Don’t use your powers for personal satisfaction?  Don’t fall from Miss High and Mighty’s impossible standard of living?”
         “Kennedy...” Willow warned.
         She was in a frenzy now.  “I could be the best Slayer yet, and all you do is keep me down.  You say: ‘Don’t use your strength, don’t test the waters... not yet, not yet.’  You think Buffy’s the greatest thing since the internet... well, I’m gonna blow her out of the water.  Stick with the holier-than-thou brigade, cuz–“
         Kennedy suddenly flew through the air and landed with a thud against the door.  She looked up and Willow’s face was fixed on her.  Buffy heard the thud and came barreling into the room.  “Willow?!”
         Kennedy had recovered quickly and was standing, tense with shock and anger.  Buffy watched as Kennedy fixed an icy glare on Willow.  Willow’s face was firm.  After a beat, Kennedy broke the silence..  “Should have taken your chance, Red,” she mutterred under her breath.  “I’m outta here,” Kennedy said gruffly, bumping Buffy’s shoulder as she left.
         “What the hell was that about?” Buffy asked Willow.
         Willow sighed.  “I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.”
         “Her immaturity, her selfishness, her arrogance... how much time do you have?”
         Buffy approached Willow.  “I did sometimes wonder what you saw in her.”  A cynical look passed from Willow to Buffy.  “Ok, all the time I wondered what you saw in her.  But I figured you were happy, so who was I to interfere?”
         “Next time,” Willow said, “interfere.”
         The two friends walked a few steps towards the door.  “Do you think she’ll come back?” Buffy asked slowly.
         “No,” Willow answered.  “She’ll never come back.”

Chapter Five

         Tensions were high throughout the mansion during the next few days.  Slayer training resumed as normal, but the Scoobies carefully avoided each other.  Reports of potential rogue Slayer activity had been reported nearby, so the schedule of nightly training patrols increased.  The gang had just returned one night when an extremely loud howling sound suddenly began to echo throughout the mansion.
         “What in the name of God is that?!” Xander exclaimed, clapping his hands over his ears.
         “An intruder spell Giles and I did last week,” Willow answered, yelling above the alarm.  She looked at Giles.  “Guess it works.”
         “Wil,” Buffy called over the howling.  “What kind of intruder?”
         “Howling means human, screeching means something other than.”
         “You’re telling us this now?!” Dawn yelled.
         “We’ve been, uh, a little distracted,” Giles shouted back to them.
         “How far away from the house does the spell work?” Buffy asked.
         “About a hundred yards,” Willow answered. 
         “Ok, guys,” Buffy called them to action.  “Xander, Dawn - take the newbies back to their quarters and check all the dorms, make sure no one’s missing or hurt.  Willow, Giles, you’re house patrol.  Check all the rooms, offices, training rooms, and especially the rooms with expensive stuff.  If this is a rogue Slayer, that’s typically been their target.  Also, can you please turn off the giant howler monkey?”
         “Sure,” Willow answered.  “Sorry.”  She snapped her fingers and the howling instantly stopped. 
         They all breathed a collective sigh of relief.  After pausing a brief moment to enjoy the silence, Buffy spoke.  “Alright, I’m gonna sweep the perimeter – maybe our intruder hasn’t gotten inside yet.”  She looked at her friends.  “Be careful, you guys.  If this is a rogue Slayer, don’t engage her.  They’ve killed once – let’s not give them a repeat performance.”
         They all muttered an agreement, then separated.
         Buffy exited the mansion and silently began her hunt.  The night was cool and foggy, and Buffy expended every bit of energy reaching out with her Slayer senses to find the intruder.  She had walked a couple hundred feet from the mansion when she heard a faint noise coming from the end of the driveway.  As she stalked toward the sound, Buffy thought it sounded vaguely like a man singing.  He’s no Josh Groban, she thought to herself.  After a few more steps, she realized that it wasn’t a man at all, but a woman’s voice, singing low and sad.
         Though still several yards away, Buffy slowed her approach as a figure slowly began to emerge through the fog.  The woman moved slowly and slightly awkwardly, seemingly unaware of her surroundings, let alone Buffy’s stealthy approach.  After another step, Buffy could see the woman’s dusty black boots, but thick waves of long brown hair hid her face.  Suddenly, Buffy froze, and realization swept her face.  She stood tall, alerting the woman to her presence.
         “Hey, B!” The woman waved largely and slurred her words.  “What’re you doin’ out on a night like this?  All the good little Slayers are supposed to be in bed.”
         “Faith,” Buffy replied.  “What are you doing here?  And drunk?”
         “That’s what I do,” Faith replied flippantly.  “I kill and I drink.”
         “Where’s Wood?” Buffy asked.
         “He didn’t make the cut,” Faith answered, suddenly angry.  “I was bad so I laid him off.”  She stopped suddenly.
         “Ok,” Buffy said slowly.  She studied Faith closely and thought about her words.  “Why are you walking up Giles’ driveway in the middle of the night?”
         “Oh, you know,” Faith was suddenly happy again.  “Nothing else to do.  Got bored with the whole fighting thing.” She paused.  “Well, didn’t get bored so much as didn’t have anyone good to fight with anymore.”  She looked at Buffy.
         Better keep our eyes on her, Buffy thought.  Who knows what she’s been up to.  “Well here’s a tip: fighting while drunk... never a good idea.”  Unless you’re Spike.  “Why don’t we go on into the house and say hello to everyone?” Buffy asked, leading an unsteady Faith by the hand.
         “Great,” Faith said with sarcasm.  “It’ll be one big welcome-home-you-big-loser party.”
         As Buffy led Faith through the front door, the others approached quickly from the inside, then stopped, amazed, as they saw who the “intruder” had been.
         “Just a beer-soaked Faith,” Buffy said.
         “Hey everybody!” Faith hollered out.  “Man, it’s good to be home!” she said as she flung herself into a nearby armchair.
         The gang stood frozen in shock.  After a moment, Giles cleared his throat.  “Um, I trust there is a good explanation for this?”
         “Giles, it’s Faith,” Buffy replied.  “To her, good explanations just waste time.” 
         “I thought she was traveling the world with Principal Wood?” Dawn asked.
         “Wood’s not in the picture anymore,” Buffy said.  “Faith said she was bad and she ‘laid him off.’  I don’t know what that means in Faith-speak – could be they broke up or something else...”
         “When?” Giles asked, suspicious.
         “Don’t know,” Buffy answered.  “Princess Happy hasn’t been too forthcoming with the details so far.  But Faith could drink Spike under the table... she doesn’t get drunk like this unless something serious has happened.”
         “You don’t think she’s had something to do with the rogue Slayers, do you?” Willow asked.
         “I’m not sure,” Buffy replied slowly.  “I don’t want to sprint to judgement too soon, but she does have a track record.”
         “Well, she obviously can’t do anything tonight,” Xander said.  “I mean, look at her.”
         The group turned their heads and saw Faith, sprawled in the armchair, fast asleep.
         “What a skank,” Dawn shook her head disapprovingly.
         “See what happens when you drink too much?” Buffy admonished.  “Beer bad.”
         “Yeah, yeah,” Dawn shrugged.  “Parental lesson understood.”  She turned and started up the stairs.  “I’ll get one of the guest rooms ready.”
         “Buffy, do you think it’s a good idea to keep her here?” Giles asked.  “If she is part of the rogue Slayers, she could be very dangerous.  Especially with your history together.”
         “Giles, look at her,” Buffy said.  “Faith goes all out in everything she does, including sleep.  She’ll be out cold for at least 12 hours.  Besides, if she is involved with the rogue Slayers, we can keep tabs on her and maybe find out something useful about them.”
         “Alright,” Giles agreed cautiously.  “But please remember that we’re not only putting ourselves at risk, but now we have dozens of young Slayers under my roof and I don’t want to place them in any more danger.”
         Buffy motioned to Xander and they crossed the room to lift Faith from her chair.  “Giles, I appreciate your concern, but they’re Slayers.  They need to get used to the danger - consider it part of their training.”
           As they painstakingly carried an unconscious Faith up the stairs, Xander posed a question.  “What if she has teamed up with the rogue Slayers?  What are you going to do then?  She could be the biggest threat of all.”
         Buffy sighed.  “I don’t know Xander.  I know I tried to kill her once, but that was a long time ago.  And a lot has happened since then.” Buffy paused on the stairs to readjust her hold on Faith’s head.  “Also, who came up with the name ‘rogue Slayers’?  That sounds like something right out of a comic book.”
         Xander looked down quickly and cleared his throat.  “Oh you know Giles... he has to have a name for everything.”
         Buffy shrugged casually and Xander breathed a sigh of relief.  Rogue slayers just sounds so cool!
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